var katescript = { "name": "Julia", "author": "Ilia Kats , Paul Giannaros , Gerald Senarclens de Grancy ", "license": "LGPL", "revision": 1, "kate-version": "5.1", "indent-languages": ["Julia"] }; // kate-script-header, must be at the start of the file without comments, pure json // required katepart js libraries require("range.js"); require("string.js"); openings = ['(', '[', '{']; closings = [')', ']', '}']; // requires same order as in openings imports = ["using", "import"] linestart_block_start = ["function", "if", "try", "for", "while", "let", "quote", "mutable struct", "struct"]; linemid_block_start = ["do", "begin"]; block_continue = ["else", "elseif", "catch", "finally"]; block_continue_lineend = ["else", "finally", "catch"]; block_continue_linemid = ["elseif", "catch"]; unindenter = "end"; triggerCharacters = "efhyd "; immediate_unindenters = new Set(block_continue.concat([unindenter])); all_block_expr = new RegExp( "\\b(" + [ linestart_block_start.join("|"), linemid_block_start.join("|"), block_continue.join("|") + "|" + unindenter ].join("|") + ")\\b" , "g"); full_block_expr = new RegExp( "\\b(" + linestart_block_start.join("|") + "|" + linemid_block_start.join("|") + "|" + unindenter + ")\\b" , "g"); linestart_block_start_expr = new RegExp("\\b(" + linestart_block_start.join("|") + ")\\b"); linemid_block_start_expr = new RegExp("\\b(" + linemid_block_start.join("|") + ")\\b"); unindenters_newline_expr = new RegExp( "\\b((" + block_continue_lineend.join("$|") + "$|" + unindenter + "$)|((" + block_continue_linemid.join("|") + ")(?!.*" + all_block_expr.source + ")))\\b" ); block_starts = new Set(linestart_block_start.concat(linemid_block_start)); var imports_expr = new RegExp("((\\s*\\w+\\s*:)(\\s*\\w+\\s*,)*|(\\s*\\w+\\s*,)+)$"); var imports_end_expr = new RegExp("(\\s*(\\w+\\s*:?)\\s*,\\s*)*\\s*(\\w+)\\s*$"); // Return the given line without comments and leading or trailing whitespace. // Eg. // getCode(x) -> "for i in range(3):" // if document.line(x) == " for i in range(3):" // getCode(x) -> "for i in range(3):" // if document.line(x) == "for i in range(3): " // getCode(x) -> "for i in range(3):" // if document.line(x) == "for i in range(3): # grand" function getCode(lineNr, virtcol=-1) { var line = document.line(lineNr); var code = ''; virtcol = virtcol >= 0 ? virtcol : document.firstVirtualColumn(lineNr); if (virtcol < 0) return code; for (;virtcol < line.length; ++virtcol) { if (!document.isComment(lineNr, virtcol)) { code += line[virtcol]; } } return code.trim(); } function getLastCodePosition(lineNr, lastVirtCol=-1) { var line = document.line(lineNr); virtcol = lastVirtCol >= 0 ? lastVirtCol : document.lastVirtualColumn(lineNr); if (virtcol < 0) return -1 for (; virtcol >= 0; --virtcol) { if (!document.isComment(lineNr, virtcol) && !document.isSpace(lineNr, virtcol)) break; } return virtcol; } // Return the indent if a opening bracket is not closed (incomplete sequence). // The calculated intent is the innermost opening bracket's position plus 1. // `lineNr`: the number of the line on which the brackets should be counted function _calcOpeningIndent(lineNr) { var line = document.line(lineNr); var countClosing = new Array(); closings.forEach(function(elem) { countClosing[elem] = 0; }); for (i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (document.isComment(lineNr, i) || document.isString(lineNr, i)) continue; if (closings.indexOf(line[i]) > -1) countClosing[line[i]]++; var index = openings.indexOf(line[i]); if (index > -1) { if (countClosing[closings[index]] == 0) { return i + 1; } countClosing[closings[index]]--; } } return -1; } // Return the indent if a closing bracket not opened (incomplete sequence). // The intent is the same as on the line with the unmatched opening bracket. // `lineNr`: the number of the line on which the brackets should be counted function _calcClosingIndent(lineNr, indentWidth) { var line = document.line(lineNr); var countClosing = new Array(); closings.forEach(function(elem) { countClosing[elem] = 0; }); for (i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (document.isComment(lineNr, i) || document.isString(lineNr, i)) continue; if (closings.indexOf(line[i]) > -1) countClosing[line[i]]++; var index = openings.indexOf(line[i]); if (index > -1) countClosing[closings[index]]--; } for (var key in countClosing) { if (countClosing[key] > 0) { // unmatched closing bracket for (--lineNr; lineNr >= 0; --lineNr) { if (_calcOpeningIndent(lineNr) > -1) { var indent = document.firstVirtualColumn(lineNr); if (shouldUnindent(lineNr + 1)) return Math.max(0, indent - indentWidth); return indent; } } } } return -1; } // Returns the indent for mismatched (opening or closing) brackets. // If there are no mismatched brackets, -1 is returned. // `lineNr`: number of the line for which the indent is calculated function calcBracketIndent(lineNr, indentWidth) { var indent = _calcOpeningIndent(lineNr); if (indent > -1) return indent indent = _calcClosingIndent(lineNr); if (indent > -1) return indent return -1; } function findMatchingParenthesis(lineNr, charNr) { var nests = 1; charNr = charNr + document.firstVirtualColumn(lineNr); while (lineNr >= 0) { var line = document.line(lineNr); for (i = Math.min(charNr - 1, line.length - 1); i >= 0; --i) { if (document.isComment(lineNr, i) || document.isString(lineNr, i)) continue; if (line[i] == '(') nests -= 1; else if (line[i] == ')') nests += 1; if (nests == 0) return [lineNr, i - document.firstVirtualColumn(lineNr)]; } --lineNr; charNr = Infinity; } return [-1, -1] } // Return true if a single unindent should occur. function shouldUnindent(LineNr, bracketOnly=true) { // unindent if the last line was indented b/c of an operator if (LineNr >= 1) { var lastcodepos = getLastCodePosition(LineNr - 1); if (lastcodepos > 0 && document.defStyleNum(LineNr - 1, lastcodepos) == dsOperator) return 1; if (!bracketOnly && document.line(LineNr)[lastcodepos] != ',') { var cline = getCode(LineNr); if (!imports.some(imp => cline.startsWith(imp)) && imports_end_expr.test(cline)) { --LineNr; for (; LineNr >= 0; --LineNr) { cline = getCode(LineNr); if (!cline.length) continue; if (imports_expr.test(cline)) { if (imports.some(imp => cline.startsWith(imp))) return 1; } else break; } } } } return 0; } // finds the indentation level of a matching block start for a block end function findMatchingBlock(lineNr, trigger) { var nested_threshold = trigger == unindenter ? 1 : 0; var nestedBlocks = 0; var found = false; for (var linenr = lineNr; linenr >= 0; --linenr) { var lline = getCode(linenr); var matches = []; while (match = full_block_expr.exec(lline)) { matches.push(match); } if (matches.length > 0) { for (match of matches.reverse()) { if (match[0] == unindenter) { var lastclosingbracket = lline.lastIndexOf("]", match.index); var lastopeningbracket = lline.lastIndexOf("[", match.index); // end is also used in subsetting to get the last element, ignore this // for block calculation if (lastopeningbracket == -1 || lastclosingbracket > lastopeningbracket) ++nestedBlocks; } else if (nestedBlocks == nested_threshold) { found = block_starts.has(match[0]); if (found) break; } else { --nestedBlocks; } } } if (found) break; } return found && linenr < lineNr ? document.firstVirtualColumn(linenr) : -1; } // Return the amount of characters (in spaces) to be indented. // Special indent() return values: // -2 = no indent // -1 = keep last indent // Follow PEP8 for unfinished sequences and argument lists. // Nested sequences are not implemented. (neither by Emacs' python-mode) function indent(line, indentWidth, character) { if (line == 0) // don't ever act on document's first line return -2; var alignOnly = character == ""; if (alignOnly || character != '\n') { var lline = getCode(line); if (immediate_unindenters.has(lline)) return findMatchingBlock(lline == unindenter ? line : line - 1, lline); else if (!alignOnly) return -2 } while (line > 0 && !document.line(line - 1).length) // ignore empty lines --line; --line; var virtcol = document.firstVirtualColumn(line); var lastLine = getCode(line, virtcol); var lastChar = lastLine.substr(-1); // indent when opening bracket or an operator is at the end the previous line if (openings.indexOf(lastChar) >= 0 || document.defStyleNum(line, getLastCodePosition(line)) == dsOperator) { return virtcol + indentWidth; } var indent = calcBracketIndent(line, indentWidth); if (lastChar == ')') { // could be a function definition with multi-line argument list var matching = findMatchingParenthesis(line, lastLine.length - 1); if (matching[0] > -1) { line = matching[0]; virtcol = document.firstVirtualColumn(line); lastLine = getCode(line, virtcol); } else return -1; } else if (lastChar == ',' || lastChar == ':') { var is_import = false; for (const imp of imports) { if (lastLine.startsWith(imp)) return virtcol + indentWidth; } } // this also covers single-line blocks var match = lastLine.match(unindenters_newline_expr); if (match) { var mblock = findMatchingBlock(line, match[0]); if (mblock > -1) { return match[0] == unindenter ? mblock : mblock + indentWidth; } else return -1; } startblock =; if (startblock == 0) { if (indent > virtcol) return indent; // unmatched open bracket in proper block start else return virtcol + indentWidth; } else if (startblock > 0 || > -1) { // single-line blocks var endpos = lastLine.lastIndexOf(unindenter); var lastkeyword = unindenter; block_continue.forEach(function(keyw) { var pos = lastLine.lastIndexOf(keyw); if (pos >= 0 && pos > endpos) { lastkeyword = keyw; endpos = pos; } }); if (endpos >= 0) return findMatchingBlock(line, lastkeyword); else { if (indent > -1) indent += indentWidth; // unmatched open bracket in possibly nested blocks else indent = virtcol + indentWidth; } } if (shouldUnindent(line, false) && (indent == -1)) { indent = Math.max(0, virtcol - indentWidth); } return indent; } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;