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The following switches are optional: [Use file %s in directory table entry %d] [Use file table entry %d] %s: file format %s %s: Corrupt entries list %s: Found separate debug info file: %s %sgroup section [%5u] `%s' [%s] contains %u sections: '%s' relocation section at offset %#llx contains %lld bytes: '%s' relocation section at offset %#lx contains %ld bytes: Address table: Archive index: Assembly dump of section %s CTF archive member: %s: CU table: Can't get contents for section '%s'. Could not find unwind info section for Disassembly of section %s: Displaying contents of Renesas V850 notes section at offset %#llx with length %#llx: Displaying contents of Renesas V850 notes section at offset %#lx with length %#lx: Dump of CTF section '%s' in linked file %s: Dump of CTF section '%s': Dynamic info segment at offset %#llx contains %d entry: Dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: Dynamic info segment at offset %#lx contains %d entry: Dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: Dynamic section at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: Dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: Dynamic section at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: Dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: Dynamic symbol information is not available for displaying symbols. ERROR: unwind length too long (0x%lx > 0x%lx) Elf file type is %s File: %s Hex dump of section '%s' in linked file %s: Hex dump of section '%s': Histogram for `%s' bucket list length (total of %llu bucket): Histogram for `%s' bucket list length (total of % buckets): Histogram for `%s' bucket list length (total of %lu bucket): Histogram for `%s' bucket list length (total of % buckets): Histogram for bucket list length (total of %llu bucket): Histogram for bucket list length (total of % buckets): Histogram for bucket list length (total of %lu bucket): Histogram for bucket list length (total of % buckets): Image fixups for needed library #%ld: %s - ident: %lx Image fixups for needed library #%lld: %s - ident: %llx Image relocs In linked file '%s' relocation section In linked file '%s' section '%s' at offset %#llx contains %lld bytes: In linked file '%s' section '%s' at offset %#lx contains %ld bytes: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the version definition section '%s' contains %u entry: In linked file '%s' the version definition section '%s' contains %u entries: In linked file '%s' the version needs section '%s' contains %u entry: In linked file '%s' the version needs section '%s' contains %u entries: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s': In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %#llx contains %d entry: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %#lx contains %d entry: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: LTO Symbol table '%s' is empty! Library list section '%s' contains %llu entries: Library list section '%s' contains % entries: Library list section '%s' contains %lu entries: Library list section '%s' contains % entries: No version information found in linked file '%s'. No version information found in this file. Options supported for -P/--private switch: Primary GOT: Program Headers: Relocation section Section '%s' contains %d entry: Section '%s' contains %d entries: Section '%s' has an invalid size: %#llx. Section '%s' has an invalid size: %#lx. Section '%s' has no debugging data. Section '.conflict' contains %zu entry: Section '.conflict' contains %zu entries: Section '.liblist' contains %zu entry: Section '.liblist' contains %zu entries: Section Header: Section Headers in linked file '%s': Section Headers: Section headers (at offset 0x%08x): Shortcut table: Static GOT: String dump of section '%s' in linked file %s: String dump of section '%s': Symbol table '%s' contains %llu entry: Symbol table '%s' contains % entries: Symbol table '%s' contains %lu entry: Symbol table '%s' contains % entries: Symbol table '%s' has a sh_entsize of zero! Symbol table for image contains %llu entry: Symbol table for image contains % entries: Symbol table for image contains %lu entry: Symbol table for image contains % entries: Symbol table: TU table: The %s section is empty. The LTO Symbol table section '%s' in linked file '%s' is empty! The decoding of unwind sections for machine type %s is not currently supported. There are no dynamic relocations in linked file '%s'. There are no dynamic relocations in this file. There are no program headers in linked file '%s'. There are no program headers in this file. There are no relocations in linked file '%s'. There are no relocations in this file. There are no section groups in linked file '%s'. There are no section groups in this file. There are no sections group in linked file '%s'. There are no sections in this file. There are no static relocations in linked file '%s'. There are no static relocations in this file. There are no unwind sections in this file. There is no dynamic section in linked file '%s'. There is no dynamic section in this file. To see the dynamic relocations add --use-dynamic to the command line. Unsupported size of Optional Header Unwind section Unwind section '%s' at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: Unwind section '%s' at offset %# contains % entries: Unwind section '%s' at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: Unwind section '%s' at offset %# contains % entries: Version definition section '%s' contains %u entry: Version definition section '%s' contains %u entries: Version needs section '%s' contains %u entry: Version needs section '%s' contains %u entries: Version symbols section '%s' contains %llu entry: Version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: Version symbols section '%s' contains %lu entry: Version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: ldinfo dump not supported in 32 bits environments start address 0x STYLE can be Use actual timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries Use actual timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries (default) Use zero for timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries Use zero for timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries (default) STYLE can be FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align Flags: %08x possible : arm[_interwork], arm64, i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, thumb %s -M [] [: 0x%x], --[no-]show-raw-insn Display hex alongside symbolic disassembly --add-stdcall-underscore Add underscores to stdcall symbols in interface library. --adjust-vma=OFFSET Add OFFSET to all displayed section addresses --ctf-parent=NAME Use CTF archive member NAME as the CTF parent --ctf[=SECTION] Display CTF info from SECTION, (default `.ctf') --deterministic-libraries --disassemble= Display assembler contents from --disassembler-color=extended Use 8-bit colors in disassembler output. --disassembler-color=off Disable disassembler color output. --disassembler-color=off Disable disassembler color output. (default) --disassembler-color=on Enable disassembler color output. --disassembler-color=terminal Enable disassembler color output if displaying on a terminal. --disassembler-color=terminal Enable disassembler color output if displaying on a terminal. (default) --dwarf-check Make additional dwarf consistency checks. --dwarf-depth=N Do not display DIEs at depth N or greater --dwarf-start=N Display DIEs starting at offset N --exclude-symbols Don't export --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --file-start-context Include context from start of file (with -S) --identify-strict Causes --identify to report error when multiple DLLs. --inlines Print all inlines for source line (with -l) --insn-width=WIDTH Display WIDTH bytes on a single line for -d --leading-underscore All symbols should be prefixed by an underscore. --no-addresses Do not print address alongside disassembly --no-default-excludes Clear default exclude symbols --no-demangle Do not demangle low-level symbol names --no-export-all-symbols Only export listed symbols --no-leading-underscore All symbols shouldn't be prefixed by an underscore. --no-recurse-limit Disable a limit on recursion whilst demangling --no-recurse-limit Disable a demangling recursion limit. --non-deterministic-libraries --plugin NAME Load the specified plugin --prefix-addresses Print complete address alongside disassembly --prefix-strip=LEVEL Strip initial directory names for -S --prefix=PREFIX Add PREFIX to absolute paths for -S --quiet Suppress "no symbols" diagnostic --recurse-limit Enable a limit on recursion whilst demangling (default) --recurse-limit Enable a demangling recursion limit. (default) --sframe[=SECTION] Display SFrame info from SECTION, (default '.sframe') --show-all-symbols When disassembling, display all symbols at a given address --size-sort Sort symbols by size --source-comment[=] Prefix lines of source code with --special-syms Include special symbols in symbol dumps --special-syms Include special symbols in the output --start-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is >= ADDR --stop-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is < ADDR --synthetic Display synthetic symbols as well --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME --unicode={default|show|invalid|hex|escape|highlight} Specify how to treat UTF-8 encoded unicode characters --use-nul-prefixed-import-tables Use zero prefixed idata$4 and idata$5. --visualize-jumps Visualize jumps by drawing ASCII art lines --visualize-jumps=color Use colors in the ASCII art --visualize-jumps=extended-color Use extended 8-bit color codes --visualize-jumps=off Disable jump visualization --without-symbol-versions Do not display version strings after symbol names Hardware Capabilities: Properties: [Requesting program interpreter: %s] --dyn-syms Display the dynamic symbol table --lto-syms Display LTO symbol tables --no-demangle Do not demangle low-level symbol names. (default) --no-extra-sym-info Do not display extra information when showing symbols (default) --no-recurse-limit Disable a demangling recursion limit --recurse-limit Enable a demangling recursion limit. (default) --sections An alias for --section-headers --segments An alias for --program-headers --sym-base=[0|8|10|16] Force base for symbol sizes. The options are mixed (the default), octal, decimal, hexadecimal. --symbols An alias for --syms --yydebug Turn on parser debugging -U[dlexhi] --unicode=[default|locale|escape|hex|highlight|invalid] Display unicode characters as determined by the current locale (default), escape sequences, "", highlighted escape sequences, or treat them as invalid and display as "{hex sequences}" -X --extra-sym-info Display extra information when showing symbols Library Time Stamp Checksum Version Flags Library Time Stamp Checksum Version Flags [Reserved] [unsupported opcode] finish pop {ra_auth_code} vsp as modifier for PAC validation %*s%*s%*s --ifunc-chars=CHARS Characters to use when displaying ifunc symbols .debug_abbrev.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_abbrev.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_line.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_line.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_loc.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_loc.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_str_offsets.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_str_offsets.dwo: %#lx %#zx Applies to region from %#llx Applies to region from %#llx Applies to region from %#llx to %#llx Applies to region from %#lx Applies to region from %#lx Applies to region from %#lx to %#lx Arguments: %s Build ID: Cannot decode 64-bit note in 32-bit build Creation date : %.17s DW_MACRO_%02x arguments: DW_MACRO_%02x has no arguments Description data: Global symbol table name: %.*s Image id: %.*s Image name: %.*s Last patch date: %.17s Length: %#llx Length: %#lx Linker id: %.*s Location: Malformed note - does not end with \0 Malformed note - filenames end too early Malformed note - too short for header Malformed note - too short for supplied file count Module name : %s Module name : Module version : %s Module version : Name: %s OS: %s, ABI: %d.%d.%d Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name + Addend Offset Begin End Expression Offset Begin End Packaging Metadata: %.*s Page size: Provider: %s UNKNOWN DW_LNE_HP_SFC opcode (%u) Version: Version: %#x [%6u] %#llx [%6u] %#lx %08x --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @ --as Use for assembler --base-file Read linker generated base file --def Name input .def file --dllname Name of input dll to put into output lib. --dlltool-name Defaults to "dlltool" --driver-flags Override default ld flags --driver-name Defaults to "gcc" --dry-run Show what needs to be run --entry Specify alternate DLL entry point --exclude-symbols Exclude from .def --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --image-base Specify image base address --implib Synonym for --output-lib --leading-underscore Entrypoint with underscore. --machine --mno-cygwin Create Mingw DLL --no-default-excludes Zap default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Only export .drectve symbols --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section --no-leading-underscore Entrypoint without underscore --nodelete Keep temp files. --output-def Name output .def file --output-exp Generate export file. --output-lib Generate input library. --quiet, -q Work quietly --target i386-cygwin32 or i386-mingw32 --verbose, -v Verbose --version Print dllwrap version -A --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @. -C --compat-implib Create backward compatible import library. -D --dllname Name of input dll to put into interface lib. -F --linker-flags Pass to the linker. -I --identify Report the name of the DLL associated with . -L --linker Use as the linker. -M --mcore-elf Process mcore-elf object files into . -S --as Use for assembler. -U Add underscores to .lib -U --add-underscore Add underscores to all symbols in interface library. -V --version Display the program version. -a --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. -b --base-file Read linker generated base file. -c --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section. -d --input-def Name of .def file to be read in. -e --output-exp Generate an export file. -f --as-flags Pass to the assembler. -h --help Display this information. -k Kill @ from exported names -k --kill-at Kill @ from exported names. -l --output-lib Generate an interface library. -m --machine Create as DLL for . [default: %s] -n --no-delete Keep temp files (repeat for extra preservation). -p --ext-prefix-alias Add aliases with . -t --temp-prefix Use to construct temp file names. -v --verbose Be verbose. -x --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section. -y --output-delaylib Create a delay-import library. -z --output-def Name of .def file to be created. 0 (*local*) 1 (*global*) @ Read options from . @ Read options from Abbrev Offset: %#llx Abbrev Offset: %#lx DWO ID: %#llx DWO ID: %#lx Executable: %s Floating Point mode: Header flags: 0x%08x Image id : %.*s Language: %.*s Last modified : Length: %#llx (%s) Length: %#lx (%s) Link time: Major id: %u, minor id: %u Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis+Other Ndx(SecName) Name [+ Version Info] Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis+Other Ndx(SecName) Name [+ Version Info] Patch time: Pointer Size: %d Section contributions: Signature: %#llx Signature: %#lx Stack Size: 0x%x Stack allocated: %x Type Offset: %#llx Type Offset: %#lx Unit Type: %s (%x) Version: %d [Index] Name description data: identity: %s # sc value section type aux name/off %#06zx: Name index: %lx %#06zx: Name: %s %#06zx: Parent %d, name index: %ld %#06zx: Parent %d: %s %#06zx: Rev: %d Flags: %s %#06zx: Version: %d %*s %*s Purpose %*s %10s %*s %*s %10s %*s Purpose %-20s %-10s Description %4u %08x %3u %llu offset % offsets %lu offset % offsets %s: %s: %u index entry: %u index entries: (Starting at file offset: 0x%lx) (Unknown inline attribute value: %#llx) (Unknown inline attribute value: %#lx) --ctf-parent= Use CTF archive member as the CTF parent --ctf-strings= Use section as the CTF external strtab --ctf-symbols= Use section as the CTF external symtab --ctf= Display CTF info from section --dwarf-depth=N Do not display DIEs at depth N or greater --dwarf-start=N Display DIEs starting at offset N --enable-x86-feature [ibt|shstk|lam_u48|lam_u57] Enable x86 feature --disable-x86-feature [ibt|shstk|lam_u48|lam_u57] Disable x86 feature --input-mach [none|i386|iamcu|l1om|k1om|x86_64] Set input machine type --output-mach [none|i386|iamcu|l1om|k1om|x86_64] Set output machine type --input-type [none|rel|exec|dyn] Set input file type --output-type [none|rel|exec|dyn] Set output file type --input-osabi [%s] Set input OSABI --output-osabi [%s] Set output OSABI --input-abiversion [0-255] Set input ABIVERSION --output-abiversion [0-255] Set output ABIVERSION --output=DIRNAME - specify the output directory for extraction operations --plugin Load the specified plugin --plugin

- load the specified plugin --record-libdeps= - specify the dependencies of this library --sframe[=NAME] Display SFrame info from section NAME, (default '.sframe') --target=BFDNAME - specify the target object format as BFDNAME --thin - make a thin archive -A --arch-specific Display architecture specific information (if any) -A, --print-file-name Print name of the input file before every symbol -B Same as --format=bsd -C --demangle[=STYLE] Decode mangled/processed symbol names -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode mangled/processed symbol names -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode mangled/processed symbol names -D Use zero for symbol map timestamp -U Use actual symbol map timestamp (default) -D Use zero for symbol map timestamp (default) -U Use an actual symbol map timestamp -D --enable-deterministic-archives Produce deterministic output when stripping archives -U --disable-deterministic-archives Disable -D behavior (default) -D --enable-deterministic-archives Produce deterministic output when stripping archives (default) -U --disable-deterministic-archives Disable -D behavior -D --use-dynamic Use the dynamic section info when displaying symbols -D, --disassemble-all Display assembler contents of all sections -D, --dynamic Display dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols -EB --endian=big Assume big endian format when disassembling -EL --endian=little Assume little endian format when disassembling -F, --file-offsets Include file offsets when displaying information -G, --stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file -H --help Print this help message -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -V --version Print version information -H --help Display this information -H, --help Display this information -I --histogram Display histogram of bucket list lengths -I --input-target Assume input file is in format -O --output-target Create an output file in format -B --binary-architecture Set output arch, when input is arch-less -F --target Set both input and output format to --debugging Convert debugging information, if possible -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -I --input-target= Assume input file is in format -O --output-target= Create an output file in format -F --target= Set both input and output format to -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -I, --include=DIR Add DIR to search list for source files -L --lint|--enable-checks Display warning messages for possible problems -L, --process-links Display the contents of non-debug sections in separate debuginfo files. (Implies -WK) -M, --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler -P --process-links Display the contents of non-debug sections in separate debuginfo files. (Implies -wK) -P, --portability Same as --format=posix -P, --private=OPT,OPT... Display object format specific contents -R --relocated-dump= Dump the relocated contents of section -R --remove-section= Also remove section from the output --remove-relocations Remove relocations from section --strip-section-headers Strip section headers from the output -s --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g -S -d --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-dwo Remove all DWO sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information -M --merge-notes Remove redundant entries in note sections (default) --no-merge-notes Do not attempt to remove redundant notes -N --strip-symbol= Do not copy symbol --keep-section= Do not strip section -K --keep-symbol= Do not strip symbol --keep-section-symbols Do not strip section symbols --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -v --verbose List all object files modified -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported -o Place stripped output into -R, --dynamic-reloc Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file -S --section-headers Display the sections' header -S, --print-size Print size of defined symbols -S, --source Intermix source code with disassembly -T --silent-truncation If a symbol name is truncated, do not add [...] suffix -T, --dynamic-syms Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table -U, --defined-only Display only defined symbols -U[d|l|i|x|e|h] Controls the display of UTF-8 unicode characters --unicode=[default|locale|invalid|hex|escape|highlight] -V --version-info Display the version sections (if present) -V, --version Display this program's version number -W --wide Allow output width to exceed 80 characters -W, --dwarf[a/=abbrev, A/=addr, r/=aranges, c/=cu_index, L/=decodedline, f/=frames, F/=frames-interp, g/=gdb_index, i/=info, o/=loc, m/=macro, p/=pubnames, t/=pubtypes, R/=Ranges, l/=rawline, s/=str, O/=str-offsets, u/=trace_abbrev, T/=trace_aranges, U/=trace_info] Display the contents of DWARF debug sections -W, --no-weak Ignore weak symbols -WD --dwarf=use-debuginfod When following links, also query debuginfod servers (default) -WE --dwarf=do-not-use-debuginfod When following links, do not query debuginfod servers -WK,--dwarf=follow-links Follow links to separate debug info files -WK,--dwarf=follow-links Follow links to separate debug info files (default) -WN,--dwarf=no-follow-links Do not follow links to separate debug info files -WN,--dwarf=no-follow-links Do not follow links to separate debug info files (default) -Wk,--dwarf=links Display the contents of sections that link to separate debuginfo files -X 32_64 (ignored) -Z, --decompress Decompress section(s) before displaying their contents -a - --all Scan the entire file, not just the data section -d --data Only scan the data sections in the file [default] -a - --all Scan the entire file, not just the data section [default] -d --data Only scan the data sections in the file -a --all Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I -a, --archive-headers Display archive header information -a, --debug-syms Display debugger-only symbols -b, --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME -c --archive-index Display the symbol/file index in an archive -d --dynamic Display the dynamic section (if present) -d, --disassemble Display assembler contents of executable sections -e (ignored) -e --headers Equivalent to: -h -l -S -e, --debugging-tags Display debug information using ctags style -f --print-file-name Print the name of the file before each string -n Locate & print any sequence of at least --bytes= displayable characters. (The default is 4). -t --radix={o,d,x} Print the location of the string in base 8, 10 or 16 -w --include-all-whitespace Include all whitespace as valid string characters -o An alias for --radix=o -T --target= Specify the binary file format -e --encoding={s,S,b,l,B,L} Select character size and endianness: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bit --unicode={default|show|invalid|hex|escape|highlight} -U {d|s|i|x|e|h} Specify how to treat UTF-8 encoded unicode characters -s --output-separator= String used to separate strings in output. @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v -V --version Print the program's version number -f, --file-headers Display the contents of the overall file header -f, --format=FORMAT Use the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be `bsd', `sysv', `posix' or 'just-symbols'. The default is `bsd' -g --section-groups Display the section groups -g, --debugging Display debug information in object file -g, --extern-only Display only external symbols -h --file-header Display the ELF file header -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the version number of %s -h, --[section-]headers Display the contents of the section headers -h, --help Display this information -i --instruction-dump= Disassemble the contents of section -i, --info List object formats and architectures supported -j --only-section Only copy section into the output --add-gnu-debuglink= Add section .gnu_debuglink linking to -R --remove-section Remove section from the output --remove-relocations Remove relocations from section --strip-section-headers Strip section header from the output -S --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-dwo Remove all DWO sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations -N --strip-symbol Do not copy symbol --strip-unneeded-symbol Do not copy symbol unless needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information --extract-dwo Copy only DWO sections --extract-symbol Remove section contents but keep symbols --keep-section Do not strip section -K --keep-symbol Do not strip symbol --keep-section-symbols Do not strip section symbols --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) --localize-hidden Turn all ELF hidden symbols into locals -L --localize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a local --globalize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a global -G --keep-global-symbol Localize all symbols except -W --weaken-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a weak --weaken Force all global symbols to be marked as weak -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -i --interleave[=] Only copy N out of every bytes --interleave-width Set N for --interleave -b --byte Select byte in every interleaved block --gap-fill Fill gaps between sections with --pad-to Pad the last section up to address --set-start Set the start address to {--change-start|--adjust-start} Add to the start address {--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} Add to LMA, VMA and start addresses {--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} {=|+|-} Change LMA and VMA of section by --change-section-lma {=|+|-} Change the LMA of section by --change-section-vma {=|+|-} Change the VMA of section by {--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings} Warn if a named section does not exist --set-section-flags = Set section 's properties to --set-section-alignment = Set section 's alignment to bytes --add-section = Add section found in to output --update-section = Update contents of section with contents found in --dump-section = Dump the contents of section into --rename-section =[,] Rename section to --long-section-names {enable|disable|keep} Handle long section names in Coff objects. --change-leading-char Force output format's leading character style --remove-leading-char Remove leading character from global symbols --reverse-bytes= Reverse bytes at a time, in output sections with content --redefine-sym = Redefine symbol name to --redefine-syms --redefine-sym for all symbol pairs listed in --srec-len Restrict the length of generated Srecords --srec-forceS3 Restrict the type of generated Srecords to S3 --strip-symbols -N for all symbols listed in --strip-unneeded-symbols --strip-unneeded-symbol for all symbols listed in --keep-symbols -K for all symbols listed in --localize-symbols -L for all symbols listed in --globalize-symbols --globalize-symbol for all in --keep-global-symbols -G for all symbols listed in --weaken-symbols -W for all symbols listed in --add-symbol =[

:][,] Add a symbol --alt-machine-code Use the target's 'th alternative machine --writable-text Mark the output text as writable --readonly-text Make the output text write protected --pure Mark the output file as demand paged --impure Mark the output file as impure --prefix-symbols Add to start of every symbol name --prefix-sections Add to start of every section name --prefix-alloc-sections Add to start of every allocatable section name --file-alignment Set PE file alignment to --heap [,] Set PE reserve/commit heap to / --image-base
Set PE image base to
--section-alignment Set PE section alignment to --stack [,] Set PE reserve/commit stack to / --subsystem [:] Set PE subsystem to [& ] --compress-debug-sections[={none|zlib|zlib-gnu|zlib-gabi|zstd}] Compress DWARF debug sections --decompress-debug-sections Decompress DWARF debug sections using zlib --elf-stt-common=[yes|no] Generate ELF common symbols with STT_COMMON type --verilog-data-width Specifies data width, in bytes, for verilog output -M --merge-notes Remove redundant entries in note sections --no-merge-notes Do not attempt to remove redundant notes (default) -v --verbose List all object files modified @ Read options from -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported -j, --just-symbols Same as --format=just-symbols -j, --section=NAME Only display information for section NAME -l --program-headers Display the program headers -l, --line-numbers Include line numbers and filenames in output -l, --line-numbers Use debugging information to find a filename and line number for each symbol -m, --architecture=MACHINE Specify the target architecture as MACHINE -n --notes Display the contents of note sections (if present) -n, --numeric-sort Sort symbols numerically by address -o Same as -A -p --string-dump= Dump the contents of section as strings -p, --no-sort Do not sort the symbols -p, --private-headers Display object format specific file header contents -r Ignored for compatibility with rc @ Read options from -h --help Print this help message -V --version Print version information -r --relocs Display the relocations (if present) -r, --reloc Display the relocation entries in the file -r, --reverse-sort Reverse the sense of the sort -s --syms Display the symbol table -s, --full-contents Display the full contents of all sections requested -s, --print-armap Include index for symbols from archive members -t Update the archive's symbol map timestamp -h --help Print this help message -v --version Print version information -t --section-details Display the section details -t, --radix=RADIX Use RADIX for printing symbol values -t, --syms Display the contents of the symbol table(s) -u --unwind Display the unwind info (if present) -u, --undefined-only Display only undefined symbols -v --version Display the version number of readelf -v, --version Display this program's version number -w --debug-dump[a/=abbrev, A/=addr, r/=aranges, c/=cu_index, L/=decodedline, f/=frames, F/=frames-interp, g/=gdb_index, i/=info, o/=loc, m/=macro, p/=pubnames, t/=pubtypes, R/=Ranges, l/=rawline, s/=str, O/=str-offsets, u/=trace_abbrev, T/=trace_aranges, U/=trace_info] Display the contents of DWARF debug sections -w, --wide Format output for more than 80 columns -wD --debug-dump=use-debuginfod When following links, also query debuginfod servers (default) -wE --debug-dump=do-not-use-debuginfod When following links, do not query debuginfod servers -wK --debug-dump=follow-links Follow links to separate debug info files -wK --debug-dump=follow-links Follow links to separate debug info files (default) -wN --debug-dump=no-follow-links Do not follow links to separate debug info files -wN --debug-dump=no-follow-links Do not follow links to separate debug info files (default) -wk --debug-dump=links Display the contents of sections that link to separate debuginfo files -x --hex-dump= Dump the contents of section as bytes -x, --all-headers Display the contents of all headers -z --decompress Decompress section before dumping it -z, --disassemble-zeroes Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disassembling 32 bit pointers: 64 bit pointers: : : @ Read options from @ Read options from @ - read options from @FILE Read options from FILE ABI Version: %d Address size (bytes): %d Address size: %u Advance Line by %d to %d Advance PC by %llu to %#llx%s Advance PC by %llu to %#llx[%d]%s Advance PC by %lu to %#lx%s Advance PC by %lu to %#lx[%d]%s Advance PC by constant %llu to %#llx%s Advance PC by constant %llu to %#llx[%d]%s Advance PC by constant %lu to %#lx%s Advance PC by constant %lu to %#lx[%d]%s Advance PC by fixed size amount %llu to %#llx Advance PC by fixed size amount %lu to %#lx Augmentation data: Build-ID (%#zx bytes): CRC value: %#x Checksum Len: %llu Checksum Len: %lu Checksum: Class: %s Cnt: %d Comdat_Key Kind Visibility Size Slot Type Section Name Comdat_Key Kind Visibility Size Slot Name Compact model index: %d Compilation Unit @ offset %#llx: Compilation Unit @ offset %#lx: Copy DWARF Version: %d DWARF version: %u DW_CFA_??? (User defined call frame op: %#x) Data: %s Directory: %s Entry Entry Dir Time Size Name Entry point address: Extended opcode %d: Extension opcode arguments: File: %lx File: %s Filename: %s Flags Flags: 0x%lx%s Flags: %s Version: %d For compilation unit at offset %#llx: For compilation unit at offset %#lx: Generic options: ID: ID: Index: %d Cnt: %d Initial value of 'is_stmt': %d Is Supp: %u Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %#llx Length: %#lx Line Base: %d Line Range: %d Machine: %s Magic: Maximum Ops per Instruction: %d Minimum Instruction Length: %d Name: %s No aux header No emulation specific options No section header No section headers No strings found in this section. Num: Index Value Name Number TAG (%#llx) Number TAG (%#lx) Number of columns: %u Number of program headers: %u Number of section headers: %u Number of slots: %u Number of used entries: %u OS/ABI: %s Offset Info Type Sym. Value Sym. Name Offset Info Type Sym. Value Sym. Name + Addend Offset entries: %u Offset into .debug_info section: %#llx Offset into .debug_info section: %#lx Offset into .debug_info: %#llx Offset into .debug_info: %#lx Offset into .debug_line: %#llx Offset into .debug_line: %#lx Offset size: %d Offset table Offset: %#llx Offset: %#lx Offset: %#tx Offset: 0x%08llx Link: %u (%s) Offset: 0x%08lx Link: %u (%s) Opcode %d has %d arg Opcode %d has %d args Opcode Base: %d Options for %s: Options passed to DLLTOOL: PPC hi-16: Personality routine: Pointer Size: %d Prologue Length: %d Registers restored: Rest are passed unmodified to the language driver Restore stack from frame pointer Return register: %s Section header string table index: %u Segment Sections... Segment Size: %d Segment selector (bytes): %d Segment size: %u Separate debug info file: %s Set File Name to entry %llu in the File Name Table Set File Name to entry %lu in the File Name Table Set ISA to %llu Set ISA to %lu Set basic block Set column to %llu Set column to %lu Set epilogue_begin to true Set is_stmt to %d Set prologue_end to true Size of area in .debug_info section: %ld Size of area in .debug_info section: %lld Size of program headers: %u (bytes) Size of section headers: %u (bytes) Size of this header: %u (bytes) Size table Special opcode %d: advance Address by %llu to %#llx%s Special opcode %d: advance Address by %llu to %#llx[%d]%s Special opcode %d: advance Address by %lu to %#lx%s Special opcode %d: advance Address by %lu to %#lx[%d]%s Stack increment %d Tag Type Name/Value Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type: %s Unhandled location type %u Unhandled magic Unknown GNU attribute: %s Unknown attribute: Unknown opcode %d with operands: Unsupported version (%d) Version def aux past end of section Version definition past end of section Version: %d Version: %d%s Version: 0x%lx Version: %d Version: %d Version: %u Version: %u [%3d] Signature: %#llx Sections: [%3d] Signature: %#lx Sections: [-X32] - ignores 64 bit objects [-X32_64] - accepts 32 and 64 bit objects [-X64] - ignores 32 bit objects [-g] - 32 bit small archive [D] - use zero for timestamps and uids/gids [D] - use zero for timestamps and uids/gids (default) [N] - use instance [count] of name [Nr] Name [Nr] Name Type Address Offset [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al [O] - display offsets of files in the archive [P] - use full path names when matching [S] - do not build a symbol table [T] - deprecated, use --thin instead [Truncated data] [U] - use actual timestamps and uids/gids [U] - use actual timestamps and uids/gids (default) [V] - display the version number [a] - put file(s) after [member-name] [b] - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i]) [bad block length] [c] - do not warn if the library had to be created [f] - truncate inserted file names [l ] - specify the dependencies of this library [o] - preserve original dates [reserved (%d)] [reserved] [s] - create an archive index (cf. ranlib) [truncated block] [u] - only replace files that are newer than current archive contents [v] - be verbose code limit: %08x d - delete file(s) from the archive flags: %08x flags: 0x%04x hash offset: %08x hash size: %02x hash type: %02x (%s) ident offset: %08x (- %08x) import file off: %u import strtab len: %u index entry %u: type: %08x, offset: %08x m[ab] - move file(s) in the archive magic: 0x%04x (0%04o) nbr code slots: %08x nbr import files: %u nbr relocs: %u nbr sections: %d nbr special slots: %08x (at offset %08x) nbr symbols: %u nbr symbols: %d opt hdr sz: %d p - print file(s) found in the archive page size: %02x q[f] - quick append file(s) to the archive r[ab][f][u] - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archive s - act as ranlib scatter offset: %08x scnlen: %08x nreloc: %-6u scnlen: %08x nreloc: %-6u nlinno: %-6u spare1: %02x spare2: %08x string table len: %u string table off: %u symbols off: 0x%08x t[O][v] - display contents of the archive time and date: 0x%08x - version: %08x version: %u version: 0x%08x x[o] - extract file(s) from the archive #: Segment name Section name Address %3u %3u (%s) (File Offset: 0x%lx) (bytes into file) (bytes into file) Start of section headers: (bytes) (current) (end of tags at %08x) (inlined by) (location list) (no strings): (reset view) (start == end) (start > end) (strings size: %08x): (view %u) <%d><%lx>: ... <%d><%lx>: Abbrev Number: %lu <%d><%lx>: Abbrev Number: 0 Addr: 0x%016llx Addr: 0x%016lx At least one of the following switches must be given: Canonical gp value: Convert addresses into line number/file name pairs. Copies a binary file, possibly transforming it in the process DW_MACINFO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACINFO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext - constant : %d string : %*s DW_MACRO_%02x DW_MACRO_%02x - DW_MACRO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_define_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_define_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_define_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_end_file DW_MACRO_import - offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_import - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_import_sup - offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_import_sup - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d filename: %s%s%s DW_MACRO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_undef_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_undef_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_undef_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx Display information about the contents of ELF format files Display information from object . Display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default) Displays the sizes of sections inside binary files Entries: Generate an index to speed access to archives Global entries: If no addresses are specified on the command line, they will be read from stdin If no input file(s) are specified, a.out is assumed Lazy resolver Length Number %% of total Coverage Line Number Statements: List symbols in [file(s)] (a.out by default). Local entries: Module pointer Module pointer (GNU extension) NONE NOTE: This section has relocations against it, but these have NOT been applied to this dump. NOTE: This section is compressed, but its contents have NOT been expanded for this dump. Name (len: %u): No Line Number Statements. None Num: Name BoundTo Flags Offset Info Type Sym. Value Symbol's Name Offset Info Type Sym. Value Symbol's Name + Addend Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name + Addend Options are: PLT lazy resolver Print a human readable interpretation of a COFF object file Removes symbols and sections from files Reserved entries: Table at Offset: %#llx: Table at Offset: %#lx: The options are: The options are: -A|-B|-G --format={sysv|berkeley|gnu} Select output style (default is %s) -o|-d|-x --radix={8|10|16} Display numbers in octal, decimal or hex -t --totals Display the total sizes (Berkeley only) -f Ignored. --common Display total size for *COM* syms --target= Set the binary file format @ Read options from -h|-H|-? --help Display this information -v|-V --version Display the program's version The options are: -a --ascii_in Read input file as ASCII file -A --ascii_out Write binary messages as ASCII -b --binprefix .bin filename is prefixed by .mc filename_ for uniqueness. -c --customflag Set custom flags for messages -C --codepage_in= Set codepage when reading mc text file -d --decimal_values Print values to text files decimal -e --extension= Set header extension used on export header file -F --target Specify output target for endianness. -h --headerdir= Set the export directory for headers -u --unicode_in Read input file as UTF16 file -U --unicode_out Write binary messages as UFT16 -m --maxlength= Set the maximal allowed message length -n --nullterminate Automatic add a zero termination to strings -o --hresult_use Use HRESULT definition instead of status code definition -O --codepage_out= Set codepage used for writing text file -r --rcdir= Set the export directory for rc files -x --xdbg= Where to create the .dbg C include file that maps message ID's to their symbolic name. The options are: -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: -i --input= Name input file -o --output= Name output file -J --input-format= Specify input format -O --output-format= Specify output format -F --target= Specify COFF target --preprocessor= Program to use to preprocess rc file --preprocessor-arg= Additional preprocessor argument -I --include-dir= Include directory when preprocessing rc file -D --define [=] Define SYM when preprocessing rc file -U --undefine Undefine SYM when preprocessing rc file -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -c --codepage= Specify default codepage -l --language= Set language when reading rc file --use-temp-file Use a temporary file instead of popen to read the preprocessor output --no-use-temp-file Use popen (default) The options are: -q --quick (Obsolete - ignored) -n --noprescan Do not perform a scan to convert commons into defs -d --debug Display information about what is being done @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: @ Read options from The options are: @ Read options from -a --addresses Show addresses -b --target= Set the binary file format -e --exe= Set the input file name (default is a.out) -i --inlines Unwind inlined functions -j --section= Read section-relative offsets instead of addresses -p --pretty-print Make the output easier to read for humans -s --basenames Strip directory names -f --functions Show function names -C --demangle[=style] Demangle function names -R --recurse-limit Enable a limit on recursion whilst demangling. [Default] -r --no-recurse-limit Disable a limit on recursion whilst demangling -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version The options are: @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version Truncated .text section Unhandled version Unknown macro opcode %02x seen Update the ELF header of ELF files VARIANT_CC Warning: This section has relocations - addresses seen here may not be accurate. [without DW_AT_frame_base] address beyond section size and Line by %d to %d and extension table '%s' contain: at at offset %#llx contains %llu entries: at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: at offset %# contains % entries: at offset %#lx contains %lu entries: at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: at offset %# contains % entries: bad symbol index: %08lx in reloc command specific modifiers: commands: cpusubtype: %08lx cputype : %08lx (%s) emulation options: filetype : %08lx (%s) flags : %08lx ( generic modifiers: length: %08x magic : %08lx magic : %08x (%s) ncmds : %08lx (%lu) no tags found number of CTL anchors: %u optional: program interpreter reserved : %08x sizeofcmds: %08lx (%lu) tags at %08x to %#llx to %#lx type: %#lx, namesize: %#lx, descsize: %#lx type: %#lx, namesize: %#lx, descsize: %#lx, alignment: %u #lines %d #sources %d%08x: %c%llu byte block: %c%lu byte block: %c(alt indirect string, offset: %#llx) %s%c(alt indirect string, offset: %#lx) %s%c(index: %#llx): %#llx%c(index: %#lx): %#lx%c(indexed string: %#llx): %s%c(indexed string: %#lx): %s%c(indirect line string, offset: %#llx): %s%c(indirect line string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(indirect string, offset: %#llx): %s%c(indirect string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(offset: %#llx) %s%c(offset: %#llx): %s%c(offset: %#lx) %s%c(offset: %#lx): %s%ld: .bf without preceding function%ld: unexpected .ef %llu-bytes %lu-bytes %s (header %s, data %s) %s %s%c0x%llx never used%s %s%c0x%lx never used%s exited with status %d%s has no archive index %s is not a library%s is not a valid archive%s reloc contains invalid symbol index %llu %s reloc contains invalid symbol index %lu %s section data%s section not zero terminated %s: %ld byte remains in the symbol table, but without corresponding entries in the index table %s: % bytes remain in the symbol table, but without corresponding entries in the index table %s: %lld byte remains in the symbol table, but without corresponding entries in the index table %s: % bytes remain in the symbol table, but without corresponding entries in the index table %s: %s%s: %s: address out of bounds%s: %s: stab entry %ld is corrupt %s: %s: stab entry %ld is corrupt, strx = 0x%x, type = %d %s: .rsrc section is bigger than the file!%s: Can't open input archive %s %s: Can't open output archive %s %s: Can't open temporary file (%s) %s: Corrupt entry count %#llx %s: Corrupt entry count %#lx %s: Corrupt format description entry %s: Could not find any mergeable note sections%s: Error: %s: Failed to read ELF header %s: Failed to read file header %s: Failed to read file's magic number %s: Failed to seek to ELF header %s: Failed to update ELF header: %s %s: Found separate debug object file: %s %s: Found supplementary debug file: %s %s: Invalid PT_NOTE segment %s: Matching formats:%s: Multiple redefinition of symbol "%s"%s: Not an i386 nor x86-64 ELF file %s: Path components stripped from image name, '%s'.%s: Reading section %s failed: %s%s: Symbol "%s" is target of more than one redefinition%s: Unmatched EI_ABIVERSION: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched EI_OSABI: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_machine: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_type: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched input EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched output EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unsupported EI_VERSION: %d is not %d %s: Warning: %s: bad archive file name %s: bad number: %s%s: bad version in PE subsystem%s: can't find module file %s %s: can't open file %s %s: cannot find section %s%s: cannot get addresses from archive%s: cannot set time: %s%s: contains corrupt thin archive: %s %s: debuglink section already exists%s: did not find a valid archive header %s: end of the symbol table reached before the end of the index %s: failed to read archive header %s: failed to read archive header following archive index %s: failed to read archive index %s: failed to read archive index symbol table %s: failed to read long symbol name string table %s: failed to seek back to start of object files in the archive %s: failed to seek to archive member %s: failed to seek to archive member. %s: failed to seek to first archive header %s: failed to seek to next archive header %s: failed to seek to next file name %s: failed to skip archive symbol table %s: file %s is not an archive %s: format count is zero, but the table is not empty %s: fread failed%s: fseek to %lu failed: %s%s: invalid archive header size: %ld %s: invalid commit value for --heap%s: invalid commit value for --stack%s: invalid output format%s: invalid radix%s: invalid reserve value for --heap%s: invalid reserve value for --stack%s: is not a COFF format file%s: long name table is too big, (size = %#llx) %s: long name table is too big, (size = %#lx) %s: long name table is too small, (size = %ld) %s: long name table is too small, (size = %lld) %s: mmap () failed %s: no archive map to update%s: no open archive %s: no open output archive %s: no output archive specified yet %s: no recognized debugging information%s: no resource section%s: no symbols%s: not a dynamic object%s: not enough binary data%s: plugin needed to handle lto object%s: printing debugging information failed%s: read of %lu returned %lu%s: stat () failed %s: supported architectures:%s: supported formats:%s: supported targets:%s: the archive has an index but no symbols %s: the archive index is empty %s: the archive index is supposed to have 0x%lx entries of %d bytes, but the size is only 0x%lx %s: unable to dump the index as none was found %s: unexpected EOF%s: warning: %s: warning: unknown size for field `%s' in struct%s:%d: Ignoring rubbish found on this line%s:%d: garbage found at end of line%s:%d: missing new symbol name%s:%d: premature end of file%s[%s]: 'large' flag is ELF x86-64 specific%s[%s]: Cannot merge - there are relocations against this section%s[%s]: Note - dropping 'share' flag as output format is not COFF%s[%s]: Warning: version note missing - assuming version 3'%s' is not an ordinary file '%s': No such file'%s': No such file 'before=%s' not found(%s in frame info)(DW_OP_GNU_variable_value in frame info)(DW_OP_call_ref in frame info)(ROMAGIC: readonly sharablee text segments)(TOCMAGIC: readonly text segments and TOC)(Unknown location op %#x)(User defined location op %#x)(Using the expected size of %llx for the rest of this dump) (Using the expected size of %lx for the rest of this dump) (WRMAGIC: writable text segments)(bad offset: %u)(base address index) (base address selection entry) (base address) (declared as inline and inlined)(declared as inline but ignored)(dumpx format - aix4.3 / 32 bits)(dumpxx format - aix5.0 / 64 bits)(in class)(index into .debug_addr) (inlined)(leading overpunch)(leading separate)(no)(not inlined)(out of class)(trailing overpunch)(trailing separate)(undefined)(unknown accessibility)(unknown case)(unknown convention)(unknown endianity)(unknown type)(unknown virtuality)(unknown visibility)(unrecognised)(unsigned)(user defined type)(user defined)(user specified)(with offset %#llx) (with offset %#lx) ) *both**corrupt**corrupt* - no registers specified*invalid**undefined*, , , , , , Base: , Semaphore: , relocatable, relocatable-lib, unknown, unknown ABI, unknown CPU, unknown ISA, unknown flags bits: %#x, unknown v850 architecture variant--add-gnu-debuglink ignored for archive %s--compress-debug-sections=[zlib|zlib-gnu|zlib-gabi|zstd] is unsupported on `%s'--compress-debug-sections=zstd: binutils is not built with zstd support--elf-stt-common=[yes|no] is unsupported on `%s'--globalize-symbol(s) is incompatible with -G/--keep-global-symbol(s)--strip-section-headers is unsupported on `%s'.debug_info offset of %#llx in %s section does not point to a CU header. .debug_info offset of %#lx in %s section does not point to a CU header. .debug_macro section not zero terminated .debug_sup section is corrupt/empty .note.gnu.build-id data size is too big .note.gnu.build-id data size is too small .note.gnu.build-id section is corrupt/empty 128-bit IBM long double 128-bit IEEE long double 128-bit MSA 16-byte 1_needed: 2 bytes 2's complement, big endian2's complement, little endian32-bit relocation data4 bytes 4-byte 4-bytes 64-bit long double 64-bit relocation data8-byte 8-byte and up to %d-byte extended 8-byte, except leaf SP 8-bytes : No symbols : architecture variant: : duplicate value : expected to be a directory : expected to be a leaf : unknown: unknown extra flag bits also present : %d : %d: %x: %d