EditConfigWidget 0 0 723 710 10 Word wrap: <p>Automatically start a new line of text when the current line exceeds the length specified by the <b>Wrap words at:</b> option.</p><p>This option does not wrap existing lines of text - use the <b>Apply Static Word Wrap</b> option in the <b>Tools</b> menu for that purpose.</p><p>If you want lines to be <i>visually wrapped</i> instead, according to the width of the view, enable <b>Dynamic Word Wrap</b> in the <b>Appearance</b> config page.</p> Wrap &words at a fixed column <p>If this option is checked, a vertical line will be drawn at the word wrap column as defined in the <strong>Editing</strong> properties.</p> &Draw vertical line at the word wrap column Wra&p words at: sbWordWrap If the Word Wrap option is selected this entry determines the length (in characters) at which the editor will automatically start a new line. 20 200 76 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Default input mode: cmbInputMode Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Brackets: Automatically close brackets when opening bracket is typed WhatsThisCursor When some text is selected these chars will be added on both its sides in a way "Auto Bracket" do Enclosing characters: cmbEncloseSelection 0 0 true Copy and paste: Move selected text when dragged Copy/cut the current line if invoked without any text selected Don't move the text cursor when pasting by mouse Max Clipboard History Entries: sbClipboardHistoryEntries This determines the number of entries to keep in the clipboard history 1 999 20 0 0 When you type these characters while text is selected, they will surround the selected text instead of replacing it. true Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Enable accessibility notifications Accessibility: chkAccessibility Qt::Vertical 8 1