/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Aleix Pol Gonzalez SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Marco Martin SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Arjen Hiemstra SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "encoder_p.h" #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include #include "vaapiutils_p.h" #include "logging_record.h" #undef av_err2str // The one provided by libav fails to compile on GCC due to passing data from the function scope outside char str[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *av_err2str(int errnum) { return av_make_error_string(str, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE, errnum); } static AVPixelFormat convertQImageFormatToAVPixelFormat(QImage::Format format) { // Listing those handed by SpaToQImageFormat switch (format) { case QImage::Format_RGB888: return AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24; case QImage::Format_BGR888: return AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24; case QImage::Format_RGBX8888: case QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied: return AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA; case QImage::Format_RGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32: return AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32; default: qDebug() << "Unexpected pixel format" << format; return AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32; } } static int percentageToFrameQuality(quint8 quality) { return std::max(1, int(FF_LAMBDA_MAX - (quality / 100.0) * FF_LAMBDA_MAX)); } Encoder::Encoder(PipeWireProduce *produce) : QObject(nullptr) , m_produce(produce) { } Encoder::~Encoder() { if (m_avFilterGraph) { avfilter_graph_free(&m_avFilterGraph); } if (m_avCodecContext) { avcodec_close(m_avCodecContext); av_free(m_avCodecContext); } } std::pair Encoder::encodeFrame(int maximumFrames) { auto frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!frame) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } int filtered = 0; int queued = 0; for (;;) { if (auto result = av_buffersink_get_frame(m_outputFilter, frame); result < 0) { if (result != AVERROR_EOF && result != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed receiving filtered frame:" << av_err2str(result); } break; } filtered++; if (queued + 1 < maximumFrames) { auto ret = -1; { std::lock_guard guard(m_avCodecMutex); ret = avcodec_send_frame(m_avCodecContext, frame); } if (ret < 0) { if (ret != AVERROR_EOF && ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Error sending a frame for encoding:" << av_err2str(ret); } break; } queued++; } else { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Encode queue is full, discarding filtered frame" << frame->pts; } av_frame_unref(frame); } av_frame_free(&frame); return std::make_pair(filtered, queued); } int Encoder::receivePacket() { auto packet = av_packet_alloc(); if (!packet) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } int received = 0; for (;;) { auto ret = -1; { std::lock_guard guard(m_avCodecMutex); ret = avcodec_receive_packet(m_avCodecContext, packet); } if (ret < 0) { if (ret != AVERROR_EOF && ret != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Error encoding a frame: " << av_err2str(ret); } av_packet_unref(packet); break; } received++; m_produce->processPacket(packet); av_packet_unref(packet); } av_packet_free(&packet); return received; } void Encoder::finish() { std::lock_guard guard(m_avCodecMutex); avcodec_send_frame(m_avCodecContext, nullptr); } AVCodecContext *Encoder::avCodecContext() const { return m_avCodecContext; } void Encoder::setQuality(std::optional quality) { m_quality = quality; if (m_avCodecContext) { m_avCodecContext->global_quality = percentageToAbsoluteQuality(quality); } } bool Encoder::supportsHardwareEncoding() { return !VaapiUtils::instance()->devicePath().isEmpty(); } void Encoder::setEncodingPreference(PipeWireBaseEncodedStream::EncodingPreference preference) { m_encodingPreference = preference; } void Encoder::applyEncodingPreference(AVDictionary *options) { switch (m_encodingPreference) { case PipeWireBaseEncodedStream::EncodingPreference::NoPreference: av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "veryfast", 0); break; case PipeWireBaseEncodedStream::EncodingPreference::Quality: av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "medium", 0); break; case PipeWireBaseEncodedStream::EncodingPreference::Speed: av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "ultrafast", 0); av_dict_set(&options, "tune", "zerolatency", 0); break; case PipeWireBaseEncodedStream::EncodingPreference::Size: av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "slow", 0); break; default: // Same as NoPreference av_dict_set(&options, "preset", "veryfast", 0); break; } } SoftwareEncoder::SoftwareEncoder(PipeWireProduce *produce) : Encoder(produce) { } bool SoftwareEncoder::filterFrame(const PipeWireFrame &frame) { auto size = m_produce->m_stream->size(); QImage image; if (frame.dmabuf) { image = QImage(m_produce->m_stream->size(), QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied); if (!m_dmaBufHandler.downloadFrame(image, frame)) { m_produce->m_stream->renegotiateModifierFailed(frame.format, frame.dmabuf->modifier); return false; } } else if (frame.dataFrame) { image = frame.dataFrame->toImage(); } else { return false; } AVFrame *avFrame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!avFrame) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } avFrame->format = convertQImageFormatToAVPixelFormat(image.format()); avFrame->width = size.width(); avFrame->height = size.height(); if (m_quality) { avFrame->quality = percentageToFrameQuality(m_quality.value()); } av_frame_get_buffer(avFrame, 32); const std::uint8_t *buffers[] = {image.constBits(), nullptr}; const int strides[] = {static_cast(image.bytesPerLine()), 0, 0, 0}; av_image_copy(avFrame->data, avFrame->linesize, buffers, strides, static_cast(avFrame->format), size.width(), size.height()); if (frame.presentationTimestamp) { avFrame->pts = m_produce->framePts(frame.presentationTimestamp); } if (auto result = av_buffersrc_add_frame(m_inputFilter, avFrame); result < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed to submit frame for filtering"; } return true; } bool SoftwareEncoder::createFilterGraph(const QSize &size) { m_avFilterGraph = avfilter_graph_alloc(); if (!m_avFilterGraph) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } int ret = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&m_inputFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("buffer"), "in", "width=1:height=1:pix_fmt=rgba:time_base=1/1", nullptr, m_avFilterGraph); if (ret < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed to create the buffer filter"; return false; } auto parameters = av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc(); if (!parameters) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } parameters->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA; parameters->width = size.width(); parameters->height = size.height(); parameters->time_base = {1, 1000}; av_buffersrc_parameters_set(m_inputFilter, parameters); av_free(parameters); parameters = nullptr; ret = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&m_outputFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("buffersink"), "out", nullptr, nullptr, m_avFilterGraph); if (ret < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Could not create buffer output filter"; return false; } auto inputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); if (!inputs) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } inputs->name = av_strdup("in"); inputs->filter_ctx = m_inputFilter; inputs->pad_idx = 0; inputs->next = nullptr; auto outputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); if (!outputs) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } outputs->name = av_strdup("out"); outputs->filter_ctx = m_outputFilter; outputs->pad_idx = 0; outputs->next = nullptr; ret = avfilter_graph_parse(m_avFilterGraph, m_filterGraphToParse.toUtf8().data(), outputs, inputs, NULL); if (ret < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed creating filter graph"; return false; } ret = avfilter_graph_config(m_avFilterGraph, nullptr); if (ret < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed configuring filter graph"; return false; } return true; } HardwareEncoder::HardwareEncoder(PipeWireProduce *produce) : Encoder(produce) { } HardwareEncoder::~HardwareEncoder() { if (m_drmFramesContext) { av_free(m_drmFramesContext); } if (m_drmContext) { av_free(m_drmContext); } } bool HardwareEncoder::filterFrame(const PipeWireFrame &frame) { if (!frame.dmabuf) { return false; } auto attribs = frame.dmabuf.value(); auto drmFrame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!drmFrame) { qFatal("Failed to allocate memory"); } drmFrame->format = AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME; drmFrame->width = attribs.width; drmFrame->height = attribs.height; if (m_quality) { drmFrame->quality = percentageToFrameQuality(m_quality.value()); } auto frameDesc = new AVDRMFrameDescriptor; frameDesc->nb_layers = 1; frameDesc->layers[0].nb_planes = attribs.planes.count(); frameDesc->layers[0].format = attribs.format; for (int i = 0; i < attribs.planes.count(); ++i) { const auto &plane = attribs.planes[i]; frameDesc->layers[0].planes[i].object_index = 0; frameDesc->layers[0].planes[i].offset = plane.offset; frameDesc->layers[0].planes[i].pitch = plane.stride; } frameDesc->nb_objects = 1; frameDesc->objects[0].fd = attribs.planes[0].fd; frameDesc->objects[0].format_modifier = attribs.modifier; frameDesc->objects[0].size = attribs.width * attribs.height * 4; drmFrame->data[0] = reinterpret_cast(frameDesc); drmFrame->buf[0] = av_buffer_create(reinterpret_cast(frameDesc), sizeof(*frameDesc), av_buffer_default_free, nullptr, 0); if (frame.presentationTimestamp) { drmFrame->pts = m_produce->framePts(frame.presentationTimestamp); } if (auto result = av_buffersrc_add_frame(m_inputFilter, drmFrame); result < 0) { qCDebug(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed sending frame for encoding" << av_err2str(result); av_frame_unref(drmFrame); return false; } av_frame_free(&drmFrame); return true; } QByteArray HardwareEncoder::checkVaapi(const QSize &size) { auto utils = VaapiUtils::instance(); if (utils->devicePath().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Hardware encoding is not supported on this device."; return QByteArray{}; } auto minSize = utils->minimumSize(); if (size.width() < minSize.width() || size.height() < minSize.height()) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Requested size" << size << "less than minimum supported hardware size" << minSize; return QByteArray{}; } auto maxSize = utils->maximumSize(); if (size.width() > maxSize.width() || size.height() > maxSize.height()) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Requested size" << size << "exceeds maximum supported hardware size" << maxSize; return QByteArray{}; } return utils->devicePath(); } bool HardwareEncoder::createDrmContext(const QSize &size) { auto path = checkVaapi(size); if (path.isEmpty()) { return false; } int err = av_hwdevice_ctx_create(&m_drmContext, AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM, path.data(), NULL, AV_HWFRAME_MAP_READ); if (err < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed to create DRM device. Error" << av_err2str(err); return false; } m_drmFramesContext = av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(m_drmContext); if (!m_drmFramesContext) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed to create DRM frames context"; return false; } auto framesContext = reinterpret_cast(m_drmFramesContext->data); framesContext->format = AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME; framesContext->sw_format = AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR; framesContext->width = size.width(); framesContext->height = size.height(); if (auto result = av_hwframe_ctx_init(m_drmFramesContext); result < 0) { qCWarning(PIPEWIRERECORD_LOGGING) << "Failed initializing DRM frames context" << av_err2str(result); av_buffer_unref(&m_drmFramesContext); return false; } return true; } #include "moc_encoder_p.cpp"