/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 ivan tkachenko SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ /** * @brief A Kirigami.Page component used for managing KNS entries * * This component is functionally equivalent to the old DownloadDialog * @see KNewStuff::DownloadDialog * @since 5.63 */ import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2 import QtQuick.Layouts import org.kde.kcmutils as KCMUtils import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami import org.kde.newstuff as NewStuff import "private" as Private import "private/entrygriddelegates" as EntryGridDelegates KCMUtils.GridViewKCM { id: root /** * @brief The configuration file which describes the application (knsrc) * * The format and location of this file is found in the documentation for * KNS3::DownloadDialog */ property alias configFile: newStuffEngine.configFile readonly property alias engine: newStuffEngine /** * Whether or not to show the Upload... context action * Usually this will be bound to the engine's property which usually defines * this, but you can override it programmatically by setting it here. * @since 5.85 * @see KNSCore::Engine::uploadEnabled */ property alias showUploadAction: uploadAction.visible /** * Show the details page for a specific entry. * If you call this function before the engine initialisation has been completed, * the action itself will be postponed until that has happened. * @param providerId The provider ID for the entry you wish to show details for * @param entryId The unique ID for the entry you wish to show details for * @since 5.79 */ function showEntryDetails(providerId, entryId) { _showEntryDetailsThrottle.enabled = true; _showEntryDetailsThrottle.entry = newStuffEngine. __createEntry(providerId, entryId); if (newStuffEngine.busyState === NewStuff.Engine.Initializing) { _showEntryDetailsThrottle.queryWhenInitialized = true; } else { _showEntryDetailsThrottle.requestDetails(); } } // Helper for loading and showing entry details Connections { id: _showEntryDetailsThrottle target: newStuffModel.engine enabled: false property var entry property bool queryWhenInitialized: false function requestDetails() { newStuffEngine.updateEntryContents(entry); queryWhenInitialized = false; } function onBusyStateChanged() { if (queryWhenInitialized && newStuffEngine.busyState !== NewStuff.Engine.Initializing) { requestDetails(); queryWhenInitialized = false; } } function onSignalEntryEvent(changedEntry, event) { if (event === NewStuff.Engine.DetailsLoadedEvent && changedEntry === entry) { // only uniqueId and providerId are checked for equality enabled = false; pageStack.push(detailsPage, { newStuffModel, providerId: changedEntry.providerId, entry: changedEntry, }); } } } Connections { id: _restoreSearchState target: pageStack enabled: false function onCurrentIndexChanged() { if (pageStack.currentIndex === 0) { newStuffEngine.restoreSearch(); _restoreSearchState.enabled = false; } } } property string uninstallLabel: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "Request uninstallation of this item", "Uninstall") property string useLabel: engine.useLabel property int viewMode: Page.ViewMode.Tiles // TODO KF7: remove Icons enum ViewMode { Tiles, Icons, Preview } // Otherwise the first item will be focused, see BUG: 424894 Component.onCompleted: { view.currentIndex = -1; } title: newStuffEngine.name headerPaddingEnabled: false header: Kirigami.InlineMessage { readonly property bool riskyContent: newStuffEngine.contentWarningType === NewStuff.Engine.Executables visible: !loadingOverlay.visible type: riskyContent ? Kirigami.MessageType.Warning : Kirigami.MessageType.Information position: Kirigami.InlineMessage.Position.Header text: riskyContent ? xi18ndc("knewstuff6", "@info displayed as InlineMessage", "Use caution when accessing user-created content shown here, as it may contain executable code that hasn't been tested by KDE or your distributor for safety, stability, or quality.") : i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@info displayed as InlineMessage", "User-created content shown here hasn't been tested by KDE or your distributor for functionality or quality.") } NewStuff.Engine { id: newStuffEngine } NewStuff.QuestionAsker { parent: root.QQC2.Overlay.overlay } Private.ErrorDisplayer { engine: newStuffEngine active: root.isCurrentPage } QQC2.ActionGroup { id: viewFilterActionGroup } QQC2.ActionGroup { id: viewSortingActionGroup } actions: [ Kirigami.Action { visible: newStuffEngine.needsLazyLoadSpinner displayComponent: QQC2.BusyIndicator { implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium implicitHeight: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium } }, Kirigami.Action { text: { if (newStuffEngine.filter === 0) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "All"); } else if (newStuffEngine.filter === 1) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Installed"); } else if (newStuffEngine.filter === 2) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Updateable"); } else { // then it's ExactEntryId and we want to probably just ignore that } } checkable: false icon.name: "view-filter" Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "package-available" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio similar to combobox item, List option which will set the filter to show everything", "All") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.filter === 0 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.filter = 0; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewFilterActionGroup } Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "package-installed-updated" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio similar to combobox item, List option which will set the filter so only installed items are shown", "Installed") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.filter === 1 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.filter = 1; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewFilterActionGroup } Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "package-installed-outdated" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio similar to combobox item, List option which will set the filter so only installed items with updates available are shown", "Updateable") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.filter === 2 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.filter = 2; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewFilterActionGroup } }, Kirigami.Action { text: { if (newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 0) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Sort: Release date"); } else if (newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 1) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Sort: Name"); } else if (newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 2) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Sort: Rating"); } else if (newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 3) { return i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@action:button opening menu similar to combobox, filter list", "Sort: Downloads"); } else { } } checkable: false icon.name: "view-sort" Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "sort-name" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio in menu, List option which will set the sort order to be alphabetical based on the name", "Name") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 1 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.sortOrder = 1; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewSortingActionGroup } Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "rating" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio in menu, List option which will set the sort order to based on user ratings", "Rating") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 2 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.sortOrder = 2; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewSortingActionGroup } Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "download" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio similar to combobox item, List option which will set the sort order to based on number of downloads", "Downloads") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 3 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.sortOrder = 3; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewSortingActionGroup } Kirigami.Action { icon.name: "change-date-symbolic" text: i18ndc("knewstuff6", "@option:radio similar to combobox item, List option which will set the sort order to based on when items were most recently updated", "Release date") checkable: true checked: newStuffEngine.sortOrder === 0 onTriggered: source => { newStuffEngine.sortOrder = 0; } QQC2.ActionGroup.group: viewSortingActionGroup } }, Kirigami.Action { id: uploadAction text: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Upload…") tooltip: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Learn how to add your own hot new stuff to this list") icon.name: "upload-media" visible: newStuffEngine.uploadEnabled onTriggered: source => { pageStack.push(uploadPage); } }, Kirigami.Action { text: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Go to…") icon.name: "go-next" id: searchModelActions visible: children.length > 0 }, Kirigami.Action { text: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Search…") icon.name: "system-search" displayHint: Kirigami.DisplayHint.KeepVisible displayComponent: Kirigami.SearchField { id: searchField enabled: engine.isValid focusSequence: "Ctrl+F" placeholderText: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Search…") text: newStuffEngine.searchTerm onAccepted: { newStuffEngine.searchTerm = searchField.text; } Component.onCompleted: { if (!Kirigami.InputMethod.willShowOnActive) { forceActiveFocus(); } } } } ] Instantiator { id: searchPresetInstatiator model: newStuffEngine.searchPresetModel Kirigami.Action { required property int index text: model.displayName icon.name: model.iconName onTriggered: source => { const curIndex = newStuffEngine.searchPresetModel.index(index, 0); newStuffEngine.searchPresetModel.loadSearch(curIndex); } } onObjectAdded: (index, object) => { searchModelActions.children.push(object); } } Connections { target: newStuffEngine.searchPresetModel function onModelReset() { searchModelActions.children = []; } } footer: RowLayout { spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing visible: visibleChildren.length > 0 height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 QQC2.Label { visible: categoriesCombo.count > 2 text: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Category:") } QQC2.ComboBox { id: categoriesCombo Layout.fillWidth: true visible: count > 2 model: newStuffEngine.categories textRole: "displayName" onCurrentIndexChanged: { newStuffEngine.categoriesFilter = model.data(model.index(currentIndex, 0), NewStuff.CategoriesModel.NameRole); } } QQC2.Button { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: i18nd("knewstuff6", "Contribute Your Own…") icon.name: "upload-media" visible: newStuffEngine.uploadEnabled && !uploadAction.visible onClicked: { pageStack.push(uploadPage); } } } view.model: NewStuff.ItemsModel { id: newStuffModel engine: newStuffEngine } NewStuff.DownloadItemsSheet { id: downloadItemsSheet parent: root.QQC2.Overlay.overlay onItemPicked: (entry, downloadItemId) => { newStuffModel.engine.installLinkId(entry, downloadItemId); } } view.implicitCellWidth: switch (root.viewMode) { case Page.ViewMode.Preview: return Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 25; case Page.ViewMode.Tiles: case Page.ViewMode.Icons: default: return Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30; } view.implicitCellHeight: switch (root.viewMode) { case Page.ViewMode.Preview: return Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 25; case Page.ViewMode.Tiles: case Page.ViewMode.Icons: default: return Math.round(view.implicitCellWidth / 3); } view.delegate: switch (root.viewMode) { case Page.ViewMode.Preview: return bigPreviewDelegate; case Page.ViewMode.Tiles: case Page.ViewMode.Icons: default: return tileDelegate; } Component { id: bigPreviewDelegate EntryGridDelegates.BigPreviewDelegate { } } Component { id: tileDelegate EntryGridDelegates.TileDelegate { useLabel: root.useLabel uninstallLabel: root.uninstallLabel } } Component { id: detailsPage NewStuff.EntryDetails { } } Component { id: uploadPage NewStuff.UploadPage { engine: newStuffEngine } } Item { id: loadingOverlay anchors.fill: parent opacity: newStuffEngine.isLoading && !newStuffEngine.needsLazyLoadSpinner ? 1 : 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration } } visible: opacity > 0 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: Kirigami.Theme.backgroundColor } Kirigami.LoadingPlaceholder { anchors.centerIn: parent text: newStuffEngine.busyMessage } } }