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Unknown action %s Cannot change defaults in an action definition Ignoring attempt to change %s.%s Unknown field name %s Couldn't allocate space for action default action"%s" is not a valid field in a NoAction action "%s" is not a legal field name presskeypressreleasekeyreleaseallnonerepeatkeysautorepeatslowkeysbouncekeysstickykeysmousekeysmousekeysaccelaccessxkeysaccessxtimeoutaccessxfeedbackaudiblebelloverlay1overlay2ignoregrouplockptrpointerbothlockneitherdfltbtndefaultbuttonbutton1button2button3button4button5group1group2group3group4group5group6group7group8vsjg`]ZPMIEB?<30&#yAlias of %s for %s declared more than once First definition ignored Multiple definitions for alias %s Using %s, ignoring %s Allocation failure in HandleAliasDef Attempt to alias %s to non-existent key %s Ignored Attempt to create alias with the name of a real key Alias "%s = %s" ignored Allocation failure in ApplyAliases Compat map for group %d redefined oldUsing %s definition new%s+%s(%s)symbol interpretationvirtualmodifiervirtualmodvirtual modifierlockingusemodmaplevel specificationinterpretNo room to merge symbol interpretations Symbol interpretations lost lastfirstMultiple definitions for "%s" Earlier interpretation ignored Multiple interpretations of "%s" Using %s definition for duplicate fields noneofanyofornoneanyofallofexactlyIllegal modifier predicate "%s" anyCouldn't determine matching modifiers Symbol interpretation ignored Couldn't lookup keysym Keyboard group must be in the range 1..%d Compatibility map for illegal group %d ignored Expected a modifier mask in group compatibility definition Ignoring illegal compatibility map for group %d Interpretation files may not include other types Ignoring definition of key name Unexpected statement type %d in HandleCompatMapFile Abandoning compatibility map "%s" Couldn't allocate compatibility map Exiting Couldn't allocate space for compat name Name "%s" (from %s) NOT assigned levelonelevel1anylevelillegal(%d)identifieraction declarationfield referencearray referencelist of keysymslist of actionsadditionsubtractionmultiplicationdivisionassignmentlogical notarithmetic negationbitwise inversionplus signUnexpected operator %d in ResolveLhs radiogrouprg%iAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivisionAssignmentNegationFound constant of type %s where boolean was expected yesnooffIdentifier "%s" of type int is unknown Default "%s.%s" of type boolean is unknown %s of boolean values not permitted Unary "+" operator not permitted for boolean values Unknown operator %d in ResolveBoolean Found constant of type %s, expected a number Numeric identifier "%s" unknown Numeric default "%s.%s" unknown Assignment operator not implemented yet The ! operator cannot be applied to a number Unknown operator %d in ResolveFloat Found constant of type %s where an int was expected Default "%s.%s" of type int is unknown The ! operator cannot be applied to an integer Unknown operator %d in ResolveInteger Bitwise complementFound constant of type %s, expected a string Identifier "%s" of type string not found Default "%s.%s" of type string not found %s%s%s of string values not permitted The ! operator cannot be applied to a string The + operator cannot be applied to a string Unknown operator %d in ResolveString Found constant of type %s, expected a key name Default "%s.%s" of type key name not found %s of key name values not permitted The ! operator cannot be applied to a key name The + operator cannot be applied to a key name Unknown operator %d in ResolveKeyName Found a %s where an enumerated value was expected Illegal identifier %s (expected one of: %s, %sfunction usedividemultiply-!Found constant of type %s where a mask was expected Unexpected %s in mask expression Expression ignored Cannot %s masks Illegal operation ignored The %s operator cannot be used with a mask Unknown operator %d in ResolveMask shiftcontrolmod1mod2mod3mod4mod5 '.5) are not supported by X and are ignored Multiple identical key name definitions Later occurrences of "<%s> = %d" ignored Multiple names for keycode %d Using <%s>, ignoring <%s> Key name <%s> assigned to multiple keys Using %d, ignoring %d Use 'alternate' keyword to assign the same name to multiple keys virtualrealvirtual indicatorreal indicatorMultiple indicators named %s Using %s instead of %s Identical definitions ignored Ignoring %d, using %d Multiple names for indicator %d Using %s %s, ignoring %s %s Couldn't allocate name for indicator %d computeda symbol interpretationvirtual modifiersNo value keycode assigned to name <%s> Unknown element %s encountered Default for field %s ignored minimummaximumUnknown field encountered Assignment to field %s ignored The %s setting is not an array Illegal array reference ignored Illegal keycode %d (must be in the range %d-%d inclusive) Value of "%s" not changed Unsupported maximum keycode %d, clipping. X11 cannot support keycodes above 255. Minimum key code (%d) must be <= maximum key code (%d) Minimum key code value not changed Minimum key code (%d) must be <= lowest defined key (%d) Maximum code (%d) must be >= minimum key code (%d) Maximum code value not changed Maximum code (%d) must be >= highest defined key (%d) Name specified for illegal indicator index %d %dKeycode files may define key and indicator names only Ignoring definition of %s Unexpected statement type %d in HandleKeycodesFile Abandoning keycodes file "%s" Cannot create XkbNamesRec in CompileKeycodes Couldn't allocate IndicatorRec in CompileKeycodes Physical indicators not set Cannot compile %s alone into an XKM file More than one %s section in a %s file All sections after the first ignored Cannot define %s in a %s file Illegal %s configuration in a %s file Found an isolated %s section Unknown file type %d Missing %s section in a %s file Description of %s not compiled KONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELALPHABETICKEYPADIdentical definitions for preserve[%s] in %s Multiple definitions for preserve[%s] in %s Using %s, ignoring %s Couldn't allocate preserve in %s Preserve[%s] lost Multiple map entries for %s in %s Multiple occurrences of map[%s]= %d in %s Couldn't allocate map entries for %s Map entries lost Couldn't reallocate map entries for %s Couldn't allocate level names for type %s Level names lost Duplicate names for level %d of key type %s Multiple names for level %d of key type %s The modifiers field of a key type is not an array Illegal array subscript ignored Key type mask field must be a modifier mask Key type definition ignored Multiple modifier mask definitions for key type %s mapmap entrykey typeMap entry for unused modifiers in %s Using %s instead of Level specifications in a key type must be integer Ignoring malformed level specification Shift level %d out of range (1..%d) in key type %s Ignoring illegal definition of map[%s] preservepreserve entryPreserve for modifiers not used by the %s type Index %s converted to Preserve value in a key type is not a modifier mask Ignoring preserve[%s] in type %s Illegal value for preserve[%s] in type %s Converted %s to levelnamelevel_namelevel nameLevel name %d out of range (1..%d) in key type %s Ignoring illegal level name definition Non-string name for level %d in key type %s Unknown field %s in key type %s Default for unknown element %s Value for field %s ignored Default defined for unknown field %s Key type "%s" has %d levels, must have %d Illegal type definition ignored Multiple definitions of the %s key type Later definition ignored Key type files may not include other declarations Ignoring definition of key alias Ignoring definition of symbol interpretation Unexpected statement type %d in HandleKeyTypesFile Abandoning keytypes file "%s" Couldn't allocate space for types name Couldn't allocate client map Couldn't initialize canonical key types Couldn't find matching entry for preserve Aborting Couldn't allocate preserve array in CopyDefToKeyType Preserve setting for type %s lost level2level3level4level5level6level7level8.File and map must have the format file(map) /%s%s%sCouldn't allocate list of files and maps Couldn't allocate list of maps Files/maps to list must have the form file(map) Illegal specifier ignored mkfMust specify at least one file or pattern to list wCannot open "%s" to write keyboard description Couldn't open "%s" ----- --- -------- %s(%s) Can't find file "%s" for %s include Error interpreting include file "%s" No %s named "%s" in the include file "%s" No map in include statement, but "%s" contains several without a default map Using first defined map, "%s" Include file wrong type (expected %s, got %s) Include file "%s" ignored The %s %s field is not an array Ignoring illegal assignment in %s Missing subscript for %s %s The %s %s field must be a %s Unknown %s field %s in %s Ignoring assignment to unknown field in %s Several keys match pattern for %s Using for key %d U%03dKey %d does not match any defaults Using name Couldn't allocate key names in FindNamedKey Key "%s" not automatically created Couldn't allocate expression in parser Couldn't allocate key name definition in parser Couldn't allocate key alias definition in parser Couldn't allocate variable definition in parser Couldn't allocate key type definition in parser Couldn't allocate symbols definition in parser Couldn't allocate group compat definition in parser Couldn't allocate mod mask definition in parser Couldn't allocate indicator map definition in parser Couldn't allocate indicator index definition in parser Couldn't allocate ActionDef in parser Couldn't allocate expression for keysym list in parser Couldn't resize list of symbols for append nosymbolvoidsymbolCouldn't allocate interp definition in parser Allocation failure in IncludeCreate Using only part of the include Illegal include statement "%s" (unknown)(first)(subsequent)Multiple default components in %s illegal use of 'alternate' merge mode%s added to symbol map for multiple modifiers Using %s, ignoring %s. Key %s added to map for multiple modifiers Could not allocate modifier map entry Modifier map for %s will be incomplete symbolsToo many groups of %s for key %s (max %d) Ignoring %s defined for extra groups Illegal group index for %s of key %s Definition with non-integer array index ignored Group index for %s of key %s is out of range (1..%d) Ignoring %s for group %d Illegal index in group name definition Illegal radio group specified (must be 1..%d) Value of "allow none" for group %d ignored Illegal "allow none" value for %s Non-boolean value ignored The type field of a key symbol map must be a string Ignoring illegal type definition Illegal group index for type of key %s Group index for type of key %s is out of range (1..%d) Ignoring type for group %d Expected a list of symbols, found %s Ignoring symbols for group %d of %s Symbols for key %s, group %d already defined Could not resize group %d of key %s Symbols lost Could not resolve keysym %s Bad expression type (%d) for action list value Ignoring actions for group %d of %s Actions for key %s, group %d already defined Action list but not actions in AddActionsToKey Actions lost Illegal action definition for %s Action for group %d/level %d ignored vmodsvirtualmodsvirtualmodifiersExpected a virtual modifier mask, found %s Ignoring virtual modifiers definition for key %s lockspermanentradiogroupIllegal radio group specification for %s Non-integer radio group ignored Radio group specification for %s out of range (1..32) Illegal radio group %d ignored allownoneoverlaypermanentoverlaypermanentIllegal overlay %d specified for %s Illegal overlay "%s" specified for %s Illegal overlay key specification for %s Overlay key must be specified by name repeatingrepeatsIllegal repeat setting for %s Non-boolean repeat setting ignored groupswrapwrapgroupsIllegal groupsWrap setting for %s groupsclampclampgroupsIllegal groupsClamp setting for %s groupsredirectredirectgroupsIllegal group index for redirect of key %s Definition with non-integer group ignored Out-of-range (1..%d) group for redirect of key %s Ignoring illegal group %d Unknown field %s in a symbol interpretation groupnameYou must specify an index when specifying a group name Group name definition without array subscript ignored Attempt to specify name for illegal group (must be 1..%d) Name for group %d ignored Group name must be a string Illegal name for group %d ignored Illegal setting for global groupsWrap Illegal setting for global groupsClamp Illegal group index for global groupsRedirect Out-of-range (1..%d) group for global groupsRedirect Could not allocate symbols for group merge Group %d of key %s not merged Could not allocate actions for group merge Multiple symbols for level %d/group %d on key %s Multiple actions for level %d/group %d on key %s Multiple definitions for group %d type of key %s Symbol map for key %s redefined Using %s definition for conflicting fields Could not allocate key symbols descriptions Some key symbols definitions may be lost For map %s an explicit group is specified but key %s has more than one group defined All groups except first one will be ignored Illegal modifier map definition Ignoring map for non-modifier "%s" Modmap entries may contain only key names or keysyms Illegal definition for %s modifier ignored Unexpected statement type %d in HandleSymbolsFile Abandoning symbols file "%s" Key %s not found in %s keycodes Symbols ignored FOUR_LEVEL_ALPHABETICFOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETICFOUR_LEVEL_KEYPADFOUR_LEVELNo automatic type for %d symbols Using %s for the %s key (keycode %d) Type "%s" is not defined Using TWO_LEVEL for the %s key (keycode %d) Type "%s" has %d levels, but %s has %d symbols Ignoring extra symbols Could not enlarge symbols for %s (keycode %d) Could not enlarge actions for %s (key %d) Not treating %s as an overlay key Can not allocate names in CompileSymbols Symbols not added Could not allocate client map in CompileSymbols Could not allocate server map in CompileSymbols Could not allocate controls in CompileSymbols No symbols defined for <%s> (keycode %d) Modifier map entry for %s not updated Key "%s" not found in %s symbol map nstderrswitching to %s Warning: Error: Fatal Error: Exiting Internal error: Declaration of %s ignored Virtual modifier %s multiply defined Too many virtual modifiers defined (maximum %d) NumLockIllegal virtual modifier %d (must be 0..%d inclusive) Unknown verbose option "%c" %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d Cannot open display "%s" XKB extension not present on %s Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay Usage: %s [options] input-file [ output-file ] Usage: %s [options] file[(map)] ... Legal options: -?,-help Print this message -version Print the version number -a Show all actions -C Create a C header file -em1 Print before printing first error message -emp Print at the start of each message line -eml If there were any errors, print before exiting -dflts Compute defaults for missing parts -I[] Specifies a top level directory for include directives. Multiple directories are legal. -l [flags] List matching maps in the specified files f: list fully specified names h: also list hidden maps l: long listing (show flags) p: also list partial maps R: recursively list subdirectories default is all options off -i Specifies device ID (not name) to compile for -m[ap] Specifies map to compile -o Specifies output file name -p Specifies the number of slashes to be stripped from the front of the map name on output -opt[ional] Specifies optional components of keymap Errors in optional parts are not fatal can be any combination of: c: compat map g: geometry k: keycodes s: symbols t: types -R[] Specifies the root directory for relative path names -synch Force synchronization -v [] Set level of detail for listing. flags are as for the -l option -w [] Set warning level (0=none, 10=all) -xkb Create an XKB source (.xkb) file -xkm Create a compiled key map (.xkm) file xkblistToo many file names on command line Compiling %s, writing to %s, ignoring %s -help-version1.4.7xkbcomp %s Multiple output file formats specified "%s" flag ignored -dflts-em1No pre-error message specified Trailing "-em1" option ignored Multiple pre-error messages specified Compiling %s, ignoring %s -empNo error prefix specified Trailing "-emp" option ignored Multiple error prefixes specified -emlNo post-error message specified Trailing "-eml" option ignored Multiple post-error messages specified -I-iNo device ID specified -l-m-mapNo map name specified Trailing "%s" option ignored Multiple map names specified -merge-oNo output file specified Trailing "-o" option ignored Multiple output files specified -optoptionalNo optional components specified Illegal component for %s option Ignoring unknown specifier "%c" -pSetting path count to %d -RNo root directory specified Ignoring -R option Multiple root directories specified Changing root directory to "%s" Couldn't change directory to "%s" Root directory (-R) option ignored -synch-s-v-wUnknown flag "%s" on command line -xkb-xkmNo input file specified Empty map in filename Map specified in filename and with -m flag map from name ("%s") ignored Illegal name "%s" for input file .xkmCannot open "%s" for reading Cannot generate a listing from a .xkm file (yet) Cannot generate a listing from an X connection (yet) Cannot write a listing to an X connection stdin.%sCannot allocate space for output file name %s.%sserver%sstdinNo map specified, but "%s" has several Using the first defined map, "%s" Cannot allocate keyboard description Cannot read XKM file "%s" Errors encountered in %s; not compiled. Cannot load keyboard description Could not load indicator map Could not load keyboard controls Could not load compatibility map Could not load names Could not load keyboard geometry for %s Resulting keymap file will not describe geometry Cannot open "%s" to compile Error converting keyboard display from %s to %s stdout%s in %s Couldn't write keyboard description to %s Unknown output format %d No output file created Cannot close "%s" properly (not enough space?) Output file "%s" removed No map named "%s" in "%s" XXXxkmxkbdir%s: line %d of %s last scanned symbol is: %s cannot use 'alternate' to include other mapsmodifier_mapNoSymbol0x%xsyntax errormemory exhausted+%gda^VTI?(<941(" yncWNE<+r{}tki_VMD:0'(RG<1&(~|zqof[OB4)}tfd`]MMMMMMMMMMMMMM)M)MMMMMMMMMM MM? 5MMMMMM ;BhbM4ObMbmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbM}MMMMMMMMM4sssMMsssssMMMMMMMMMMsssssMfMMMMMMMM3M3,MM&3EU6M8MbbMMMMMsdMMM#MMsssssMssMMM MMMM!MM sM/FMM"M47J=MR@M.BMM3MMPsMMMMM3M3MMMMMMM3KMMMMMMMMOMMM[c]MdMpMMMseMMMetiMMMMMM   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@399 =3?;<7&*)>03))8H35683?@+B577y:{|574 )7) :Z-v* 07): *~80%&'(***z0054*1'0*045***00041*40$$1-/.$0C019:;<=>?@%&'(56) "1)%&'('(%)$1%&'($)$.$9:;<=>?@-)))+%&'($)1:%&'(1$+-1.-$+)IJ+1M1+ !"# +2+78.:)%&%&'(+0-,1102345678,:111%&'(1%&10))+1%&'(,23456781:.1+-$/1 %&1(+)~32345678+:IM !"3"*27: !"27:*27:-27*:27:**27):9:;<=>?@57:*27*:27:27:27:9:;<=>?@7: ^mlp_rnoehCqh]gw[JLstuiIjKij#(IKx-./01I)K-./01eJ____6_]]i[[][]` ][a[9[m3__fi   BHL_]]IMf[[b_Q]_v[s{|m]}y(z][[K~&_'[m6][*?_F]2[?P*F789:;<=>?@ABCDEFG:JHAIJK-"fiIJ1K:#A%.0':@fiIJ/K:AGAyJzNR"+!,UfiIJ<K:OSCDEF$4Y&85!7HIK:CDEF:)AHIK;:HIAK:AIK:HIAK:A5HIKiK:A:AHIKHIK:)A:A:HIAKHIKIK   !! xwvyz{|}~qrs"%&#$'(*)+,-./ut0 89=26D3xwyz{|}t7:?<CIthm|~WYUZX14>H5LOT@;KJABFEMNiQgRlk^\SPo[enj`aVcdfb]_ABBBCCDEEEFFGHIIIIIJJKKLLLLLLLLMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOPQRSSTTUVVWWXYZZZ[[[[[\\]^_``aabccdddddeeffgghhijjkllmmmnnopqqqqrrsssssssssssttuuuuuvvwwxxxxxxyyyyyyyyzz{||||}}}}~~MMMMtM0MwMMMMM$MMMMMMMqMMMMMMjMMiMNMMMM|"MMMMM   *2MNOcdPkQRSTVWX+,DE=>Z\34  $%|+Path entry (%s) too long (maximum length is %d) Allocation failed (includePath) Allocation failed (includePath[%d]) /usr/share/X11/xkbsemanticslayoutkeymapkeycodestypesReplacing file cache entry (%s/%d) File name (%s/%s/%s) too long %s/%s/%sUNGETCHAR FAILED! Put back %c, was expecting %c at position %d, buf is '%s' %gMalformed number %s xkb_keymapxkb_keycodesxkb_typesxkb_symbolsxkb_compatxkb_compat_mapxkb_compatibilityxkb_compatibility_mapxkb_geometryxkb_semanticsxkb_layoutincludeoverrideaugmentreplacealternatepartialhiddenvirtual_modifiersaliasmodmapmod_mapkeysalphanumeric_keysmodifier_keyskeypad_keysfunction_keysalternate_group b@B ;609XUUUV(hVLxV`VtZH^x`HaHalbXde8g0 hT jx Xm xo xr uD xl { } 4 ؆ \ h xl Ȓ ؔ, X x H X||̝xXXhXhPH<(Xx(08th88L@lx X@x88h8,|XhX<Pht x  Dt,5l9HXHL SPUhW<Z|^(xbhHcdxhl (o o o 8rX!(w!8y"8|P","X"h#\###HD$<$(%H%أL&|&&p''L'(,(XP(̲d((H(L( )8)h)Ⱥ*80*h*l**X*+L+t+l+ȿ+(+,D,hl, ,,,h-<-H`--H--H.\.8.4////8/H$0Xp0X001XH1x1(T22383344(5d5555(6H6l6h6|6666 P7h!7!7X$7$88%$8h&8h'8)8x-x98.9G :G :I:J:K:K;M$; N`;N;xP<8Q8<QP<Qd<R<zRx dN4A,N0@N< TNHA BNxOO@ O(B0BDK A B0@RB0BDK A tB0(DV04<`XA@DECHBbH tXpA CW,DYA@DCy A (4Z|A@BCl A [@A0Ff A @\A` B ECc A HLAC` \^dA0Eg A @_|A0Dj A 8`<AP Dj A EUo[UbC$cA@Dj A (eA@DBH A 84hhA@Dj A BU|W A ID$pjA0Em A $mA@Di A $lp|A0Di A trAP Dh A QETAKS\LAMKAAGBL AA \AWAH`lv0AP DCk A TVaL A KG\ A LD$P{A0Dz A $~ A0DR A  ABG` A L N iB VF AAH A A E ABA L AA JAA CC A @LA@DBCc A Q A xAP ECRTG A AJ A GZFFAP BB GA F\XxAB E BI ^LA AW AĈ,ЈA` E f A pABBJAAeAAKA BAA GAADAA A C`,PA0BDn A $A0BCb8A0DBaCA0ID<@A` DC CBa A ^ A `XAp B B PBYAJAp  I AA HADAbE< 8<AP BD A CO A V\A0H 4A@BBBs A p| AADCB>=DBAB@?^ A e;AB09/?AB10\|BKSLLCTL SPCERTSHLALT SPCERCTLRALTFK01FK02FK03FK04FK05FK06FK07FK08FK09FK10FK11FK12aPRSCSCLKPAUScINSPHOMEUPGUPDELEWENDVPGDNRUPQLEFTTDOWNSRGHTNMLKKPDVKPMUKPSUKP7KP8KP9KPADKP4KP5KP6KP1KP2KP3KPENKP0KPDL<>LSGTKPCOhFIND (0yyȋyyȋwGCC: (GNU) 12.1.0GCC: (crosstool-NG 12.1.0.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o>  F@@No[opj@@)tB??H~(@(@y@@@@P@@84@ttuu  5PRPRXRXR`R`RVV (X(X``@@v@v0@v?v