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Issue: %sUsing cache file: %sStoring cache data for section: %sCache location '%s' is not writable.Writing cache file: %sUnable to write cache file:/var/cache/swcatalog/cacheFailed to obtain user cache directory: %s/tmpNot pruning cache: Default paths were changed.Pruning old cache data.os-catalogCan not add extra repository data with reserved cache key name '%s'.components/component/extends[text()=?]/..components/componentappstream-extra-XXXXXX.mdbmemory:volatile_maskUnable to add masking components to cache: Silo build failed. Unable to add masking components to cache: Failed to store silo. Querying `%s` in %sUnable to construct query: Unable to run query: components/component/id[lower-case(text())=?]/..components/component/provides/id[lower-case(text())=?]/../..components/component[@type=?]dbuscomponents/component/provides/%s[@type='%s'][text()=?]/../..flashedcomponents/component/provides/%s[text()=?]/../..components/component/categoriesDue to limitations in libxmlb, we currently can not search for software in more than 4 categories./category[text()=?]/../..components/component/launchable[@type='%s'][text()=?]/..components/component/pkgname[starts-with(text(),?)]/..components/component/pkgname[text()=?]/..components/component/bundle[@type='%s'][starts-with(text(),?)]/..components/component/bundle[@type='%s'][text()=?]/..provides/mediatype[text()~=?]Full text search in %sUnable to create query (ignoring it): %spkgname[text()~=?]pkgname[contains(text(),?)]summary[text()~=?]name[text()~=?]name[contains(text(),?)]_asi_tokens/t[text()~=?]id[text()~=?]_asi_origin[text()~=?]as_transmogrify_xbnode_to_xmlnodeappstream/1.0.3AsCurlAsCurlErrorcURL status-code was %ldFailed to download due to server limitFailed to download file: %sURL was not found on the server.Unexpected status code: %ldRetrying failed download of %s (attempt: %d/%d)Retrieved file size was zero.Failed to setup networking, could not initialize cURL.AS_CURL_VERBOSEhttps_proxyHTTPS_PROXYhttp_proxyHTTP_PROXY"%s: %sdesktop-entry-value-quotedInvalid amount of list entries in external desktop translation l10n listing. Make sure you return locale names in even, and translations in odd indices. This is a programmer error.Unable to determine component-id for component from desktop-entry data.Desktop EntryData in '%s' does not contain a valid Desktop Entry.TypeNoDisplayX-AppStream-IgnoreHiddendesktop-entry-hidden-setOnlyShowIndesktop-entry-empty-onlyshowin[].utf-8isodesktop-entry-bad-data�desktop-entry-value-invalid-charsCommentCategories;desktop-entry-category-invalidMimeTypeIcon.xpm%s/%sicons-%s.tar.zst%s/%sicons-%s.tar.gzScanning for metadata changes in the APT cache./var/lib/apt/lists/APT lists directory (%s) not found!/var/lib/swcatalog/yamlUnable to write to '%s': Can't add AppStream data from APT to the pool.Could not scan for broken symlinks in DEP-11 target: %s*Components-*.yml.gzCould not scan for APT-downloaded DEP-11 files: %sCould not find DEP-11 data in APT directories.File '%s' missing, cache update is needed./var/lib/swcatalog/iconsUnable to create '%s': %s/var/lib/app-info/var/lib/swcatalogUnable to create compatibility symlink '%s': %sFile %s is a broken symlink, skipping.Unable to set symlink (%s -> %s): %sRegular file '%s' found, which doesn't belong there. Removing it.Unable to open file '%s' for reading: %s, skipping.---Origin:No origin found for file %sERROR: Unable to extract AppStream icon tarball from APT cache: %sAsFileMonitoraddedremovedchangedEmit ::removed(%s)Emit ::added(%s)No CHANGES_DONE_HINT, catching in timeoutEmit ::changed(%s)detecting atomic replace of existing fileCHANGEDCHANGES_DONE_HINTDELETEDCREATEDATTRIBUTE_CHANGEDPRE_UNMOUNTUNMOUNTEDMOVEDRENAMEDMOVED_INMOVED_OUTFailed to convert GFileMonitorEvent %umodified: %s %s [%i].swxignoring hidden fileignoring temp file.swpignoring deleted file %sdetected atomic save, adding %sdetected rename, treating it as remove->addas-file-monitor-error-quarkAS_IS_FILE_MONITOR (monitor)adding existing file: %s83.V[`=GLQBas_file_monitor_add_directoryas_file_monitor_add_file<%s> <%s>%s * - Unable to write sensible paragraph markup (missing header) for: %s. Unable to write sensible paragraph markup (source data may be malformed) for: %s.Failed to initialize YAML emitter.../appstream/src/as-news-convert.cDate

Description/ulYAML news file was empty.Could not parse YAML: %sNotes

  • %s

    %s str != NULLreleases ~~~~----Bugfix: Bugfixes: Bug fixes: Features: Removed features: Specification: Documentation: Notes: Note: Miscellaneous: Misc: Translations: Translation: Translations Contributors: With contributions from: Thanks to: Translators: Updated localization by:Released: Unable to find version in: %sUnable to find release in: %s-xx-XX-??Unable to parse release: %sUnable to create release: %s%s-%s-%sThis release fixes the following bug:This release fixes the following bugs:This release adds the following feature:This release adds the following features:This release includes the following change:This release includes the following changes:This release updates documentation:This release updates translations.With contributions from:Failed to detect section '%s'Unable to detect input data format.Unable to parse NEWS header '%s': .yml.yaml.mdNEWSnews~Version %s%FReleased: %s as_news_releases_to_yamlas_news_yaml_to_releasesAsProfileid != NULL#@%04lims %s %lims $ @????ms %s %lims AS_IS_PROFILE (profile)%p~%sAlready a started task for %srun %sptask->id != NULL../appstream/src/as-profile.cNot already a started task for %s%s took %.0fmsas_profile_item_findas_profile_start_literalas_profile_task_freeas_profile_task_free_internalas_profile_pruneas_profile_dumpAsStemmerLanguage %s can not be stemmed.Stemming language is now: %sDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD- DD( D-DD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD+, 0(.+9HX#_ gpz 1&( /!"$  ,5?HWh-k o'*% )plinamepkgnamedeveloper_asi_originolproject_groupdeveloper_nameproject_licensecustomsummarysupportsmimetypescategories_asi_branchreviewsreplacestagsrecommendsscreenshotsidrequiresicon_asi_scopetranslationcompulsory_for_desktopsuggestscontent_ratinglaunchabledescriptionprovideslanguagesreleasessource_pkgnamemetadata_licenseulurlname_variant_suffixreferenceskeywordsagreementbundlebrandingextendsEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE(EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-EE(# EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE( ##(3 ?LUd*o&w$% " )';ILU Zbkt)} TagsMergeCustomPackageProvidesTypeRecommendsDescriptionProjectGroupReplacesProjectLicenseReferencesReviewsContentRatingDeveloperAgreementsCompulsoryForDesktopsDateEOLDeveloperNameNameCategoriesSummarySuggestsMetadataLicenseScreenshotsBundlesSupportsLanguagesLaunchableNameVariantSuffixSourcePackageIDRequiresIconExtendsReleasesPriorityBrandingUrlKeywordsutf-8error_str_ptr != NULL../appstream/src/as-xml.cxml:langobuf != NULLlangcode


    <%s>%s nokey%luCould not parse XML data (no details received)Could not parse XML data: %sThe XML document is empty.Could not serialize XML document: %slibxml_generic_erroras_xml_dump_nodeMetadata is invalid. Unable to parse YAML: %sYAML: Unknown field '%s/%s' found.yaml_emitter_emit (emitter, &event)../appstream/src/as-yaml.cvalue != NULLretyesas_yaml_mapping_startas_yaml_mapping_endas_yaml_sequence_startas_yaml_sequence_endas_yaml_emit_scalaras_yaml_emit_scalar_rawas_yaml_emit_scalar_uint64as_yaml_emit_scalar_keyas_yaml_emit_entry_timestampas_yaml_emit_long_entryas_yaml_emit_long_entry_literalAsZstdDecompressorcan not decompress data: %sAsAgreementtypeversion_idagreement_sectionversion-idsectionsAsAgreementSectionAsArtifactkind < AS_SIZE_KIND_LASTkind != 0platformbundlelocationchecksumsizeartifactlocationsas_artifact_get_sizeas_artifact_set_sizeAsBrandingiter != NULLAS_IS_BRANDING (branding)kind != NULLscheme_preference != NULLcolorscheme_preferencebrandingcolorsscheme-preferenceBrandingas_branding_color_iter_initas_branding_color_iter_nextAsBundlebundlesAsCategoryiconchildrenproperty../appstream/src/as-category.c%s:%d: invalid %s id %u for "%s" of type '%s' in '%s'audio-videoSubcategory of %sfeaturedAudio & Videoapplications-multimediadeveloper-toolsDeveloper Toolsapplications-developmenteducationEducationapplications-educationgamesGamesapplications-gamesgraphicsGraphics & Photographyapplications-graphicsofficeOfficeapplications-officeAdd-onsapplications-otherscienceScienceapplications-sciencecommunicationCommunication & Newsapplications-internetutilitiesUtilitiesapplications-utilitiesUtility::Featuredtext-editorsText EditorsUtility::TextEditorterminal-emulatorsTerminal EmulatorsSystem::TerminalEmulatorfilesystemFile SystemSystem::FilesystemSystem MonitoringSystem::MonitorsecuritySystem::SecurityNetwork::FeaturedchatChatNetwork::ChatNetwork::IRCClientNetwork::TelephonyNetwork::VideoConferenceNetwork::EmailNetwork::FeedNetwork::Newsweb-browsersWeb BrowsersNetwork::WebBrowserScience::Featuredartificial-intelligenceArtificial IntelligenceScience::ArtificialIntelligenceastronomyAstronomyScience::AstronomychemistryChemistryScience::ChemistrymathMathScience::MathScience::PhysicsScience::NumericalAnalysisroboticsRoboticsScience::RoboticsfontsAddons::FontscodecsAddons::Codecsinput-sourcesInput SourcesAddons::InputSourceslanguage-packsLanguage PacksAddons::LanguagePacksAddons::LocalizationOffice::FeaturedcalendarOffice::CalendarOffice::ProjectManagementdatabaseOffice::DatabasefinanceOffice::FinanceOffice::Spreadsheetword-processorWord ProcessorOffice::WordProcessorOffice::DictionaryGraphics::Featured3d3D GraphicsGraphics::3DGraphicsphotographyPhotographyGraphics::PhotographyscanningScanningGraphics::ScanningvectorVector GraphicsGraphics::VectorGraphicsviewersViewersGraphics::ViewerGame::FeaturedactionActionGame::ActionGameadventureAdventureGame::AdventureGamearcadeArcadeGame::ArcadeGameblocksBlocksGame::BlocksGameboardBoardGame::BoardGamecardCardGame::CardGameemulatorEmulatorsGame::EmulatorkidsKidsGame::KidsGamelogicLogicGame::LogicGamerole-playingRole PlayingGame::RolePlayingsportsSportsGame::SportsGameGame::SimulationstrategyStrategyGame::StrategyGameEducation::FeaturedEducation::AstronomyEducation::ChemistryLanguagesEducation::LanguagesEducation::LiteratureEducation::MathEducation::NumericalAnalysisDevelopment::FeatureddebuggersDebuggersDevelopment:DebuggerideIDEsDevelopment::IDEDevelopment::GUIDesignerAudioVideo::Featuredcreation-editingAudio Creation & EditingAudioVideo::AudioVideoEditingAudioVideo::MidiAudioVideo::DiscBurningAudioVideo::Sequencermusic-playersMusic PlayersAudioVideo::MusicAudioVideo::PlayerAsChecksumAsComponentkindpkgnameskeywordsiconsurlsproject-licenseproject-groupscreenshotsdesktop-applicationconsole-applicationweb-applicationinputmethodFound unknown component type: %ssshot != NULLUnable to retrieve EOL timestamp from component EOL date: %strying to add NULL search token to %s/,.;:,[%s::%s]> name: %s | summary: %s | package: %swidthheightscale../appstream/src/as-component.cdesktop != NULLprov != NULLlaunchable != NULLpngFound icon of unknown type '%s' in '%s', skipping it.%s/%s/%ix%i/%s%s/%s/%ix%i@%i/%s%s/%s/%s/%s%s/%s/%s/%s.%s.desktopTried to add relation of unknown kind to component %ssysinfo != NULLcid != NULLMerged data for '[%i] %s' <<- '[%i] %s'merge_kind != AS_MERGE_KIND_NONEExpected 'component' tag, but got '%s' instead.date_eolprioritymergecategorymimetypepython3sessionscreenshotpercentagereviewComponent is invalid (essential tags are missing or empty).Invalid ISO-8601 date_eol for component %s%iname_variant_suffixmetadata_licenseproject_licenseproject_groupdeveloper_nameextendsreplacescompulsory_for_desktopprovidesCouldn't serialize provided-item type '%s'tagscustomreferencesreviews_asi_scope_asi_branchidslibrariesbinariesmodaliasesguidmediatypeslocalerootPriorityMergeDateEOLSourcePackagePackageExtendsProjectLicenseSummaryNameVariantSuffixProjectGroupCompulsoryForDesktopsKeywordsUrlBundlesLaunchableReplacesRequiresRecommendsSupportsProvidesHit dbus:system twice, this should never happen!Hit dbus:user twice, this should never happen!Hit firmware:runtime twice, this should never happen!Hit dbus-user twice, this should never happen!Ignoring unknown type of provided items: %sSuggestsScreenshotsAgreementsContentRatingTagsReferencesCustomReviewsNo data submitted to load component from.context != NULLUnable to load data: Unknown or unsupported format for this operation.svgsvgzgificoxcf !$'*-'+4=FOS\`d Pgvav!'-8Ccny+;O[ A}vohN4DLRX^v|tzM@f1+|as_component_add_screenshotas_component_set_compulsory_for_desktopas_component_add_providedas_component_add_launchableas_component_get_system_compatibility_scoreas_component_add_replacesas_component_mergeas_component_emit_yamlas_component_load_from_bytesas_component_to_xml_dataAsComponentBoxComponent box flagsflags../appstream/src/as-component-box.cTried to insert component that already exists: %sindex < cbox->cpts->lenas_component_box_remove_atAsContentRating%s (%s)AS_IS_CONTENT_RATING (content_rating)value != AS_CONTENT_RATING_VALUE_UNKNOWNoars-1.0oars-1.1R18+MA15+PG1816141210限制輔15輔12保護普通7+3++7+36+0+General15Adults OnlyMatureTeenEveryone 10+EveryoneEarly Childhood(int) system < AS_CONTENT_RATING_SYSTEM_LASTlength_out != NULLARAUBRTWGBADATAZBYBEBABGHRCYCZDKEEGEGRHUISITLZXKLVFLLUMKMTMDMCMENLNOPLPTROSMRSSKSISECHTRUAVAINILPKZAFIIRJPNZRUSQKRUSCAMX../appstream/src/as-content-rating.ccontent_attributecontent_ratingviolence-cartoonviolence-fantasyviolence-realisticviolence-bloodshedviolence-sexualdrugs-alcoholdrugs-narcoticsdrugs-tobaccosex-nuditysex-themeslanguage-profanitylanguage-humorlanguage-discriminationmoney-advertisingmoney-gamblingmoney-purchasingsocial-chatsocial-audiosocial-contactssocial-infosocial-locationsex-homosexualitysex-prostitutionsex-adulterysex-appearanceviolence-worshipviolence-desecrationviolence-slaveryNo cartoon violenceCartoon characters in unsafe situationsCartoon characters in aggressive conflictGraphic violence involving cartoon charactersNo fantasy violenceCharacters in unsafe situations easily distinguishable from realityCharacters in aggressive conflict easily distinguishable from realityGraphic violence easily distinguishable from realityNo realistic violenceMildly realistic characters in unsafe situationsDepictions of realistic characters in aggressive conflictGraphic violence involving realistic charactersNo bloodshedUnrealistic bloodshedRealistic bloodshedDepictions of bloodshed and the mutilation of body partsNo sexual violenceRape or other violent sexual behaviorNo references to alcoholReferences to alcoholic beveragesUse of alcoholic beveragesNo references to illicit drugsReferences to illicit drugsUse of illicit drugsNo references to tobacco productsReferences to tobacco productsUse of tobacco productsNo nudity of any sortBrief artistic nudityProlonged nudityExplicit nudity involving visible sexual organsNo references to or depictions of sexual natureProvocative references or depictionsSexual references or depictionsGraphic sexual behaviorNo profanity of any kindMild or infrequent use of profanityModerate use of profanityStrong or frequent use of profanityNo inappropriate humorSlapstick humorVulgar or bathroom humorMature or sexual humorNo discriminatory language of any kindNegativity towards a specific group of peopleDiscrimination designed to cause emotional harmExplicit discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race or religionNo advertising of any kindProduct placementExplicit references to specific brands or trademarked productsUsers are encouraged to purchase specific real-world itemsNo gambling of any kindGambling on random events using tokens or creditsGambling using “play” moneyGambling using real moneyNo ability to spend moneyUsers are encouraged to donate real moneyAbility to spend real money in-appNo way to chat with other usersUser-to-user interactions without chat functionalityModerated chat functionality between usersUncontrolled chat functionality between usersNo way to talk with other usersModerated audio or video chat functionality between usersUncontrolled audio or video chat functionality between usersNo sharing of social network usernames or email addressesSharing social network usernames or email addressesNo sharing of user information with third partiesChecking for the latest application versionSharing diagnostic data that does not let others identify the userSharing information that lets others identify the userNo sharing of physical location with other usersSharing physical location with other usersNo references to homosexualityIndirect references to homosexualityKissing between people of the same genderGraphic sexual behavior between people of the same genderNo references to prostitutionIndirect references to prostitutionDirect references to prostitutionGraphic depictions of the act of prostitutionNo references to adulteryIndirect references to adulteryDirect references to adulteryGraphic depictions of the act of adulteryNo sexualized charactersScantily clad human charactersOvertly sexualized human charactersNo references to desecrationDepictions of or references to historical desecrationDepictions of modern-day human desecrationGraphic depictions of modern-day desecrationNo visible dead human remainsVisible dead human remainsDead human remains that are exposed to the elementsGraphic depictions of desecration of human bodiesNo references to slaveryDepictions of or references to historical slaveryDepictions of modern-day slaveryGraphic depictions of modern-day slaveryATP+13+1812+16+18++12+15ABZR13R15R16R18ADVM18INCAAACBDJCTQGSRRPEGIKAVIUSKESRACEROOFLCNZRUSSIAMDAGRACESRBIARCO+<^pas_content_rating_get_rating_idsas_content_rating_set_valueas_content_rating_get_valueas_content_rating_add_attributeas_content_rating_system_get_formatted_agesas_content_rating_system_get_csm_agesparse_localeas_content_rating_attribute_get_descriptionas_content_rating_attribute_to_csm_ageas_content_rating_get_minimum_ageas_content_rating_get_kindas_content_rating_set_kindAsContextx.xx/etc/appstream.conf/usr/share/appstream/appstream.confLoading OS configuration from: %sUnable to read configuration file %sUnable to determine the ID for this operating system.FreeReposAsDeveloperdeveloperDeveloperAsIconfile://%sscale >= 1as_icon_set_scaleAsImageIgnored screenshot thumbnail image without size information.as_image_set_scaleAsIssuehttps://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%sissueAsLaunchablelaunchableAsMetadata.xml.gz.appdata.xml.appdata.xml.in.metainfo.xml.metainfo.xml.in.metainfo.xml.in.inNo component found in desktop-entry data.No component found in desktop-entry file: %sformat > AS_FORMAT_KIND_UNKNOWN && format < AS_FORMAT_KIND_LASTCan not serialize to YAML-metainfo, because metainfo files have to be XML data.Invalid DEP-11 file found. Could not parse YAML: %sInvalid DEP-11 file found: Header invalidFileDEP-11OriginInvalid DEP-11 file found: No origin set in header.MediaBaseUrlArchitectureParsing of YAML metadata failed: Could not read data for component.architecturemedia_baseurlXML file does not contain valid AppStream data!No component found that could be updated.Can not load non-catalog AppStream YAML data, because their format is not specified.Refusing to load desktop entry without knowing its ID. Use as_metadata_parse_desktop() to parse .desktop files.standard::content-typeapplication/x-yaml.yaml.gzapplication/zstdapplication/gzipapplication/x-gzipEmission of YAML event failed.../appstream/src/as-metadata.cversionUnknown metadata format (%i)..gzMetadata to save was NULL.as_metadata_component_to_metainfoas_metadata_parse_rawas_yamldata_write_headeras_metadata_yaml_serialize_to_catalogas_metadata_components_to_catalogAsPoolapp;application;package;program;programme;suite;toolAuto-reload of cache for %s due to source data changes.Unable to register directory '%s' for monitoring: %sReload for %s pending in ~%i msNot adding metadata catalog location '%s': Not a directory, or does not exist.Added %s to YAML and XML metadata watch locations.Unable to read Flatpak directory '%s': %sUnable to iterate Flatpak directory '%s': %sUnable to scan Flatpak repository directory '%s': %sUnable to iterate Flatpak repository directory '%s': %sactiveflatpak-Unable to watch possibly invalid Flatpak metadata directory %sFlatpak metadata repository at '%s' is not a directory.local-metainfo/usr/share/applicationsSystem applications desktop-entry directory was not found!/usr/share/metainfoSystem installed MetaInfo directory was not found!/var/lib/flatpak/appstream/g_task_is_valid (result, pool)AsPool:get_componentsUnable to retrieve all components from session cache: %sAsPool:get_components_by_idError while trying to get components by ID: %sUnable find components by provided item in session cache: %sUnable find components by kind in session cache: %s'%s' is not a valid XDG category name, search results might be invalid or empty.Unable find components by categories in session cache: %sUnable find components by launchable in session cache: %sUnable find addon components in session cache: %sUnable find components by bundle ID in session cache: %sgrey-list replaced all terms, restoringAsPool:searchSearch query too broad. Matching everything.No valid search tokens. Can not find any results.Searching for: %sSearch failed: %sCleared extra metadata search paths.MetaInfo XMLCatalog XMLYAMLData from locally installed software %s Software catalog dataGroup %s: %s %s *.xml**.yml**.desktopUnknown data format type detected: %s • %s: %i Iconsets • %s: %s Skipping '%s' from inclusion into the pool: Component is ignored.%s.desktopIgnored .desktop metadata for '%s': We already have better data.Removed via merge component: %sReplacing invalid component '%s' with new one.Replaced '%s' with data from metainfo and desktop-entry file.Merged desktop-entry data into metainfo data for '%s'.Ignored desktop-entry component '%s': We already have better data.Replaced '%s' with data from metainfo file.Replaced '%s' with data of higher priority.Preferred component for native architecture for %s (was %s)Ignored additional entry for '%s' on architecture %s.Detected colliding IDs: %s was already added with the same priority.Detected colliding IDs: %s was already added with a higher priority.Using cached metadata: %sFailed to load cache metadata for '%s' or cache suddenly went out of data. Regenerating cache.AsPool:load_metainfo_desktop_data:%sAsPool:get_desktop_entries_tableSearching for data in: %sUnable find desktop-entry files in '%s'.Reading: %sMetadata file '%s' does not exist.Error reading .desktop file '%s': %sAsPool:load_metainfo_data:%s*.xmlUnable find metainfo files.Skipped: %s (already known)Errors in '%s': %sComponent '%s' ignored: %sAdding components from desktop-entry files to the metadata pool.Ignored component '%s': %sAsPool:load_catalog_dataSearching for XML data in: %s*.xml.gzSearching for YAML data in: %s*.yml.gzWARNING: %sMetadata ignored: %sMerge component ignored: %ssuccessfailureFailed to auto-reload cache section %s: %sEmitting Pool::changed() [%s]AsPool:loadFailed to refresh the metadata cache:as_location_group_add_diras_pool_load_finishAsProvidedlibbindbus:systemdbus:userfirmware:runtimefirmware:flashedLibrariesBinariesMedia typesModaliasesPython 3D-Bus System ServicesD-Bus Session ServicesRuntime FirmwareFlashed FirmwareComponent #*18?FAsReferencecitation_cffAsRelationcompare != AS_RELATION_COMPARE_UNKNOWNas-relation-error-quarkdisplay_length==!=>><<>=<=sidebandwidth_mbitpscompare%uUnknown Requires/Recommends YAML field: %s%s %sUnable to check ID relation status: No valid metadata pool was provided.Unable to check ID relation status: This relation is invalid, it has no valid value.Software '%s' was foundRequired software component '%s' is missing.Recommended software component '%s' is missing.Found supported software component '%s'.Unable to check modalias relation status: This relation is invalid, it has no valid value.Found hardware that is supported by this software: '%s'Required hardware for this software was not found on this system: '%s'Recommended hardware for this software was not found on this system: '%s'This software supports hardware not present in this system: '%s'Unable to determine the current kernel name.Unable to check kernel relation status: No valid value set for relation.This software requires a %s kernel, but this system is running %s.This software recommends a %s kernel, but this system is running %s.This software only supports a %s kernel, but may run on %s anyway.This software requires %s %s %s, but this system is running %s %s.The use of %s %s %s is recommended, but this system is running %s %s.This software supports %s %s %s.Kernel %s %s is supported.Unable to check memory relation: No valid value set in metadata.This software requires %s %.2f GiB of memory, but this system has %.2f GiB.This software recommends %s %.2f GiB of memory, but this system has %.2f GiB.This software supports %s %.2f GiB of memory.This system has sufficient memory for this software.pointing device (e.g. a mouse)tv remotegraphics tabletThis software requires a %s for input.This software requires a touch input device.This software requires a microphone to be controlled via voice input.This software requires a camera for input control.This software requires a method for console input.This software recommends a %s for input.This software recommends a touch input device.This software recommends a microphone to be controlled via voice input.This software recommends a camera for input control.This software recommends a method for console input.pointing devices (e.g. mice)keyboardsgamepadstv remotesgraphics tabletsThis software supports %s.This software supports touch input.This software can be controlled via voice input.This software can be controlled via a camera.This software supports operation via console commands.Pointing device (e.g. a mouse or touchpad) found.Physical keyboard found.Gamepad found.TV remote found.Graphics tablet found.Touch input device found.Microphone for voice input control found.Camera for input control found.Console interface available.Unable to check display size relation: No valid size value set in metadata.Unable to check display size relation: No valid side type value set in metadata.This software needs a display for graphical content.Unable to determine the display length of this device: This value needs to be provided by a GUI frontend for AppStream.This software requires a display with its longest edge being %s %lu px in size, but the display of this device has %lu px.This software requires a display with its shortest edge being %s %lu px in size, but the display of this device has %lu px.This software recommends a display with its longest edge being %s %lu px in size, but the display of this device has %lu px.This software recommends a display with its shortest edge being %s %lu px in size, but the display of this device has %lu px.Display size is sufficient for this software.Satisfiability check for relation items of type '%s' is not implemented yet.as_compare_int_matchAsRelationCheckResultMissing associated relation for relation-check result entity.AsReleaseAS_IS_RELEASE (release)AS_IS_RELEASE (rel1)AS_IS_RELEASE (rel2)date != NULLTried to set invalid release date: %sUnable to retrieve EOL timestamp from EOL date: %sdescription != NULLAS_IS_ARTIFACT (artifact)AS_IS_ISSUE (issue)Invalid ISO-8601 date in releases at %s line %litimestampurgencyartifactsissuesunix-timestampInvalid ISO-8601 release date in %sdate-eolas_release_get_kindas_release_set_kindas_release_get_versionas_release_set_versionas_release_vercmpas_release_get_timestampas_release_set_timestampas_release_get_dateas_release_set_dateas_release_get_date_eolas_release_set_date_eolas_release_get_timestamp_eolas_release_set_timestamp_eolas_release_get_urgencyas_release_set_urgencyas_release_get_descriptionas_release_set_descriptionas_release_get_artifactsas_release_add_artifactas_release_get_issuesas_release_add_issueas_release_get_urlas_release_set_urlas_release_get_contextas_release_set_contextas_release_description_translatableas_release_set_description_translatableAsReleaseListUnable to parse external release data: Unable to read external release information from a component without metadata context.Unable to obtain remote external release data: Unable to read external release information: Component has no known metainfo filename..releases.xmlUnable to read local external release data: ReleasesAsReview../appstream/src/as-review.creviewer-idreviewer-nameAS_IS_REVIEW (review)key != NULLreviewer_idreviewer_namemetadata"$&(!,7BMXcn as_review_get_priorityas_review_set_priorityas_review_get_idas_review_get_summaryas_review_set_idas_review_set_summaryas_review_get_descriptionas_review_set_descriptionas_review_get_localeas_review_set_localeas_review_get_ratingas_review_set_ratingas_review_get_flagsas_review_set_flagsas_review_add_flagsas_review_get_reviewer_idas_review_get_reviewer_nameas_review_set_reviewer_idas_review_set_reviewer_nameas_review_set_versionas_review_get_versionas_review_get_dateas_review_set_dateas_review_get_metadata_itemas_review_add_metadataAsScreenshotAS_IS_SCREENSHOT (screenshot)environmentcaptionsource-imagethumbnailsas_screenshot_get_imageLicenseRef-CC0@%sandANDORwithWITH%cNOASSERTION&|(^ AND OR WITH with exceptions@FSFAP@MIT@0BSD@CC0-1.0@CC-BY-3.0@CC-BY-4.0@CC-BY-SA-3.0@CC-BY-SA-4.0@GFDL-1.1@GFDL-1.2@GFDL-1.3@BSL-1.0@FTL@FSFUL.0-or-later.0+.1-or-later.1+LicenseRef=gpl-3.0gpl-2.0https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/lgpl-3.0https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-2.0/lgpl-2.1https://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-3.0/agpl-3.0https://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-2.1/https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/mpl-2.0https://choosealicense.com/licenses/%s/mit0bsdbsd-2-clausebsd-3-clauseapache-2.0bsl-1.0https://spdx.org/licenses/%s.html#page@LicenseRef@LicenseRef-free@NOASSERTION@NONE with advertising and or AGPLv3+AGPL-3.0AGPLv3Artistic 2.0Artistic-2.0Artistic clarifiedArtisticArtistic-1.0ASL 1.1Apache-1.1ASL 2.0Apache-2.0BoostBSL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0CC-BY-SACC-BY-SA-3.0CC-BYCC-BY-3.0CDDLCDDL-1.0CeCILL-CCECILL-CCeCILLCECILL-2.0CPALCPAL-1.0CPLCPL-1.0EPLEPL-1.0Free ArtClArtisticGFDLGFDL-1.3GPL+GPL-1.0+GPLv2+GPL-2.0+GPLv2GPL-2.0GPLv3+GPL-3.0+GPLv3GPL-3.0IBMIPL-1.0LGPL+LGPL-2.1+LGPLv2.1LGPL-2.1LGPLv2+LGPLv2LGPLv3+LGPL-3.0+LGPLv3LGPL-3.0LPPLLPPL-1.3cMPLv1.0MPL-1.0MPLv1.1MPL-1.1MPLv2.0MPL-2.0NetscapeNPL-1.1OFLOFL-1.1PythonPython-2.0QPLQPL-1.0SPLSPL-1.0UPLUPL-1.0zlibZlibZPLv2.0ZPL-2.0UnlicensePublic DomainLicenseRef-public-domainSUSE-Public-DomainCopyright onlyProprietaryLicenseRef-proprietaryCommercialGPL-2GPL-3proprietary389-exception389 Directory Server ExceptionAsterisk-exceptionAsterisk exceptionAutoconf-exception-2.0Autoconf exception 2.0Autoconf-exception-3.0Autoconf exception 3.0Autoconf-exception-genericAutoconf generic exceptionAutoconf-exception-generic-3.0Autoconf generic exception for GPL-3.0Autoconf-exception-macroAutoconf macro exceptionBison-exception-1.24Bison exception 1.24Bison-exception-2.2Bison exception 2.2Bootloader-exceptionBootloader Distribution ExceptionCLISP-exception-2.0CLISP exception 2.0Classpath-exception-2.0Classpath exception 2.0DigiRule-FOSS-exceptionDigiRule FOSS License ExceptionFLTK-exceptionFLTK exceptionFawkes-Runtime-exceptionFawkes Runtime ExceptionFont-exception-2.0Font exception 2.0GCC-exception-2.0GCC Runtime Library exception 2.0GCC-exception-2.0-noteGCC Runtime Library exception 2.0 - note variantGCC-exception-3.1GCC Runtime Library exception 3.1GNAT-exceptionGNAT exceptionGNOME-examples-exceptionGNOME examples exceptionGNU-compiler-exceptionGNU Compiler ExceptionGPL-3.0-interface-exceptionGPL-3.0 Interface ExceptionGPL-3.0-linking-exceptionGPL-3.0 Linking ExceptionGPL-3.0-linking-source-exceptionGPL-3.0 Linking Exception (with Corresponding Source)GPL-CC-1.0GPL Cooperation Commitment 1.0GStreamer-exception-2005GStreamer Exception (2005)GStreamer-exception-2008GStreamer Exception (2008)Gmsh-exceptionGmsh exception>KiCad-libraries-exceptionKiCad Libraries ExceptionLGPL-3.0-linking-exceptionLGPL-3.0 Linking ExceptionLLGPLLLGPL PreambleLLVM-exceptionLLVM ExceptionLZMA-exceptionLZMA exceptionLibtool-exceptionLibtool ExceptionLinux-syscall-noteLinux Syscall NoteNokia-Qt-exception-1.1Nokia Qt LGPL exception 1.1OCCT-exception-1.0Open CASCADE Exception 1.0OCaml-LGPL-linking-exceptionOCaml LGPL Linking ExceptionOpenJDK-assembly-exception-1.0OpenJDK Assembly exception 1.0PS-or-PDF-font-exception-20170817PS/PDF font exception (2017-08-17)QPL-1.0-INRIA-2004-exceptionINRIA QPL 1.0 2004 variant exceptionQt-GPL-exception-1.0Qt GPL exception 1.0Qt-LGPL-exception-1.1Qt LGPL exception 1.1Qwt-exception-1.0Qwt exception 1.0SANE-exceptionSANE ExceptionSHL-2.0Solderpad Hardware License v2.0SHL-2.1Solderpad Hardware License v2.1SWI-exceptionSWI exceptionSwift-exceptionSwift ExceptionTexinfo-exceptionTexinfo exceptionUBDL-exceptionUnmodified Binary Distribution exceptionUniversal-FOSS-exception-1.0Universal 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onlyAGPL-1.0-or-laterAffero General Public License v1.0 or laterGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0-onlyGNU Affero General Public License v3.0 onlyAGPL-3.0-or-laterGNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or laterAMD-newlibAMD newlib LicenseAMDPLPAAMD's plpa_map.c LicenseApple MIT LicenseAML-glslangAML glslang variant LicenseAMPASAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences BSDANTLR-PDANTLR Software Rights NoticeANTLR-PD-fallbackANTLR Software Rights Notice with license fallbackAPAFMLAdobe Postscript AFM LicenseAPL-1.0Adaptive Public License 1.0APSL-1.0Apple Public Source License 1.0APSL-1.1Apple Public Source License 1.1APSL-1.2Apple Public Source License 1.2APSL-2.0Apple Public Source License 2.0ASWF-Digital-Assets-1.0ASWF Digital Assets License version 1.0ASWF-Digital-Assets-1.1ASWF Digital Assets License 1.1AbstylesAbstyles LicenseAdaCore-docAdaCore Doc LicenseAdobe-2006Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Code License AgreementAdobe-Display-PostScriptAdobe Display PostScript 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Attribution 1.0 GenericCC-BY-2.0Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericCC-BY-2.5Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 GenericCC-BY-2.5-AUCreative Commons Attribution 2.5 AustraliaCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedCC-BY-3.0-ATCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 AustriaCC-BY-3.0-AUCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 AustraliaCC-BY-3.0-DECreative Commons Attribution 3.0 GermanyCC-BY-3.0-IGOCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGOCC-BY-3.0-NLCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 NetherlandsCC-BY-3.0-USCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 United StatesCC-BY-4.0Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-NC-1.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 1.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-2.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-2.5Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.5 GenericCC-BY-NC-3.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 UnportedCC-BY-NC-3.0-DECreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 GermanyCC-BY-NC-4.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-NC-ND-1.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 1.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-ND-2.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-ND-2.5Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.5 GenericCC-BY-NC-ND-3.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 UnportedCC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-DECreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 GermanyCC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-IGOCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 IGOCC-BY-NC-ND-4.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-NC-SA-1.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 1.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-SA-2.0Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0 GenericCC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-DECreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0 GermanyCC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-FRCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 FranceCC-BY-NC-SA-2.0-UKCreative Commons Attribution Non 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variantHPND-UCHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - University of California variantHPND-UC-export-USHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - University of California, US export warningHPND-docHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - documentation variantHPND-doc-sellHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - documentation sell variantHPND-export-USHPND with US Government export control warningHPND-export-US-modifyHPND with US Government export control warning and modification rqmtHPND-sell-MIT-disclaimer-xserverHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell xserver variant with MIT disclaimerHPND-sell-regexprHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell regexpr variantHPND-sell-variantHistorical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell variantHPND-sell-variant-MIT-disclaimerHPND sell variant with MIT disclaimerHTMLTIDYHTML Tidy LicenseHaskellReportHaskell Language Report LicenseHippocratic-2.1Hippocratic License 2.1IBM-pibsIBM PowerPC Initialization and Boot SoftwareICUICU LicenseIEC-Code-Components-EULAIEC Code Components End-user licence agreementIJGIndependent JPEG Group LicenseIJG-shortIndependent JPEG Group License - shortIPAIPA Font LicenseIBM Public License v1.0ISCISC LicenseISC-VeillardISC Veillard variantImageMagickImageMagick LicenseImlib2Imlib2 LicenseInfo-ZIPInfo-ZIP LicenseInner-Net-2.0Inner Net License v2.0IntelIntel Open Source LicenseIntel-ACPIIntel ACPI Software License AgreementInterbase-1.0Interbase Public License v1.0JPL-imageJPL Image Use PolicyJPNICJapan Network Information Center LicenseJSONJSON LicenseJamJam LicenseJasPer-2.0JasPer LicenseKastrupKastrup LicenseKazlibKazlib LicenseKnuth-CTANKnuth CTAN LicenseLAL-1.2Licence Art Libre 1.2LAL-1.3Licence Art Libre 1.3LGPL-2.0GNU Library General Public License v2 onlyLGPL-2.0+GNU Library General Public License v2 or laterLGPL-2.0-onlyLGPL-2.0-or-laterGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or 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LicenseMS-RLMicrosoft Reciprocal LicenseMTLLMatrix Template Library LicenseMackerras-3-ClauseMackerras 3-Clause LicenseMackerras-3-Clause-acknowledgmentMackerras 3-Clause - acknowledgment variantMakeIndexMakeIndex LicenseMartin-BirgmeierMartin Birgmeier LicenseMcPhee-slideshowMcPhee Slideshow LicenseMinpackMinpack LicenseMirOSThe MirOS LicenceMotosotoMotosoto LicenseMulanPSL-1.0Mulan Permissive Software License, Version 1MulanPSL-2.0Mulan Permissive Software License, Version 2MulticsMultics LicenseMupMup LicenseNAIST-2003Nara Institute of Science and Technology License (2003)NASA-1.3NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3NBPL-1.0Net Boolean Public License v1NCGL-UK-2.0Non-Commercial Government LicenceNCLNCL Source Code LicenseNCSAUniversity of Illinois/NCSA Open Source LicenseNGPLNethack General Public LicenseNICTA-1.0NICTA Public Software License, Version 1.0NIST-PDNIST Public Domain NoticeNIST-PD-fallbackNIST Public Domain Notice with license fallbackNIST-SoftwareNIST Software LicenseNLOD-1.0Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 1.0NLOD-2.0Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0NLPLNo Limit Public LicenseNOSLNetizen Open Source LicenseNPL-1.0Netscape Public License v1.0Netscape Public License v1.1NPOSL-3.0Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0NRLNRL LicenseNTPNTP LicenseNTP-0NTP No AttributionNaumenNaumen Public LicenseNet-SNMPNet-SNMP LicenseNetCDFNetCDF licenseNewsletrNewsletr LicenseNokiaNokia Open Source LicenseNowebNoweb LicenseNunitNunit LicenseO-UDA-1.0Open Use of Data Agreement v1.0OAROAR LicenseOCCT-PLOpen CASCADE Technology Public LicenseOCLC-2.0OCLC Research Public License 2.0ODC-By-1.0Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0ODbL-1.0Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0OFFISOFFIS LicenseOFL-1.0SIL Open Font License 1.0OFL-1.0-RFNSIL Open Font License 1.0 with Reserved Font NameOFL-1.0-no-RFNSIL Open Font License 1.0 with no Reserved Font NameSIL Open Font License 1.1OFL-1.1-RFNSIL Open Font License 1.1 with Reserved Font NameOFL-1.1-no-RFNSIL Open Font License 1.1 with no Reserved Font NameOGC-1.0OGC Software License, Version 1.0OGDL-Taiwan-1.0Taiwan Open Government Data License, version 1.0OGL-Canada-2.0Open Government Licence - CanadaOGL-UK-1.0Open Government Licence v1.0OGL-UK-2.0Open Government Licence v2.0OGL-UK-3.0Open Government Licence v3.0OGTSLOpen Group Test Suite LicenseOLDAP-1.1Open LDAP Public License v1.1OLDAP-1.2Open LDAP Public License v1.2OLDAP-1.3Open LDAP Public License v1.3OLDAP-1.4Open LDAP Public License v1.4OLDAP-2.0Open LDAP Public License v2.0 (or possibly 2.0A and 2.0B)OLDAP-2.0.1Open LDAP Public License v2.0.1OLDAP-2.1Open LDAP Public License v2.1OLDAP-2.2Open LDAP Public License v2.2OLDAP-2.2.1Open LDAP Public License v2.2.1OLDAP-2.2.2Open LDAP Public License 2.2.2OLDAP-2.3Open LDAP Public License v2.3OLDAP-2.4Open LDAP Public License v2.4OLDAP-2.5Open LDAP Public License v2.5OLDAP-2.6Open LDAP Public License v2.6OLDAP-2.7Open LDAP Public License v2.7OLDAP-2.8Open LDAP Public License v2.8OLFL-1.3Open Logistics Foundation License Version 1.3OMLOpen Market LicenseOPL-1.0Open Public License v1.0OPL-UK-3.0United Kingdom Open Parliament Licence v3.0OPUBL-1.0Open Publication License v1.0OSET-PL-2.1OSET Public License version 2.1OSL-1.0Open Software License 1.0OSL-1.1Open Software License 1.1OSL-2.0Open Software License 2.0OSL-2.1Open Software License 2.1OSL-3.0Open Software License 3.0OpenPBS-2.3OpenPBS v2.3 Software LicenseOpenSSLOpenSSL LicenseOpenSSL-standaloneOpenSSL License - standaloneOpenVisionOpenVision LicensePADLPADL LicensePDDL-1.0Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication & License 1.0PHP-3.0PHP License v3.0PHP-3.01PHP License v3.01PSF-2.0Python Software Foundation License 2.0Parity-6.0.0The Parity Public License 6.0.0Parity-7.0.0The Parity Public License 7.0.0PixarPixar LicensePlexusPlexus Classworlds LicensePolyForm-Noncommercial-1.0.0PolyForm Noncommercial License 1.0.0PolyForm-Small-Business-1.0.0PolyForm Small Business License 1.0.0PostgreSQLPostgreSQL LicensePython License 2.0Python-2.0.1Python License 2.0.1Q Public License 1.0QPL-1.0-INRIA-2004Q Public License 1.0 - INRIA 2004 variantQhullQhull LicenseRHeCos-1.1Red Hat eCos Public License v1.1RPL-1.1Reciprocal Public License 1.1RPL-1.5Reciprocal Public License 1.5RPSL-1.0RealNetworks Public Source License v1.0RSA-MDRSA Message-Digest LicenseRSCPLRicoh Source Code Public LicenseRdiscRdisc LicenseRubyRuby LicenseSAX-PDSax Public Domain NoticeSAX-PD-2.0Sax Public Domain Notice 2.0SCEASCEA Shared Source LicenseSGI-B-1.0SGI Free Software License B v1.0SGI-B-1.1SGI Free Software License B v1.1SGI-B-2.0SGI Free Software License B v2.0SGI-OpenGLSGI OpenGL LicenseSGP4SGP4 Permission NoticeSHL-0.5Solderpad Hardware License v0.5SHL-0.51Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51SISSLSun Industry Standards Source License v1.1SISSL-1.2Sun Industry Standards Source License v1.2SLSL LicenseSMLNJStandard ML of New Jersey LicenseSMPPLSecure Messaging Protocol Public LicenseSNIASNIA Public License 1.1Sun Public License v1.0SSH-OpenSSHSSH OpenSSH licenseSSH-shortSSH short noticeSSLeay-standaloneSSLeay License - standaloneSSPL-1.0Server Side Public License, v 1SWLScheme Widget Library (SWL) Software License AgreementSaxpathSaxpath LicenseSchemeReportScheme Language Report LicenseSendmailSendmail LicenseSendmail-8.23Sendmail License 8.23SimPL-2.0Simple Public License 2.0SleepycatSleepycat LicenseSoundexSoundex LicenseSpencer-86Spencer License 86Spencer-94Spencer License 94Spencer-99Spencer License 99StandardML-NJSugarCRM-1.1.3SugarCRM Public License v1.1.3Sun-PPPSun PPP LicenseSun-PPP-2000Sun PPP License (2000)SunProSunPro LicenseSymlinksSymlinks LicenseTAPR-OHL-1.0TAPR Open Hardware License v1.0TCLTCL/TK LicenseTCP-wrappersTCP Wrappers LicenseTGPPL-1.0Transitive Grace Period Public Licence 1.0TMateTMate Open Source LicenseTORQUE-1.1TORQUE v2.5+ Software License v1.1TOSLTrusster Open Source LicenseTPDLTime::ParseDate LicenseTPL-1.0THOR Public License 1.0TTWLText-Tabs+Wrap LicenseTTYP0TTYP0 LicenseTU-Berlin-1.0Technische Universitaet Berlin License 1.0TU-Berlin-2.0Technische Universitaet Berlin License 2.0TermReadKeyTermReadKey LicenseUCARUCAR LicenseUCL-1.0Upstream Compatibility License v1.0UMich-MeritMichigan/Merit Networks LicenseUniversal Permissive License v1.0URT-RLEUtah Raster Toolkit Run Length Encoded LicenseUnicode-3.0Unicode License v3Unicode-DFS-2015Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2015)Unicode-DFS-2016Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016)Unicode-TOUUnicode Terms of UseUnixCryptUnixCrypt LicenseThe UnlicenseVOSTROMVOSTROM Public License for Open SourceVSL-1.0Vovida Software License v1.0VimVim LicenseW3CW3C Software Notice and License (2002-12-31)W3C-19980720W3C Software Notice and License (1998-07-20)W3C-20150513W3C Software Notice and Document License (2015-05-13)WTFPLDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWatcom-1.0Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0Widget-WorkshopWidget Workshop LicenseWsuipaWsuipa LicenseX11X11 LicenseX11-distribute-modifications-variantX11 License Distribution Modification VariantXFree86-1.1XFree86 License 1.1XSkatXSkat LicenseXdebug-1.03Xdebug License v 1.03XeroxXerox LicenseXfigXfig LicenseXnetX.Net LicenseYPL-1.0Yahoo! Public License v1.0YPL-1.1Yahoo! Public License v1.1ZPL-1.1Zope Public License 1.1Zope Public License 2.0ZPL-2.1Zope Public License 2.1ZedZed LicenseZeeffZeeff LicenseZend-2.0Zend License v2.0Zimbra-1.3Zimbra Public License v1.3Zimbra-1.4Zimbra Public License v1.4zlib Licensebcrypt-Solar-Designerbcrypt Solar Designer LicenseblessingSQLite Blessingbzip2-1.0.5bzip2 and libbzip2 License v1.0.5bzip2-1.0.6bzip2 and libbzip2 License v1.0.6check-cvscheck-cvs LicensecheckmkCheckmk Licensecopyleft-next-0.3.0copyleft-next 0.3.0copyleft-next-0.3.1copyleft-next 0.3.1curlcurl Licensediffmarkdiffmark licensedtoaDavid M. Gay dtoa Licensedvipdfmdvipdfm LicenseeCos-2.0eCos license version 2.0eGenixeGenix.com Public License 1.1.0etalab-2.0Etalab Open License 2.0fwlwfwlw LicensegSOAP-1.3bgSOAP Public License v1.3bgnuplotgnuplot Licensegtkbookgtkbook Licensehdparmhdparm LicenseiMatixiMatix Standard Function Library Agreementlibpng-2.0PNG Reference Library version 2libselinux-1.0libselinux public domain noticelibtifflibtiff Licenselibutil-David-Nugentlibutil David Nugent Licenselsoflsof Licensemagazmagaz Licensemailpriomailprio Licensemetamailmetamail Licensempi-permissivempi Permissive Licensempich2mpich2 Licensemplusmplus Font Licensepkgconfpkgconf Licensepnmstitchpnmstitch Licensepsfragpsfrag Licensepsutilspsutils Licensepython-ldapPython ldap Licenseradvdradvd Licensesnprintfsnprintf LicensesoftSurfersoftSurfer Licensessh-keyscanssh-keyscan Licenseswruleswrule Licensethreeparttablethreeparttable Licenseulemulem Licensew3mw3m LicensewxWindowswxWindows Library Licensexinetdxinetd Licensexkeyboard-config-Zinovievxkeyboard-config Zinoviev Licensexlockxlock LicensexppXPP Licensexzoomxzoom Licensezlib-acknowledgementzlib/libpng License with AcknowledgementAsSuggestedFound suggests tag of unknown type '%s' at %s:%li. Ignoring it.suggestsAsSystemInfoUnable to read kernel information via uname: %s..Error while reading modalias file %s: %sError while searching for modalias entries in %s: %s/sys/devicesas-system-info-error-quarkUnable to enumerate devices: %sUnable to enumerate uninitialized devices: %sUnable to enumerate devices by property: %sID_INPUT_KEYBOARDID_INPUT_MOUSEID_INPUT_TOUCHPADID_INPUT_JOYSTICKID_INPUT_TABLETID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN/etc/os-release/usr/lib/os-releaseUnable to read file '%s': %sUnable to read line in file '%s': %sNAMEVERSION_IDHOME_URLUnable to open hardware database: %sID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASEID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE%s - %sUnable to find good human-readable description for device %sFailure to read device information for %s: %s_VENDORVENDOR_ID_MODELMODEL_IDDRIVER_USB_CLASSkind < AS_CONTROL_KIND_LASTkind != AS_CONTROL_KIND_UNKNOWNside < AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_LASTside != AS_DISPLAY_SIDE_KIND_UNKNOWNUnable to generate system info template for chassis type: %sas_system_info_has_input_controlas_system_info_set_input_controlas_system_info_get_display_lengthas_system_info_set_display_lengthAsTranslationen_USsource_localetranslationAsValidatorDuplicate issue-tag '%s' found in tag list. This is a bug in the validator.http://ftp://https://%s.metainfo.xml%s.appdata.xmlValidator invoked invalid issue tag: %sThe emitted issue tag is unknown in the tag registry of AppStream. This is a bug in the validator itself, please report this issue in our bugtracker.__error__%s%s/%s/%sxml-markup-invaliddeveloper-id-missingdeveloper-id-invaliddeveloper-name-has-urldeveloper-name-missingtag-empty%s (lang=%s)tag-not-translatabletag-duplicatedspdx-expression-invalidspdx-license-unknowntag-invalid-text-contentrelation-invalid-tagrelation-item-no-valuecircular-component-relationrelation-item-has-versionrelation-item-missing-comparerelation-item-invalid-vercmprelation-item-has-vercmprelation-memory-in-requiresrelation-control-in-requiresrelation-control-value-invalidrel::%s/%s%s%srelation-display-length-value-invalidrelation-display-length-side-property-invalidrelation-hardware-value-invalidrelation-memory-value-invalidrel::%s/internetrelation-internet-value-invalidrelation-internet-bandwidth-offlinerelation-internet-bandwidth-value-invalid%s & %srelation-item-redefinedFound: %s - Allowed: %sinvalid-child-tag-nametags/tagusertag-missing-namespaceusertag-invalid%s/%stype-property-requireddescription-para-markup-invaliddescription/%sdescription-enum-group-translateddescription/%s/licatalog-localized-description-sectiondescription-enum-item-invalidmetainfo-localized-description-tagdescription/pdescription-first-para-too-shortdescription-first-word-not-capitalizeddescription-markup-invaliddescription-has-plaintext-urlftp:url-uses-ftpURL format is invalid.Checking URL availability: %sFailed to set up networking support: %smetainfo-filename-cid-mismatchdesktop-file-load-failedapp-categories-missingdesktop-file-not-foundrelease-version-missingrelease-type-invalidinvalid-iso8601-daterelease-time-missingrelease-timestamp-invalidrelease-urgency-invalidweb-url-expectedurl-not-secureartifact-type-invalid%u != 3artifact-invalid-platform-tripletArchitecture invalid: %sOS/Kernel invalid: %sOS/Environment invalid: %sartifact-bundle-type-invalidartifact-checksum-type-invalidartifact-size-type-invalidartifact-filename-not-basenameunknown-tagrelease-issue-type-invalidrelease-issue-is-cve-but-no-cve-idCVE-release-description-outside-taghttpreleases-type-invalidhttps:releases-url-insecureDownloading release metadata: %sreleases-download-failedTrying to find release metadata in %sfile-read-failedreleases-external-not-foundcomponent-type-invalidcomponent-priority-in-metainfocomponent-merge-in-metainfocomponent-id-missingcomponent-name-missingcomponent-summary-missingid-tag-has-typecid-punctuation-prefixcid-desktopapp-is-not-rdnscid-is-not-rdnscid-maybe-not-rdns%s: '%s'cid-invalid-charactercid-contains-uppercase-letter%s: %s → _%scid-has-number-prefixcid-rdns-contains-hyphenFreedesktopFreeDesktoporg.freedesktop.cid-missing-affiliation-freedesktopcid-missing-affiliation-kdeorg.gnome.cid-missing-affiliation-gnomemetadata-license-too-complexmetadata-license-invalidmultiple-pkgnamesource_pkgnamename-has-dot-suffixcomponent-name-too-longsummary-has-dot-suffixsummary-has-urlsummary-has-tabs-or-linebreakssummary-first-word-not-capitalizedsummary-too-longicon-stock-cached-has-urlicon-remote-not-secureicon-remote-not-foundicon-remote-no-urlmetainfo-invalid-icon-typeurl-invalid-typeurl-redefinedurl-not-reachablemetainfo-localized-keywords-tagmimetypes-tag-deprecatedunknown-provides-item-typescreenshot-default-missingscreenshot-invalid-env-stylescreenshot-no-mediascreenshot-invalid-widthscreenshot-invalid-heightscreenshot-invalid-scalescreenshot-image-invalid-typescreenshot-image-missing-widthscreenshot-image-missing-heightscreenshot-image-source-duplicatedscreenshot-media-url-not-securescreenshot-image-not-foundscreenshot-video-not-foundscreenshot-default-contains-videoscreenshot-video-codec-missingscreenshot-video-codec-invalidcontainerscreenshot-video-container-missingscreenshot-video-container-invalid.mkv.webmscreenshot-video-file-wrong-containercaption; image; videoscreenshot-mixed-images-videosscreenshot-image-no-source-but-en-localescreenshot-image-no-sourcescreenshot-no-unscaled-imagescreenshot-no-captiondeveloper-name-tag-deprecatedunknown-desktop-idlaunchable-unknown-typebundle-unknown-typeupdate_contactupdate-contact-in-catalog-data_at__AT_update-contact-no-mailcontent-rating-type-missingcontent-rating-type-invalidcontent-rating-invalid-tagcontent-attribute-id-missingcontent-attribute-id-invalidcontent-attribute-value-emptycontent-attribute-value-unknown%s @ %scontent-attribute-value-invalidcontent-attribute-id-duplicatedbranding-color-type-invalidbranding-color-scheme-type-invalidschema_preferencebranding-color-scheme-wrong-propertybranding-color-invalidbranding-color-duplicatedreference-value-missingreference-doi-invalidreference-citation-url-invalid.cffreference-registry-name-missingreference-registry-name-unknowncustom-invalid-tagcustom-key-missingcustom-key-duplicatedcustom-value-emptynonstandard-gnome-extensionkudosmetadata-license-missingapp-description-requiredfont-description-missingdriver-firmware-description-missinggeneric-description-missingurl-homepage-missingdesktop-app-launchable-omitteddesktop-app-launchable-missingconsole-app-no-binaryweb-app-no-url-launchableweb-app-no-iconweb-app-no-categoryfont-no-font-datadriver-no-modaliasextends-not-allowedaddon-extends-missinglocalization-extends-missinglocalization-no-languagesservice-no-service-launchableruntime-project-license-no-refruntime-no-providesmetainfo-suggestion-type-invalidall-categories-ignoredcategory-invalidscreenshot-caption-too-long%s << %sreleases-not-in-orderreleases-info-missingcontent-rating-missingdeveloper-info-missingcid-domain-not-lowercaseas-validator-error-quark.releases.xml.inThe release metadata file '%s' is named incorrectly.Expected a basename for release file '%s', but got a full path instead.The new issue severity for tag '%s' is invalid.The issue tag '%s' is not recognized.Overriding severity of validator issue tag: %s == %sIt is not allowed to downgrade the severity of tag '%s' to one that allows validation to pass.component-catalog-tag-invalidmetainfo-ancientroot-tag-unknownshareapplicationsdir-no-metadata-foundLooking for metadata in %sdir-applications-not-foundFile '%s' suddenly vanished.metainfo-multiple-componentsValidatorIssues../appstream/src/as-validator.cseveritylinehintexplanationPassedThis tag requires a type property.Tags of this name are not permitted in this section.A tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual paragraphs instead.This element (paragraph, list, etc.) of a tag must not be localized individually in catalog metadata. Localize the whole tag instead. The AppStream metadata catalog generator (e.g. `appstream-generator`) will already do the right thing when compiling the data.AppStream descriptions support only a limited set of tags to format text: Paragraphs (

    ) and lists (

        ). This description markup contains an invalid XML tag that would not be rendered correctly in applications supporting the metainfo specification.This description paragraph contains invalid markup. Currently, only and are permitted.Enumerations must only have list items (
      1. ) as children.The enumeration must not be translated as a whole. In MetaInfo files, translate indivdual items (
      2. elements) instead.The first `description/p` paragraph of this component might be too short (< 80 characters). Please consider starting with a longer paragraph to improve how the description looks like in software centers and to provide more detailed information on this component immediately in the first paragraph.The description line does not start with a capitalized word, project name or number.The description contains a web URL in plain text. This is not allowed, please use the tag instead to share links.This tag is not translatable.This tag must only appear once in this context. Having multiple tags of this kind is not valid.The mentioned tag is empty, which is highly likely not intended as it should have content.The mentioned tag has text content, even though it must not contain text.The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.The component ID is not a reverse domain-name. Please update the ID to avoid future issues and be compatible with all AppStream implementations. You may also consider to update the name of the accompanying .desktop file to follow the latest version of the Desktop-Entry specification and use a rDNS name for it as well. In any case, do not forget to mention the new desktop-entry in a tag for this component to keep the application launchable from software centers and the .desktop file data associated with the metainfo data.The component ID might not follow the reverse domain-name schema (the TLD used by it is not known to the validator).The component ID contains an invalid character. Only ASCII characters, dots and numbers are permitted.The component ID starts with punctuation. This is not allowed.The component ID contains a hyphen/minus in its domain part. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`). Hyphens are only allowed in the last segment of a component ID.The component ID contains a segment starting with a number. Starting a segment of the reverse-DNS ID with a number is strongly discouraged, to keep interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. Ideally, prefix these segments with an underscore.The component ID should only contain lowercase characters.The domain part of the rDNS component ID (first two parts) must only contain lowercase characters.The component is part of the Freedesktop project, but its ID does not start with fd.o's reverse-DNS name ("org.freedesktop").The component is part of the KDE project, but its ID does not start with KDE's reverse-DNS name ("org.kde").The component is part of the GNOME project, but its ID does not start with GNOME's reverse-DNS name ("org.gnome").The SPDX license expression is invalid and could not be parsed.The license ID was not found in the SPDX database. Please check that the license ID is written in an SPDX-conformant way and is a valid free software license.The metadata itself seems to be licensed under a complex collection of licenses. Please license the data under a simple permissive license, like FSFAP, MIT or CC0-1.0 to allow distributors to include it in mixed data collections without the risk of license violations due to mutually incompatible licenses.The metadata itself does not seem to be licensed under a permissive license. Please license the data under a permissive license, like FSFAP, CC0-1.0 or 0BSD to allow distributors to include it in mixed data collections without the risk of license violations due to mutually incompatible licenses.The update-contact does not appear to be a valid email address (escaping of `@` is only allowed as `_at_` or `_AT_`).The `environment` property is set to an unrecognized graphical environment/style combination.The `width` property must be a positive integer.The `height` property must be a positive integer.The `scale` property must be a positive integer.The image type must be either `source` or `thumbnail`.The `width` property must be present if the image type is `thumbnail`.The `height` property must be present if the image type is `thumbnail`.There can only be one `source` image per screenshot and language.A screenshot must have at least one untranslated image of type `source`.A screenshot must have at least one untranslated image of type `source`, which could not be found. Instead, a tag with an `en` locale (`xml:lang=en`) was found, which is likely intended to be the translatable image. Please remove the XML localization attribute in this case.Unable to reach the screenshot image on its remote location - does the image exist?Unable to reach the screenshot video on its remote location - does the video file exist?Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL to reference this screenshot image or video.A screenshot must have at least one image that has a scaling factor of 1.A screenshot must contain at least one image or video in order to be useful. Please add an to it.A screenshot must contain either images or videos, but not both at the same time. Please use this screenshot exclusively for either static images or for videos.The screenshot does not have a caption text. Consider adding one.The screenshot video does not specify which video codec was used in a `codec` property.The screenshot video does not specify which container format was used in a `container` property.The selected video codec is not supported by AppStream and software centers may not be able to play the video. Only the AV1 and VP9 codecs are currently supported, using `av1` and `vp9` as values for the `codec` property.The selected video container format is not supported by AppStream and software centers may not be able to play the video. Only the WebM and Matroska video containers are currently supported, using `webm` and `mkv` as values for the `container` property.For videos, only the WebM and Matroska (.mkv) container formats are currently supported. The file extension of the referenced video does not belong to either of these formats.The default screenshot of a software component must not be a video. Use a static image as default screenshot and set the video as a secondary screenshot.No screenshot is marked as default.Found an unknown tag in a requires/recommends group. This is likely an error, because a component relation of this type is unknown.A `requires` or `recommends` item requires a value to denote a valid relation.Found `version` property on required/recommended item of a type that should not have or require a version.Found `version` property on this required/recommended item, but not `compare` property. It is recommended to explicitly define a comparison operation.Invalid comparison operation on relation item. Only one of `eq/ne/lt/gt/le/ge` is permitted.The relation item has a comparison operation set, but does not support any comparisons.This relation item has already been defined once for this or a different relation type. Please do not redefine relations.Found a memory size relation in a `requires` tag. This means users will not be able to even install the component without having enough RAM. This is usually not intended and you want to use `memory` in the `recommends` tag instead.Found a user input control relation in a `requires` tag. This means users will not be able to even install the component without having the defined input control available on the system. This is usually not intended and you want to use `control` in the `recommends` tag instead.This `control` item defines an unknown input method and is invalid. Check the specification for a list of permitted values.This `display_length` item contains an invalid display length. Its value must be a positive integer value denoting logical pixels. Please refer to the AppStream specification for more information on this tag.This `side` property of this `display_length` item contains an invalid value. It must either be `shortest` or `longest`, or unset to imply `shortest` to make the item value refer to either the shortest or longest side of the display.This `hardware` item contains an invalid value. It should be a Computer Hardware ID (CHID) UUID without braces.A `memory` item must only contain a non-zero integer value, depicting a system memory size in mebibyte (MiB)The set tag value is not valid for an `internet` relation.The `bandwidth_mbitps` property is not allowed when using `offline-only` as value.The value of this property must be a positive integer value, describing the minimum required bandwidth in mbit/s.The set component type is not a recognized, valid AppStream component type.The component has a priority value set. This is not allowed in metainfo files.The component has a `merge` method defined. This is not allowed in metainfo files.The component is missing an ID ( tag).The component is missing a name ( tag).The name of this component is excessively long and can likely not be displayed properly in most layouts.The component is missing a summary ( tag).The tag still contains a `type` property, probably from an old conversion to the recent metainfo format.The `pkgname` tag appears multiple times. You should evaluate creating a metapackage containing the metainfo and .desktop files in order to avoid defining multiple package names per component.The component name should (likely) not end with a dot (`.`).The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).The component summary must not contain tabs or linebreaks.The summary must not contain any URL. Use the `` tags for links.The summary text does not start with a capitalized word, project name or number.The summary text is very long, and will likely not be displayed properly everywhere.Icons of type `stock` or `cached` must not contain an URL, a full or an relative path to the icon. Only file basenames or stock names are allowed.Icons of type `remote` must contain an URL to the referenced icon.Unable to reach remote icon at the given web location - does it exist?Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for the remote icon link.Metainfo files may only contain icons of type `stock` or `remote`, the set type is not allowed.Invalid `type` property for this `url` tag. URLs of this type are not known in the AppStream specification.Unable to reach remote location that this URL references - does it exist?Consider using a secure (HTTPS) URL for this web link.A web URL was expected for this value.This web link uses the FTP protocol. Consider switching to HTTP(S) instead.An URL of this type has already been defined.This component is missing an `url` element of type `homepage` to link to the project's homepage.The toplevel `developer_name` element is deprecated. Please use the `name` element in a `developer` block instead.This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.The `developer` element is missing an `id` property, containing a unique string ID for the developer. Consider adding a unique ID.The developer-ID is invalid. It should be an rDNS string identifying the developer, or a Fediverse handle. It must also only contain lowercase ASCII letters, numbers and punctuation.The `developer` block does not have a `name` element with a human-readable project author name.The `name` child of a `developer` block must not contain a hyperlink.The set value is not an identifier for a desktop environment as registered with Freedesktop.org.This `launchable` tag has an unknown type and can not be used.This `bundle` tag has an unknown type and can not be used.The `update_contact` tag should not be included in catalog AppStream XML.This tag is a GNOME-specific extension to AppStream and not part of the official specification. Do not expect it to work in all implementations and in all software centers.Found invalid tag. Non-standard tags should be prefixed with `x-`. AppStream also provides the tag to add arbitrary custom data to metainfo files. This tag is read by AppStream libraries and may be useful instead of defining new custom toplevel or `x-`-prefixed tags if you just want to add custom data to a metainfo file.The essential tag `metadata_license` is missing. A license for the metadata itself always has to be defined.The component is missing a long description. Components of this type must have a long description.It would be useful to add a long description to this font to present it better to users.It is recommended to add a long description to this component to present it better to users.This generic component is missing a long description. It may be useful to add one.This `desktop-application` component is missing a `desktop-id` launchable tag. This means that this application can not be launched and has no association with its desktop-entry file. It also means no icon data or category information from the desktop-entry file will be available, which will result in this application being ignored entirely.This `desktop-application` component has no `desktop-id` launchable tag, however it contains all the necessary information to display the application. The omission of the launchable entry means that this application can not be launched directly from installers or software centers. If this is intended, this information can be ignored, otherwise it is strongly recommended to add a launchable tag as well.Type `console-application` component, but no information about binaries in $PATH was provided via a `provides/binary` tag.This `web-application` component is missing a `launchable` tag of type `url`.This `web-application` component is missing a `icon` tag to specify a valid icon.This `web-application` component is missing categorizations. A `categories` block is likely missing.Type `font` component, but no font information was provided via a `provides/font` tag.Type `driver` component, but no modalias information was provided via a `provides/modalias` tag.An `extends` tag is specified, but the component is not of type `addon`, `localization` or `repository`.The component is an addon, but no `extends` tag was specified.This `localization` component is missing an `extends` tag, to specify the components it adds localization to.This `localization` component does not define any languages this localization is for.This `service` component is missing a `launchable` tag of type `service`.Suggestions of any type other than `upstream` are not allowed in metainfo files.The category name is not valid. Refer to the XDG Menu Specification for a list of valid category names.All categories for this component have been ignored, either because they were invalid or because they are of low quality (e.g. custom 'X-' prefixed or toolkit ones like 'GTK' or 'Qt'). Please fix your category names, or add more categories.This component is in no valid categories, even though it should be. Please check its metainfo file and desktop-entry file.The screenshot caption is too long (should be <= 100 characters)Unable to read file.The XML of this file is malformed.Invalid tag found in catalog metadata. Only `component` tags are permitted.The metainfo file uses an ancient version of the AppStream specification, which can not be validated. Please migrate it to version 0.6 (or higher). Modern files use the `component` root tag and include many other differences, so check for changes carefully when modernizing the data.This XML document has an unknown root tag. Maybe this file is not a metainfo document?The metainfo filename does not match the component ID.Unable to load the desktop-entry file associated with this component.This component metadata refers to a non-existing .desktop file.A category defined in the desktop-entry file is not valid. Refer to the XDG Menu Specification for a list of valid categories.Error while reading some data from the desktop-entry file.The value of this desktop-entry field contains invalid or non-printable UTF-8 characters, which can not be displayed properly.This desktop-entry field value is quoted, which is likely unintentional.This desktop-entry file has the 'Hidden' property set. This is wrong for vendor-installed .desktop files, and nullifies all effects this .desktop file has (including MIME associations), which most certainly is not intentional.This desktop-entry file has the 'OnlyShowIn' property set with an empty value. This might not be intended, as this will hide the application from all desktops. If you do want to hide the application from all desktops, using 'NoDisplay=true' is more explicit.No AppStream metadata was found in this directory or directory tree.No XDG applications directory found.metainfo-legacy-pathThe metainfo file is stored in a legacy path. Please place it in `/usr/share/metainfo/`.The metainfo file specifies multiple components. This is not allowed.The releases are not sorted in a latest to oldest version order. This is required as some tools will assume that the latest version is always at the top. Sorting releases also increases overall readability of the metainfo file.The type of the releases block is invalid. It needs to either `embedded` (the default) or `external`.The URL to an external release metadata file is insecure. This is not allowed, please use HTTPS URLs only.Failed to download release metadata.A local release metadata file was not found. It is strongly recommended to validate this metadata together with the main MetaInfo file.The value set as release urgency is not a known urgency value.The value set as release type is invalid.The release is missing the `version` property.The release is missing either the `date` (preferred) or the `timestamp` property.The release timestamp is invalid.The release description must be put inside a `description` tagThe value set as artifact type is invalid. Must be either `source` or `binary`.The value set as artifact bundle type is invalid.The platform triplet for this release is invalid. It must be in the form of `architecture-oskernel-osenv` - refer to the AppStream documentation or information on normalized GNU triplets for more information and valid fields.The selected checksumming algorithm is unsupported or unknown.The size type is unknown. Must be `download` or `installed`.The artifact filename must be a file basename, not a (relative or absolute) path.The value set as release issue type is invalid.The issue is tagged at security vulnerability with a CVE number, but its value does not look like a valid CVE identifier.This component is missing information about releases. Consider adding a `releases` tag to describe releases and their changes.The AppStream specification requires a complete, ISO 8601 date string with at least day-granularity to denote dates. Please ensure the date string is valid.This component extends, provides, requires or recommends itself, which is certainly not intended and may confuse users or machines dealing with this metadata.Licenses for `runtime` components are usually too complex to reflect them in a simple SPDX expression. Consider using a `LicenseRef` and a web URL as value for this component's `project_license`. E.g. `LicenseRef-free=https://example.com/licenses.html`Since a `runtime` component is comprised of multiple other software components, their component-IDs may be listed in a `` section for this runtime.The type of the item that the component provides is not known to AppStream.The toplevel `mimetypes` tag is deprecated. Please use `mediatype` tags in a `provides` block instead to indicate that your software provides a media handler for the given types.This component has no `content_rating` tag to provide age rating information. You can generate the tag data online by answering a few questions at https://hughsie.github.io/oars/The `type` attribute of this `content_rating` element is missing or empty.The `type` attribute of the `content_rating` element has an invalid value.The `content_rating` tag can only contain `content_attribute` children.The `id` attribute of the `content_attribute` element is missing or empty.The `id` attribute of the `content_attribute` element has an invalid value.The `content_attribute` tag needs a value.The `content_attribute` tag value is unknown.The `content_attribute` tag value is invalid for the given id.A `content_attribute` tag with this ID has already been defined.This `tag` is missing a `namespace` attribute.This tag or its namespace contains invalid characters. Only lower-cased ASCII letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores are permitted.The type of this color is not valid.The value of this color scheme preference is not valid.The name of the color scheme property is wrong. It should be `scheme_preference`.This color is not a valid HTML color code.A color for this type/scheme combination was already set. Colors must be unique per type/scheme.The given DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for this reference item is not valid.The value for this citation reference item must be an URL to a CFF (Citation File Format) file.This registry reference item is missing the `name` property to denote the name of the registry it is about.The registry for this reference item is unknown. This may be due to a typing error, or the registry needs to be registered with AppStream.The reference item is missing a value.The `custom` tag can only contain `value` children.This `custom` tag value is missing a `key` attribute.A key can only be used once.This custom value is empty.A `keywords` tag must not be localized in metainfo files (upstream metadata). Localize the individual keyword entries instead.as_validator_validate_component_idas_validator_get_report_yamlAsValidatorIssue:~:%s:%lipb != NULL../appstream/src/as-vercmp.ccmp_numberas_vercmp_test_matchAsVideomatroskaGVariant8(  Ե8L<@'@vPov g L  v L( @ KP @ LD H yvH v` VQVvpMܚv"yv/platform_os.txt# This file is derived from platforms.yml - DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY! linux darwin macos dragonfly freebsd kfreebsd netbsd openbsd windows haiku (uuay)iana-filtered-tld-list.txt # IANA TLDs we recognize for AppStream IDs. # Derived from the full list at https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt # Last updated on 2024-04-24 aaa aarp abb abc able ac aco ad ads ae aeg aero af afl ag ai aig akdn al ally am amex anz ao aol app aq ar arab army arpa art arte as asda asia at au audi auto aw aws ax axa az ba baby band bank bar bb bbc bbt bbva bcg bcn bd be beer best bet bf bg bh bi bid bike bing bio biz bj blog blue bm bms bmw bn bo bofa bom bond boo book bot box br bs bt buy buzz bv bw by bz bzh ca cab cafe cal call cam camp car care cars casa case cash cat cba cbn cbre cc cd ceo cern cf cfa cfd cg ch chat ci citi city ck cl club cm cn co com cool coop cpa cr crs cu cv cw cx cy cyou cz dad data date day dclk dds de deal dell desi dev dhl diet dish diy dj dk dm dnp do docs dog dot dtv dvag dvr dz eat ec eco edu ee eg er erni es esq et eu eus fage fail fan fans farm fast fi fido film fire fish fit fj fk flir fly fm fo foo food ford fox fr free frl ftr fun fund fyi ga gal game gap gay gb gbiz gd gdn ge gea gent gf gg ggee gh gi gift gl gle gm gmbh gmo gmx gn gold golf goo goog gop got gov gp gq gr gs gt gu guge guru gw gy hair haus hbo hdfc help here hiv hk hkt hm hn host hot how hr hsbc ht hu ibm icbc ice icu id ie ieee ifm il im imdb immo in inc info ing ink int io iq ir is ist it itau itv java jcb je jeep jio jll jm jmp jnj jo jobs jot joy jp jprs kddi ke kfh kg kh ki kia kids kim kiwi km kn kp kpmg kpn kr krd kred kw ky kz la land lat law lb lc lds lego lgbt li lidl life like limo link live lk llc llp loan lol love lpl lr ls lt ltd ltda lu luxe lv ly ma maif man map mba mc md me med meet meme men menu mg mh mil mini mint mit mk ml mlb mls mm mma mn mo mobi moda moe moi mom moto mov mp mq mr ms msd mt mtn mtr mu mv mw mx my mz na nab name navy nba nc ne nec net new news next nf nfl ng ngo nhk ni nico nike nl no now np nr nra nrw ntt nu nyc nz obi ollo om one ong onl ooo open org ott ovh pa page pars pay pccw pe pet pf pg ph phd pics pid pin ping pink pk pl play plus pm pn pnc pohl porn post pr pro prod prof pru ps pt pub pw pwc py qa qpon re read red reit ren rent rest rich ril rio rip ro room rs rsvp ru ruhr run rw rwe sa safe sale sap sarl sas save saxo sb sbi sbs sc scb scot sd se seat seek sew sex sexy sfr sg sh shaw shia shop show si silk sina site sj sk ski skin sky sl sm sn sncf so sohu song sony soy spa spot sr srl ss st star stc su surf sv sx sy sz tab talk tax taxi tc tci td tdk team tech tel teva tf tg th thd tiaa tips tj tjx tk tl tm tn to top town toys tr trv tt tube tui tv tvs tw tz ua ubs ug uk uno uol ups us uy uz va vana vc ve vet vg vi vig vin vip visa viva vivo vn vote voto vu wang wed weir wf wien wiki win wine wme work wow ws wtc wtf xbox xin xxx xyz ye yoga you yt yun za zara zero zip zm zone zw (uuay)freedesktop/appstream/ org/xdg-category-names.txt# Freedesktop Menu Categories # See https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html 2DGraphics 3DGraphics Accessibility ActionGame Adult AdventureGame Amusement ArcadeGame Archiving Art ArtificialIntelligence Astronomy Audio AudioVideo AudioVideoEditing Biology BlocksGame BoardGame Building Calculator Calendar CardGame Chart Chat Chemistry Clock Compression ComputerScience ConsoleOnly Construction ContactManagement Core DDE DataVisualization Database Debugger DesktopSettings Development Dialup Dictionary DiscBurning Documentation Economy Education Electricity Electronics Email Emulator Engineering Feed FileManager FileTools FileTransfer Filesystem Finance FlowChart GNOME GTK GUIDesigner Game Geography Geology Geoscience Graphics HamRadio HardwareSettings History Humanities IDE IRCClient ImageProcessing InstantMessaging Java KDE KidsGame Languages Literature LogicGame Maps Math MedicalSoftware Midi Mixer Monitor Motif Music Network News NumericalAnalysis OCR Office P2P PDA PackageManager ParallelComputing Photography Physics Player Presentation Printing Profiling ProjectManagement Publishing Qt RasterGraphics Recorder RemoteAccess RevisionControl Robotics RolePlaying Scanning Science Security Sequencer Settings Shooter Simulation Spirituality Sports SportsGame Spreadsheet StrategyGame System TV Telephony TelephonyTools TerminalEmulator TextEditor TextTools Translation Tuner Utility VectorGraphics Video VideoConference Viewer WebBrowser WebDevelopment WordProcessor XFCE (uuay)reference-registries.txt# This file contains a list of recognized registries that might # reference a component. SciCrunch bio.tools OMICtools conda:bioconda (uuay)platform_env.txt# This file is derived from platforms.yml - DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY! gnu gnu_ilp32 gnueabi gnueabihf gnuabin32 gnuabi64 android musl msvc cygwin (uuay)platform_arch.txt# This file is derived from platforms.yml - DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY! arm armeb aarch64 aarch64_be aarch64_32 alpha hppa m68k mips mipsel mips64 mips64el msp430 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64le riscv32 riscv64 sparc sparc64 i386 x86_64 wasm32 wasm64 (uuay);,x-d-,-P-8-P--`-- .@ P. .!. 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