FLa|!G2:z?>"4(W(766T-s(+ $- %R 2x " % . -# Q 0k 2 (   # @3 "t B 5 ;:W(4B,*o6&Gn:&K-.\%^  #M >ZGE''.O~"5A8!W/y)"%"<1_3#/9(S#|4,-$0'U}P1HYc :AD`4qHD *Oz0%VCi&F6 R 0T   ! # !!! ! !!!E:@<=+B.D8F#0$32C4%& !6/ "7 ,19;( '-5)A>?* -- Type space to continue -- Commands are: [SPACE] R)epl A)ccept I)nsert U)ncap S)tem Q)uit e(X)it or ? for help --check-apostrophe check Unicode typographic apostrophe --check-url check URLs, e-mail addresses and directory paths -1 check only first field in lines (delimiter = tabulator) -D show available dictionaries -G print only correct words or lines -H HTML input file format -L print lines with misspelled words -O OpenDocument (ODF or Flat ODF) input file format -P password set password for encrypted dictionaries -X XML input file format -a Ispell's pipe interface -d d[,d2,...] use d (d2 etc.) dictionaries -h, --help display this help and exit -i enc input encoding -l print misspelled words -m analyze the words of the input text -n nroff/troff input file format -p dict set dict custom dictionary -r warn of the potential mistakes (rare words) -t TeX/LaTeX input file format -v, --version print version number -vv print Ispell compatible version number 0-n Replace with one of the suggested words. ? Show this help screen. A Accept the word for the rest of this session. Are you sure you want to throw away your changes? Bug reports: http://hunspell.github.io/ Can't create tempfileCan't create tmp dirCan't open %s. Can't open affix or dictionary files for dictionary named "%s". Cannot update personal dictionary.Check spelling of each FILE. Without FILE, check standard input. Example: hunspell -d en_US file.txt # interactive spelling hunspell -i utf-8 file.txt # check UTF-8 encoded file hunspell -l *.odt # print misspelled words of ODF files # Quick fix of ODF documents by personal dictionary creation # 1 Make a reduced list from misspelled and unknown words: hunspell -l *.odt | sort | uniq >words # 2 Delete misspelled words of the file by a text editor. # 3 Use this personal dictionary to fix the deleted words: hunspell -p words *.odt FORBIDDEN!Hunspell has been compiled without Ncurses user interface. I Accept the word, and put it in your private dictionary. LOADED DICTIONARY: %s %s Line %d: %s -> Model word (a similar dictionary word): Model word must be in the dictionary. Press any key!New word (stem): Q Quit immediately. Asks for confirmation. Leaves file unchanged. R Replace the misspelled word completely. Replace with: S Ask a stem and a model word and store them in the private dictionary. The stem will be accepted also with the affixes of the model word. SEARCH PATH: %s Space Accept the word this time only. Spelling mistake?U Accept and add lowercase version to private dictionary. Usage: hunspell [OPTION]... [FILE]... X Write the rest of this file, ignoring misspellings, and start next file. ^Z Suspend program. Restart with fg command. aerror - %s exceeds dictionary limit. error - iconv: %s -> %s error - iconv_open: %s -> %s error - iconv_open: UTF-8 -> %s error - missing HOME variable iqrsuxyProject-Id-Version: hunspell 1.5.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/hunspell/hunspell/issues PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-25 15:09+0000 Last-Translator: Anonymous Language-Team: Occidental Language: ie MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev -- Tippa SPACIE por continuar -- Comandes disponibil: [SPACIE] R)empl A)ccpt I)nsrt M)inusc radi(C)a F)inir T)erminar ?) Auxilie --check-apostrophe controlar li tipografic apostrof Unicode --check-url controlar URL- e E-post-adresses, e rutes de fil-sistema -1 controlar solmen li unesim camp in li linea (delimitat p/TABs) -D monstar disponibil dictionariums -G printar solmen correct paroles o lineas -H file in li formate HTML --L printar lineas con errores -O file in li formate OpenDocument (ODF/Plan-ODF) -P contrasgn assignar li contrasigne por ciffrat dictionariums -X file in li formate XML -a Interfacie canal de Ispell -d d[,d2,...] usar dictionariums d (d2 etc.) -h, --help monstrar li auxilie e salir -i cod codification del file -l printar paroles con errores -m analisar li paroles in li file -n file in formate nroff/troff -p dict usar li personal dictionarium «dict» -r advertir pri potential errores (rar paroles) -t file in li formate TeX/LaTeX -v, --version monstrar li numeró de version -vv monstrar li nró de version compatibil con Ispell 0-n Remplazzar per un del suggestiones. ? Monstrar ti-ci ecran de auxilie. A Accepter li parole por li reste de ti-ci session. Esque vu vole forjettar vor modificationes? Raportar errores: http://hunspell.github.io/ Ne successat crear un temporari fileNe successat crear un temporari fólderNe successat aperter %s. Ne successat aperter li file de affixe o de dictionarium por dictionarium "%s". Ne successar actualisar li personal dictionarium.Controlar li ortografia de chascun FILE. Sin FILE, controlar li STDIN. Exemple: hunspell -d ie file.txt # control interactiv hunspell -i utf-8 file.txt # controlar un file in codification UTF-8 hunspell -l *.odt # printar errari paroles ex files ODF # Rapid correction de documentes ODF per creation de un personal dict. # 1 Crea un reductet liste de ínconosset e errari paroles: hunspell -l *.odt | sort | uniq >paroles # 2 Delete li errari paroles ex li file per un redactor de textus. # 3 Usa ta-ci dictionarium por correcter li removet paroles: hunspell -p paroles *.odt PROHIBIT!Hunspell esset compilat sin interfacie de usator Ncurses. I Accepter li parole e adjunter it in vor personal dictionarium. CARGAT DICTIONARIUM: %s %s Linea %d: %s -> Modell-parole (un simil parole ex li dictionarium): Li modell-parole deve exister in li dictionarium. [Presse alquel clave.]Nov parole (radice/base): T Terminar ínmediatmen. Demandar confirmation. Ne modificar files. R Remplazzar li errari parole completmen. Remplazzar per: C Demandar un radice e un modell-parole e adjunter les al pers. dict. Li radice va esser acceptat con li affixes del modell-parole. RUTE DE SERCHA: %s Spacie Accepter li parole solmen por ti-ci vez. Ortografic errore?M Accepter e adjunter li parole scrit in minuscules al pers. dict. Usage: hunspell [OPTION]... [FILE]... F Scrir li reste del file ínchangeat e comensar con li sequent file. ^Z Suspender li programma. Reiniciar med commande fg. aerrore - %s supera li límite del dictionarium. errore - iconv: %s -> %s errore - iconv_open: %s -> %s errore - iconv_open: UTF-8 -> %s errore - variabile HOME es mancant itrcmfy