/* This file is part of KDE. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Marco Martin SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "knowledgebaseentry.h" using namespace Attica; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KnowledgeBaseEntry::Private : public QSharedData { public: QString m_id; int m_contentId; QString m_user; QString m_status; QDateTime m_changed; QString m_name; QString m_description; QString m_answer; int m_comments; QUrl m_detailPage; QMap m_extendedAttributes; Private() : m_contentId(0) , m_comments(0) { } }; KnowledgeBaseEntry::KnowledgeBaseEntry() : d(new Private) { } KnowledgeBaseEntry::KnowledgeBaseEntry(const KnowledgeBaseEntry &other) : d(other.d) { } KnowledgeBaseEntry &KnowledgeBaseEntry::operator=(const Attica::KnowledgeBaseEntry &other) { d = other.d; return *this; } KnowledgeBaseEntry::~KnowledgeBaseEntry() { } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setId(QString id) { d->m_id = std::move(id); // TODO KF6 Make QString const & and remove the std::move } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::id() const { return d->m_id; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setContentId(int id) { d->m_contentId = id; } int KnowledgeBaseEntry::contentId() const { return d->m_contentId; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setUser(const QString &user) { d->m_user = user; } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::user() const { return d->m_user; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setStatus(const QString &status) { d->m_status = status; } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::status() const { return d->m_status; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setChanged(const QDateTime &changed) { d->m_changed = changed; } QDateTime KnowledgeBaseEntry::changed() const { return d->m_changed; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setName(const QString &name) { d->m_name = name; } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::name() const { return d->m_name; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setDescription(const QString &description) { d->m_description = description; } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::description() const { return d->m_description; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setAnswer(const QString &answer) { d->m_answer = answer; } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::answer() const { return d->m_answer; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setComments(int comments) { d->m_comments = comments; } int KnowledgeBaseEntry::comments() const { return d->m_comments; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::setDetailPage(const QUrl &detailPage) { d->m_detailPage = detailPage; } QUrl KnowledgeBaseEntry::detailPage() const { return d->m_detailPage; } void KnowledgeBaseEntry::addExtendedAttribute(const QString &key, const QString &value) { d->m_extendedAttributes.insert(key, value); } QString KnowledgeBaseEntry::extendedAttribute(const QString &key) const { return d->m_extendedAttributes.value(key); } QMap KnowledgeBaseEntry::extendedAttributes() const { return d->m_extendedAttributes; } bool KnowledgeBaseEntry::isValid() const { return !(d->m_id.isEmpty()); }