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Localize the individual paragraphs instead.A `content_attribute` tag with this ID has already been defined.A `keywords` tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual keyword entries instead.A `memory` item must only contain a non-zero integer value, depicting a system memory size in mebibyte (MiB)A `requires` or `recommends` item requires a value to denote a valid relation.A category defined in the desktop-entry file is not valid. Refer to the XDG Menu Specification for a list of valid categories.A comma-separated list of component-IDs to accept.A comma-separated list of custom keys that should be propagated to the output data.A key can only be used once.A local release metadata file was not found. It is strongly recommended to validate this metadata together with the main MetaInfo file.A metadata source group with the name '%s' does not exist!A screenshot must contain at least one image or video in order to be useful. Please add an to it.A screenshot must contain either images or videos, but not both at the same time. Please use this screenshot exclusively for either static images or for videos.A screenshot must have at least one image that has a scaling factor of 1.A screenshot must have at least one untranslated image of type `source`, which could not be found. Instead, a tag with an `en` locale (`xml:lang=en`) was found, which is likely intended to be the translatable image. Please remove the XML localization attribute in this case.A screenshot must have at least one untranslated image of type `source`.A web URL was expected for this value.ALLAbility to spend real money in-appAdd-onsAdults OnlyAffero General Public License v1.0 onlyAffero General Public License v1.0 or laterAll categories for this component have been ignored, either because they were invalid or because they are of low quality (e.g. custom 'X-' prefixed or toolkit ones like 'GTK' or 'Qt'). Please fix your category names, or add more categories.Also show pedantic hints.An URL of this type has already been defined.An `extends` tag is specified, but the component is not of type `addon`, `localization` or `repository`.An icon-policy string to set how icon sizes should be handled (refer to the man page for details).An utility to work with AppStream metadataAppStream CLIAppStream CLI tool version: %s AppStream library version: %sAppStream Compose binary '%s' was not found! Can not continue.AppStream Status:AppStream command-line interfaceAppStream descriptions support only a limited set of tags to format text: Paragraphs (

) and lists (