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(y or n) Linker options ============== Obsolete options: Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. ldd output with constructors/destructors. write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s Display specific types of command line options. from %qD %s included from %#qD -F, --fullname Print full filename -f, --function Print function level info -h, --hotonly Only print info for hot objects/functions -n, --normalize Normalize the profile -o, --object Print object level info -o, --output Output directory -s, --scale Scale the profile counters -t , --hot_threshold Set the threshold for hotness -v, --verbose Verbose mode -w, --weight Set weights (float point values) Included at %s:%d: inlined from %qD inlined from %qD at %r%s:%d%R inlined from %qD at %r%s:%d:%d%R inlined from %qs inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d%R inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d:%d%R by earlier handler for %<%T%> in pointer to member conversion in pointer to member function conversion # %E %q#D %q+T does not have % destructor %q+T has a non-trivial destructor %q+T is not an aggregate, does not have a trivial default constructor, and has no % constructor that is not a copy or move constructor %qD is not deducible from %qT %qE %qE is not equivalent to %qE %qT does not have a virtual destructor %qT does not have unique object representations %qT is a closure type, which is only literal in C++17 and later %qT is an ambiguous base class of %qT %qT is not a POD type %qT is not a base of %qT %qT is not a bounded array %qT is not a class %qT is not a final class %qT is not a function %qT is not a literal type %qT is not a member function pointer %qT is not a member object pointer %qT is not a member pointer %qT is not a polymorphic type %qT is not a reference %qT is not a reference that binds to a temporary object of type %qT (copy-initialization) %qT is not a reference that binds to a temporary object of type %qT (direct-initialization) %qT is not a scoped enum %qT is not a trivial type %qT is not a union %qT is not an abstract class %qT is not an aggregate %qT is not an array %qT is not an empty class %qT is not an enum %qT is not an object type %qT is not an standard layout type %qT is not assignable from %qT %qT is not constructible from %qE %qT is not convertible from %qE %qT is not default constructible %qT is not derived from %qT %qT is not layout compatible with %qT %qT is not nothrow assignable from %qT %qT is not nothrow constructible from %qE %qT is not nothrow convertible from %qE %qT is not nothrow copy assignable %qT is not nothrow copy constructible %qT is not nothrow default constructible %qT is not pointer-interconvertible base of %qT %qT is not the same as %qT %qT is not trivially assignable from %qT %qT is not trivially constructible from %qE %qT is not trivially copy assignable %qT is not trivially copy constructible %qT is not trivially copyable %qT is not trivially default constructible %qT is not trivially destructible (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes). -### Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed. --help Display this information. --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...]. --sysroot= Use as the root directory for headers and libraries. --target-help Display target specific command line options (including assembler and linker options). --version Display compiler version information. -B Add to the compiler's search paths. -D, --debug Display debugging dumps -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link. -H, --human-readable Output human readable numbers -S Compile only; do not assemble or link. -Wa, Pass comma-separated on to the assembler. -Wl, Pass comma-separated on to the linker. -Wp, Pass comma-separated on to the preprocessor. -Xassembler Pass on to the assembler. -Xlinker Pass on to the linker. -Xpreprocessor Pass on to the preprocessor. -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -c Compile and assemble, but do not link. -c, --branch-counts Output counts of branches taken rather than percentages -d, --display-progress Display progress information -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor. -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings. -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler. -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -foffload= Specify offloading targets. -h, --help Print this help, then exit -h, --help Print this help, then exit -i, --json-format Replaced with -j, --json-format -j, --human-readable Replaced with -H, --human-readable -j, --json-format Output JSON intermediate format into .gcov.json.gz file -k, --use-colors Emit colored output -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -m, --demangled-names Output demangled function names -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -no-canonical-prefixes Do not canonicalize paths when building relative prefixes to other gcc components. -o Place the output into . -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase. -pie Create a dynamically linked position independent executable. -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files. -print-file-name= Display the full path to library . -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library. -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc. -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories. -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries. -print-multiarch Display the target's normalized GNU triplet, used as a component in the library path. -print-prog-name= Display the full path to compiler component . -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path. -print-sysroot Display the target libraries directory. -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers. -q, --use-hotness-colors Emit perf-like colored output for hot lines -r, --relative-only Only show data for relative sources -s, --source-prefix DIR Source prefix to elide -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files. -save-temps= Do not delete intermediate files. -shared Create a shared library. -specs= Override built-in specs with the contents of . -std= Assume that the input sources are for . -t, --stdout Output to stdout instead of a file -time Time the execution of each subprocess. -u, --unconditional-branches Show unconditional branch counts too -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler. -v, --version Print version number, then exit -v, --version Print version number, then exit -w, --verbose Print verbose informations -x Specify the language of the following input files. Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none 'none' means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language based on the file's extension. -x, --hash-filenames Hash long pathnames Known valid arguments for %s option: a constructor taking a single argument of its own class type is invalid a qualified-id is required after user-defined conversion: ambiguous template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as function type an inherited constructor is not a candidate for initialization from an expression of the same or derived type and each type can be converted to the other as a possible target of computed goto as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory base %qT base class %qT of %q+T is non-literal because conversion sequence for the argument is better because the following virtual functions are pure within %qT: but %d required but does not declare %<%T(const %T&)%> but does not declare % by %qD candidate conversions include %qD and %qD candidate expects %d argument, %d provided candidate expects %d arguments, %d provided candidate expects at least %d argument, %d provided candidate expects at least %d arguments, %d provided cannot convert %qE (type %qT) to type %qT cannot deduce a template for %qT from non-template type %qT conversion from return type %qT of template conversion function specialization to %qT is not an exact match conversion of argument %d would be ill-formed: couldn%'t deduce template parameter %qD crosses initialization of %q#D declared here deduced conflicting types for parameter %qT (%qT and %qT) deduced conflicting values for non-type parameter %qE (%qE and %qE) does not clean up handled exception does not destroy %qD enters % block enters % statement enters % statement enters % block enters OpenMP structured block enters statement expression enters synchronized or atomic statement exits OpenMP structured block expected %qD but got %qD expected a class template, got %qE expected a class template, got %qT expected a constant of type %qT, got %qT expected a template of type %qD, got %qT expected a type, got %qE expected a type, got %qT for conversion from %qH to %qI from definition of %q#D from here in call to %qD in evaluation of %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%> in thrown expression inconsistent parameter pack deduction with %qT and %qT inherited here initializing argument %P of %qD member function type %qT is not a valid template argument merge [options] Merge coverage file contents merge-stream [options] [] Merge coverage stream file (or stdin) and coverage file contents mismatched types %qT and %qT no known conversion for argument %d from %qH to %qI no known conversion for implicit % parameter from %qH to %qI no known conversion from %qH to %qI non-static data member %qD has non-literal type non-static data member %qD has volatile type or % or a % function overlap [options] Compute the overlap of two profiles passing %qT as % argument discards qualifiers profiling support are only provided in archive format return type %qT of explicit conversion function cannot be converted to %qT with a qualification conversion rewrite [options] Rewrite coverage file contents since %q+#D declared in base class skips initialization of %q#D substitution of deduced template arguments resulted in errors seen above template argument %qE does not match %qE template argument %qE does not match pointer-to-member constant %qE template argument deduction/substitution failed: template parameter %qD is not a parameter pack, but argument %qD is template parameters of a template template argument are inconsistent with other deduced template arguments trying to instantiate %qD types %qT and %qT have incompatible cv-qualifiers variable-sized array type %qT is not a valid template argument when initialized here when instantiating default argument for call to %qD (BB %d) (operand type is %qT) (operand types are %qT and %qT) (operand types are %qT, %qT, and %qT) All options with the desired characteristics have already been displayed No options with the desired characteristics were found None found. Use --help=%s to show *all* the options supported by the %s front-end. [see %<-fno-allow-invalid-boz%>] because all of its copy and move constructors are deleted candidate 1: %q#F candidate 2: %q#F conflicting code gen style switches are used declared here the expression has a constant value but is not a C++ constant-expression zstd!$ACC LOOP %s loops don't form rectangular iteration space at %L!$ACC LOOP cannot be a DO CONCURRENT loop at %L!$ACC LOOP cannot be a DO WHILE or DO without loop control at %L!$ACC LOOP iteration variable must be of type integer at %L!$ACC ROUTINE already applied at %C!$ACC ROUTINE with GANG, WORKER, or VECTOR clause is not permitted in PURE procedure at %C!$ACC at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line!$OMP ASSUMES at %C must be in the specification part of a subprogram or module!$OMP ATOMIC CAPTURE capture statement reads from different variable than update statement writes into at %L!$OMP ATOMIC READ at %L incompatible with RELEASE clause!$OMP ATOMIC READ at %L incompatible with RELEASE clause implicitly provided by a REQUIRES directive!$OMP ATOMIC READ statement must read from a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC UPDATE at %L with FAIL clause requiries either the COMPARE clause or using the intrinsic MIN/MAX procedure!$OMP ATOMIC WRITE at %L incompatible with ACQUIRE clause!$OMP ATOMIC WRITE at %L incompatible with ACQUIRES clause implicitly provided by a REQUIRES directive!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic IAND, IOR or IEOR must have two arguments at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic must be MIN, MAX, IAND, IOR or IEOR at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must be var = var op expr or var = expr op var at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must have an operator or intrinsic on right hand side at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment operator must be binary +, *, -, /, .AND., .OR., .EQV. or .NEQV. at %L!$OMP ATOMIC at %L with %s clause is incompatible with READ or WRITE!$OMP ATOMIC at %L with %s clause requires %s clause!$OMP ATOMIC capture-statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC capture-statement requires a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments except one must not reference %qs at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments must be scalar at %L!$OMP ATOMIC statement must assign an expression of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC var = var op expr not mathematically equivalent to var = var op (expr) at %L!$OMP ATOMIC with ALLOCATABLE variable at %L!$OMP DECLARE REDUCTION %s not found at %L!$OMP DECLARE REDUCTION %s not found for type %s at %L!$OMP DECLARE SIMD should refer to containing procedure %qs at %L!$OMP DECLARE TARGET variable %qs at %L isn't SAVEd!$OMP REQUIRES at %C must appear in the specification part of a program unit!$OMP REQUIRES clause % specified at %L overrides a previous % (which might be through using a module)!$OMP REQUIRES clause % specified via module %qs use at %L but same clause is not specified for the program unit!$OMP REQUIRES clause % specified via module %qs use at %L overrides a previous % (which might be through using a module)!$OMP REQUIRES clause %qs specified at %L comes after using a device construct/routine!$OMP REQUIRES clause %qs specified via module %qs use at %L but same clause is not specified for the program unit!$OMP REQUIRES clause %qs specified via module %qs use at %L comes after using a device construct/routine!$OMP SCAN at %L with zero executable statements in preceding structured block sequence!$OMP SCAN at %L with zero executable statements in succeeding structured block sequence!$OMP TARGET region at %L with a nested TEAMS at %L may not contain any other statement, declaration or directive outside of the single TEAMS construct!$OMP TARGET region at %L with a nested TEAMS may not contain any other statement, declaration or directive outside of the single TEAMS construct!$OMP at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line"::" was expected after module nature at %C but was not found"USE :: module" at %C# %s %.2f %.2f #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: $ descriptor at %L$ should be the last specifier in format at %L$OMP ERROR encountered at %L$OMP ERROR encountered at %L: %s%#qT declared here%#qT defined here%%:% takes 1 or more pairs of parameters%%:% takes an even number of parameters%%LOC() as an rvalue at %C%%d, %%e, %%f, %%g operand modifiers are for memory references or constant values only%+qD causes a section type conflict%+qD causes a section type conflict with %qD%+qD declared %qE after being used%+qD declared %qs after being used%+qD without % attribute and %qD with % attribute are placed in a section with the same name% at %L requires %<-fopenmp-allocators%>% not valid in GIMPLE%<#define %s%>%<#pragma %s%> may only be used at file scope%<#pragma %s%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma GCC %s%> must be inside a function%<#pragma GCC aarch64%> requires a string parameter%<#pragma GCC arm "arm_mve.h"%> requires a boolean parameter%<#pragma GCC arm%> requires a string parameter%<#pragma GCC memregs%> must precede any function declarations%<#pragma GCC memregs%> takes a number [0-16]%<#pragma GCC optimize (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not a string or number%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not allowed inside functions%<#pragma GCC optimize%> string is badly formed%<#pragma GCC option%> is not a string%<#pragma GCC option%> is not allowed inside functions%<#pragma GCC pch_preprocess%> must be first%<#pragma GCC pop_options%> without a corresponding %<#pragma GCC push_options%>%<#pragma GCC target (string [,string]...)%> does not have a final %<)%>%<#pragma GCC target%> is not supported for this machine%<#pragma GCC target%> string is badly formed%<#pragma GCC unroll%> requires an assignment-expression that evaluates to a non-negative integral constant less than %u%<#pragma GCC visibility push()%> must specify %, %, % or %%<#pragma GCC visibility%> must be followed by % or %%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported for C++%<#pragma STDC FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64%> is not supported on this target%<#pragma acc %s data%> has no data movement clause%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before definition%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before use%<#pragma acc routine%> must be at file scope%<#pragma acc routine%> names a set of overloads%<#pragma acc routine%> not immediately followed by a single function declaration or definition%<#pragma acc routine%> not immediately followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma acc update%> must contain at least one % or % or % clause%<#pragma align%> must appear before the declaration of %qD, ignoring%<#pragma implementation%> for %qs appears after file is included%<#pragma message: %s%>%<#pragma omp allocate%> for static variables like %qD not yet supported%<#pragma omp allocate%> not yet supported%<#pragma omp assumes%> may only be used at file or namespace scope%<#pragma omp atomic capture%> uses two different expressions for memory%<#pragma omp atomic capture%> uses two different variables for memory%<#pragma omp atomic compare capture%> with non-integral comparison result%<#pragma omp atomic read%> incompatible with % clause%<#pragma omp atomic read%> incompatible with % clause implicitly provided by a % directive%<#pragma omp atomic update%> uses two different expressions for memory%<#pragma omp atomic update%> uses two different variables for memory%<#pragma omp atomic write%> incompatible with % clause%<#pragma omp atomic write%> incompatible with % clause implicitly provided by a % directive%<#pragma omp cancel%> must specify one of %, %, % or % clauses%<#pragma omp cancellation point%> must specify one of %, %, % or % clauses%<#pragma omp critical%> with % clause requires a name, except when % is used%<#pragma omp declare %s%> followed by %<#pragma omp declare %s%>%<#pragma omp declare %s%> must be followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare %s%> must be followed by function declaration or definition or another %<#pragma omp declare %s%>%<#pragma omp declare %s%> not immediately followed by a function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare %s%> not immediately followed by a single function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare %s%> not immediately followed by function declaration or definition%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> combiner refers to variable %qD which is not % nor %%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> initializer refers to variable %qD which is not % nor %%<#pragma omp declare reduction%> not at file or block scope%<#pragma omp end declare target%> without corresponding %<#pragma omp declare target%> or %<#pragma omp begin declare target%>%<#pragma omp error%> with % clause may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp ordered%> with %qs clause may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp requires%> may only be used at file or namespace scope%<#pragma omp scan%> may only be used in a loop construct with % % clause%<#pragma omp scan%> with zero preceding executable statements%<#pragma omp scan%> with zero succeeding executable statements%<#pragma omp section%> may only be used in %<#pragma omp sections%> construct%<#pragma omp simd%> used with class iteration variable %qE%<#pragma omp target data%> must contain at least one %, % or % clause%<#pragma omp target data%> with map-type other than %, %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target enter data%> must contain at least one % clause%<#pragma omp target enter data%> with map-type other than %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target exit data%> must contain at least one % clause%<#pragma omp target exit data%> with map-type other than %, %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma omp target update%> must contain at least one % or % clauses%<#pragma omp target%> with map-type other than %, %, % or % on % clause%<#pragma pack (pop)%> encountered without matching %<#pragma pack (push)%>%<#pragma pack%> has no effect with %<-fpack-struct%> - ignored%<#pragma pack(pop, %E)%> encountered without matching %<#pragma pack(push, %E)%>%<#pragma redefine_extname%> ignored due to conflict with % declaration%<#pragma redefine_extname%> ignored due to conflict with previous %<#pragma redefine_extname%>%<#pragma redefine_extname%> ignored due to conflict with previous rename%<#pragma riscv intrinsic%> option %qs needs 'V' or 'XTHEADVECTOR' extension enabled%<#pragma riscv intrinsic%> requires a string parameter%<#pragma scalar_storage_order%> is not supported for C++%<#pragma vtable%> no longer supported%<#pragma weak%> declaration of %q+D not allowed, ignored%<#pragma%> GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX%<#pragma%> GHS endXXX found without previous startXXX%<#pragma%> is not allowed here%<#undef %E%>%<$%>operand number used after format without operand number%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%.*s%> directive argument is not a nul-terminated string%<%.*s%> directive argument is null%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes causes result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes exceeds %%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes exceeds minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes may cause result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output between %wu and %wu bytes may exceed minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output may be truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output of %wu bytes causes result to exceed %%<%.*s%> directive output of %wu bytes exceeds %%<%.*s%> directive output of %wu bytes exceeds minimum required size of 4095%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive output truncated writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive precision out of range%<%.*s%> directive width out of range%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing likely %wu or more bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%<%.*s%> directive writing up to %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%<%D::%D%> is not a class member%<%D::%D%> is not a member of %qT%<%E (%E)%> attribute ignored on functions declared %qs%<%E (%E)%> attribute ignored with deallocation functions declared %qs%<%E::%E%> has not been declared%<%E::%E%> is not a class or namespace%<%E::%E%> is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%<%E::%E%> is not a type%<%E::%E%> scoped attribute directive ignored%<%T%s%D%> names destructor%<%T::%D%> names constructor in %qT%<%T::%D%> names the constructor, not the type%<%T::%E%> has not been declared%<%T::%E%> is not a type%<%T::%E%> names the constructor, not the type%<%c%> is not a valid character in an identifier%<%c%> is not a valid first character for an identifier%<%c%E%> not found in protocol(s)%<%s %E%> declared inside parameter list will not be visible outside of this definition or declaration%<%s %s%> construct not closely nested inside of %qs%<%s + %s%> at %L must be less than or equal to BIT_SIZE(%qs)%<%s taskgroup%> construct not closely nested inside of % region%<%s%s%s%s%s%> directive mentioned in both % and % clauses%<%s%s%s%s%s%> directive mentioned multiple times in %qs clauses%<%s(%s)%> is only allowed in %%<%s=%s%> and %<%s-%s%> are incompatible%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<&%> not allowed by itself in line %d%<&%> should come before %<...%>%<&&%> not valid in GIMPLE%<)%> expected at %C%<*%> in boolean context, suggest %<&&%> instead%<*this%> capture only available with %<-std=c++17%> or %<-std=gnu++17%>%<-%s%> conflicts with the other architecture options, which specify a %s processor%<--help%> argument %q.*s is ambiguous, please be more specific%<--param constructive-interference-size=%d%> is greater than %<--param l1-cache-line-size=%d%>%<--param constructive-interference-size=%d%> is less than %d%<--param destructive-interference-size=%d%> is less than %<--param l1-cache-line-size=%d%>%<--param destructive-interference-size=%d%> is less than %d%<-I-%> specified twice%<-MF%> and %<-fdeps-file=%> cannot share an output file %s: %m%<-MG%> may only be used with %<-M%> or %<-MM%>%<-W%serror=%s%>: no option %<-%s%>%<-W%serror=%s%>: no option %<-%s%>; did you mean %<-%s%>?%<-Wabi%> warns about differences from the most up-to-date ABI, which is also used by default%<-Wabi%> won%'t warn about anything%<-Wabi=1%> is not supported, using =2%<-Werror=%> argument %qs is not valid for %s%<-Werror=%s%>: %<-%s%> is not an option that controls warnings%<-Wformat-contains-nul%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wformat-extra-args%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wformat-nonliteral%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wformat-security%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wformat-y2k%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wformat-zero-length%> ignored without %<-Wformat%>%<-Wmisleading-indentation%> is disabled from this point onwards, since column-tracking was disabled due to the size of the code/headers%<-Wstrict-flex-arrays%> is ignored when %<-fstrict-flex-arrays%> is not present%<-f%s%> and %<%s=%s%> are incompatible%<-f%s%> is not supported with CONST16 instructions%<-f%s%> not supported: ignored%<-f%sleading-underscore%> not supported on this target machine%<-fPIC%> and %<-fpic%> are not supported on this target%<-fPIC%> is not supported%<-fPIC%>/%<-fpic%> not supported for this target%<-fPIE%> is not supported%<-fabi-compat-version=1%> is not supported, using =2%<-fabi-version=1%> is no longer supported%<-fabi-version=12%> (GCC 8.1) accidentally changes the calling convention for %qT%<-fabi-version=13%> (GCC 8.2) fixes the calling convention for %qT, which was accidentally changed in 8.1%<-falign-%s%> is not between 0 and %d%<-falign-labels=%d%> is not supported%<-falign-loops=%d%> is not supported%<-faligned-new=%d%> is not a power of two%<-fasan-shadow-offset%> should only be used with %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fassociative-math%> disabled; other options take precedence%<-fcall-saved-REG%> is not supported for out registers%<-fcf-protection%> is not compatible with this target%<-fcf-protection=branch%> is not supported for this target%<-fcf-protection=full%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because it was specified on the command line%<-fcf-protection=full%> is not supported for this target%<-fcf-protection=return%> is not supported for this target%<-fconcepts-ts%> is deprecated and will be removed in GCC 15; please convert your code to C++20 concepts%<-fcontract-assumption-mode=%> cannot be mixed with p1332/p1429%<-fcontract-assumption-mode=%> must be % or %%<-fcontract-build-level=%> cannot be mixed with p1332/p1429%<-fcontract-build-level=%> must be off|default|audit%<-fcontract-continuation-mode=%> cannot be mixed with p1332/p1429%<-fcontract-continuation-mode=%> must be % or %%<-fcontract-level=%> too many custom roles%<-fcontract-role=%> cannot be mixed with std/p1429 contract flags%<-fcontract-role=%> must be in the form role:semantics%<-fcontract-role=%> semantics must include default,audit,axiom values%<-fcontract-semantic=%> cannot be mixed with std/p1332 contract flags%<-fcontract-semantic=%> cannot find default role%<-fcontract-semantic=%> level must be default, audit, or axiom%<-fcontract-semantic=%> must be in the form level:semantic%<-fconvert=r16_ieee%> or %<-fconvert=r16_ibm%> not supported on this architecture%<-fd-lines-as-code%> has no effect in free form%<-fd-lines-as-comments%> has no effect in free form%<-fdata-sections%> not supported for this target%<-fdbg-cnt=%s:%d-%d%> has smaller upper limit than the lower%<-fdeps-format=%> unknown format %<%s%>%<-fdirectives-only%> is incompatible with %<-Wunused-macros%>%<-fdirectives-only%> is incompatible with %<-traditional%>%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>%<-fexcess-precision=16%> for Ada%<-fexcess-precision=16%> for Fortran%<-fexcess-precision=16%> is not compatible with %<-mfpmath=387%>%<-fexcess-precision=16%> is not supported on this target%<-fexcess-precision=standard%> for Ada%<-fexcess-precision=standard%> for Fortran%<-ffunction-sections%> not supported for this target%<-fhandle-exceptions%> has been renamed %<-fexceptions%> (and is now on by default)%<-fhardened%> not supported for this target%<-fipa-modref%> is incompatible with %qs%<-flinker-output=rel%> and %<-fltrans%> are mutually exclusive%<-fmodule-only%> used for non-interface%<-fmoduleinfo%> is not supported on this target%<-fno-fat-lto-objects%> are supported only with linker plugin%<-fno-gnu89-inline%> is only supported in GNU99 or C99 mode%<-fobjc-abi-version%> %d is not supported for 32 bit targets with %<-fnext-runtime%>%<-fobjc-abi-version%> 2 must be used for 64 bit targets with %<-fnext-runtime%>%<-fobjc-exceptions%> is required to enable Objective-C exception syntax%<-fobjc-gc%> is ignored for %<-fgnu-runtime%>%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is ignored for %<-fgnu-runtime%>%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is ignored for %<-fnext-runtime%> when %<-fobjc-abi-version%> greater than 1%<-fobjc-sjlj-exceptions%> is the only supported exceptions system for %<-fnext-runtime%> with %<-fobjc-abi-version%> argument less than 2%<-foffload-abi%> option can be specified only for offload compiler%<-fonly=%> argument is different from first input file name%<-fopenacc-dim%> operand is malformed at %qs%<-fpic%> and %<-fPIC%> not supported without %<-mdsbt%> on this target%<-fpic%> and %<-mapcs-reent%> are incompatible%<-fpic%> is not supported%<-fpie%> is not supported%<-fprefetch-loop-arrays%> is not supported with %<-Os%>%<-fprefetch-loop-arrays%> not supported for this target%<-fprefetch-loop-arrays%> not supported for this target (try %<-march%> switches)%<-frecord-gcc-switches%> is not supported by the current target%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not support unwind info on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> does not work with exceptions on this architecture%<-freorder-blocks-and-partition%> not supported on this architecture%<-fsanitize-address-use-after-scope%> requires %<-fstack-reuse=none%> option%<-fsanitize-recover=%s%> is not supported%<-fsanitize-trap=%s%> is not supported%<-fsanitize=%s%> is incompatible with %<-fsanitize=%s%>%<-fsanitize=address%> and %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%> are not supported for this target%<-fsanitize=address%> not supported for this target%<-fsanitize=all%> option is not valid%<-fsanitize=kernel-address%> with stack protection is not supported without %<-fasan-shadow-offset=%> for this target%<-fsanitize=pointer-compare%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=pointer-subtract%> must be combined with %<-fsanitize=address%> or %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack%> not supported in current platform%<-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack%> requires %<-ffixed-x18%>%<-fsanitize=shadow-call-stack%> requires %<-fno-exceptions%>%<-fsplit-stack%> currently only supported on GNU/Linux%<-fsplit-stack%> currently only supported on PowerPC64 GNU/Linux with glibc-2.18 or later%<-fsplit-stack%> does not support 2 register parameters for a nested function%<-fsplit-stack%> does not support 3 register parameters%<-fsplit-stack%> does not support fastcall with nested function%<-fsplit-stack%> is not supported by this compiler configuration%<-fsplit-stack%> requires assembler support for CFI directives%<-fstack-check=%> and %<-fstack-clash-protection%> are mutually exclusive; disabling %<-fstack-check=%>%<-fstack-check=specific%> for Thumb-1%<-fstack-check=specific%> not implemented for MIPS16%<-fstack-clash-protection%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because %<-fstack-check%> was specified on the command line%<-fstack-clash-protection%> is not supported on targets where the stack grows from lower to higher addresses%<-fstack-limit-%> options are ignored with %<-mfdpic%>; use %<-mstack-check-l1%>%<-fstack-limit-%> options are not supported on this cpu%<-fstack-protector%> does not work on this architecture%<-fstack-protector%> not supported for this target%<-fstack-protector-strong%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because it was specified on the command line%<-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because it was specified on the command line%<-fuse-cxa-atexit%> is not supported for msp430-elf%<-fuse-linker-plugin%>, but %s not found%<-fwpa%> and %<-fltrans%> are mutually exclusive%<-g%> is only supported when using GAS on this processor%<-g%> option disabled%<-g%> with %<-mno-apcs-frame%> may not give sensible debugging%<-gdwarf%s%> is ambiguous; use %<-gdwarf-%s%> for DWARF version or %<-gdwarf%> %<-g%s%> for debug level%<-gdwarf-6%> is output as version 5 with incompatibilities%<-ginline-points%> is forced disabled without %<-gstatement-frontiers%>%<-ginternal-reset-location-views%> is forced disabled without %<-gvariable-location-views%>%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<-gsplit-dwarf%> is not supported on this platform, ignored%<-gsplit-dwarf%> is not supported with LTO, disabling%<-iplugindir%> option not passed from the gcc driver%<-m%s%> not supported in this configuration%<-m%s%> overrides %<-m%s=%s%>, adjusting ABI to %qs%<-m%s=%s%> conflicts with %qs, which requires %<%s%s%>%<-m32%> conflicts with %<-arch ppc64%> (%<-m32%> ignored)%<-m32%> conflicts with %<-arch x86_64%> (%<-m32%> ignored)%<-m64%> requires a PowerPC64 cpu%<-m96bit-long-double%> is not compatible with this target%<-mabi=%s%> not supported with %<-fsanitize=address%>%<-mabi=%s%> not supported with %<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>%<-mabi=%s%> not supported with %<-fsanitize=thread%>%<-mabi=2fp+%> option only support when FPU available, must be enable %<-mext-fpu-sp%> or %<-mext-fpu-dp%>%<-mabi=ms%> not supported with X32 ABI%<-maix64%> required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported%<-maix64%> requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled%<-malign-functions%> is obsolete, use %<-falign-functions%>%<-malign-functions=%d%> is not between 0 and %d%<-malign-jumps%> is obsolete, use %<-falign-jumps%>%<-malign-jumps=%d%> is not between 0 and %d%<-malign-loops%> is obsolete, use %<-falign-loops%>%<-malign-loops=%d%> is not between 0 and %d%<-mapcs-stack-check%> incompatible with %<-mno-apcs-frame%>%<-mapx-features=%> option is not supported for 32-bit code%<-mapxf%> is not supported for 32-bit code%<-march=%> must be specified%<-march=%s%> is not compatible with the selected ABI%<-march=%s%> requires %<-mfp32%>%<-march=%s%>: %s must separate with %<_%>%<-march=%s%>: ISA string must begin with rv32 or rv64%<-march=%s%>: Not single-letter extension. %<%c%>%<-march=%s%>: expect number after %<%dp%>%<-march=%s%>: extension %qs appear more than one time%<-march=%s%>: extension %qs is unsupported standard single letter extension%<-march=%s%>: extension %qs starts with 's' but is unsupported standard supervisor extension%<-march=%s%>: extension %qs starts with 'x' but is unsupported non-standard extension%<-march=%s%>: extension %qs starts with 'z' but is unsupported standard extension%<-march=%s%>: first ISA subset must be %, % or %%<-march=%s%>: for %<%s%dp%dp?%>, version number with more than 2 level is not supported%<-march=%s%>: h extension requires i extension%<-march=%s%>: i, e or g must be the first extension%<-march=%s%>: name of %s must be more than 1 letter%<-march=%s%>: rv%de is not a valid base ISA%<-march=%s%>: xtheadvector conflicts with vector extension or its sub-extensions%<-march=%s%>: z*inx conflicts with floating-point extensions%<-march=%s%>: zcd conflicts with zcmp%<-march=%s%>: zcd conflicts with zcmt%<-march=%s%>: zcf extension supports in rv32 only%<-march=knl%> support will be removed in GCC 15%<-march=knm%> support will be removed in GCC 15%<-masm=intel%> not supported in this configuration%<-max-stackframe=%d%> is not usable, not between 0 and %d%<-mbackchain%> %<-mpacked-stack%> %<-mhard-float%> are not supported in combination%<-mbranch-cost=%d%> is not between 0 and 5%<-mcall-aixdesc%> incompatible with %<-mabi=elfv2%>%<-mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues%> is not compatible with %s%<-mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues%> isn%'t currently supported with SEH%<-mcmodel%> incompatible with other toc options%<-mcmodel=%> is not supported in 32-bit mode%<-mcode-region=either%> requires the large memory model (%<-mlarge%>)%<-mcode-region=upper%> requires the large memory model (%<-mlarge%>)%<-mcorea%> and %<-mcoreb%> cannot be used together%<-mcorea%> should be used with %<-mmulticore%>%<-mcoreb%> should be used with %<-mmulticore%>%<-mcpu=%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=%> or %<-march=%> instead%<-mcpu=%s%> conflicts with %<-march=%s%>%<-mcpu=%s%> has invalid silicon revision%<-mcpu=%s%> is not valid%<-mcpu=%s%>: unknown CPU%<-mdata-region=either%> requires the large memory model (%<-mlarge%>)%<-mdata-region=upper%> requires the large memory model (%<-mlarge%>)%<-mdiv%> requires %<-march%> to subsume the % extension%<-mdouble-float%> ignored without %<-mhard-float%>%<-mdynamic-no-pic%> overrides %<-fpic%>, %<-fPIC%>, %<-fpie%> or %<-fPIE%>%<-mes0%> can only be used with C%<-mexr%> is used without %<-ms%>%<-mexr%> is used without %<-ms%> or %<-msx%>%<-mfdivdu%> ignored without %<-mhard-float%>%<-mfdpic%> is not supported, please use a bfin-linux-uclibc target%<-mfentry%> is supported only for 64-bit CPUs%<-mfentry%> isn%'t supported for 32-bit in combination with %<-fpic%>%<-mfloat-abi=hard%> and VFP%<-mfloat-abi=hard%>: selected architecture lacks an FPU%<-mfpxx%> can only be used with the o32 ABI%<-mfpxx%> requires %<-mlra%>%<-mfunction-return%> and %<-fcf-protection%> are not compatible%<-mfunction-return=%s%> and %<-mcmodel=large%> are not compatible%<-mfused-madd%> is deprecated; use %<-ffp-contract=%> instead%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined if the target supports the mfhc1 and mthc1 instructions%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI%<-mgp32%> used with a 64-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit processor%<-mgpopt%> not supported with PIC%<-mgprel-sec=%> argument is not a valid regular expression%<-mgprel-sec=%> not supported with PIC%<-mhard-dfp%> cannot be used in conjunction with %<-msoft-float%>%<-mhard-float%> is not supported by the selected CPU%<-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d%> is not between %d and 12%<-mindirect-branch%> and %<-fcf-protection%> are not compatible%<-mindirect-branch=%s%> and %<-mcmodel=large%> are not compatible%<-mintel-syntax%> and %<-mno-intel-syntax%> are deprecated; use %<-masm=intel%> and %<-masm=att%> instead%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>%<-misr-secure=%d%> argument not in between 0 and 3%<-misr-vector-size=%d%> argument must be 4 or 16%<-mlam=%> option: [u48|u57] not supported for 32-bit code%<-mlam=u48%> is not compatible with Hardware-assisted AddressSanitizer, override to %<-mlam=u57%>%<-mlarge%> requires a 430X-compatible %<-mmcu=%>%<-mlong-double-64%> not allowed with %<-m64%>%<-mloongson-ext2%> must be used with %<-mloongson-ext%>%<-mloongson-mmi%> must be used with %<-mhard-float%>%<-mmsa%> must be used with %<-mfp64%> and %<-mhard-float%>%<-mmul=g13%> cannot be used with %<-mcpu=g10%>%<-mmul=g13%> cannot be used with %<-mcpu=g14%>%<-mmul=g14%> cannot be used with %<-mcpu=g10%>%<-mmul=g14%> cannot be used with %<-mcpu=g13%>%<-mmulticore%> can only be used with BF561%<-mn%> is not supported for linux targets%<-mno-%s%> turns off %<-m%s%>%<-mno-allow-string-insns%> forbids the generation of the RMPA instruction%<-mno-altivec%> disables vsx%<-mno-avx10.1, -mno-avx10.1-256, -mno-avx10.1-512%> cannot disable AVX512 instructions when %<-mavx512XXX%>%<-mno-avx512XXX%> cannot disable AVX10 instructions when AVX10 is available%<-mno-dpfp-lrsr%> supported only with %<-mdpfp%>%<-mno-evex512%> or %<-mno-avx512XXX%> cannot disable AVX10 instructions when AVX10.1-512 is available%<-mno-exr%> is valid only with %<-ms%> or %<-msx%> - option ignored%<-mno-fentry%> isn%'t compatible with SEH%<-mno-gpopt%> needs %<-mexplicit-relocs%>%<-mno-mpy%> supported only for ARC700 or ARCv2%<-mno-pic-data-is-text-relative%> cannot be used without %<-fpic%>/%<-fPIC%>%<-mnop-mcount%> is not compatible with this target%<-mnop-mcount%> is not implemented for %<-fPIC%>%<-mpcrel%> %<-fPIC%> is not currently supported on selected cpu%<-mpic-register=%> is useless without %<-fpic%>%<-mpic-symbol-stubs%> is not required for 64-bit code (ignored)%<-mpreferred-stack-boundary%> is not supported for this target%<-mpreferred-stack-boundary=%d%> is not between %d and %d%<-mpreferred-stack-boundary=%d%> must be between %d and %d%<-mquad-memory%> is not available in little endian mode%<-mquad-memory%> requires 64-bit mode%<-mquad-memory-atomic%> requires 64-bit mode%<-mr0rel-sec=%> argument is not a valid regular expression%<-mr0rel-sec=%> not supported with PIC%<-mregparm%> is ignored for Intel MCU psABI%<-mregparm%> is ignored in 64-bit mode%<-mregparm=%d%> is not between 0 and %d%<-mrelax%> is only supported for RTP PIC%<-mriscv-attribute%> RISC-V ELF attribute requires GNU as 2.32 [%<-mriscv-attribute%>]%<-mrtd%> is ignored in 64bit mode%<-ms2600%> is used without %<-ms%>%<-mshared-library-id=%> specified without %<-mid-shared-library%>%<-mshared-library-id=%s%> is not between 0 and %d%<-msmart%> is incompatible with %<-mhigh-registers%>%<-mspfp_fast%> not available on ARC600 or ARC601%<-msse5%> was removed%<-msseregparm%> used without SSE enabled%<-mstack-guard%> implies use of %<-mstack-size%>%<-mstack-protector-guard=tls%> needs a hardware TLS register%<-mstringop-strategy=rep_8byte%> not supported for 32-bit code%<-mtpf-trace-hook-epilogue-check%> requires integer in range 0-4095%<-mtpf-trace-hook-epilogue-target%> requires integer in range 0-4095%<-mtpf-trace-hook-prologue-check%> requires integer in range 0-4095%<-mtpf-trace-hook-prologue-target%> requires integer in range 0-4095%<-mtune=%> expects mn10300, am33, am33-2, or am34%<-mtune=knl%> support will be removed in GCC 15%<-mtune=knm%> support will be removed in GCC 15%<-mtune=x86-64%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=k8%> or %<-mtune=generic%> instead as appropriate%<-muintr%> not supported for 32-bit code%<-mvrsave=no%> is deprecated; use %<-mno-vrsave%> instead%<-mvrsave=yes%> is deprecated; use %<-mvrsave%> instead%<-mvsx%> and %<-mno-altivec%> are incompatible%<-mvsx%> needs indexed addressing%<-mvsx%> requires hardware floating point%<-mxl-multiply-high%> can be used only with %<-mcpu=v6.00.a%> or greater%<-mxl-multiply-high%> requires %<-mno-xl-soft-mul%>%<-mxl-reorder%> can be used only with %<-mcpu=v8.30.a%> or greater%<-mxl-reorder%> requires %<-mxl-pattern-compare%> for %<-mcpu=v8.30.a%>%<-mxnack=on%> is incompatible with %<-march=%s%>%<-pipe%> ignored because %<-save-temps%> specified%<-pipe%> not supported%<-x %s%> after last input file has no effect%<.%s%> designator used multiple times in the same initializer list%<...%> handler must be the last handler for its try block%<...%> not allowed in designated initializer list%<::%> needed in PROCEDURE binding with explicit target at %C%<::%D%> has not been declared%<::%D%> has not been declared; did you mean %qs?%<::%E%> has not been declared%<::%E%> is not a class or namespace%<::%E%> is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%<::%E%> is not a type%<::main%> must return %%<<:%> is an alternate spelling for %<[%>. Insert whitespace between %<<%> and %<::%>%<<::%> cannot begin a template-argument list%<<<%> in boolean context, did you mean %<<%>?%<=%>options missing after %<-foffload-options=%>target%<=> target%> is invalid for DEFERRED binding at %C%<>>%> operator is treated as two right angle brackets in C++11%<>>%> should be %<> >%> within a nested template argument list% using integer constants in boolean context% using integer constants in boolean context, the expression will always evaluate to %%<@catch%> parameter cannot be protocol-qualified%<@catch%> parameter is not a known Objective-C class type%<@dynamic%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@dynamic%> not in @implementation context%<@dynamic%> requires the @interface of the class to be available%<@encode%> must specify a type as an argument%<@end%> missing in implementation context%<@end%> must appear in an @implementation context%<@interface%> of class %qE not found%<@optional%> is allowed in @protocol context only%<@optional%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@package%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@package%> presently has the same effect as %<@public%>%<@property%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@required%> is allowed in @protocol context only%<@required%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@synchronized%> argument is not an object%<@synthesize%> cannot be used in categories%<@synthesize%> is not available in Objective-C 1.0%<@synthesize%> not in @implementation context%<@synthesize%> requires the @interface of the class to be available%<@throw%> (rethrow) used outside of a %<@catch%> block%<@throw%> argument is not an object%<@try%> without %<@catch%> or %<@finally%>% must be set% and % column headings are missing from %% column heading is missing from %% base address is not a multiple of 256% index %% calls should have same constant size for the first argument and LHS% clause at %L must not be used together with % clause% in format at %L% directive not at the start of a loop at %C% directive not at the start of a loop at %C% directive not at the start of a loop at %C% directive requires a non-negative integral constant less than or equal to %u at %C% directive not at the start of a loop at %C% not used with % or stronger memory model% not used with % or stronger memory model% is not set to true% argument of % intrinsic at %L is an array and shall not have storage size 0 when % argument has size greater than 0% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be %s% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be a %s% column heading is missing from %% null pointer%: Unknown punctuation %<%c%>%, null pointer% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be a %s% is non-NULL in % list% not %% is not %% type is not %% is not %% is %i while % is %p% is set while it should not be% has different %% is not compatible% of main variant is not main variant% defined in incomplete type% field is non-NULL% has different %% non-NULL% is not main variant% is not record nor union% of % is not compatible% is not %% is not %% is not record nor union% field is non-NULL% is not % nor %% modifier on non-integer register%<[%E] =%> used in a GNU-style designated initializer for class %qT%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%<[*]%> not in a declaration%<[[omp::directive(%s)]]%> must be the only specified attribute on a statement%<[super ...]%> must appear in a method context%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of %qE%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of compound literal%<_Alignas%> specifiers cannot reduce alignment of unnamed field%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause on % construct%<_Atomic%> %qD in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in %qs clause%<_Atomic%> %qD in implicit % clause on % construct%<_Atomic%> %qD in implicit % clause%<_Atomic%> %qE in % clause%<_Atomic%> %qE in %qs clause%<_Atomic%> applied to a qualified type%<_Atomic%> expression in %<#pragma omp atomic%>%<_Atomic%> in Objective-C%<_Atomic%> iteration variable %qE%<_Atomic%> qualified type in %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>%<_Atomic%>-qualified array type%<_Atomic%>-qualified function type%<_Atomic%>-qualified parameter type %qT of %q+D%<_Atomic%>-qualified return type of %qD%<_BitInt%> argument %qE is larger than % %qd%<_BitInt%> argument %qE is not a positive integer constant expression%<_BitInt%> argument is not an integer constant expression%<_BitInt(%d)%> is not supported on this target%<_Complex _BitInt(%d)%> unsupported%<_FORTIFY_SOURCE%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because it was specified in %<-D%> or %<-U%>%<_FORTIFY_SOURCE%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because optimizations are turned off%<_Float%d%s%> is not supported on this target%<_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS%> is not enabled by %<-fhardened%> because it was specified in %<-D%> or %<-U%>%<_Generic%> association has function type%<_Generic%> association has incomplete type%<_Generic%> association has variable length type%<_Generic%> selector matches multiple associations%<_Generic%> selector of type %qT is not compatible with any association%<_Generic%> specifies two compatible types%<_Noreturn%> in empty declaration%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute not allowed with auto storage class%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__GIMPLE%> only valid with %<-fgimple%>%<__RTL%> function cannot be compiled with %<-flto%>%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__auto_type%> followed by %<[[]]%> attributes%<__auto_type%> requires a plain identifier as declarator%<__auto_type%> used with a bit-field initializer%<__bfloat16%> is redefined from typedef % to real %<__bf16%> since GCC 13.1, be careful of implicit conversion between %<__bf16%> and %; an explicit bitcast may be needed here%<__builtin_arc_aligned%> with non-constant alignment%<__builtin_bit_cast%> destination type %qT is an array type%<__builtin_bit_cast%> destination type %qT is not trivially copyable%<__builtin_bit_cast%> source size %qE not equal to destination type size %qE%<__builtin_bit_cast%> source type %qT is not trivially copyable%<__builtin_complex%> operand not of real binary floating-point type%<__builtin_complex%> operands of different types%<__builtin_convertvector%> first argument must be an integer or floating vector%<__builtin_convertvector%> number of elements of the first argument vector and the second argument vector type should be the same%<__builtin_convertvector%> second argument must be an integer or floating vector type%<__builtin_eh_return%> not supported on this target%<__builtin_has_attribute%> with dependent argument not supported yet%<__builtin_is_corresponding_member%> argument is not pointer to member%<__builtin_is_corresponding_member%> needs two arguments%<__builtin_is_corresponding_member%> not well defined for anonymous unions%<__builtin_is_pointer_interconvertible_with_class%> argument is not pointer to member%<__builtin_is_pointer_interconvertible_with_class%> needs a single argument%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__builtin_rx_%s%> takes %, %, %, %, %, or %%<__builtin_saveregs%> not supported by this subtarget%<__builtin_saveregs%> not supported by this target%<__builtin_set_thread_pointer%> is not supported on this target%<__builtin_shuffle%> argument vector(s) inner type must have the same size as inner type of the mask%<__builtin_shuffle%> argument vectors must be of the same type%<__builtin_shuffle%> arguments must be vectors%<__builtin_shuffle%> last argument must be an integer vector%<__builtin_shuffle%> number of elements of the argument vector(s) and the mask vector should be the same%<__builtin_shufflevector%> argument vectors must have the same element type%<__builtin_shufflevector%> arguments must be constant size vectors%<__builtin_shufflevector%> arguments must be vectors%<__builtin_shufflevector%> must specify a result with a power of two number of elements%<__builtin_thread_pointer%> is not supported on this target%<__builtin_unreachable%> or %<__builtin_trap%> call with arguments%<__delay_cycles%> is limited to 32-bit loop counts%<__delay_cycles%> only takes constant arguments%<__delay_cycles%> only takes non-negative cycle counts%<__fp16%> and no ldrh%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as % or %%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__int%d%> is not supported by this target%<__int%d%> is not supported on this target%<__label__%> declarations are only allowed in function scopes%<__label__%> not at the beginning of a block%<__restrict%> can only be specified for objects and functions%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %qD%<__thread%> can only be specified for objects and functions%<__transaction_atomic%> without transactional memory support enabled%<__transaction_cancel%> not within %<__transaction_atomic%>%<__transaction_cancel%> within a %<__transaction_relaxed%>%<__transaction_cancel%> without transactional memory support enabled%<__transaction_relaxed%> without transactional memory support enabled%<__type_pack_element%> index is negative%<__type_pack_element%> index is not an integral constant%<__type_pack_element%> index is out of range% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be %s(%d)% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER, REAL or CHARACTER% must contain at least one % or % or % clause at %L% attribute ignored because function is defined% clause argument needs to be positive constant power of two integer expression% argument has non-integral type %qT% in empty declaration with % underlying type% clause alignment expression must be integral% clause alignment expression must be positive constant integer expression% clause % modifier argument needs to be positive constant power of two integer expression% clause allocator expression has type %qT rather than %% clause must specify an allocator here% directive for %qD inside a target region must specify an % clause% directive must be in the same scope as %qD% clause allocator expression has type %qT rather than %% clause required for static variable %qD% clause requires a predefined allocator as %qD is static% function might not be inlinable unless also declared %% attribute requires string constant arguments% device modifier not preceded by % directive with % clause% device modifier not preceded by % directive with % clause at %C% of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0% with complex typed outputs% clobber conflict with input operand% clobber conflict with output operand% declaration ignored due to conflict with previous rename% flags not supported in thumb1 mode% in % function only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% not allowed in % function% not allowed in atomic transaction% operand %d probably does not match constraints% operand constraint incompatible with operand size% operand has impossible constraints% operand has impossible constraints or there are not enough registers% operand requires impossible reload% qualifier %qT ignored outside of function body% qualifier outside of function body% specifier for cc output conflicts with % clobber list% specifier for variable %qE conflicts with % clobber list% specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members% can be unsafe for Objective-C objects; please state explicitly if you need it% property %qs is using bit-field instance variable %qs% attribute at top level% attribute not followed by %<;%>% expression must be integral% failed% property %qs is using bit-field instance variable %qs%% clause used lexically after first % construct without memory order clause% can only be specified for variables or function declarations% changes meaning in C++11; please remove it% conflicts with other OpenACC loop specifiers% in file-scope empty declaration% not allowed in alias declaration% parameter not permitted in this context% requires a plain identifier, possibly with attributes, as declarator% used with %% cannot be constrained% only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% cannot be constrained% only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% must return %, % or a coroutine handle% has no effect on non-interrupt functions% or % suffix on floating constant only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% clause not specified on a % construct not nested inside another OpenMP construct% on a % construct nested inside % construct% on a % region not strictly nested inside of a % region% contains only 2 bytes of address% inside % for construct% inside % for construct% inside % sections construct% is not supported% only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-fconcepts%>% %qs cannot be declared %% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in field declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in parameter declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in type declaration% and % function specifiers on %qD invalid in variable declaration% can only be specified for objects and functions% qualified % expression% qualified %qE may appear only in % or % clauses% qualified %qE without % member may appear only in % or % clauses%, % or %<__restrict%>-qualified type %qT in %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>% function %q+D overriding non-% function% call flows off the end of the function% constructor does not have empty body% constructor for union %qT must initialize exactly one non-static data member% destructors only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% evaluation depth exceeds maximum of %d (use %<-fconstexpr-depth=%> to increase the maximum)% evaluation operation count exceeds limit of %wd (use %<-fconstexpr-ops-limit=%> to increase the limit)% in empty declaration% initializer for a binary floating-point type is of decimal type% initializer for a real type is of complex type% initializer is not an arithmetic constant expression% initializer not representable in type of object% integer initializer is not an integer constant expression% lambda only available with %<-std=c++17%> or %<-std=gnu++17%>% loop iteration count exceeds limit of %d (use %<-fconstexpr-loop-limit=%> to increase the limit)% needed for in-class initialization of static data member %q#D of non-integral type% object has variably modified type% pointer initializer is not null% static data member %qD must have an initializer% used with %qE% variable %qD has variably-modified type %qT% can only be applied to a variable with static or thread storage duration% on function return type is not allowed% specifier invalid for function %qs% variable %qD does not have a constant initializer% region may not be nested inside a % region with the same name% argument should be a non-negative integer% is not recognized as FPU instruction% requires argument% option does not support %% option requires configuration argument% in declaration of deduction guide% directive not immediately followed by function declaration or definition% on constructor %qD% on defaulted %qD% on deleted %qD% on destructor %qD% on virtual %qD% cannot resolve address of overloaded function% evaluates to %qT, which is not a class or enumeration type% cannot be cv-qualified% type specifier only available with %<-std=c++14%> or %<-std=gnu++14%>% label not within a switch statement% target was not set% is not a constant expression% clause with % dependence type on array section% is only allowed in %% dependence type specified in % clause on % construct% expression is not lvalue expression% expression is not lvalue expression% clause event handle has type %qT rather than %% clause must not be used together with % clause% clause with % is only allowed on % construct% id must be integral% clause must specify 'any' when used with an % clause% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid codimension index% argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index% argument of %s intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index% chunk size expression must be integral% region must be strictly nested inside % construct% not permitted with %<-fno-rtti%>%(%#D)%> can never succeed% without a previous %% declared in % loop initial declaration% declared both with and without fixed underlying type% declared with but defined without fixed underlying type% underlying type incompatible with previous declaration% underlying type may not be specified here% can only be specified for constructors% in friend declaration% outside class declaration% only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% not part of following module-directive% linkage started here% attribute have effect only on public objects% or % suffix on floating constant only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% attribute at top level% attribute not followed by %<;%>% attribute specified with a parameter% attribute directive ignored% expression must be integral% attribute is ignored on aliases% list specified together with memory order clause%: %s: %m% loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 or C11 mode% can only be specified inside a class% used outside of class% support% support for MMIX% loop in % region% num expression must be integral% num value must be positive% static expression must be integral% static value must be positive% CPU can be used only for %<-mtune=%> switch% CPU can be used only for % attribute% attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration% attribute present on %q+D% in % function only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% is not a constant expression% (%ld) or % (%ld) is less than zero% expression must be integral% value must be positive% applied to non-register operand% MIPS16 code for ABIs other than o32 and o64% expression must be constant integer expression% expression must be integral% construct at %L requires % clause% construct requires % clause% only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>% requires compound statement% only available with %<-std=c++17%> or %<-std=gnu++17%>% resolver for %qD must return %qT% resolver for %qD should return %qT% clause is incompatible with %% attribute cannot apply for static function% can only be specified for functions% in empty declaration% is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qD% specified for friend class declaration% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% specifier invalid for variable %qD declared at block scope% % clause on %qs construct% % clause on construct other than %, %, %, %, %% % clause used together with % clause for a variable other than loop iterator% % clause with array section% REDUCTION clause on construct other than DO, SIMD, DO SIMD, PARALLEL DO, PARALLEL DO SIMD at %L% and non-% % clauses on the same construct% and non-% % clauses on the same construct at %L% CPU can be used only for %<-mtune=%> switch% CPU can be used only for % attribute% is available only on fido% modifier incompatible with %qs% modifier may not be specified on % construct% parameter is not a power of two %d% check: failed in %s, at %s:%d% clause on a % construct refers to a variable %qD which is not the loop iterator% clause for variable other than loop iterator specified on construct combined with %% clause may not be specified together with % clause if stand-alone % construct is nested in it% clause step %qE is neither constant nor a parameter% clause step expression must be integral% clause step is a parameter %qD not specified in % clause% is not defined as a type% is not defined as a type% is too long for GCC% and % specified together% switch expression not converted to % in ISO C% does not match %% is corrupted for lp %i% failed% declared %<_Noreturn%>% clause with map-type modifier other than %, % or %% used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters% used with length equal to number of elements without multiplication by element size% attribute is not compatible with %<-mfentry%> for 32-bit% attribute is not compatible with nested function% needs one or more arguments% expects 2 arguments% lambda specifier with explicit object parameter% kind in % clause on a % construct% is ambiguous% definition is not allowed here% of % does not extend the lifetime of the underlying array% of type %qT with extended alignment %d% does not accept arguments% clause must not be used together with % clause% attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration% schedule modifier specified together with % clause% argument %qD compared to NULL% function does return% clause must not be used together with %% value must be positive% lower bound %qE bigger than upper bound %qE% value must be positive% value must be positive% cannot be used with %<-fno-rtti%>% could not be found, but is implicitly used% within non-standard-layout type %qT is conditionally-supported% requires at least % for %<-foffload-options=nvptx-none=-march=%> - disabling offload-code generation for this device type% attribute requires argument% not allowed to be specified in this context% not allowed to be specified in this context% at %C not permitted in this clause% may only be used in OpenMP % clause% used with % kind other than % or %% used with DEPEND kind other than OUT or INOUT at %C% used with dependence-type other than OUT or INOUT at %C%, declared at %L, may only be used in the OpenMP DEPEND clause%% in %<%s%E%>% must return type %qT% takes type %qT as first parameter% cannot be a destroying delete% must not return NULL unless it is declared % (or %<-fcheck-new%> is in effect)% must return type %qT% takes type % (%qT) as first parameter%% in %<%E %s %E%>% in %<%E%s%>% in %<%s%E%>% should return a reference to %<*this%>%% in %<%E[%E]%>% of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1% clause must not be used together with %% must be closely nested inside of %<%s simd%> region% % must be closely nested inside % region% clause parameter is less than %% clause with parameter on range-based % loop% construct with % clause must be closely nested inside an % loop% construct with %qs clause must be closely nested inside a loop with % clause% construct without % or % clauses binds to loop where % argument %wd is different from % argument %wd% construct without % or % clauses must not have the same binding region as % construct with those clauses% region may not be closely nested inside of %, %, explicit % or % region% region must be closely nested inside a loop region with an % clause% pragma should only be used with %<-fpreprocessed%>% failed: %m% encountered% encountered: %s% requires at least one clause% expression must be integral% value must be non-negative% attribute conflicts with % attribute% attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration% does not match %% is corrupted for region %i% in file-scope empty declaration% storage class specifier used% from integer to pointer% from type %qT to type %qT casts away qualifiers% is not a constant expression%(%E)%> is not a constant expression% only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-fconcepts%>% selector is not supported yet% with a value, in function returning void% with no value, in function returning non-void% declared here% clause expression must be positive constant integer expression% is not supported because endianness is not uniform% region may not be closely nested inside of work-sharing, %, explicit %, %, %, %, %, or % region% argument must be constant integer expression% argument must be constant integer expression at %C% argument must be non-negative% argument must be non-negative at %C% cannot be specified in traits in the %qs trait-selector-set% cannot be specified in traits in the %qs trait-selector-set at %C% overrides other OpenACC loop specifiers% attribute of property %qD conflicts with previous declaration% specified here% argument of % intrinsic at %L has more than %d elements% argument of % intrinsic at %L must be an array of constant size% argument must be at least 2% and % specified together% clause expression must be positive constant integer expression% clause value is bigger than % clause value% applied to a bit-field% on array function parameter %qE will return size of %qT% argument must be surrounded by parentheses% and long-double-128 are incompatible% argument of % intrinsic at %L must not be an assumed size array% must be a multiple of 4% must be at least 4% %qs cannot be declared %% lambda specifier with explicit object parameter% lambda specifier with lambda capture% may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% message % must be a core constant expression% message % must be implicitly convertible to %% message % must be a constant expression% message % %qE too large% message % must be a constant expression% message % must be implicitly convertible to %% message must be a string literal or object with % and % members% with non-string message only available with %<-std=c++2c%> or %<-std=gnu++2c%>% without a message only available with %<-std=c++17%> or %<-std=gnu++17%>% from type %qT to type %qT casts away qualifiers% is defined in header %qs; this is probably fixable by adding %<#include %s%>% is only available from %s onwards% always evaluates to false in a non-% function% always evaluates to true in %% always evaluates to true in a % function% does not contain only non-static data members %<_M_file_name%>, %<_M_function_name%>, %<_M_line%> and %<_M_column%>%::type%> is %%::value%> is not an integral constant expression% using directive no longer supported% mode %qE selected for %qD, when %qE was requested% declared in % loop initial declaration% attribute argument %qs must contain one or two %<@%>% attribute argument not a string constant% attribute is only applicable to symbols% attribute only applies to functions and variables% for % failed: %m% attribute is not supported on this machine% construct with nested % construct contains directives outside of the % construct% support will be removed in GCC 15% support will be removed in GCC 15% is ignored in 64bit mode% used without SSE enabled% support will be removed in GCC 15% support will be removed in GCC 15% is deprecated; use % or % instead as appropriate% attribute: arch appears more than once% attribute: cpu appears more than once% attribute: tune appears more than once% attribute: unknown CPU %qs% attribute: unknown TUNE %qs% attribute needs GLIBC (2.23 and newer) that exports hardware capability bits% selector set is not supported yet% attribute is not supported on this machine% reduction modifier on a construct with a % clause% construct with % clause but no % clauses% construct must be closely nested inside of % construct or not nested in any OpenMP construct% keyword not permitted in destructor name% must follow a nested-name-specifier% allowed in OpenMP only in % clauses% cannot be captured by reference% is unavailable for explicit object member functions% is unavailable for static member functions% may not be used in this context% must be the first specifier in a parameter declaration% not allowed in % clause% specifier in template parameter declaration% was not captured for this lambda function% expression must be integral% value must be positive% %qD is not file, namespace or block scope variable% %qE directive not in %qT definition% %qE has incomplete type% will always call %% argument needs integral type% argument needs positive integral constant% function call not within outer transaction or %% may only be specified for a virtual function% is not defined as a pointer type% is not defined as a type% in % function only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% specifier conflicts with %qs% used with %% was ignored in this declaration% is not a constant expression because %qE is of polymorphic type% of qualified function type %qT% operator cannot appear in a constant-expression% names %q#D, which is not a type% names %q#T, which is not a class template% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% clause with traits and memory spaces% of %qT before its enum-specifier% of dependent type %qT% of incomplete type %qT% of non-enumeration type %q#T% only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% with enumeration scope %q#T only available with %<-std=c++20%> or %<-std=gnu++20%>% used in function with fixed arguments% is deprecated for little endian; use assignment for unaligned loads and stores% is deprecated for little endian; use assignment for unaligned loads and stores% length expression must be integral% length value must be positive% failed% failed% can only be specified for functions% outside class declaration% specified more than once in base-specifier% as only parameter may not be qualified% must be the only parameter% can only be specified for objects and functions%-qualified parameter is deprecated%-qualified return type is deprecated%-qualified structured binding is deprecated% expression must be integral% may not be specified for %q+D% clause requires atomic equality comparison% attribute ignored because function is defined% attribute ignored because variable is initialized% attribute should be accompanied with an % attribute% cannot be versioned% num expression must be integral% num value must be positive%<||%> not valid in GIMPLE%<~%> on a boolean expression%<~%> on an expression of type %%<~auto%> only available with %<-std=c++14%> or %<-std=gnu++14%>%@ %s%@ %s (depth %i)%@ %s (fndecl %qD, depth %i)%d bytes of gang-private data-share memory exhausted (increase with %<-mgang-private-size=%d%>, for example)%d constructor found %d constructors found %d destructor found %d destructors found %d exits recorded for loop %d (having %d exits)%d frame table found %d frame tables found %i-bit mode not compiled in%llu bytes%q#D cannot be overloaded with %q#D%q#D conflicts with a previous declaration%q#D conflicts with version inherited from %qT%q#D declared here%q#D declared here with internal linkage%q#D declared here with module linkage%q#D declared here with no linkage%q#D does not refer to the unqualified type, so it is not used for linkage%q#D explicitly defaulted here%q#D has incomplete type%q#D hides constructor for %q#D%q#D inherits from multiple base subobjects%q#D invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members%q#D invalid; an anonymous union may only have public non-static data members%q#D is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition%q#D is implicitly declared as deleted because %qT declares a move constructor or move assignment operator%q#D is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed:%q#D is inaccessible within this context%q#D is not a function template%q#D is not a non-static data member of %qT%q#D is not a valid template argument for type %qT because a reference variable does not have a constant address%q#D is not const%q#D is private within this context%q#D is protected within this context%q#D is public, but requires an existing %q#T object%q#D is volatile%q#D not declared in class%q#D previously declared here%q#D previously defined here%q#D redeclared as different kind of entity%q#D references internal linkage entity %q#D%q#D should be initialized%q#D, declared using local type %qT, is used but never defined%q#D, declared using unnamed type, is used but never defined%q#F is implicitly deleted because its exception-specification does not match the implicit exception-specification %qX%q#T has no member named %qE%q#T has no member named %qE; did you mean %q#D? (accessible via %q#D)%q#T has no member named %qE; did you mean %q#D? (not accessible from this context)%q#T has no member named %qE; did you mean %qE?%q#T has no user-provided default constructor%q#T has pointer data members%q#T has virtual base classes%q#T has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor%q#T is not a class%q#T is not a class or namespace%q#T is not a template%q#T is not a valid type for a template non-type parameter%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating-point value was expected%q#T was previously declared here%q+#D cannot be declared%q+#D is not a static data member of %q#T%q+#D marked %, but is not virtual%q+#D marked %, but does not override%q+D alias between function and variable is not supported%q+D aliased to external symbol %qE%q+D aliased to undefined symbol %qE%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D declared as a friend%q+D declared as variadic function%q+D declared weak after being used%q+D declared with an exception specification%q+D defined as variadic function without prototype%q+D defined both normally and as %qE attribute%q+D defined here%q+D has incompatible attributes %qs and %qs%q+D in declare target directive does not have mappable type%q+D is static but declared in inline function %qD which is not static%q+D is usually a function%q+D offset %E in %qT isn%'t aligned to %u%q+D offset %E in %qT may not be aligned to %u%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared inline with % attribute%q+D redeclared inline without % attribute%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D static data member inside of declare target directive%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+E is not a constant expression%q+F declared % but never defined%q+F used but never defined%q+T is not literal because:%qD accessing %E byte in a region of size %E%qD accessing %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD accessing %E or more bytes in a region of size %E%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu byte may overlap %wu byte%qD accessing %wu bytes may overlap %wu byte%qD accessing %wu byte may overlap up to %wu bytes%qD accessing %wu bytes may overlap up to %wu bytes%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%qD accessing %wu or more bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing between %E and %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s may overlap up to %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu byte at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps %wu or more bytes at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes at offsets %s and %s overlaps between %wu and %wu bytes at offset %s%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes may overlap %wu byte%qD accessing between %wu and %wu bytes may overlap up to %wu bytes%qD alias between functions of incompatible types %qT and %qT%qD already appeared as list item in an % directive%qD appears both in data and map clauses%qD appears more than once in % clauses%qD appears more than once in % clauses%qD appears more than once in % clauses%qD appears more than once in data clauses%qD appears more than once in data-sharing clauses%qD appears more than once in map clauses%qD appears more than once in motion clauses%qD appears more than once in reduction clauses%qD argument %d promotes to %qT where %qT is expected in a call to built-in function declared without prototype%qD argument %d type is %qT where %qT is expected in a call to built-in function declared without prototype%qD argument %i declared attribute %%qD argument %i declared attribute % is smaller than the specified bound %wu%qD argument %i declared attribute % is smaller than the specified bound [%E, %E]%qD argument %i declared attribute % may be smaller than the specified bound [%E, %E]%qD argument missing terminating nul%qD attribute directive ignored%qD attribute is meaningless since members of the anonymous namespace get local symbols%qD attribute requires a single NTBS argument%qD called in a constant expression%qD called in a constant expression before its definition is complete%qD called on a pointer passed to mismatched reallocation function %qD%qD called on a pointer to an unallocated object %qE%qD called on pointer %qE passed to mismatched allocation function %qD%qD called on pointer %qE with nonzero offset%s%qD called on pointer returned from a mismatched allocation function%qD called on pointer to an unallocated object%qD called on unallocated object %qD%qD calls % or similar, %<-fharden-control-flow-redundancy%> is not supported%qD can be marked override%qD cannot appear in a constant-expression%qD cannot be %qs%qD cannot be declared %, since it is always static%qD cannot be defaulted%qD cannot be used as a function%qD cannot have default arguments%qD changed semantics in GCC 4.4%qD clearing an object of non-trivial type %#qT%s%qD clearing an object of type %#qT containing a pointer-to-member%s%qD clearing an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%s%qD conflicts with used function%qD copying an object of non-trivial type %#qT from an array of %#qT%qD copying an object of type %#qT with %qs member %qD from an array of %#qT; use assignment or copy-initialization instead%qD declared % in % context%qD declared % in % context%qD declared %%qD declared as a % field%qD declared as a % parameter%qD declared as a % type%qD declared as a % variable%qD declared as a non-parameter%qD declared as an % field%qD declared as an % parameter%qD declared as an % type%qD declared as array of template placeholder type %qT%qD declared as reference but not initialized%qD declared here%qD declared here, later in the translation unit%qD declared weak after being used%qD defined % in % context%qD defined % in %qs function only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>%qD defined % in % context%qD defined % in %qs function only available with %<-std=c++2b%> or %<-std=gnu++2b%>%qD defined but not used%qD defined here%qD destination unchanged after copying no bytes%qD destination unchanged after copying no bytes from a string of length %E%qD does not have % type%qD does not have a mappable type in %qs clause%qD does not have integral or enumeration type%qD does not have integral type%qD does not implicitly begin its lifetime because %qT does not have a non-deleted trivial default constructor, use % instead%qD does not name an enumeration in %qT%qD does not refer to a function%qD does not refer to a namespace scope function%qD expecting %E byte in a region of size %E%qD expecting %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD expecting %E or more bytes in a region of size %E%qD expecting between %E and %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD forming offset %s is out of bounds%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu]%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu] of object %qD with type %qT%qD forming offset %s is out of the bounds of object %qD with type %qT%qD has a non-structural type%qD has a previous declaration here%qD has already been defined%qD has an incomplete type %qT%qD has incomplete type%qD has invalid argument list%qD has more than %u blocks, the requested maximum for %<-fharden-control-flow-redundancy%>%qD has not been declared in %qD%qD has not been declared within %qD%qD has the same name as the class in which it is declared%qD has too many arguments for internal %%qD in % clause is a zero size array%qD inherits the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in its return type) has%qD inherits the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in its type) has%qD invalid in %q#T because of local member %q#D with same name%qD invalid in %q#T because of local method %q#D with same name%qD invalid in condition%qD invalid in lambda%qD is a function, not a type%qD is a namespace%qD is a usual (non-placement) deallocation function%qD is a usual (non-placement) deallocation function in C++14 (or with %<-fsized-deallocation%>)%qD is already a friend of %qT%qD is already a friend of class %qT%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in class %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is an enumeration template%qD is both a direct base and an indirect virtual base%qD is declared in header %qs%qD is defined with tls model %s%qD is deprecated%qD is deprecated: %s%qD is initialized with itself%qD is instantiated for an empty pack%qD is mutable%qD is normally a non-static function%qD is not a class or alias template%qD is not a class or namespace%qD is not a class type%qD is not a direct member of %qT%qD is not a function argument%qD is not a function template%qD is not a member of %qD%qD is not a member of %qD; did you mean %qs?%qD is not a member of %qT%qD is not a member of %qT; did you mean %qs?%qD is not a member template function%qD is not a namespace-name%qD is not a namespace-name; did you mean %qs?%qD is not a pointer variable%qD is not a static data member%qD is not a static data member of a class template%qD is not a template%qD is not a template function%qD is not a type%qD is not a valid template argument because %qD is a variable, not the address of a variable%qD is not a variable%qD is not a variable in % clause%qD is not a variable in % clause%qD is not a variable in % clause%qD is not a variable in %qs clause%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %qs%qD is not a variable template%qD is not an argument in % clause%qD is not captured%qD is not compatible with %qD%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD is not eligible for % because %<-fsplit-stack%> is enabled%qD is not eligible for % because of attribute %%qD is not eligible for % because of attribute %%qD is not eligible for % on the target system%qD is not eligible for internal % because it calls %qD%qD is not eligible for internal % because it contains a non-local goto target%qD is not eligible for internal % because of attribute %%qD is not eligible for internal % because the address of a local label escapes%qD is not lvalue expression nor array section in %qs clause%qD is not public%qD is not usable as a % function because:%qD is static but used in inline function %qD which is not static%qD is threadprivate variable in %qs clause%qD is too small to hold all values of %q#T%qD is unavailable%qD is unavailable: %s%qD is used uninitialized%qD may access %E byte in a region of size %E%qD may access %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD may access %E or more bytes in a region of size %E%qD may access between %E and %E bytes in a region of size %E%qD may be a static member function only with %<-std=c++23%> or %<-std=gnu++23%>%qD may be used uninitialized%qD may not be declared as static%qD may not be declared within a namespace%qD may read %E byte from a region of size %E%qD may read %E bytes from a region of size %E%qD may read %E or more bytes from a region of size %E%qD may read between %E and %E bytes from a region of size %E%qD may write %E byte into a region of size %E%qD may write %E bytes into a region of size %E%qD may write %E or more bytes into a region of size %E%qD may write between %E and %E bytes into a region of size %E%qD moving an object of non-trivial type %#qT and size %E into a region of size %E%qD moving an object of non-trivially copyable type %#qT; use % and % instead%qD moving an object of type %#qT with deleted copy constructor; use % and % instead%qD moving an object of type %#qT with deleted destructor%qD must be a global variable in %<#pragma acc declare link%>%qD must be a member function%qD must be a non-member function%qD must be a non-static member function%qD must be a variable declared in the same scope as %<#pragma acc declare%>%qD must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function%qD must have an argument of class or enumerated type%qD must have either one or two arguments%qD must have either zero or one argument%qD must have exactly one argument%qD must have exactly two arguments%qD must have no arguments%qD must not have variable number of arguments%qD not defined%qD of a string of length %wu and an array of size %wu evaluates to nonzero%qD of a string of length %wu or more and an array of size %wu evaluates to nonzero%qD of a string of length %wu, an array of size %wu and bound of %wu evaluates to nonzero%qD of strings of length %wu and %wu and bound of %wu evaluates to nonzero%qD offset %s from the object at %qE is out of the bounds of %qT%qD offset %s from the object at %qE is out of the bounds of referenced subobject %qD with type %qT at offset %wi%qD offset %s is out of bounds%qD offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu]%qD offset %s is out of the bounds [0, %wu] of object %qD with type %qT%qD offset %s is out of the bounds of object %qD with type %qT%qD only valid in lambda with %<-std=c++23%> or %<-std=gnu++23%>%qD output may be truncated copying %E byte from a string of length %wu%qD output may be truncated copying %E bytes from a string of length %wu%qD output may be truncated copying between %wu and %wu bytes from a string of length %wu%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying %E byte from a string of the same length%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying %E bytes from a string of the same length%qD output truncated before terminating nul copying as many bytes from a string as its length%qD output truncated copying %E byte from a string of length %wu%qD output truncated copying %E bytes from a string of length %wu%qD output truncated copying between %wu and %wu bytes from a string of length %wu%qD pointer overflow between offset %s and size %s%qD pointer overflow between offset %s and size %s accessing array %qD with type %qT%qD reading %E byte from a region of size %E%qD reading %E bytes from a region of size %E%qD reading %E or more bytes from a region of size %E%qD reading between %E and %E bytes from a region of size %E%qD receives nonlocal gotos, %<-fharden-control-flow-redundancy%> is not supported%qD redeclared with different access%qD redeclared with different visibility%qD referenced in target region does not have a mappable type%qD renamed after being referenced in assembly%qD requires %, but no viable % mode was found%qD should be initialized%qD should be initialized in the member initialization list%qD should have been declared inside %qD%qD should return by value%qD sizes specified with % in the earlier argument and not in the later argument%qD source argument is the same as destination%qD specified both in declare target % and % or % clauses%qD specified both in declare target % and %qs clauses%qD specified both in declare target % and implicitly in % clauses%qD specified bound %E equals destination size%qD specified bound %E equals source length%qD specified bound %E exceeds destination size %E%qD specified bound %E exceeds maximum object size %E%qD specified bound %E exceeds source size %E%qD specified bound %E may exceed destination size %E%qD specified bound %E may exceed maximum object size %E%qD specified bound %E may exceed source size %E%qD specified bound %s exceeds maximum object size %E%qD specified bound %s exceeds the size %E of unterminated array%qD specified bound %s exceeds the size of at most %E of unterminated array%qD specified bound %s may exceed the size of at most %E of unterminated array%qD specified bound %wu exceeds maximum object size %wu%qD specified bound [%E, %E] exceeds destination size %E%qD specified bound [%E, %E] exceeds maximum object size %E%qD specified bound [%E, %E] exceeds source size %E%qD specified bound [%E, %E] may exceed destination size %E%qD specified bound [%E, %E] may exceed maximum object size %E%qD specified bound [%E, %E] may exceed source size %E%qD specified bound between %wu and %wu exceeds maximum object size %wu%qD specified bound depends on the length of the source argument%qD specified in % clause but not in an explicit privatization clause%qD specified in % % clause but not in % directive clause%qD specified in %qs clause but not in % % clause on the containing construct%qD specified size %E exceeds maximum object size %E%qD specified size %E may exceed maximum object size %E%qD specified size between %E and %E exceeds maximum object size %E%qD specified size between %E and %E may exceed maximum object size %E%qD specifier conflicts with %%qD specifier conflicts with %qs%qD specifies less restrictive attribute than its target %qD: %s%qD specifies less restrictive attributes than its target %qD: %s%qD specifies more restrictive attribute than its target %qD: %s%qD specifies more restrictive attributes than its target %qD: %s%qD target declared here%qD used as a variant with incompatible % selector sets%qD used before its definition%qD used in its own initializer%qD used without template arguments%qD violates the C++ One Definition Rule%qD was declared % and later %%qD was declared %qs which implies default visibility%qD was declared here%qD was hidden%qD was not declared %%qD was not declared in this scope%qD was not declared in this scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at the point of instantiation%qD was not declared in this scope; did you mean %qs?%qD was not initialized with a constant expression%qD was previously declared here%qD was promoted to an immediate function%qD was promoted to an immediate function because its body contains an immediate-escalating expression %qE%qD was used with no declaration before its definition%qD was used with no prototype before its definition%qD will be initialized after%qD writing %E byte into a region of size %E overflows the destination%qD writing %E bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%qD writing %E or more bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%qD writing %wu byte into a region of size %wu%qD writing %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%qD writing %wu byte into a region of size between %wu and %wu%qD writing %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%qD writing between %E and %E bytes into a region of size %E overflows the destination%qD writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size %wu%qD writing between %wu and %wu bytes into a region of size between %wu and %wu%qD writing one too many bytes into a region of a size that depends on %%qD writing to an object of a non-trivial type %#qT leaves %wu byte unchanged%qD writing to an object of a non-trivial type %#qT leaves %wu bytes unchanged%qD writing to an object of non-trivial type %#qT%s%qD writing to an object of non-trivially copyable type %#qT%s%qD writing to an object of type %#qT containing a pointer to data member%s%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with %qs member %qD%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%qD writing to an object of type %#qT with no trivial copy-assignment%s%qD writing to an object with a deleted copy constructor%qD: visibility attribute ignored because it conflicts with previous declaration%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only to C++ classes%qE 2.95 vtable-compatibility attribute applies only when compiling a kext%qE appears more than once in % clauses%qE appears more than once in % clauses%qE appears more than once in % clauses%qE appears more than once in data clauses%qE appears more than once in map clauses%qE appears more than once on the same % directive%qE argument %Z may overlap destination object %qE%qE arguments %Z may overlap destination object %qE%qE argument %Z overlaps destination object %qE%qE arguments %Z overlap destination object %qE%qE argument is not a function%qE argument must be one of %qs, %qs, %qs, or %qs%qE argument not a string%qE argument not an identifier%qE arguments %Z and maybe %Z overlap destination object %qE%qE attribute address out of range 0x%x%s0x%x%qE attribute allows only an integer constant argument%qE attribute applied to %qD with void return type%qE attribute applied to %qT after its definition%qE attribute applied to extern "C" declaration %qD%qE attribute applied to non-class, non-enum type %qT%qE attribute applied to non-function, non-variable %qD%qE attribute applies only to function definitions%qE attribute applies only to functions%qE attribute applies only to initialized variables with external linkage%qE attribute argument %E is not a power of 2%qE attribute argument %E is not an integer constant%qE attribute argument %E is not in the range [0, %wu]%qE attribute argument %E is not positive%qE attribute argument %i has type %qT%qE attribute argument %i is invalid%qE attribute argument %i value %qE does not refer to a function parameter%qE attribute argument %i value %qE does not refer to a variable argument list%qE attribute argument %i value %qE exceeds the number of function parameters %u%qE attribute argument %i value %qE is not an integer constant%qE attribute argument %i value %qE refers to a variadic function parameter of unknown type%qE attribute argument %i value %qE refers to parameter type %qT%qE attribute argument %qE exceeds %u%qE attribute argument %qE is not an integer constant%qE attribute argument %qE is not an integer constant between 0 and 3%qE attribute argument %qE is not recognised%qE attribute argument 1 does not name a function%qE attribute argument 1 is ambiguous%qE attribute argument 1 must take a pointer type as its first argument%qE attribute argument 1 must take a pointer type as its first argument; have %qT%qE attribute argument cannot be a constant arithmetic expression%qE attribute argument cannot be a string%qE attribute argument has type %qT%qE attribute argument is invalid%qE attribute argument must be a string constant%qE attribute argument not a string constant%qE attribute argument not an integer%qE attribute argument not an integer constant%qE attribute argument should be between 0 to 255%qE attribute argument should be between 18 to 255%qE attribute argument value %qE does not refer to a function parameter%qE attribute argument value %qE does not refer to a variable argument list%qE attribute argument value %qE exceeds %wu%qE attribute argument value %qE exceeds the number of function parameters %u%qE attribute argument value %qE is negative%qE attribute argument value %qE is not an integer constant%qE attribute argument value %qE refers to a variadic function parameter of unknown type%qE attribute argument value %qE refers to parameter type %qT%qE attribute can only be applied to functions or parameters%qE attribute can only be applied to functions or to class or enumeration types%qE attribute can only be applied to functions or to structure, union or enumeration types%qE attribute can only be applied to non-static data members%qE attribute cannot be applied to a bit-field%qE attribute cannot be specified for local variables%qE attribute cannot be specified for register variables%qE attribute cannot be specified for thread-local variables%qE attribute conflicts with %qE attribute%qE attribute directive ignored%qE attribute does not apply to functions%qE attribute does not apply to types%qE attribute does not take any arguments%qE attribute doesn%'t apply to functions%qE attribute duplicated%qE attribute follows %qE%qE attribute has no effect%qE attribute has no effect on functions with static linkage%qE attribute has no effect on unit local functions%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored because %qD does not have thread storage duration%qE attribute ignored because %qD is not a local variable%qE attribute ignored because %qD is not a variable%qE attribute ignored because %qT is already defined%qE attribute ignored because of argument %qE%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored for type %qT%qE attribute ignored on a declaration of a different kind than referenced symbol%qE attribute ignored on a function returning %qT%qE attribute ignored on a redeclaration of the referenced symbol%qE attribute ignored on functions returning %qT; valid only for pointer return types%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on objects of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute ignored without %<-mcmse%> option%qE attribute ignored without %<-mistack%>%qE attribute ignored. Large memory model (%<-mlarge%>) is required.%qE attribute ignored. Use %<-fcf-protection%> option to enable it%qE attribute ignored; field must be a function pointer%qE attribute ignored; valid only for functions%qE attribute ignored; valid only for functions and function pointer fields%qE attribute is for pointer types only%qE attribute is not supported because endianness is not uniform%qE attribute is not supported for R8C target%qE attribute is only applicable on functions%qE attribute is only valid for Objective-C objects%qE attribute is only valid on % type%qE attribute is specific to ELF targets%qE attribute is supported only for SH2A%qE attribute is used for non-class method%qE attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored%qE attribute may not be specified for %q+D%qE attribute may not be specified for a non-array field%qE attribute must appear before %qs attribute%qE attribute must apply to a declaration%qE attribute not allowed with auto storage class%qE attribute not available to functions that return value on the stack%qE attribute not available to functions with arguments passed on the stack%qE attribute not available to functions with variable number of arguments%qE attribute on a function not returning a pointer%qE attribute on function returning %%qE attribute on non-volatile variable%qE attribute only affects top level objects%qE attribute only applies to SH2A%qE attribute only applies to base type of a function pointer%qE attribute only applies to function types%qE attribute only applies to functions%qE attribute only applies to interrupt functions%qE attribute only applies to structure, union and class types%qE attribute only applies to types%qE attribute only applies to variables%qE attribute only applies to variables in static storage%qE attribute only applies to variadic functions%qE attribute only available for 32-bit%qE attribute only supported for reduced Tiny cores%qE attribute only supported in C%qE attribute only supported on boolean types%qE attribute only supported on integral types%qE attribute only supported on non-mask vector types%qE attribute only valid for ARC EM architecture%qE attribute only valid for ARCv2 architecture%qE attribute requires a string argument%qE attribute requires a string constant argument%qE attribute requires a void return type%qE attribute requires an integer argument%qE attribute requires an integer constant argument%qE attribute requires different values for % and % for type %qT%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE attribute takes no arguments%qE attribute with unsupported boolean precision%qE attribute without arguments on a non-prototype%qE cannot be applied to non-pointer type %qT%qE cannot be introduced with an ellipsis %<...%>%qE cannot be used as a function%qE cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type %qT%qE cannot have both %qs and %qs attributes%qE declared % after first use%qE declared as function returning a function%qE declared as function returning an array%qE declared here%qE defined as wrong kind of tag%qE does not constrain a type%qE does not have % type in % clause with % dependence type%qE does not have a mappable type in %qs clause%qE does not have pointer or array type%qE does not name a type%qE does not name a type; did you mean %qs?%qE does not satisfy return-type-requirement%qE does not satisfy return-type-requirement, because%qE does not support 32-bit sign-extended offsets%qE does not support 32-bit vector type %qT%qE does not support sign-extended offsets%qE evaluates to false%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type%qE has both % and initializer%qE has const type for %%qE has invalid type for %%qE has no form that takes %qT and %qT arguments%qE has no form that takes %qT arguments%qE has not been declared%qE implies default visibility, but %qD has already been declared with a different visibility%qE in % clause is neither a pointer nor an array%qE in % clause is neither a pointer nor an array nor a reference to pointer or array%qE in % clause is a zero size array%qE in %q#T does not name a template type%qE in %q#T does not name a type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a template type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a template type; did you mean %qs?%qE in namespace %qE does not name a type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a type; did you mean %qs?%qE incompatible attribute ignored%qE initialized and declared %%qE is a member of a union%qE is a pointer to pointer; did you mean to dereference it before applying %<->%> to it?%qE is a pointer; did you mean to use %<->%>?%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is deprecated%qE is deprecated: %s%qE is marked % or % but no usable % is provided by %qT%qE is neither a variable nor a function name in clause %qs%qE is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend%qE is not %%qE is not a class or namespace%qE is not a class template%qE is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%qE is not a constant expression%qE is not a constant expression because allocated storage has not been deallocated%qE is not a constant expression because it refers to a result of %%qE is not a constant expression because it refers to an incompletely initialized variable%qE is not a constant expression because it refers to mutable subobjects of %qT%qE is not a constant expression when the class %qT is still incomplete%qE is not a template%qE is not a type%qE is not a valid % qualifier%qE is not a valid template argument for %qT because it is not the address of a variable%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because %qD has no linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is a pointer%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is not an lvalue%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is of type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because of conflicts in cv-qualification%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because string literals can never be used in this context%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qD has no linkage%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qE is not a variable or function%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT in C++98 because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a variable in % clause%qE is not a variable in % clause%qE is not a variable in % clause%qE is not a variable in %qs clause%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %qs%qE is not an Objective-C class name or alias%qE is not an argument in % clause%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not initialized%qE is not lvalue expression nor array section in %qs clause%qE is not of type %qT%qE is not recognized as a module control-line%qE is not the entire pattern of the pack expansion%qE is only allowed in Objective-C dialects%qE is only applicable to Objective-C class interfaces, attribute ignored%qE is predetermined %qs for %qs%qE is provided by %qT but % cannot be found%qE is provided by %qT but %qE is not marked % or %%qE is provided by %qT but is not usable with the function signature %qD%qE is unavailable%qE is unavailable: %s%qE is used uninitialized%qE may be used uninitialized%qE may not respond to %<%c%E%>%qE may only occur after a module interface declaration%qE may only occur once in an export declaration%qE may write a terminating nul past the end of the destination%qE missing template arguments%qE must be % for %%qE needs isa option %s%qE needs unknown isa option%qE not specified in enclosing %%qE not specified in enclosing %qs%qE not specified in enclosing OpenACC %qs construct%qE output %wu byte%qE output %wu bytes%qE output %wu byte into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu or more bytes%qE output %wu or more bytes (assuming %wu)%qE output %wu or more bytes (assuming %wu) into a destination of size %wu%qE output %wu or more bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output between %wu and %wu bytes%qE output between %wu and %wu bytes into a destination of size %wu%qE output may be truncated before the last format character%qE output truncated before the last format character%qE redeclared as different kind of symbol%qE redeclared with conflicting %qs attributes%qE requires %<-fgnu-tm%>%qE requires a % directive for use in a % function%qE requires a vector base and a scalar index%qE requires an argument%qE requires the SVE ISA extension%qE should not have % type in % clause with dependence type other than %%qE specified here%qE undeclared (first use in this function)%qE undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean %qs?%qE undeclared here (not in a function)%qE undeclared here (not in a function); did you mean %qs?%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE used with %%qE used with %qs%qE with % clause used in % function%qE writing a terminating nul past the end of the destination%qF declared % but never defined%qF requires %<-mvx%>%qF requires z14 or higher%qF requires z15 or higher%qT and %qT are in disjoint named address spaces%qT as type rather than plain %%qT declared here%qT declared in % compound literal%qT declared in underspecified object declaration%qT declared in underspecified object initializer%qT declared with a mismatched class-key %qs%qT declared with greater visibility than its base %qT%qT declared with greater visibility than the type of its field %qD%qT defined as %qs here%qT defined in % compound literal%qT defined in underspecified object declaration%qT defined in underspecified object initializer%qT defined with direct virtual base%qT defined with multiple direct bases%qT does not have the %E ABI tag that %qT (used in the type of %qD) has%qT does not have the %E ABI tag that base %qT has%qT does not match original declaration%qT first declared as %qs here%qT has a base %qT which depends on the type %qT which has no linkage%qT has a base %qT which has internal linkage%qT has a base %qT which has no linkage%qT has a base %qT which uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a field %q#D whose type has internal linkage%qT has a field %q#D whose type has no linkage%qT has a field %q#D whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a field %qD whose type depends on the type %qT which has no linkage%qT has a previous declaration here%qT has no member named %qE%qT has no member named %qE; did you mean %qE?%qT has no non-static data member named %qD%qT is a variably modified type%qT is already a friend of %qT%qT is an ambiguous base class of dynamic type %qT of its operand%qT is an ambiguous base of %qT%qT is an inaccessible base of %qT%qT is not a base of %qT%qT is not a class or namespace%qT is not a class type%qT is not a class, namespace, or enumeration%qT is not a class, struct, or union type%qT is not a direct base of %qT%qT is not a member class template of %qT%qT is not a member of %qT%qT is not a nested class of %qT%qT is not a pointer-to-object type%qT is not a template%qT is not a template type%qT is not a valid type for a template non-type parameter because it is not structural%qT is not an % qualifier%qT is not an accessible base of %qT%qT is not an enumeration type%qT is promoted to %qT when passed through %<...%>%qT is/uses unnamed type%qT may not intend to support class template argument deduction%qT not permitted in template argument%qT referred to as %qs%qT referred to as enum%qT resolves to %qT, which is not a class type%qT resolves to %qT, which is not an enumeration type%qT%d%qE%dpassing single vector %qT to argument %d of %qE, which expects a tuple of %d vectors%qV qualifiers cannot be applied to %qT%qc conversion used unquoted%qc conversion used within a quoted sequence%qc directive redundant after prior occurence of the same%qs%qs LHS in assignment statement%qs LHS in clobber statement%qs accessing uninitialized byte at offset %d%qs already defined as specific binding for the generic %qs at %C%qs and %<%s-%s%> are incompatible%qs and %<%s=%s%> are incompatible%qs and %qs are incompatible%qs and %qs arguments of %qs intrinsic at %L must have identical shape.%qs and %qs arguments of %qs intrinsic at %L must have the same type%qs and %qs attributes are not compatible%qs and %qs cannot be mixed FUNCTION/SUBROUTINE for GENERIC %qs at %L%qs and %qs cannot both be enabled%qs and %qs for GENERIC %qs at %L are ambiguous%qs appears more than once in % at %L%qs appears to be a misspelled %qs handler, missing %<__vector%> prefix%qs applied to a void type%qs applied to an incomplete type%qs applied to non-SVE type %qT%qs applied to non-vector type %qT%qs applied to type %qT, which already has a size%qs argument has invalid operand number (argument %lu)%qs argument missing terminating nul%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L cannot be INTENT(IN)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L cannot be of type %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has invalid permutation of dimensions (dimension %qd duplicated)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has invalid shape in dimension %d (%ld/%ld)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has negative element (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has out-of-range dimension (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L has wrong number of elements (%d/%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is empty%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be ALLOCATABLE%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or PROCEDURE%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL or CHARACTER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER, LOGICAL, or a BOZ literal constant%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be REAL or COMPLEX%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER or a TARGET%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER, ALLOCATABLE or procedure pointer%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a constant%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a data entity%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a logical array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a pointer or target VARIABLE or FUNCTION%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a scalar%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be a variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be an array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be an interoperable data entity: %s%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be default real%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be double precision%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be less than rank %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be numeric or LOGICAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of a dummy variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of a kind not wider than the default kind (%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of an OPTIONAL dummy variable%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of an extensible type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of intrinsic type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of kind %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of rank %d%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be of rank 1 or 2%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be positive%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be the same kind as %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be the same type and kind as %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have a numeric type%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have a type of either REAL or INTEGER%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have length at least 1%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must have the same rank as %qs or be a scalar%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be OPTIONAL%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be a subobject of %qs%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must not be present if % is COMPLEX%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must provide at least as many elements as there are .TRUE. values in %qs (%ld/%d)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L not yet supported%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall be of type integer, real or character%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall have the same type as %qs at %L%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be TYPE(*)%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be a procedure%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be an assumed-size array%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall not be coindexed%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L shall specify a valid integer kind%qs argument of intrinsic %qs at %L of must have rank %d or be a scalar%qs argument references non-pointer operand (argument %lu, operand %lu)%qs argument with out-of-range operand number (argument %lu, operand %lu)%qs as base where non-register is required%qs at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-structure%>%qs at %C is a redefinition of the declaration in the corresponding interface for MODULE PROCEDURE %qs%qs at %C is already defined as FINAL procedure%qs at %C is not a member of the %qs structure%qs at %C is not a member of the %qs structure; did you mean %qs?%qs at %C is not a variable%qs at %C is not an inquiry reference to an intrinsic type component%qs at %C is not an inquiry reference to an intrinsic type component %qs%qs at %C is the name of a recursive function and so refers to the result variable. Use an explicit RESULT variable for direct recursion ( at %L already is initialized at %L%qs at %L associated to expression cannot be used in a variable definition context (%s)%qs at %L associated to pointer function target being used in a variable definition context (%s)%qs at %L associated to vector-indexed target cannot be used in a variable definition context (%s)%qs at %L cannot appear in COMMON [F2008:C5100]%qs at %L cannot have the VALUE attribute because it is not a dummy argument%qs at %L has a type, which is not consistent with the CALL at %L%qs at %L has attributes specified outside its INTERFACE body%qs at %L has the CONTIGUOUS attribute but is not an array pointer or an assumed-shape or assumed-rank array%qs at %L is ambiguous%qs at %L is an array and OPTIONAL; If it is not present, then it cannot be the actual argument of an ELEMENTAL procedure unless there is a non-optional argument with the same rank (Fortran 2018, at %L is host associated at %L into a contained procedure with an internal procedure of the same name%qs at %L is not a VALUE%qs at %L is not a function%qs at %L is not a module procedure%qs at %L is of the ABSTRACT type %qs%qs at %L is part of the common block % and may only be specificed implicitly via the named common block%qs at %L must be less than BIT_SIZE(%qs)%qs at %L must be less than or equal to BIT_SIZE(%qs)%qs at %L must be less than or equal to the BIT_SIZE of INTEGER(KIND=%d)%qs at %L must be nonnegative%qs at %L must have constant character length in this context%qs at %L must have the same number of formal arguments as the overridden procedure%qs at %L must not be DEFERRED as it overrides a non-DEFERRED binding%qs at %L overrides a FUNCTION and must also be a FUNCTION%qs at %L overrides a NOPASS binding and must also be NOPASS%qs at %L overrides a PUBLIC procedure and must not be PRIVATE%qs at %L overrides a PURE procedure and must also be PURE%qs at %L overrides a SUBROUTINE and must also be a SUBROUTINE%qs at %L overrides a binding with PASS and must also be PASS%qs at %L overrides a non-ELEMENTAL procedure and must not be ELEMENTAL, either%qs at %L overrides a procedure binding declared NON_OVERRIDABLE%qs at %L overrides an ELEMENTAL procedure and must also be ELEMENTAL%qs at %L shall be an INTENT(OUT) variable%qs at %L should be a FUNCTION%qs at %L should be a SUBROUTINE%qs at %L should be a scalar of type integer(kind=omp_event_handle_kind)%qs attribute cannot be applied to a function that does not take variable arguments%qs attribute directive ignored%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute not supported for %qE in %<__builtin_has_attribute%>%qs attribute not supported for %qT in %<__builtin_has_attribute%>%qs attribute not supported in %<__builtin_has_attribute%>%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs attribute only applies to variadic functions%qs attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qs attribute without arguments on a non-prototype%qs cannot appear in a constant-expression%qs cannot appear in a typedef declaration%qs cannot be constant evaluated because the argument cannot be encoded%qs cannot be constant evaluated because the argument cannot be interpreted%qs cannot be constant evaluated because the type is too large%qs cannot be constant evaluated on the target%qs cannot be extended at %C because it is BIND(C)%qs cannot be extended at %C because it is a SEQUENCE type%qs cannot be initialized with%<-ftrivial-auto-var_init%>%qs cannot be used for compiling a shared library%qs cannot be used for type declarations%qs cannot be used in a % function%qs cannot be used in a constructor%qs cannot be used in a destructor%qs cannot be used in a function with a deduced return type%qs cannot be used in a varargs function%qs cannot be used in the % function%qs cannot be used outside a function%qs clause argument must be ALLOCATABLE or a POINTER at %L%qs clause at %L specified more than once%qs clause is incompatible with % or % clauses%qs clause may not appear on non-rectangular %qs%qs clause requires %qs clause%qs clause specified together with % % clause%qs clause used lexically after first target construct or offloading API%qs clause with % modifier refers to iteration never in the iteration space%qs clause with % modifier waiting for lexically later iteration%qs clause with % modifier specified together with %qs clauses with % modifier on the same construct%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs combined with % qualifier for %qE%qs conflicts with %<-arch i386%> (%qs ignored)%qs conflicts with %<-arch ppc%> (%qs ignored)%qs construct inside of %qs region%qs declared INTRINSIC at %L does not exist%qs declared as function returning a function%qs declared as function returning an array%qs declared at %L is also the name of an intrinsic. It can only be called via an explicit interface or if declared EXTERNAL.%qs declared at %L may shadow the intrinsic of the same name. In order to call the intrinsic, explicit INTRINSIC declarations may be required.%qs declared in a non-class scope%qs defined in a non-class scope%qs defined without first defining %qs%qs directive at %L associated with an ALLOCATE stmt must be preceded by an executable statement or OpenMP construct; note the variables in the list all have the allocatable or pointer attribute%qs directive at %L must either have a variable argument or, if associated with an ALLOCATE stmt, must be preceded by an executable statement or OpenMP construct%qs directive mentioned both times in ABSENT and CONTAINS clauses in %s directive at %L%qs directive mentioned multiple times in %s clause in %s directive at %L%qs does not support MIPS16 code%qs does not support feature %qs%qs does not work on a cross compiler%qs entity cannot have an initializer at %C%qs entity cannot have attributes at %C%qs expects 1 argument but %d given%qs expects 2 arguments but %d given%qs expects a constant argument%qs expects a fixed-point value as argument%qs expects a fixed-point value as first argument%qs expects an integer value as second argument%qs expression must be integral%qs expression of %-qualified type is deprecated%qs failed%qs feature modifier is incompatible with the use of floating-point types%qs feature modifier is incompatible with the use of vector types%qs function cannot have arguments%qs function cannot have different interrupt type%qs function cannot return a value%qs function uses % type specifier without trailing return type%qs function with trailing return type has % as its type rather than plain %%qs function with trailing return type has %qT as its type rather than plain %%qs function with trailing return type not declared with % type specifier%qs has %qs%qs has both % and initializer%qs has overflowed%qs in %<%s %E%>%qs in %s clause at %L is a zero size array section%qs in %s clause at %L is not a proper array section%qs in ALIGNED clause at %L requires a scalar positive constant integer alignment expression%qs in ALIGNED clause must be POINTER, ALLOCATABLE, Cray pointer or C_PTR at %L%qs in EXTENDS expression at %C is not a derived type%qs in LINEAR clause at %L requires a constant integer linear-step expression or dummy argument specified in UNIFORM clause%qs in LINEAR clause at %L requires a scalar integer linear-step expression%qs in attribute syntax terminated with %qs in pragma syntax%qs in empty declaration%qs in empty declaration with % underlying type%qs in gimple IL%qs in pragma syntax terminated with %qs in attribute syntax%qs in the pointer assignment at %L cannot be an l-value since it is a procedure%qs in variable definition context (%s) at %L is not a variable%qs incompatible with explicitly disabled options%qs initialized and declared %%qs into non-mode-precision operand%qs intrinsic subprogram at %L has been removed. Use INT intrinsic subprogram.%qs intrinsic with CHARACTER argument at %L%qs intrinsic with KIND argument at %L%qs intrinsic with RADIX argument at %L%qs is a nested function and cannot be accessed from %qs%qs is a reserved identifier in AVR-LibC. Consider %<#include %> before using the %qs macro%qs is already IMPORTed from host scoping unit at %C%qs is an invalid argument to %<-mcpu=%>%qs is an opaque type, and you cannot set it to other values%qs is an unknown %<-save-temps%> option%qs is corrupted%qs is defined but could not be loaded: %s%qs is defined but plugin support is disabled%qs is defined in header %qs; this is probably fixable by adding %<#include %s%>%qs is deprecated%qs is deprecated and not recommended in any circumstances%qs is deprecated; use -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss%qs is deprecated; use -fstack-check%qs is disabled by %<-m%s%>, because it requires %<%s%s%>%qs is incompatible with %qs%qs is incompatible with the use of floating-point types%qs is incompatible with the use of vector types%qs is loaded but symbol %qs is not found: %s%qs is mutually exclusive with %qs and cannot be specified together%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is neither a defined operator nor a structure component in dotted string at %C%qs is not a constant expression because %qT contains a pointer to member type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT contains a pointer type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT contains a reference type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT contains a union type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT contains a volatile subobject%qs is not a constant expression because %qT is a pointer to member type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT is a pointer type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT is a reference type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT is a union type%qs is not a constant expression because %qT is volatile%qs is not a directory%qs is not a field, but a %qs%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is not a valid Modula-2 system library name or abbreviation%qs is not a valid base register in %<-mstack-protector-guard-reg=%>%qs is not a valid base register in %qs%qs is not a valid number in %<-mstack-protector-guard-offset=%>%qs is not a valid number in %qs%qs is not a valid offset in %<-mstack-protector-guard-offset=%>%qs is not a valid offset in %qs%qs is not a valid option to the preprocessor%qs is not an associative array%qs is not an expression%qs is not an option that controls warnings%qs is not defined as a type%qs is not supported by arch %s%qs is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries%qs is not supported for this target%qs is not supported in 32-bit mode%qs is not supported in this compiler configuration%qs is not supported in this configuration%qs is not supported on little endian systems%qs is not supported on this target%qs is not supported with %qs%qs is not supported, now cmodel is set to %qs%qs is not valid for %<-mmacosx-version-min%>%qs is not valid for %qs%qs is of a PRIVATE type and cannot be a dummy argument of %qs, which is PUBLIC at %L%qs is used uninitialized%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs length expression must be integral%qs length expression must be positive constant integer expression%qs listed in % statement at %L but it is neither explicitly in listed in the % directive nor exists a directive without argument list%qs matching variant is deprecated%qs matching variant requires z14 or higher%qs matching variant requires z15 or higher%qs may be used uninitialized%qs may only be used with a single declarator%qs must be a module procedure or an external procedure with an explicit interface at %L%qs must be by itself for %<-mharden-sls=%>%qs must be of same type and kind as %qs at %L in %qs%qs must be the first clause of %qs%qs must be used with %qs%qs must not appear in the array specification at %L in the same ALLOCATE statement where it is itself allocated%qs needs a valid base register%qs not allowed outside STRUCTURE at %C%qs not at element boundary%qs not supported by your assembler%qs not supported with %<-msoft-float%>%qs not yet supported%qs of %qs is PRIVATE at %L%qs of module %qs, imported at %C, is also the name of the current program unit%qs of non-mode-precision operand%qs only supported in OpenACC code%qs operand not an integral type%qs parameter inquiry for %qs in variable definition context (%s) at %L%qs plugin is not licensed under a GPL-compatible license%qs pointer is null%qs profile count data file not found%qs property cannot be set%qs region may not be closely nested inside of work-sharing, %, explicit % or % region%qs requires %<__ibm128%> type support%qs requires % to be IBM 128-bit format%qs requires %qs%qs requires %qs or %qs%qs requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling%qs requires VSX support%qs requires a target that provides the %qs instruction%qs requires an initialized data declaration%qs requires an integer constant expression%qs requires branch-likely instructions%qs requires full ISA 2.06 support%qs requires full ISA 3.0 support%qs requires quad-precision floating-point arithmetic%qs requires the %qs and %qs options%qs requires the %qs option%qs requires the %qs option and either the %qs or %qs option%qs requires the ELFv2 ABI%qs should be %qs to terminate a template argument list%qs should be from a scalar to a like vector%qs specified bound %s exceeds maximum object size %E%qs specified bound %s exceeds the size %E of unterminated array%qs specified bound %s exceeds the size of at most %E of unterminated array%qs specified bound %s may exceed the size of at most %E of unterminated array%qs specified for auto variable %qE%qs specified for parameter %qE%qs specified for structure field%qs specified for structure field %qE%qs specified for unnamed parameter%qs specified in % at %L but not in the associated ALLOCATE statement%qs specified in % clause at %L but not in an explicit privatization clause%qs specified in 'allocate' clause at %L but not in an explicit privatization clause%qs specified multiple times in the same option%qs specified with %%qs specified with %%qs specified with %qT%qs specified with typedef-name %qD%qs specifies a conflicting level of parallelism%qs string ill-formed%qs symbol %q+D must have static linkage%qs symbol %q+D ultimately targets itself%qs tag used in naming %q#T%qs unsupported for this ABI%qs used with %%qs used with %qE%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%qs uses register r29%qs value must be positive%qs variable is neither a pointer nor an array%qs variable is neither a pointer nor reference to pointer%qs variable is neither a pointer, nor an array nor reference to pointer or array%qs variable is not a pointer%qs was declared here%qs without corresponding %qs%qs: [%u] bad % for empty chain (%u)%qs: [%u] bad % (%u)%qs: [%u] non-empty register in chain (%s %u %i)%qs: loop in % chain (%u)%r%s:%d:%R %r%s:%d:%R [ skipping %d instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ] %r%s:%d:%R in % expansion of %qs%r%s:%d:%d:%R %r%s:%d:%d:%R [ skipping %d instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ] %r%s:%d:%d:%R in % expansion of %qs%s%s %s Same as %s.%s !$ACC LOOP loops not perfectly nested at %L%s %#qD%s %#qS%s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%T%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects a matching %<%s%s%> argument%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%T%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %<%s%.*s%> expects argument of type %<%s%s%>, but argument %d has type %qT%s %<%s(%E)%> %p %d%s %qE does not fully implement the %qE protocol%s %qs%s %qs construct inside of %s %qs region%s %qs is an invalid argument to builtin %qs%s %s %p %d%s %s%s %s %wd out of range %wd - %wd%s '%s' %s - %u-bit integer numbers unsupported (mode %qs)%s - %u-bit-precision complex floating-point numbers unsupported (mode %qs)%s - %u-bit-precision decimal floating-point numbers unsupported (mode %qs)%s - %u-bit-precision floating-point numbers unsupported (mode %qs)%s - unsupported mode %qs%s argument to IMAGE_INDEX must be a rank one array at %L%s at %C has no default type%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec%>%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-static%>%s at %C is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-structure%>%s at %L%s at %L is a DEC extension, enable with %<-fdec-static%>%s at %L must be INTEGER%s at %L must be a scalar%s at %L must be integer%s attribute applied to %s %s at %L%s attribute at %L is not allowed outside of the specification part of a module%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute in %qs at %L%s attribute not allowed in BLOCK DATA program unit at %L%s attribute of %qs conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s between %L and %L%s between the MODULE PROCEDURE declaration in MODULE %qs and the declaration at %L in (SUB)MODULE %qs%s cannot be a DO CONCURRENT loop at %L%s cannot be a DO WHILE or DO without loop control at %L%s cannot be used in % here%s cannot contain OpenMP API call in intervening code at %L%s cannot contain OpenMP directive in intervening code at %L%s cannot contain loop in intervening code at %L%s clause at %L requires a scalar INTEGER expression%s clause variable %qs at %L is neither a POINTER nor an array%s contains too many lines%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support can_remove_branch_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support dump_bb_for_graph%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support force_nonfallthru%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s does not take any feature options%s expects a compile time integer constant%s expects a compile time long integer constant as first argument%s expression list treated as compound expression%s from %s called in %s%s from %s referenced in %s%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s incompatible with %<-mword-relocations%>%s inner loops must be perfectly nested with ORDERED clause at %L%s inner loops must be perfectly nested with REDUCTION INSCAN clause at %L%s instructions aren%'t allowed in a function with the % attribute%s instructions aren%'t allowed in an exception service routine%s instructions aren%'t allowed in an interrupt service routine%s is not supported by this configuration%s iteration variable at %L is bound in intervening code%s iteration variable must be of type integer at %L%s iteration variable must not be THREADPRIVATE at %L%s iteration variable present on clause other than PRIVATE, LASTPRIVATE or ALLOCATE at %L%s iteration variable present on clause other than PRIVATE, LASTPRIVATE, ALLOCATE or LINEAR at %L%s iteration variable used in more than one loop at %L%s loop bounds reference different iteration variables at %L%s loop end expression at %L uses variable bound in intervening code%s loop end expression not in canonical form at %L%s loop increment expression at %L uses variable bound in intervening code%s loop increment not in canonical form at %L%s loop start expression at %L uses variable bound in intervening code%s loop start expression not in canonical form at %L%s must contain at least one MAP clause at %L%s namespace %qD conflicts with reachable definition%s not supported for variable length aggregates%s not supported on this target%s only supports non-pic code on M-profile targets%s only supports non-pic code on M-profile targets with the MOVT instruction%s out of range: Range is %i to %i, value is %i%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure. F2008: A pointer function assignment is ambiguous if it is the first executable statement after the specification block. Please add any other kind of executable statement before it. FIXME%s returned %d exit status%s signal terminated program %s%s specifier in %s statement at %L has invalid value %qs%s specifier in %s statement at %L has value %qs%s statement at %C cannot follow %s statement at %L%s statement at %C cannot terminate a non-block DO loop%s statement at %C follows another accessibility specification%s statement at %C in PURE procedure%s statement at %C is not applicable to construct %qs%s statement at %C is not within a construct%s statement at %C is not within construct %qs%s statement at %C leaves CRITICAL construct%s statement at %C leaves DO CONCURRENT construct%s statement at %C leaving OpenACC structured block%s statement at %C leaving OpenMP structured block%s statement expected at %L%s statement is not allowed inside of BLOCK DATA at %C%s statement is not allowed inside of BLOCK at %C%s statement must appear in a MODULE%s statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %C%s statements at %L and %L have both no list item but only one may%s tag%s tag at %L must be a character string of default kind%s tag at %L must be of type %s%s tag at %L must be scalar%s tag with INQUIRE%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s used within a quoted sequence%s variable %qE is private in outer context%s%#qD%s%#qD (deleted)%s%#qD (ignored)%s%#qD (near match)%s%#qD (reversed)%s%#qD (rewritten)%s%<%D(%T)%> (built-in)%s%<%D(%T, %T)%> (built-in)%s%<%D(%T, %T, %T)%> (built-in)%s%qT (conversion)%s%qs%s is invalid%s%qs%s is not allowed%s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) %s compiled by GNU C version %s, %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) compiled by CC, %s%sGGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d %s%swarning: %s header version %s differs from library version %s. %s-%s is an empty range%s: %<-fcompare-debug%> failure%s: %<-fcompare-debug%> failure (length)%s: %d basic blocks and %d edges/basic block%s: %d basic blocks and %d registers; increase %<--param max-gcse-memory%> above %wu%s: %m%s: %s%s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: %s: %s%s: In instantiation of %q#D: %s: In substitution of %qS: %s: PCH file was invalid%s: all warnings being treated as errors%s: attempt to rename spec %qs to already defined spec %qs%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: could not determine length of compare-debug file %s%s: could not open compare-debug file %s%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file not found: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s: section %s.%d is missing%s: some warnings being treated as errors%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out %s:%d:%s%s:%d:assertion of condition %qs failed%s:%d:condition %s failed%s:%d:the value %s is not a BOOLEAN as the value is %d%s:%s: %E: %E%s:'%s' has arcs from exit block %s:'%s' has arcs to entry block %s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:already seen blocks for '%s' %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:cannot open notes file %s:corrupted %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' %s:no functions found %s:no lines for '%s' %s:not a gcov data file %s:not a gcov notes file %s:overflowed %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:source file is newer than notes file '%s' %s:stamp mismatch with notes file %s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s' %s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s' %sspecifier at %L not allowed in OPEN statement for unformatted I/O%u name provided for structured binding%u names provided for structured binding'' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%%c' is not a valid operand prefix'%%&' used without any local dynamic TLS references'%%l' operand isn't a label'%s' file is already processed '%s' is not a valid explicit concrete semantic'%s' must have %d operands (excluding match_dups)'%s' must have at least %d operands (excluding match_dups)'%s' must have no more than %d operands (excluding match_dups)''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'0' flag'B' operand has multiple bits set'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'O' modifier'^' flag'_' flag'a' flag'h' operand is not SImode register'm' flag'o' operand is not constant'q' flag(C)(Obsolete after 10.3.9) Set MH_NOPREFIXBINDING, in an executable.(Obsolete after 10.4) Set MH_NOMULTIDEFS in an umbrella framework.(Obsolete after 10.4) -multiply_defined Provided a mechanism for warning about symbols defined in multiple dylibs.(Obsolete after 10.4) -multiply_defined_unused Provided a mechanism for warning about symbols defined in the current executable also being defined in linked dylibs.(Obsolete after 10.4) Multi modules are ignored at runtime since macOS 10.4.(Obsolete and unhandled by ld64, ignored) ld should produce an executable (only handled by ld_classic).(Obsolete) This is the default.(Obsolete) -sectobjectsymbols Setting a local symbol at the start of a section is no longer supported.(Obsolete) -sectorder Replaced by a more general option "-order_file".(Obsolete) Allowed linking to proceed with "-flat_namespace" when a linked bundle contained a symbol also exported from the main executable.(Obsolete) Current linkers never dead-strip these items, so the option is not needed.(Obsolete) LD_PREBIND is no longer supported.(Obsolete) Object files with LINKEDIT sections are no longer supported.(Obsolete) This is the default.(Obsolete, ignored) Old support similar to "-whyload".(Obsolete, ld_classic only) -sectcreate Allowed creation of a section from a file.(Obsolete, ld_classic only) -seg_addr_table_filename .(a pointer to member can only be formed with %<&%E%>)(an out of class initialization is required)(anonymous namespace)(anonymous)(if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template has already been declared and add %<<>%> after the function name here)(if you use %<-fpermissive%> or %<-std=c++11%>, or %<-std=gnu++11%> G++ will accept your code)(if you use %<-fpermissive%>, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)(messages without a matching method signature will be assumed to return % and accept %<...%> as arguments)(near initialization for %qs)(no argument)(perhaps % was intended)(perhaps a semicolon is missing after the definition of %qT)(so you should pass %qT not %qT to %)(static destructors for %s)(static initializers for %s)(the message is displayed only once per source file) ({anonymous})*** WARNING *** there are active plugins, do not report this as a bug unless you can reproduce it without enabling any plugins. *this--help= Display descriptions of a specific class of options. is one or more of optimizers, target, warnings, undocumented, params.--param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param large-stack-frame-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached--param=aarch64-ldp-policy=[default|always|never|aligned] Fine-grained policy for load pairs.--param=aarch64-stp-policy=[default|always|never|aligned] Fine-grained policy for store pairs.--param=openacc-kernels=[decompose|parloops] Specify mode of OpenACC 'kernels' constructs handling.--param=openacc-privatization=[quiet|noisy] Specify mode of OpenACC privatization diagnostics.--param=parloops-schedule=[static|dynamic|guided|auto|runtime] Schedule type of omp schedule for loops parallelized by parloops.--param=ranger-debug=[none|trace|gori|cache|tracegori|all] Specifies the output mode for debugging ranger.--param=threader-debug=[none|all] Enables verbose dumping of the threader solver.-A= Assert the to . Putting '-' before disables the to .-D[=] Define a with as its value. If just is given, is taken to be 1.-E or -x required when input is from standard input-F Add to the end of the main framework include path.-G Put global and static data smaller than bytes into a special section (on some targets).-Hd Write D interface files to directory .-Hf Write D interface to .-I Add to the end of the main include path.-J Put MODULE files in 'directory'.-MF Write dependency output to the given file.-MQ Add a target that may require quoting.-MT Add a target that does not require quoting.-O Set optimization level to .-U Undefine .-Waligned-new=[none|global|all] Warn even if 'new' uses a class member allocation function.-Walloc-size-larger-than= Warn for calls to allocation functions that attempt to allocate objects larger than the specified number of bytes.-Walloca-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of alloca, and on bounded uses of alloca whose bound can be larger than bytes.-Wbidi-chars=[none|unpaired|any|ucn] Warn about UTF-8 bidirectional control characters.-Wframe-larger-than= Warn if a function's stack frame requires in excess of .-Wlarger-than= Warn if an object's size exceeds .-Wnormalized=[none|id|nfc|nfkc] Warn about non-normalized Unicode strings.-Wstack-usage= Warn if stack usage might exceed .-Wvla-larger-than= Warn on unbounded uses of variable-length arrays, and on bounded uses of variable-length arrays whose bound can be larger than bytes.-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-Xf Write JSON output to the given .-allowable_client The output dylib is private to the client .-arch Generate output for architecture .-aux-info Emit declaration information into .-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle not allowed with -shared-bundle_loader Treat (that will be loading this bundle) as if it was one of the dynamic libraries the bundle is linked against for symbol resolution.-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-c required for gnat2scil-c required for gnat2why-client_name Enable the executable being built to link against a private dylib (using allowable_client).-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-compatibility_version Set the version for the client interface. Client programs must record a value less than or equal to , or the binding will fail at runtime.-compatibility_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version Set the current version for the library to .-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-d Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler.-dumpbase Set the file basename to be used for dumps.-dumpbase-ext . Drop a trailing . from the dump basename to name auxiliary output files.-dumpdir Set the directory name to be used for dumps.-dylib_file install_name:file_name This allows linking of a dylib with "install_name" but to be found in a different install position "file_name"-dylinker_install_name Only used for building dyld.-exported_symbols_list Export global symbols in in linked output file; any symbols not mentioned will be treated as "hidden".-f%s ignored (not supported for DJGPP) -fada-spec-parent=unit Dump Ada specs as child units of given parent.-faligned-new= Use C++17 over-aligned type allocation for alignments greater than N.-fasan-shadow-offset= Use custom shadow memory offset.-fblas-matmul-limit= Size of the smallest matrix for which matmul will use BLAS.-fbounds-check=[on|safeonly|off] Turn array bounds checks on, in @safe code only, or off.-fcall-saved- Mark as being preserved across functions.-fcall-used- Mark as being corrupted by function calls.-fcf-protection=[full|branch|return|none|check] Instrument functions with checks to verify jump/call/return control-flow transfer instructions have valid targets.-fcheck=[...] Specify which runtime checks are to be performed.-fcheckaction=[throw,halt,context] Behavior on contract failure.-fcoarray= Specify which coarray parallelization should be used.-fcompare-debug[=] Compile with and without e.g. -gtoggle, and compare the final-insns dump.-fconst-string-class= Use class for constant strings.-fconstexpr-cache-depth= Specify maximum constexpr recursion cache depth.-fconstexpr-depth= Specify maximum constexpr recursion depth.-fconstexpr-loop-limit= Specify maximum constexpr loop iteration count.-fconstexpr-ops-limit= Specify maximum number of constexpr operations during a single constexpr evaluation.-fcontract-assumption-mode=[on|off] Enable or disable treating axiom level contracts as assumptions (default on).-fcontract-build-level=[off|default|audit] Specify max contract level to generate runtime checks for.-fcontract-continuation-mode=[on|off] Enable or disable contract continuation mode (default off).-fcontract-mode=[on|off] Enable or disable all contract facilities (default on).-fcontract-role=: Specify the semantics for all levels in a role (default, review), or a custom contract role with given semantics (ex: opt:assume,assume,assume).-fcontract-semantic=: Specify the concrete semantics for level.-fcontract-strict-declarations=[on|off] Enable or disable warnings on generalized redeclaration of functions with contracts (default off).-fconvert= The endianness used for unformatted files.-fdbg-cnt=[:-][:-:...][,:...] Set the debug counter limit.-fdebug-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in debug information.-fdebug= Compile in debug code identified by .-fdeps-target=obj.o Output file for the compile step.-fdiagnostics-color=[never|always|auto] Colorize diagnostics.-fdiagnostics-column-origin= Set the number of the first column. The default is 1-based as per GNU style, but some utilities may expect 0-based, for example.-fdiagnostics-column-unit=[display|byte] Select whether column numbers are output as display columns (default) or raw bytes.-fdiagnostics-escape-format=[unicode|bytes] Select how to escape non-printable-ASCII bytes in the source for diagnostics that suggest it.-fdiagnostics-format=[text|sarif-stderr|sarif-file|json|json-stderr|json-file] Select output format.-fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source location at the beginning of line-wrapped diagnostics.-fdiagnostics-text-art-charset=[none|ascii|unicode|emoji] Determine which characters to use in text arg diagrams.-fdiagnostics-urls=[never|always|auto] Embed URLs in diagnostics.-fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 Disable an optimization pass.-fdoc-dir= Write documentation file to directory .-fdoc-file= Write documentation to .-fdoc-inc= Include a Ddoc macro .-fdump- Dump various compiler internals to a file.-fdump-cxx-spec= Write all declarations as C++ code to .-fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of translation.-fdump-go-spec=filename Write all declarations to file as Go code.-femit-struct-debug-baseonly Aggressive reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-detailed= Detailed reduced debug info for structs.-femit-struct-debug-reduced Conservative reduced debug info for structs.-fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-=range1+range2 Enable an optimization pass.-fexcess-precision=[fast|standard|16] Specify handling of excess floating-point precision.-fexec-charset= Convert all strings and character constants to character set .-fextern-std= Set C++ name mangling compatibility with .-ffile-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in compilation result.-ffixed- Mark as being unavailable to the compiler.-ffixed-line-length- Use n as character line width in fixed mode.-ffp-contract=[off|on|fast] Perform floating-point expression contraction.-ffpe-summary=[...] Print summary of floating point exceptions.-ffpe-trap=[...] Stop on following floating point exceptions.-ffree-line-length- Use n as character line width in free mode.-fgnat-encodings=[all|gdb|minimal] Select the balance between GNAT encodings and standard DWARF emitted in the debug information.-fgo-c-header= Write Go struct definitions to file as C code.-fgo-debug-escape-hash= Hash value to debug escape analysis.-fgo-dump- Dump Go frontend internal information.-fgo-embedcfg= List embedded files via go:embed.-fgo-importcfg= Provide file that tells where to find imports.-fgo-optimize- Turn on optimization passes in the frontend.-fgo-pkgpath= Set Go package path.-fgo-prefix= Set package-specific prefix for exported Go names.-fgo-relative-import-path= Treat a relative import as relative to path.-fhardcfr-check-noreturn-calls=[always|no-xthrow|nothrow|never] Check CFR execution paths also before calling noreturn functions.-finit-character= Initialize local character variables to ASCII value n.-finit-integer= Initialize local integer variables to n.-finit-logical= Initialize local logical variables.-finit-real= Initialize local real variables.-finline-arg-packing Perform argument packing inline.-finline-limit= Limit the size of inlined functions to .-finline-matmul-limit= Specify the size of the largest matrix for which matmul will be inlined.-finline-stringops[=memcmp|memcpy|memmove|memset] Expand supported mem/str operations inline, even if against optimization.-finput-charset= Specify the default character set for source files.-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=filename,... Do not instrument functions listed in files.-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=name,... Do not instrument listed functions.-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm.-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA.-fira-verbose= Control IRA's level of diagnostic messages.-flive-patching=[inline-only-static|inline-clone] Control IPA optimizations to provide a safe compilation for live-patching. At the same time, provides multiple-level control on the enabled IPA optimizations.-fmacro-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in __FILE__, __BASE_FILE__, and __builtin_FILE().-fmax-array-constructor= Maximum number of objects in an array constructor.-fmax-errors= Maximum number of errors to report.-fmax-identifier-length= Maximum identifier length.-fmax-stack-var-size= Size in bytes of the largest array that will be put on the stack.-fmax-subrecord-length= Maximum length for subrecords.-fmessage-length= Limit diagnostics to characters per line. 0 suppresses line-wrapping.-fmodule-file== use as source file for .-fno-threadsafe-statics Do not generate thread-safe code for initializing local statics.-foffload-abi=[lp64|ilp32] Set the ABI to use in an offload compiler.-foffload-options== Specify options for the offloading targets.-fopt-info[-=filename] Dump compiler optimization details.-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpack-struct= Set initial maximum structure member alignment.-fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=[c11|ts-18661] Specify which values of FLT_EVAL_METHOD are permitted.-fplugin-arg--[=] Specify argument = for plugin .-fprofile-prefix-map== Map one directory name to another in GCOV coverage result.-fprofile-reproducible=[serial|parallel-runs|multithreaded] Control level of reproducibility of profile gathered by -fprofile-generate.-fprofile-update=[single|atomic|prefer-atomic] Set the profile update method.-framework The linker should search for the framework in the framework search path.-frandom-seed= Make compile reproducible using .-freorder-blocks-algorithm=[simple|stc] Set the used basic block reordering algorithm.-frust-cfg= Set a config expansion option-frust-compile-until=[ast|attributecheck|expansion|astvalidation|featuregating|nameresolution|lowering|typecheck|privacy|unsafety|const|borrowcheck|compilation|end] The pipeline will run up until this stage when compiling Rust code-frust-crate-type=[bin|lib|rlib|dylib|cdylib|staticlib|proc-macro] Crate type to emit-frust-crate= Set the crate name for the compilation-frust-dump- Dump Rust frontend internal information.-frust-edition=[2015|2018|2021] Edition to use when compiling rust code-frust-extern= Specify where an external library is located-frust-mangling=[legacy|v0] Version to use for name mangling-frust-max-recursion-depth=-frust-metadata-output= Path to output crate metadata-fsanitize-sections= Sanitize global variables in user-defined sections.-fsanitize=address is not supported in this configuration-fsave-mixins= Expand and save mixins to file specified by .-fsched-stalled-insns-dep= Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insns.-fsched-stalled-insns= Set number of queued insns that can be prematurely scheduled.-fsched-verbose= Set the verbosity level of the scheduler.-fsimd-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap|very-cheap] Specifies the vectorization cost model for code marked with a simd directive.-fsso-struct=[big-endian|little-endian|native] Set the default scalar storage order.-fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the program.-fstack-limit-register= Trap if the stack goes past .-fstack-limit-symbol= Trap if the stack goes past symbol .-fstack-reuse=[all|named_vars|none] Set stack reuse level for local variables.-fstrict-flex-arrays= Control when to treat the trailing array of a structure as a flexible array member for the purposes of accessing the elements of such an array. The default is treating all trailing arrays of structures as flexible array members.-ftabstop= Distance between tab stops for column reporting.-ftemplate-depth= Specify maximum template instantiation depth.-ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the default thread-local storage code generation model.-ftrack-macro-expansion=<0|1|2> Track locations of tokens coming from macro expansion and display them in error messages.-ftree-parallelize-loops= Enable automatic parallelization of loops.-ftrivial-auto-var-init=[uninitialized|pattern|zero] Add initializations to automatic variables.-fuse-linker-plugin is not supported in this configuration-fvect-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap|very-cheap] Specifies the cost model for vectorization.-fversion= Compile in version code identified by .-fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol visibility.-fvisibility=[private|protected|public|package] Set the default symbol visibility.-fvtable-verify=preinit is not supported in this configuration-fvtable-verify=std is not supported in this configuration-fwide-exec-charset= Convert all wide strings and character constants to character set .-gnat Specify options to GNAT.-gz is not supported in this configuration-gz= Generate compressed debug sections in format .-gz=zstd is not supported in this configuration-idirafter Add to the end of the system include path.-iframework Add to the end of the system framework include path.-imacros Accept definition of macros in .-image_base
as the base address for a dylib or bundle.-imultiarch Set to be the multiarch include subdirectory.-imultilib Set to be the multilib include subdirectory.-include Include the contents of before other files.-init The symbol will be used as the first initialiser for a dylib.-install_name Set the install name for a dylib.-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-iplugindir= Set to be the default plugin directory.-iprefix Specify as a prefix for next two options.-iquote Add to the end of the quote include path.-isysroot Set to be the system root directory.-isystem Add to the start of the system include path.-iwithprefix Add to the end of the system include path.-iwithprefixbefore Add to the end of the main include path.-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-mabi=ABI Generate code that conforms to the given ABI.-mabi=BASEABI Generate code that conforms to the given BASEABI.-mabs=MODE Select the IEEE 754 ABS/NEG instruction execution mode.-march= Generate code for given RISC-V ISA (e.g. RV64IM). ISA strings must be lower-case.-march=ARCH Generate code for the specified chip or CPU version.-march=ISA Generate code for the given ISA.-march=PROCESSOR Generate code for the given PROCESSOR ISA.-march=help Print supported -march extensions.-mas100-syntax is incompatible with -gdwarf-mbranch-cost=COST Set the cost of branches to roughly COST instructions.-mbranch-cost=N Set the cost of branches to roughly N instructions.-mcall-ABI Select ABI calling convention.-mcode-readable=SETTING Specify when instructions are allowed to access code.-mcode-region requires the large memory model (-mlarge)-mcpu= Use features of and schedule code for given CPU.-mcpu=CPU Compile code for ARC variant CPU.-mcpu=PROCESSOR Use features of and schedule code for given CPU.-mcpu=PROCESSOR Use architecture of and optimize the output for PROCESSOR.-mcpu=m16c Compile code for M16C variants.-mcpu=m32c Compile code for M32C variants.-mcpu=m32cm Compile code for M32CM variants.-mcpu=r8c Compile code for R8C variants.-mdata-region requires the large memory model (-mlarge)-mdebug= Enable debug output.-mdouble= Use bits wide double type.-memregs= Number of memreg bytes (default: 16, range: 0..16).-mflush-func=FUNC Use FUNC to flush the cache before calling stack trampolines.-mfpu=FPU Generate code for the given FPU.-mhard-float not supported-mipsN Generate code for ISA level N.-mlam=[none|u48|u57] Instrument meta data position in user data pointers.-mlarge-data-threshold= Data greater than given threshold will go into a large data section in x86-64 medium and large code models.-mlong-double= Use bits wide long double type.-mmax-inline-memcpy-size=SIZE Set the max size of memcpy to inline, default is 1024.-mmax-stackframe=SIZE Warn when a stackframe is larger than the specified size.-mmcu=MCU Select the target MCU.-mmcu=MCU Select the target System-On-Chip variant that embeds this PRU.-mmpy-option=MPY Compile ARCv2 code with a multiplier design option.-mnan=ENCODING Select the IEEE 754 NaN data encoding.-mno-serialize-volatile Do not serialize volatile memory references with MEMW instructions.-moverride= Power users only! Override CPU optimization parameters.-mpointer-size=[no,32,short,64,long] Set the default pointer size.-mr10k-cache-barrier=SETTING Specify when r10k cache barriers should be inserted.-msdata=[none,data,sysv,eabi] Select method for sdata handling.-msim Use simulator runtime.-msimd=SIMD Generate code for the given SIMD extension.-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-msmall-data-limit=N Put global and static data smaller than bytes into a special section (on some targets).-msve-vector-bits= Set the number of bits in an SVE vector register.-mtarget-linker Specify that ld64 is the toolchain linker for the current invocation.-mtls-size=[16,32] Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets.-mtraceback=[full,part,no] Select type of traceback table.-mtune= Schedule code for given CPU.-mtune=ARCH Tune alignment for the specified chip or CPU version.-mtune=PROCESSOR Generate optimized code for PROCESSOR.-mtune=PROCESSOR Optimize the output for PROCESSOR.-mtune=TUNE Tune code for given ARC variant.-mx32 is not supported on Solaris-o Place output into .-pagezero_size Allows setting the page 0 size to 4kb when required.-param=riscv-autovec-lmul= Set the RVV LMUL of auto-vectorization in the RISC-V port.-param=riscv-autovec-preference= Set the preference of auto-vectorization in the RISC-V port.-param=vsetvl-strategy= Set the optimization level of VSETVL insert pass.-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pie is not supported in this configuration-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-read_only_relocs Allow relocations in read-only pages (not recommended).-sectalign Set section in segment to have alignment which must be an integral power of two expressed in hexadecimal form.-sectcreate Create section in segment from the contents of .-seg_addr_table Specify the base addresses for dynamic libraries; contains a line for each library.-segaddr
Set the base address of segment to
which must be aligned to a page boundary (currently 4kb).-segprot The virtual memory protections for segment have maximum and initial values and respectively. The specified values may contain "r", "w", "x" or "-" the latter meaning "no access".-segs_read_only_addr
Specify that
is the base address of the read-only segments of a dylib.-segs_read_write_addr
Specify that
is the base address address of the read-write segments of a dylib.-stdlib=[libstdc++|libc++] The standard library to be used for C++ headers and runtime.-sub_library Library named will be re-exported (only useful for dylibs).-sub_umbrella Framework named will be re-exported (only useful for dylibs).-trigraphs Support ISO C trigraphs.-umbrella The specified framework will be re-exported.-undefined Specify the handling for undefined symbols (default is error).-unexported_symbols_list Do not export the global symbols listed in .-weak_reference_mismatches Specifies what to do if a symbol import conflicts between file (weak in one and not in another) the default is to treat the symbol as non-weak.... this enumerator %qD... to the previous %qs clause here... with %qs clause here... without %qs clause near to here...following parameter %P which has a default argument...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the %qs.NOT. operator in expression at %L must have a LOGICAL operand.XOR. operator at %C/* Prototypes for external procedures generated from %s by GNU Fortran %s%s. Use of this interface is discouraged, consider using the BIND(C) feature of standard Fortran instead. */ 128-bit % not supported for VAX floats128-bit system register support requires the % extension31 bit ABI.387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64 bit ABI.64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode; use assignment instead; use assignment or value-initialization instead; use copy-assignment instead; use copy-assignment or copy-initialization instead; use copy-initialization instead; use value-initialization instead