/** * Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Imms (MIT License). * Copyright (c) 2018, Microsoft Corporation (MIT License). */ import * as assert from 'assert'; import { argsToCommandLine } from './windowsPtyAgent'; function check(file: string, args: string | string[], expected: string): void { assert.equal(argsToCommandLine(file, args), expected); } if (process.platform === 'win32') { describe('argsToCommandLine', () => { describe('Plain strings', () => { it('doesn\'t quote plain string', () => { check('asdf', [], 'asdf'); }); it('doesn\'t escape backslashes', () => { check('\\asdf\\qwer\\', [], '\\asdf\\qwer\\'); }); it('doesn\'t escape multiple backslashes', () => { check('asdf\\\\qwer', [], 'asdf\\\\qwer'); }); it('adds backslashes before quotes', () => { check('"asdf"qwer"', [], '\\"asdf\\"qwer\\"'); }); it('escapes backslashes before quotes', () => { check('asdf\\"qwer', [], 'asdf\\\\\\"qwer'); }); }); describe('Quoted strings', () => { it('quotes string with spaces', () => { check('asdf qwer', [], '"asdf qwer"'); }); it('quotes empty string', () => { check('', [], '""'); }); it('quotes string with tabs', () => { check('asdf\tqwer', [], '"asdf\tqwer"'); }); it('escapes only the last backslash', () => { check('\\asdf \\qwer\\', [], '"\\asdf \\qwer\\\\"'); }); it('doesn\'t escape multiple backslashes', () => { check('asdf \\\\qwer', [], '"asdf \\\\qwer"'); }); it('escapes backslashes before quotes', () => { check('asdf \\"qwer', [], '"asdf \\\\\\"qwer"'); }); it('escapes multiple backslashes at the end', () => { check('asdf qwer\\\\', [], '"asdf qwer\\\\\\\\"'); }); }); describe('Multiple arguments', () => { it('joins arguments with spaces', () => { check('asdf', ['qwer zxcv', '', '"'], 'asdf "qwer zxcv" "" \\"'); }); it('array argument all in quotes', () => { check('asdf', ['"surounded by quotes"'], 'asdf \\"surounded by quotes\\"'); }); it('array argument quotes in the middle', () => { check('asdf', ['quotes "in the" middle'], 'asdf "quotes \\"in the\\" middle"'); }); it('array argument quotes near start', () => { check('asdf', ['"quotes" near start'], 'asdf "\\"quotes\\" near start"'); }); it('array argument quotes near end', () => { check('asdf', ['quotes "near end"'], 'asdf "quotes \\"near end\\""'); }); }); describe('Args as CommandLine', () => { it('should handle empty string', () => { check('file', '', 'file'); }); it('should not change args', () => { check('file', 'foo bar baz', 'file foo bar baz'); check('file', 'foo \\ba"r \baz', 'file foo \\ba"r \baz'); }); }); describe('Real-world cases', () => { it('quotes within quotes', () => { check('cmd.exe', ['/c', 'powershell -noexit -command \'Set-location \"C:\\user\"\''], 'cmd.exe /c "powershell -noexit -command \'Set-location \\\"C:\\user\\"\'"'); }); it('space within quotes', () => { check('cmd.exe', ['/k', '"C:\\Users\\alros\\Desktop\\test script.bat"'], 'cmd.exe /k \\"C:\\Users\\alros\\Desktop\\test script.bat\\"'); }); }); }); }