import { Writer } from './buffer-writer' const enum code { startup = 0x70, query = 0x51, parse = 0x50, bind = 0x42, execute = 0x45, flush = 0x48, sync = 0x53, end = 0x58, close = 0x43, describe = 0x44, copyFromChunk = 0x64, copyDone = 0x63, copyFail = 0x66, } const writer = new Writer() const startup = (opts: Record): Buffer => { // protocol version writer.addInt16(3).addInt16(0) for (const key of Object.keys(opts)) { writer.addCString(key).addCString(opts[key]) } writer.addCString('client_encoding').addCString('UTF8') var bodyBuffer = writer.addCString('').flush() // this message is sent without a code var length = bodyBuffer.length + 4 return new Writer().addInt32(length).add(bodyBuffer).flush() } const requestSsl = (): Buffer => { const response = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8) response.writeInt32BE(8, 0) response.writeInt32BE(80877103, 4) return response } const password = (password: string): Buffer => { return writer.addCString(password).flush(code.startup) } const sendSASLInitialResponseMessage = function (mechanism: string, initialResponse: string): Buffer { // 0x70 = 'p' writer.addCString(mechanism).addInt32(Buffer.byteLength(initialResponse)).addString(initialResponse) return writer.flush(code.startup) } const sendSCRAMClientFinalMessage = function (additionalData: string): Buffer { return writer.addString(additionalData).flush(code.startup) } const query = (text: string): Buffer => { return writer.addCString(text).flush(code.query) } type ParseOpts = { name?: string types?: number[] text: string } const emptyArray: any[] = [] const parse = (query: ParseOpts): Buffer => { // expect something like this: // { name: 'queryName', // text: 'select * from blah', // types: ['int8', 'bool'] } // normalize missing query names to allow for null const name = || '' if (name.length > 63) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.error('Warning! Postgres only supports 63 characters for query names.') console.error('You supplied %s (%s)', name, name.length) console.error('This can cause conflicts and silent errors executing queries') /* eslint-enable no-console */ } const types = query.types || emptyArray var len = types.length var buffer = writer .addCString(name) // name of query .addCString(query.text) // actual query text .addInt16(len) for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { buffer.addInt32(types[i]) } return writer.flush(code.parse) } type ValueMapper = (param: any, index: number) => any type BindOpts = { portal?: string binary?: boolean statement?: string values?: any[] // optional map from JS value to postgres value per parameter valueMapper?: ValueMapper } const paramWriter = new Writer() // make this a const enum so typescript will inline the value const enum ParamType { STRING = 0, BINARY = 1, } const writeValues = function (values: any[], valueMapper?: ValueMapper): void { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const mappedVal = valueMapper ? valueMapper(values[i], i) : values[i] if (mappedVal == null) { // add the param type (string) to the writer writer.addInt16(ParamType.STRING) // write -1 to the param writer to indicate null paramWriter.addInt32(-1) } else if (mappedVal instanceof Buffer) { // add the param type (binary) to the writer writer.addInt16(ParamType.BINARY) // add the buffer to the param writer paramWriter.addInt32(mappedVal.length) paramWriter.add(mappedVal) } else { // add the param type (string) to the writer writer.addInt16(ParamType.STRING) paramWriter.addInt32(Buffer.byteLength(mappedVal)) paramWriter.addString(mappedVal) } } } const bind = (config: BindOpts = {}): Buffer => { // normalize config const portal = config.portal || '' const statement = config.statement || '' const binary = config.binary || false const values = config.values || emptyArray const len = values.length writer.addCString(portal).addCString(statement) writer.addInt16(len) writeValues(values, config.valueMapper) writer.addInt16(len) writer.add(paramWriter.flush()) // format code writer.addInt16(binary ? ParamType.BINARY : ParamType.STRING) return writer.flush(code.bind) } type ExecOpts = { portal?: string rows?: number } const emptyExecute = Buffer.from([code.execute, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) const execute = (config?: ExecOpts): Buffer => { // this is the happy path for most queries if (!config || (!config.portal && !config.rows)) { return emptyExecute } const portal = config.portal || '' const rows = config.rows || 0 const portalLength = Buffer.byteLength(portal) const len = 4 + portalLength + 1 + 4 // one extra bit for code const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1 + len) buff[0] = code.execute buff.writeInt32BE(len, 1) buff.write(portal, 5, 'utf-8') buff[portalLength + 5] = 0 // null terminate portal cString buff.writeUInt32BE(rows, buff.length - 4) return buff } const cancel = (processID: number, secretKey: number): Buffer => { const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(16) buffer.writeInt32BE(16, 0) buffer.writeInt16BE(1234, 4) buffer.writeInt16BE(5678, 6) buffer.writeInt32BE(processID, 8) buffer.writeInt32BE(secretKey, 12) return buffer } type PortalOpts = { type: 'S' | 'P' name?: string } const cstringMessage = (code: code, string: string): Buffer => { const stringLen = Buffer.byteLength(string) const len = 4 + stringLen + 1 // one extra bit for code const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1 + len) buffer[0] = code buffer.writeInt32BE(len, 1) buffer.write(string, 5, 'utf-8') buffer[len] = 0 // null terminate cString return buffer } const emptyDescribePortal = writer.addCString('P').flush(code.describe) const emptyDescribeStatement = writer.addCString('S').flush(code.describe) const describe = (msg: PortalOpts): Buffer => { return ? cstringMessage(code.describe, `${msg.type}${ || ''}`) : msg.type === 'P' ? emptyDescribePortal : emptyDescribeStatement } const close = (msg: PortalOpts): Buffer => { const text = `${msg.type}${ || ''}` return cstringMessage(code.close, text) } const copyData = (chunk: Buffer): Buffer => { return writer.add(chunk).flush(code.copyFromChunk) } const copyFail = (message: string): Buffer => { return cstringMessage(code.copyFail, message) } const codeOnlyBuffer = (code: code): Buffer => Buffer.from([code, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04]) const flushBuffer = codeOnlyBuffer(code.flush) const syncBuffer = codeOnlyBuffer(code.sync) const endBuffer = codeOnlyBuffer(code.end) const copyDoneBuffer = codeOnlyBuffer(code.copyDone) const serialize = { startup, password, requestSsl, sendSASLInitialResponseMessage, sendSCRAMClientFinalMessage, query, parse, bind, execute, describe, close, flush: () => flushBuffer, sync: () => syncBuffer, end: () => endBuffer, copyData, copyDone: () => copyDoneBuffer, copyFail, cancel, } export { serialize }