# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Alex Merry # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Aleix Pol # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2013 Stephen Kelly # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Matthias Kretz # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2007 Laurent Montel # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2013 Alex Neundorf # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause #[=======================================================================[.rst: KDECMakeSettings ---------------- Changes various CMake settings to what the KDE community views as more sensible defaults. It is recommended to include this module with the ``NO_POLICY_SCOPE`` flag, otherwise you may get spurious warnings with some versions of CMake. It is split into three parts, which can be independently disabled if desired. Runtime Paths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default runtime path (used on Unix systems to search for dynamically-linked libraries) is set to include the location that libraries will be installed to (as set in ``LIB_INSTALL_DIR`` or, if the former is not set, ``KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR``), and also the linker search path. .. note:: ``LIB_INSTALL_DIR`` or alternatively ``KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR`` needs to be set before including this module. Typically, this is done by including the :kde-module:`KDEInstallDirs` module. This section can be disabled by setting ``KDE_SKIP_RPATH_SETTINGS`` to ``TRUE`` before including this module. Testing ~~~~~~~ Testing is enabled by default, and an option ``BUILD_TESTING`` is provided for users to control this. See the CTest module documentation in the CMake manual for more details. This section can be disabled by setting ``KDE_SKIP_TEST_SETTINGS`` to ``TRUE`` before including this module. Build Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Various CMake build defaults are altered, such as searching source and build directories for includes first, enabling automoc by default. When ``find_package(ECM 5.38)`` or higher is called, this also selects a layout for the build dir that helps running executables without installing: all executables are built into a toplevel "bin" dir, making it possible to find helper binaries, and to find uninstalled plugins (provided that you use ``kcoreaddons_add_plugin()`` or set ``LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`` as documented on https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Making_apps_run_uninstalled). This section can be disabled by setting ``KDE_SKIP_BUILD_SETTINGS`` to ``TRUE`` before including this module. This section also provides an ``uninstall`` target that can be individually disabled by setting ``KDE_SKIP_UNINSTALL_TARGET`` to ``TRUE`` before including this module. By default on OS X, X11 and XCB related detections are disabled. However if the need would arise to use these technologies, the detection can be enabled by setting ``APPLE_FORCE_X11`` to ``ON``. A warning is printed for the developer to know that the detection is disabled on OS X. This message can be turned off by setting ``APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING`` to ``ON``. Since pre-1.0.0. ``ENABLE_CLAZY`` option is added (``OFF`` by default) when clang is being used. Turning this option on will force clang to load the clazy plugins for richer warnings on Qt-related code. If clang is not being used, this won't have an effect. See https://commits.kde.org/clazy?path=README.md Since 5.17.0 - ``uninstall`` target functionality since 1.7.0 - ``APPLE_FORCE_X11`` option since 5.14.0 (detecting X11 was previously the default behavior) - ``APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING`` option since 5.14.0 - ``CMAKE_AUTORCC`` enabled by default when supported by CMake (>= 3.0) since 5.62.0 Translations (deprecated) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A fetch-translations target will be set up that will download translations for projects using l10n.kde.org. ``KDE_L10N_BRANCH`` will be responsible for choosing which l10n branch to use for the translations. ``KDE_L10N_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS`` (``OFF`` by default) will indicate whether translations should be downloaded when building the project. Since 5.34.0 ``KDE_L10N_SYNC_TRANSLATIONS`` (``OFF`` by default) will download the translations at configuration time instead of build time. Since 5.50.0 All ``KDE_L10N_*`` options have been deprecated since 5.102.0, as translations are meanwhile present inside the source code repositories. #]=======================================================================] ################# RPATH handling ################################## if(NOT KDE_SKIP_RPATH_SETTINGS) # Set the default RPATH to point to useful locations, namely where the # libraries will be installed and the linker search path # First look for the old LIB_INSTALL_DIR, then fallback to newer KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR if(NOT LIB_INSTALL_DIR) if(NOT KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Neither KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR nor LIB_INSTALL_DIR is set. Setting one is necessary for using the RPATH settings.") else() set(_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif() else() set(_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}") set(_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() if (UNIX) # for macOS: add install name dir in addition # check: is the rpath stuff below really required on macOS? at least it seems so to use a stock qt from qt.io if (APPLE) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR ${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) endif () # add our LIB_INSTALL_DIR to the RPATH (but only when it is not one of # the standard system link directories - such as /usr/lib on UNIX) list(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" _isSystemLibDir) list(FIND CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" _isSystemCxxLibDir) list(FIND CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" _isSystemCLibDir) if("${_isSystemLibDir}" STREQUAL "-1" AND "${_isSystemCxxLibDir}" STREQUAL "-1" AND "${_isSystemCLibDir}" STREQUAL "-1") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${_abs_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() # Append directories in the linker search path (but outside the project) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) endif (UNIX) endif() ################ Testing setup #################################### find_program(APPSTREAMCLI appstreamcli) function(appstreamtest) cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0064 NEW) # enable TEST operator if(TEST appstreamtest) # already configured elseif(APPSTREAMCLI) add_test(NAME appstreamtest COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DAPPSTREAMCLI=${APPSTREAMCLI} -DINSTALL_FILES=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install_manifest.txt -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/appstreamtest.cmake) else() message(STATUS "Could not set up the appstream test. appstreamcli is missing.") endif() cmake_policy(POP) endfunction() if(NOT KDE_SKIP_TEST_SETTINGS) # If there is a CTestConfig.cmake, include CTest. # Otherwise, there will not be any useful settings, so just # fake the functionality we care about from CTest. if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake) include(CTest) else() option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the testing tree." ON) if(BUILD_TESTING) enable_testing() appstreamtest() endif () endif () endif() ################ Build-related settings ########################### if(NOT KDE_SKIP_BUILD_SETTINGS) # Always include srcdir and builddir in include path # This saves typing ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} in about every subdir # since cmake 2.4.0 set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # put the include dirs which are in the source or build tree # before all other include dirs, so the headers in the sources # are preferred over the already installed ones # since cmake 2.4.1 set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_PROJECT_BEFORE ON) # Add the src and build dir to the BUILD_INTERFACE include directories # of all targets. Similar to CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR, but transitive. # Since CMake 2.8.11 set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR_IN_INTERFACE ON) # When a shared library changes, but its includes do not, don't relink # all dependencies. It is not needed. # Since CMake 2.8.11 set(CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED ON) # Default to shared libs for KDE, if no type is explicitly given to add_library(): set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS TRUE CACHE BOOL "If enabled, shared libs will be built by default, otherwise static libs") # Enable automoc in cmake # Since CMake 2.8.6 set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # Enable autorcc and in cmake so qrc files get generated. # Since CMake 3.0 # TODO KF6: discuss enabling AUTOUIC and note porting requirements. autouic # acts on all #include "ui_*.h" assuming *.ui exists set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) # By default, create 'GUI' executables. This can be reverted on a per-target basis # using ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable # Since CMake 2.8.8 set(CMAKE_WIN32_EXECUTABLE ON) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_BUNDLE ON) # By default, don't put a prefix on MODULE targets. add_library(MODULE) is basically for plugin targets, # and in KDE plugins don't have a prefix. set(CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX "") unset(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH) unset(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) unset(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) unset(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) unset(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) # under Windows, output all executables and dlls into # one common directory, and all static|import libraries and plugins # into another one. This way test executables can find their dlls # even without installation. # We do the same under Unix to make it possible to run tests and apps without installing if (WIN32 OR ECM_GLOBAL_FIND_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 5.38.0) set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") endif() # For Android we need to put shared libraries into "lib" for androiddeployqt to work without prior installation. # That fact that this conflicts with the above isn't really an issue, as we can't run things while cross-compiling # for Android anyway. if (ANDROID) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib") endif() if (APPLE) # Disable detection of X11 and related package on OS X because when using # brew or macports, X11 can be installed and thus is detected. option(APPLE_FORCE_X11 "Force enable X11 related detection on OS X" OFF) option(APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING "Suppress X11 and related technologies search disabling warning on OS X" OFF) if(NOT APPLE_FORCE_X11) if (NOT APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING) message(WARNING "Searching for X11 and related technologies is disabled on Apple systems. Set APPLE_FORCE_X11 to ON to change this behaviour. Set APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING to ON to hide this warning.") endif() set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11 true) set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_XCB true) set(CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5X11Extras true) endif() endif() option(KDE_SKIP_UNINSTALL_TARGET "Prevent an \"uninstall\" target from being generated." OFF) if(NOT KDE_SKIP_UNINSTALL_TARGET) include("${ECM_MODULE_DIR}/ECMUninstallTarget.cmake") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") option(ENABLE_CLAZY "Enable Clazy warnings" OFF) if(ENABLE_CLAZY) find_library(CLAZY_v1_5_FOUND ClazyPlugin${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) if(CLAZY_v1_5_FOUND) # clazy >= 1.5 set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT} -Xclang -load -Xclang ClazyPlugin${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clazy") else() # clazy < 1.5 set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT} -Xclang -load -Xclang ClangLazy${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang clang-lazy") endif() endif() endif() ################################################################### # Download translations function(_repository_name reponame dir) execute_process(COMMAND git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{u} OUTPUT_VARIABLE upstream_ref RESULT_VARIABLE exitCode WORKING_DIRECTORY "${dir}") if(exitCode EQUAL 0) string(REGEX REPLACE "refs/remotes/([^/]+)/.*" "\\1" gitorigin "${upstream_ref}") message(DEBUG "Git upstream inferred as ${gitorigin}, upstream ref was ${upstream_ref}") else() set(gitorigin "origin") message(DEBUG "Assuming origin as the git remote as we are in detached mode") endif() execute_process(COMMAND git remote get-url --all "${gitorigin}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE giturl RESULT_VARIABLE exitCode WORKING_DIRECTORY "${dir}") if(exitCode EQUAL 0) message(DEBUG "Git URL inferred as ${giturl}") string(REGEX MATCHALL ".+kde\\.org[:\\/]([-A-Za-z0-9\\/]+)(.git)?\\s*" "" ${giturl}) set(${reponame} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) message(DEBUG "Repository inferred as ${${reponame}}") endif() if(NOT ${reponame}) set(${reponame} ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) endif() set(${reponame} ${${reponame}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/po AND NOT TARGET fetch-translations) option(KDE_L10N_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS "Automatically 'make fetch-translations`" OFF) option(KDE_L10N_SYNC_TRANSLATIONS "Fetch translations when KDECMakeSettings.cmake is processed." OFF) set(KDE_L10N_BRANCH "trunk" CACHE STRING "Branch from l10n.kde.org to fetch from: trunk | stable | lts | trunk_kde4 | stable_kde4") if(KDE_L10N_AUTO_TRANSLATIONS AND NOT KDE_L10N_SYNC_TRANSLATIONS) set(_EXTRA_ARGS "ALL") else() set(_EXTRA_ARGS) endif() set(_reponame "") _repository_name(_reponame "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") set(releaseme_clone_commands COMMAND git clone --depth 1 https://invent.kde.org/sdk/releaseme.git ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/releaseme" ${releaseme_clone_commands} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" COMMENT "Fetching releaseme scripts to download translations..." ) set(_l10n_po_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/po") set(_l10n_poqm_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/poqm") set(extra BYPRODUCTS ${_l10n_po_dir} ${_l10n_poqm_dir}) set(fetch_commands COMMAND ruby "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/releaseme/fetchpo.rb" --origin ${KDE_L10N_BRANCH} --project "${_reponame}" --output-dir "${_l10n_po_dir}" --output-poqm-dir "${_l10n_poqm_dir}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) add_custom_target(fetch-translations ${_EXTRA_ARGS} COMMENT "Downloading translations for ${_reponame} branch ${KDE_L10N_BRANCH}..." COMMAND git -C "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/releaseme" pull COMMAND cmake -E remove_directory ${_l10n_po_dir} COMMAND cmake -E remove_directory ${_l10n_poqm_dir} ${fetch_commands} ${extra} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/releaseme" ) if (KDE_L10N_SYNC_TRANSLATIONS AND (NOT EXISTS ${_l10n_po_dir} OR NOT EXISTS ${_l10n_poqm_dir})) execute_process(${releaseme_clone_commands}) execute_process(${fetch_commands}) endif() endif()