import { TransformOptions } from 'stream' import { Mode, bindComplete, parseComplete, closeComplete, noData, portalSuspended, copyDone, replicationStart, emptyQuery, ReadyForQueryMessage, CommandCompleteMessage, CopyDataMessage, CopyResponse, NotificationResponseMessage, RowDescriptionMessage, ParameterDescriptionMessage, Field, DataRowMessage, ParameterStatusMessage, BackendKeyDataMessage, DatabaseError, BackendMessage, MessageName, AuthenticationMD5Password, NoticeMessage, } from './messages' import { BufferReader } from './buffer-reader' import assert from 'assert' // every message is prefixed with a single bye const CODE_LENGTH = 1 // every message has an int32 length which includes itself but does // NOT include the code in the length const LEN_LENGTH = 4 const HEADER_LENGTH = CODE_LENGTH + LEN_LENGTH export type Packet = { code: number packet: Buffer } const emptyBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0) type StreamOptions = TransformOptions & { mode: Mode } const enum MessageCodes { DataRow = 0x44, // D ParseComplete = 0x31, // 1 BindComplete = 0x32, // 2 CloseComplete = 0x33, // 3 CommandComplete = 0x43, // C ReadyForQuery = 0x5a, // Z NoData = 0x6e, // n NotificationResponse = 0x41, // A AuthenticationResponse = 0x52, // R ParameterStatus = 0x53, // S BackendKeyData = 0x4b, // K ErrorMessage = 0x45, // E NoticeMessage = 0x4e, // N RowDescriptionMessage = 0x54, // T ParameterDescriptionMessage = 0x74, // t PortalSuspended = 0x73, // s ReplicationStart = 0x57, // W EmptyQuery = 0x49, // I CopyIn = 0x47, // G CopyOut = 0x48, // H CopyDone = 0x63, // c CopyData = 0x64, // d } export type MessageCallback = (msg: BackendMessage) => void export class Parser { private buffer: Buffer = emptyBuffer private bufferLength: number = 0 private bufferOffset: number = 0 private reader = new BufferReader() private mode: Mode constructor(opts?: StreamOptions) { if (opts?.mode === 'binary') { throw new Error('Binary mode not supported yet') } this.mode = opts?.mode || 'text' } public parse(buffer: Buffer, callback: MessageCallback) { this.mergeBuffer(buffer) const bufferFullLength = this.bufferOffset + this.bufferLength let offset = this.bufferOffset while (offset + HEADER_LENGTH <= bufferFullLength) { // code is 1 byte long - it identifies the message type const code = this.buffer[offset] // length is 1 Uint32BE - it is the length of the message EXCLUDING the code const length = this.buffer.readUInt32BE(offset + CODE_LENGTH) const fullMessageLength = CODE_LENGTH + length if (fullMessageLength + offset <= bufferFullLength) { const message = this.handlePacket(offset + HEADER_LENGTH, code, length, this.buffer) callback(message) offset += fullMessageLength } else { break } } if (offset === bufferFullLength) { // No more use for the buffer this.buffer = emptyBuffer this.bufferLength = 0 this.bufferOffset = 0 } else { // Adjust the cursors of remainingBuffer this.bufferLength = bufferFullLength - offset this.bufferOffset = offset } } private mergeBuffer(buffer: Buffer): void { if (this.bufferLength > 0) { const newLength = this.bufferLength + buffer.byteLength const newFullLength = newLength + this.bufferOffset if (newFullLength > this.buffer.byteLength) { // We can't concat the new buffer with the remaining one let newBuffer: Buffer if (newLength <= this.buffer.byteLength && this.bufferOffset >= this.bufferLength) { // We can move the relevant part to the beginning of the buffer instead of allocating a new buffer newBuffer = this.buffer } else { // Allocate a new larger buffer let newBufferLength = this.buffer.byteLength * 2 while (newLength >= newBufferLength) { newBufferLength *= 2 } newBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(newBufferLength) } // Move the remaining buffer to the new one this.buffer.copy(newBuffer, 0, this.bufferOffset, this.bufferOffset + this.bufferLength) this.buffer = newBuffer this.bufferOffset = 0 } // Concat the new buffer with the remaining one buffer.copy(this.buffer, this.bufferOffset + this.bufferLength) this.bufferLength = newLength } else { this.buffer = buffer this.bufferOffset = 0 this.bufferLength = buffer.byteLength } } private handlePacket(offset: number, code: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer): BackendMessage { switch (code) { case MessageCodes.BindComplete: return bindComplete case MessageCodes.ParseComplete: return parseComplete case MessageCodes.CloseComplete: return closeComplete case MessageCodes.NoData: return noData case MessageCodes.PortalSuspended: return portalSuspended case MessageCodes.CopyDone: return copyDone case MessageCodes.ReplicationStart: return replicationStart case MessageCodes.EmptyQuery: return emptyQuery case MessageCodes.DataRow: return this.parseDataRowMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.CommandComplete: return this.parseCommandCompleteMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.ReadyForQuery: return this.parseReadyForQueryMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.NotificationResponse: return this.parseNotificationMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.AuthenticationResponse: return this.parseAuthenticationResponse(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.ParameterStatus: return this.parseParameterStatusMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.BackendKeyData: return this.parseBackendKeyData(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.ErrorMessage: return this.parseErrorMessage(offset, length, bytes, 'error') case MessageCodes.NoticeMessage: return this.parseErrorMessage(offset, length, bytes, 'notice') case MessageCodes.RowDescriptionMessage: return this.parseRowDescriptionMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.ParameterDescriptionMessage: return this.parseParameterDescriptionMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.CopyIn: return this.parseCopyInMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.CopyOut: return this.parseCopyOutMessage(offset, length, bytes) case MessageCodes.CopyData: return this.parseCopyData(offset, length, bytes) default:`unknown message code: ${code.toString(16)}`) } } private parseReadyForQueryMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const status = this.reader.string(1) return new ReadyForQueryMessage(length, status) } private parseCommandCompleteMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const text = this.reader.cstring() return new CommandCompleteMessage(length, text) } private parseCopyData(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { const chunk = bytes.slice(offset, offset + (length - 4)) return new CopyDataMessage(length, chunk) } private parseCopyInMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { return this.parseCopyMessage(offset, length, bytes, 'copyInResponse') } private parseCopyOutMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { return this.parseCopyMessage(offset, length, bytes, 'copyOutResponse') } private parseCopyMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer, messageName: MessageName) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const isBinary = this.reader.byte() !== 0 const columnCount = this.reader.int16() const message = new CopyResponse(length, messageName, isBinary, columnCount) for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { message.columnTypes[i] = this.reader.int16() } return message } private parseNotificationMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const processId = this.reader.int32() const channel = this.reader.cstring() const payload = this.reader.cstring() return new NotificationResponseMessage(length, processId, channel, payload) } private parseRowDescriptionMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const fieldCount = this.reader.int16() const message = new RowDescriptionMessage(length, fieldCount) for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { message.fields[i] = this.parseField() } return message } private parseField(): Field { const name = this.reader.cstring() const tableID = this.reader.int32() const columnID = this.reader.int16() const dataTypeID = this.reader.int32() const dataTypeSize = this.reader.int16() const dataTypeModifier = this.reader.int32() const mode = this.reader.int16() === 0 ? 'text' : 'binary' return new Field(name, tableID, columnID, dataTypeID, dataTypeSize, dataTypeModifier, mode) } private parseParameterDescriptionMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const parameterCount = this.reader.int16() const message = new ParameterDescriptionMessage(length, parameterCount) for (let i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { message.dataTypeIDs[i] = this.reader.int32() } return message } private parseDataRowMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const fieldCount = this.reader.int16() const fields: any[] = new Array(fieldCount) for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { const len = this.reader.int32() // a -1 for length means the value of the field is null fields[i] = len === -1 ? null : this.reader.string(len) } return new DataRowMessage(length, fields) } private parseParameterStatusMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const name = this.reader.cstring() const value = this.reader.cstring() return new ParameterStatusMessage(length, name, value) } private parseBackendKeyData(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const processID = this.reader.int32() const secretKey = this.reader.int32() return new BackendKeyDataMessage(length, processID, secretKey) } public parseAuthenticationResponse(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const code = this.reader.int32() // TODO(bmc): maybe better types here const message: BackendMessage & any = { name: 'authenticationOk', length, } switch (code) { case 0: // AuthenticationOk break case 3: // AuthenticationCleartextPassword if (message.length === 8) { = 'authenticationCleartextPassword' } break case 5: // AuthenticationMD5Password if (message.length === 12) { = 'authenticationMD5Password' const salt = this.reader.bytes(4) return new AuthenticationMD5Password(length, salt) } break case 10: // AuthenticationSASL = 'authenticationSASL' message.mechanisms = [] let mechanism: string do { mechanism = this.reader.cstring() if (mechanism) { message.mechanisms.push(mechanism) } } while (mechanism) break case 11: // AuthenticationSASLContinue = 'authenticationSASLContinue' = this.reader.string(length - 8) break case 12: // AuthenticationSASLFinal = 'authenticationSASLFinal' = this.reader.string(length - 8) break default: throw new Error('Unknown authenticationOk message type ' + code) } return message } private parseErrorMessage(offset: number, length: number, bytes: Buffer, name: MessageName) { this.reader.setBuffer(offset, bytes) const fields: Record = {} let fieldType = this.reader.string(1) while (fieldType !== '\0') { fields[fieldType] = this.reader.cstring() fieldType = this.reader.string(1) } const messageValue = fields.M const message = name === 'notice' ? new NoticeMessage(length, messageValue) : new DatabaseError(messageValue, length, name) message.severity = fields.S message.code = fields.C message.detail = fields.D message.hint = fields.H message.position = fields.P message.internalPosition = fields.p message.internalQuery = fields.q message.where = fields.W message.schema = fields.s message.table = fields.t message.column = fields.c message.dataType = fields.d message.constraint = fields.n message.file = fields.F message.line = fields.L message.routine = fields.R return message } }