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Pm$æ$= w5 d L Ҩ@\n(Dک8Tf">ƪ3OH9:nF"VҬ۬%C]!@­D@?AH*W@į_@f80а1S2>5#^~=5BX3\~ٴ@g<c-<Zö?BX/Ϸ'z,[/2:n?+ܹ, ,8<v;0_X 'J5A1Add$ )5L1?۾$dc+ĿJ{'&&: ->n0 ?*;q+JL6=u:P; `GL<4RL++'-IW/0O"E;"E.4?B(M[;I79n|3IWWe2@1Zh7Ev"Qq"( 3N\ %d: (Unknown format content type %llu) (Unknown format content type %lu) Name Size Time Symbols from %s: Symbols from %s[%s]: Undefined symbols from %s: Undefined symbols from %s[%s]: Address Length Address Length Offset Name Offset Kind Name Offsets starting at %#tx: Offset: %#llx, Index: %#llx Offset: %#lx, Index: %#lx Start of program headers: The %s is empty. The following switches are optional: %s: file format %s %s: Found separate debug info file: %s '%s' relocation section at offset %#llx contains %lld bytes: '%s' relocation section at offset %#lx contains %ld bytes: Archive index: Can't get contents for section '%s'. Disassembly of section %s: Dump of CTF section '%s' in linked file %s: Dump of CTF section '%s': Dynamic info segment at offset %#llx contains %d entry: Dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: Dynamic info segment at offset %#lx contains %d entry: Dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: Dynamic section at offset %#llx contains %lld entry: Dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: Dynamic section at offset %#lx contains %ld entry: Dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: Hex dump of section '%s' in linked file %s: Hex dump of section '%s': In linked file '%s' section '%s' at offset %#llx contains %lld bytes: In linked file '%s' section '%s' at offset %#lx contains %ld bytes: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' symbol section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic section at offset %# contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the dynamic symbol table contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains %llu entry: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains %lu entry: In linked file '%s' the version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: In linked file '%s': In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %#llx contains %d entry: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %#lx contains %d entry: In linked file '%s: the dynamic info segment at offset %# contains %d entries: LTO Symbol table '%s' is empty! Library list section '%s' contains %llu entries: Library list section '%s' contains % entries: Library list section '%s' contains %lu entries: Library list section '%s' contains % entries: No version information found in linked file '%s'. No version information found in this file. Options supported for -P/--private switch: Program Headers: Section '%s' contains %d entry: Section '%s' contains %d entries: Section '%s' has an invalid size: %#llx. Section '%s' has an invalid size: %#lx. Section '.conflict' contains %zu entry: Section '.conflict' contains %zu entries: Section '.liblist' contains %zu entry: Section '.liblist' contains %zu entries: Section Header: Section Headers in linked file '%s': Section Headers: Symbol table '%s' contains %llu entry: Symbol table '%s' contains % entries: Symbol table '%s' contains %lu entry: Symbol table '%s' contains % entries: Symbol table '%s' has a sh_entsize of zero! Symbol table for image contains %llu entry: Symbol table for image contains % entries: Symbol table for image contains %lu entry: Symbol table for image contains % entries: The %s section is empty. Unwind section '%s' at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: Unwind section '%s' at offset %# contains % entries: Unwind section '%s' at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: Unwind section '%s' at offset %# contains % entries: Version symbols section '%s' contains %llu entry: Version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: Version symbols section '%s' contains %lu entry: Version symbols section '%s' contains % entries: start address 0x Use actual timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries Use actual timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries (default) Use zero for timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries Use zero for timestamps and uids/gids in output libraries (default) Flags: %08x possible : arm[_interwork], i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, thumb %s -M [] [: 0x%x], --add-stdcall-underscore Add underscores to stdcall symbols in interface library. --exclude-symbols Don't export --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --identify-strict Causes --identify to report error when multiple DLLs. --leading-underscore All symbols should be prefixed by an underscore. --no-default-excludes Clear default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Only export listed symbols --no-leading-underscore All symbols shouldn't be prefixed by an underscore. --plugin NAME Load the specified plugin --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME --use-nul-prefixed-import-tables Use zero prefixed idata$4 and idata$5. --dyn-syms Display the dynamic symbol table --lto-syms Display LTO symbol tables --yydebug Turn on parser debugging .debug_abbrev.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_abbrev.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_line.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_line.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_loc.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_loc.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_str_offsets.dwo: %#llx %#zx .debug_str_offsets.dwo: %#lx %#zx Arguments: %s DW_MACRO_%02x arguments: DW_MACRO_%02x has no arguments Description data: Image id: %.*s Image name: %.*s Length: %#llx Length: %#lx Linker id: %.*s Location: Module name : %s Module name : Module version : %s Module version : Name: %s Offset Begin End Expression Offset Begin End Version: Version: %#x --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @ --as Use for assembler --def Name input .def file --dllname Name of input dll to put into output lib. --dlltool-name Defaults to "dlltool" --driver-flags Override default ld flags --driver-name Defaults to "gcc" --dry-run Show what needs to be run --entry Specify alternate DLL entry point --exclude-symbols Exclude from .def --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --image-base Specify image base address --implib Synonym for --output-lib --leading-underscore Entrypoint with underscore. --machine --mno-cygwin Create Mingw DLL --no-default-excludes Zap default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Only export .drectve symbols --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section --no-leading-underscore Entrypoint without underscore --nodelete Keep temp files. --output-def Name output .def file --output-exp Generate export file. --output-lib Generate input library. --quiet, -q Work quietly --target i386-cygwin32 or i386-mingw32 --verbose, -v Verbose --version Print dllwrap version -A --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @. -C --compat-implib Create backward compatible import library. -D --dllname Name of input dll to put into interface lib. -F --linker-flags Pass to the linker. -I --identify Report the name of the DLL associated with . -L --linker Use as the linker. -M --mcore-elf Process mcore-elf object files into . -S --as Use for assembler. -U Add underscores to .lib -U --add-underscore Add underscores to all symbols in interface library. -V --version Display the program version. -a --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. -b --base-file Read linker generated base file. -c --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section. -d --input-def Name of .def file to be read in. -e --output-exp Generate an export file. -f --as-flags Pass to the assembler. -h --help Display this information. -k Kill @ from exported names -k --kill-at Kill @ from exported names. -l --output-lib Generate an interface library. -m --machine Create as DLL for . [default: %s] -n --no-delete Keep temp files (repeat for extra preservation). -p --ext-prefix-alias Add aliases with . -t --temp-prefix Use to construct temp file names. -v --verbose Be verbose. -x --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section. -y --output-delaylib Create a delay-import library. -z --output-def Name of .def file to be created. 0 (*local*) 1 (*global*) @ Read options from . @ Read options from Abbrev Offset: %#llx Abbrev Offset: %#lx DWO ID: %#llx DWO ID: %#lx Image id : %.*s Language: %.*s Length: %#llx (%s) Length: %#lx (%s) Offset Entry %u Pointer Size: %d Section contributions: Signature: %#llx Signature: %#lx Type Offset: %#llx Type Offset: %#lx Unit Type: %s (%x) Version: %d %#06zx: Name index: %lx %#06zx: Name: %s %#06zx: Parent %d, name index: %ld %#06zx: Parent %d: %s %#06zx: Rev: %d Flags: %s %#06zx: Version: %d %llu offset % offsets %lu offset % offsets %s: %s: (Starting at file offset: 0x%lx) (Unknown inline attribute value: %#llx) (Unknown inline attribute value: %#lx) --plugin Load the specified plugin --plugin

- load the specified plugin --target=BFDNAME - specify the target object format as BFDNAME --thin - make a thin archive -B Same as --format=bsd -D Use zero for symbol map timestamp -U Use actual symbol map timestamp (default) -D Use zero for symbol map timestamp (default) -U Use an actual symbol map timestamp -F, --file-offsets Include file offsets when displaying information -H --help Print this help message -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -V --version Print version information -H --help Display this information -H, --help Display this information -I --input-target Assume input file is in format -O --output-target Create an output file in format -B --binary-architecture Set output arch, when input is arch-less -F --target Set both input and output format to --debugging Convert debugging information, if possible -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -S, --source Intermix source code with disassembly -V, --version Display this program's version number -W, --no-weak Ignore weak symbols -X 32_64 (ignored) -b, --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME -e (ignored) -f --print-file-name Print the name of the file before each string -n Locate & print any sequence of at least --bytes= displayable characters. (The default is 4). -t --radix={o,d,x} Print the location of the string in base 8, 10 or 16 -w --include-all-whitespace Include all whitespace as valid string characters -o An alias for --radix=o -T --target= Specify the binary file format -e --encoding={s,S,b,l,B,L} Select character size and endianness: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bit --unicode={default|show|invalid|hex|escape|highlight} -U {d|s|i|x|e|h} Specify how to treat UTF-8 encoded unicode characters -s --output-separator= String used to separate strings in output. @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v -V --version Print the program's version number -g, --debugging Display debug information in object file -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the version number of %s -h, --help Display this information -i --instruction-dump= Disassemble the contents of section -l --program-headers Display the program headers -o Same as -A -p, --no-sort Do not sort the symbols -r Ignored for compatibility with rc @ Read options from -h --help Print this help message -V --version Print version information -s --syms Display the symbol table -t Update the archive's symbol map timestamp -h --help Print this help message -v --version Print version information -t, --syms Display the contents of the symbol table(s) -v --version Display the version number of readelf -v, --version Display this program's version number : : @ Read options from @ Read options from @ - read options from @FILE Read options from FILE Address size: %u CRC value: %#x Checksum Len: %llu Checksum Len: %lu Checksum: Cnt: %d DWARF Version: %d DWARF version: %u Directory: %s Entry Dir Time Size Name File: %lx File: %s Filename: %s Flags Flags: 0x%lx%s Flags: %s Version: %d Generic options: ID: Index: %d Cnt: %d Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %ld Length: %lld Length: %#llx Length: %#lx Name: %s No emulation specific options Number of columns: %u Number of program headers: %u Number of section headers: %u Number of slots: %u Number of used entries: %u Offset entries: %u Offset into .debug_info section: %#llx Offset into .debug_info section: %#lx Offset into .debug_info: %#llx Offset into .debug_info: %#lx Offset into .debug_line: %#llx Offset into .debug_line: %#lx Offset size: %d Offset table Offset: %#llx Offset: %#lx Offset: %#tx Offset: 0x%08llx Link: %u (%s) Offset: 0x%08lx Link: %u (%s) Options for %s: Options passed to DLLTOOL: Pointer Size: %d Rest are passed unmodified to the language driver Segment Size: %d Segment size: %u Size of area in .debug_info section: %ld Size of area in .debug_info section: %lld Size of program headers: %u (bytes) Size of section headers: %u (bytes) Size of this header: %u (bytes) Size table Unknown GNU attribute: %s Unknown attribute: Unsupported version (%d) Version: %d Version: %d%s Version: %d Version: %d Version: %u Version: %u [%3d] Signature: %#llx Sections: [%3d] Signature: %#lx Sections: [-X32] - ignores 64 bit objects [-X32_64] - accepts 32 and 64 bit objects [-X64] - ignores 32 bit objects [-g] - 32 bit small archive [D] - use zero for timestamps and uids/gids [D] - use zero for timestamps and uids/gids (default) [N] - use instance [count] of name [O] - display offsets of files in the archive [P] - use full path names when matching [S] - do not build a symbol table [T] - deprecated, use --thin instead [U] - use actual timestamps and uids/gids [U] - use actual timestamps and uids/gids (default) [V] - display the version number [a] - put file(s) after [member-name] [b] - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i]) [c] - do not warn if the library had to be created [f] - truncate inserted file names [o] - preserve original dates [s] - create an archive index (cf. ranlib) [u] - only replace files that are newer than current archive contents [v] - be verbose d - delete file(s) from the archive flags: %08x m[ab] - move file(s) in the archive nbr symbols: %d p - print file(s) found in the archive q[f] - quick append file(s) to the archive r[ab][f][u] - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archive s - act as ranlib t[O][v] - display contents of the archive version: %08x version: %u version: 0x%08x x[o] - extract file(s) from the archive (File Offset: 0x%lx) (bytes into file) (bytes into file) Start of section headers: (bytes) (inlined by) (location list) (no strings): (start == end) (start > end) <%d><%lx>: ... Addr: 0x%016llx Addr: 0x%016lx At least one of the following switches must be given: Convert addresses into line number/file name pairs. Copies a binary file, possibly transforming it in the process DW_MACINFO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACINFO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext - constant : %d string : %*s DW_MACRO_%02x DW_MACRO_%02x - DW_MACRO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_define_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_define_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_define_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_end_file DW_MACRO_import - offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_import - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_import_sup - offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_import_sup - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d filename: %s%s%s DW_MACRO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_undef_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_undef_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#llx DW_MACRO_undef_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx Display information from object . Display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default) Displays the sizes of sections inside binary files Generate an index to speed access to archives If no addresses are specified on the command line, they will be read from stdin If no input file(s) are specified, a.out is assumed List symbols in [file(s)] (a.out by default). None Options are: Print a human readable interpretation of a COFF object file Removes symbols and sections from files Table at Offset: %#llx: Table at Offset: %#lx: The options are: The options are: -A|-B|-G --format={sysv|berkeley|gnu} Select output style (default is %s) -o|-d|-x --radix={8|10|16} Display numbers in octal, decimal or hex -t --totals Display the total sizes (Berkeley only) -f Ignored. --common Display total size for *COM* syms --target= Set the binary file format @ Read options from -h|-H|-? --help Display this information -v|-V --version Display the program's version The options are: -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: -i --input= Name input file -o --output= Name output file -J --input-format= Specify input format -O --output-format= Specify output format -F --target= Specify COFF target --preprocessor= Program to use to preprocess rc file --preprocessor-arg= Additional preprocessor argument -I --include-dir=

Include directory when preprocessing rc file -D --define [=] Define SYM when preprocessing rc file -U --undefine Undefine SYM when preprocessing rc file -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -c --codepage= Specify default codepage -l --language= Set language when reading rc file --use-temp-file Use a temporary file instead of popen to read the preprocessor output --no-use-temp-file Use popen (default) The options are: -q --quick (Obsolete - ignored) -n --noprescan Do not perform a scan to convert commons into defs -d --debug Display information about what is being done @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: @ Read options from The options are: @ Read options from -a --addresses Show addresses -b --target= Set the binary file format -e --exe= Set the input file name (default is a.out) -i --inlines Unwind inlined functions -j --section= Read section-relative offsets instead of addresses -p --pretty-print Make the output easier to read for humans -s --basenames Strip directory names -f --functions Show function names -C --demangle[=style] Demangle function names -R --recurse-limit Enable a limit on recursion whilst demangling. [Default] -r --no-recurse-limit Disable a limit on recursion whilst demangling -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version The options are: @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version Unhandled version Unknown macro opcode %02x seen [without DW_AT_frame_base] at at offset %#llx contains %llu entries: at offset %#llx contains %llu entry: at offset %# contains % entries: at offset %#lx contains %lu entries: at offset %#lx contains %lu entry: at offset %# contains % entries: command specific modifiers: commands: emulation options: flags : %08lx ( generic modifiers: length: %08x optional: reserved : %08x #lines %d #sources %d%08x: %c%llu byte block: %c%lu byte block: %c(alt indirect string, offset: %#llx) %s%c(alt indirect string, offset: %#lx) %s%c(index: %#llx): %#llx%c(index: %#lx): %#lx%c(indexed string: %#llx): %s%c(indexed string: %#lx): %s%c(indirect line string, offset: %#llx): %s%c(indirect line string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(indirect string, offset: %#llx): %s%c(indirect string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(offset: %#llx) %s%c(offset: %#llx): %s%c(offset: %#lx) %s%c(offset: %#lx): %s%llu-bytes %lu-bytes %s (header %s, data %s) %s %s%c0x%llx never used%s %s%c0x%lx never used%s exited with status %d%s is not a library%s is not a valid archive%s section data%s section not zero terminated %s: %s%s: Can't open input archive %s %s: Can't open output archive %s %s: Can't open temporary file (%s) %s: Error: %s: Failed to read ELF header %s: Failed to seek to ELF header %s: Failed to update ELF header: %s %s: Found separate debug object file: %s %s: Found supplementary debug file: %s %s: Matching formats:%s: Path components stripped from image name, '%s'.%s: Reading section %s failed: %s%s: Unmatched EI_ABIVERSION: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched EI_OSABI: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_machine: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_type: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched input EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched output EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unsupported EI_VERSION: %d is not %d %s: Warning: %s: bad archive file name %s: bad number: %s%s: can't find module file %s %s: can't open file %s %s: cannot find section %s%s: cannot get addresses from archive%s: failed to read archive header %s: failed to read archive index %s: failed to seek to archive member %s: failed to seek to first archive header %s: failed to seek to next archive header %s: failed to skip archive symbol table %s: file %s is not an archive %s: invalid archive header size: %ld %s: invalid output format%s: invalid radix%s: is not a COFF format file%s: mmap () failed %s: no archive map to update%s: no open archive %s: no open output archive %s: no output archive specified yet %s: no symbols%s: not a dynamic object%s: printing debugging information failed%s: stat () failed %s: supported architectures:%s: supported formats:%s: supported targets:%s: the archive has an index but no symbols %s: the archive index is empty %s: the archive index is supposed to have 0x%lx entries of %d bytes, but the size is only 0x%lx %s: unexpected EOF%s: warning: %s: warning: unknown size for field `%s' in struct'%s' is not an ordinary file '%s': No such file'%s': No such file (%s in frame info)(DW_OP_GNU_variable_value in frame info)(DW_OP_call_ref in frame info)(Unknown location op %#x)(User defined location op %#x)(base address index) (base address selection entry) (base address) (declared as inline and inlined)(declared as inline but ignored)(implementation defined: %#llx)(implementation defined: %#lx)(in class)(index into .debug_addr) (inlined)(no)(not inlined)(out of class)(start == end)(start > end)(undefined)(unknown accessibility)(unknown case)(unknown convention)(unknown endianity)(unknown type)(unknown virtuality)(unknown visibility)(unknown: %#llx)(unknown: %#lx)(unrecognised)(unsigned)(user defined type)(user defined)(user specified)(with offset %#llx) (with offset %#lx) ) *both**corrupt**invalid**undefined*, , , , , , Base: , relocatable, relocatable-lib, unknown, unknown ABI, unknown CPU, unknown ISA, unknown flags bits: %#x, unknown v850 architecture variant.debug_info offset of %#llx in %s section does not point to a CU header. .debug_info offset of %#lx in %s section does not point to a CU header. .debug_sup section is corrupt/empty .note.gnu.build-id data size is too big .note.gnu.build-id data size is too small .note.gnu.build-id section is corrupt/empty 32-bit relocation data4-byte 4-bytes 64-bit relocation data8-byte 8-bytes : No symbols : architecture variant: : duplicate value : expected to be a directory : expected to be a leaf : unknown: unknown extra flag bits also present : %d : %d: %x: %d