import exec from "../helpers/exec" import { BUILD_DIR, MUSL_TOOLCHAIN, ROOTFS_DIR, arch } from "../helpers/consts"; /* Installs packages to support Qualcomm Snapdrgaon SDM845 based devices */ export function compileSDM845SupportPackages() { if(arch != "arm64") { console.log("SDM845 support packages are only available for arm64"); return; } // exec arch-chroot exec(`sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' set -e mkdir -pv /tmp/sdm845-support cd /tmp/sdm845-support/ # Script to configure device wlan and bt mac addresses from /proc/cmdline (set from android bootloader) git clone cd bootmac install -Dm644 bootmac.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/90-bootmac.rules install -Dm755 bootmac /usr/bin/bootmac cd .. git clone cd qmic make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr install cd .. git clone cd qrtr mkdir build meson setup --prefix=/usr --errorlogs --werror . build ninja -C build ninja -C build install cd .. git clone cd rmtfs make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr install echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="uio", ATTR{name}=="rmtfs", SYMLINK+="qcom_rmtfs_uio1"' > /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/65-rmtfs.rules cd .. git clone cd pd-mapper make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr install cd .. git clone cd tqftpserv mkdir build meson setup --prefix=/usr --errorlogs --werror . build ninja -C build ninja -C build install cd .. # ALSA UCM for sound support git clone cd alsa-ucm-conf rm -rf /usr/share/alsa/ucm2 cp -a ucm2 /usr/share/alsa cd .. # Testing (diag-router) git clone cd diag make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr make -j$(nproc) prefix=/usr install cd .. # qbootctl (mark boot slot as successful) #git clone #cd qbootctl #meson build #meson compile -C build #meson install -C build # msm-modem-uim-selection # This script is used to select the correct uim application for dual-sim devices # (runs before ModemManager), otherwise you will get "sim-missing" failed state. # clean up rm -rf /tmp/sdm845-support EOF`); }