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See wpctl set-volume --helpID and INDEX are requiredID and INDEX requiredAudio/SinkAudio/SourceVideo/Source'%ld' is not a valid IDDefault nodes API is not loaded '%d' is not a valid ID (returned by default-nodes-api)Translate ID error: %s Object '%d' not found card.profile.deviceProperty 'card.profile.device' not found device.idProperty 'device.id' not found deviceindexRouteSpa:Pod:Object:Param:RouteProfileSpa:Pod:Object:Param:ProfileCould not set mute in all nodes with PID '%d' Could not set volume in all nodes with PID '%d' Node '%d' not found node %u does not have a valid node.name failed to set default node %u (media.class = %s) %u is not a device node (media.class = %s) [MUTED] Volume: %.2f%sCannot use --delete and --save flags at the same timeCannot use --delete and --reset flags at the same timeCannot use --save and --reset flags at the same timefailed to parse client idwrong number of arguments for set-log-levelID and one of '1', '0' or 'toggle' are required10toggle'%s' is not a valid mute optionCCOMMAND [COMMAND_OPTIONS] - WirePlumber Control CLICommand: %s %s %sCommands: %s %sPass -h after a command to see command-specific options Error: %s %smodulelibwireplumber-module-default-nodes-apilibwireplumber-module-mixer-apiCould not connect to PipeWire disconnectedinstalledstatusDisplays the current state of objects in PipeWirenickDisplay device and node nicknames instead of descriptionsnameDisplay device and node names instead of descriptionsIDDisplays volume information about the specified node in PipeWireinspectDisplays information about the specified objectreferencedShow objects that are referenced in propertiesassociatedShow associated objectsset-defaultSets ID to be the default object of its kind (capture/playback) in its sessionID VOL[%][-/+]Sets the volume of ID from specified argument. (floating point, 1.0 is 100%) VOL%[-/+] - Step up/down volume by specified percent (Example: 0.5%+) VOL[-/+] - Step up/down volume by specified value (Example: 0.5+) VOL - Set volume as the specified value (Example: 0.5)pidSelects all nodes associated to the given PID numberlimitLimits the final volume percentage to below this value. (floating point, 1.0 is 100%)set-muteID 1|0|toggleChanges the mute state of IDset-profileID INDEXSets the profile of ID to INDEX (integer, 0 is 'off')set-routeSets the route of ID to INDEX (integer, 0 is 'off')clear-default[ID]Clears the default configured node (no ID means 'all')[KEY] [VAL]Shows, changes or removes settingsdeleteDeletes the saved setting value (no KEY means 'all')saveSaves the setting value (no KEY means 'all', no VAL means current value)resetResets the saved setting to its default valueset-log-level[ID] LEVELSets the log level of a client (no ID means Wireplumber, 0 means Pipewire server)ClientDevicelink.input.nodelink.output.nodelink.idLinkNodeport.idPortsession.idSessionwpctlsettings_run;8ut |H}x} } ~D(~X0~lH~X~8<Ph|؁8P,ht8șhHԧH@ȱ8p8(xPx( H, h ( HH H (< p , ` h H zRx z4A,H{0@d{< T{HA BNx{{{{,{A@BDBn$l|pA0BDT$ |pA0BDT$H|A0BD^pl}(\}A0BCd }pA BXzPLRx7 D ~`' AC D F` A $8,A0BD~D  AE F  A DL AC G C A x 0f AC B CBTMA  AG\AGA,lA0E_ D (Xx A0CBY A X  AE G  C j A LTܡh A`E BJCtL A Q^ADH AA BG E A (A BX C B$XA0CB_ A 4@$f ACBEj A Hx0A DF4<: ACBC] A 0A DF4T A`CBCQ A X0| AC I B C H A $\ضpA0BDT$ pA0BDT$hH BN A 8xA0BCQ A h A (DD0BNE0 <H0BN A t`K A`C CGDYMA` LRSKCA]A0A BO D N A 0 A BO D N A 8@A0BT A N A AMJ8|A@BS A NLC A jI85 AE B BIKbM A \Z A V A bAyA C AIAEA0l8o APEBBU A 0 APEBCI A 0 APEBCI A < ApE BIVDoAM A @f AA YAACZAFBGABDAB0dP APEBCB A 4x ApEBD~ A , |A0BT A P A @ A@CB^ A RXIM A HC8@ XA0BHH FD YO A H(| LA BF A Hx lhY AC HmA ACA bAAUBBDBIA9T8`x$                      ^L8 @ P [HXpX0<\\ ((          ,  $,dhHl|H0ULdD,@-<8|L8HD $ H  L h   D <  P       >`|$0Ld |      @                    0YD\p@$ZD\|(ZD\|(D ` t       T 88H@\p]H`Ht           \          x      L CLCȸظxknIJ@HG@ȿrؿaL@E00@@LFXplEXhxpHHF@8HPClmdsXr`D`Con      : o * `:  oo@ ooow ;;;;;@0(@HhPX`hxGCC: (GNU) 14.1.1 20240507GCC: (crosstool-NG 14.1.1 20240507.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.gcc_except_table.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o> F* NoB[o@ @ j tB::`~::y;;`;;lr@hh$   P 00Q1