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Valid range is 0 to 65535 [Default: 0 (infinite)].BACKGROUND_COLOR: Background color of the canvas. A,R,G,B where: 'A', 'R', 'G' and 'B' are integers in the range 0 to 255 specifying the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue component values respectively [Default: 255,255,255,255] INPUT & OUTPUT are in WebP format. Note: The nature of EXIF, XMP and ICC data is not checked and is assumed to be valid. Note: if a single file name is passed as the argument, the arguments will betokenized from this file. The file name must not start with the character '-'.wbError opening output WebP file %s! Error writing file %s! Saved file %s (%d bytes) %u,%u,%u,%uError (%s) assembling the WebP file. Failed to create mux object from file %s. yesnononebackgroundlossylosslessundefined-getERROR: Multiple '-get' arguments specified. -setERROR: Multiple '-set' arguments specified. -stripERROR: Multiple '-strip' arguments specified. -infoERROR: Multiple '-info' arguments specified. -oERROR: Multiple output files specified. -loopERROR: Multiple loop counts specified. -bgcolorERROR: Multiple background colors specified. -frame-durationERROR: Loop count and background color are relevant only in case of animation. ERROR: Can not combine -duration and -frame commands. Exiting due to command-line parsing error. ERROR: Memory allocation error. ERROR: Multiple actions specified. ERROR: Too few arguments for '%s'. ERROR: Multiple features specified. ERROR: Too many arguments for '%s'. -h-help-version%d.%d.%d --ERROR at '%s': Multiple input files specified. ERROR: Unknown option: '%s'. ERROR: Action must be specified before other arguments. iccexifxmpframeloopbgcolorERROR: No action specified. ERROR: No feature specified. ERROR: No input file specified. ERROR: No output file specified. ERROR: Frame/Fragment index must be non-negative. ERROR (%s): Could not get frame %d. WEBP_MUX_MEMORY_ERRORERROR (%s): Could not allocate a mux object. ERROR (%s): Could not create single image mux object. ERROR (%s): Could not get the %s. ERROR: Invalid feature for action 'get'. ERROR: Could not parse the background color ERROR: Loop count must be in the range 0 to 65535. +%d+%d+%d+%d%c%c+%dWarning: odd offsets will be snapped to even values (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) ERROR: Could not parse frame properties. ERROR (%s): Could not add a frame at index %d. ERROR: Invalid subtype for 'frame'ERROR (%s): Could not set animation parameters. ERROR (%s): Could not set the %s. ERROR: input file does not seem to be an animation. ERROR: Could not parse the background color. ERROR: Invalid feature for action 'set'. ERROR: can not parse the number of frames. Doesn't look like the source is animated. Skipping duration setting. Error (%s) handling animation params. Error transferring metadata in DuplicateMuxHeader().ERROR: duration must be strictly positive. ERROR: can not retrieve frame #%d. ERROR: error push frame data #%d ERROR (%s): Could not strip the %s. ERROR: Invalid feature for action 'strip'. Canvas size: %d x %d Failed to retrieve features No features present.Features present: animation ICC profile EXIF metadata XMP metadata transparencyBackground color : 0x%.8X Loop Count : %d Number of %ss: %d No.: width height alpha x_offset y_offset duration dispose blend image_size compression%3d: %5d %5d %5s %8d %8d %8d %10s %5s %10d %11s ICCPSize of the ICC profile data: %d EXIFSize of the EXIF metadata: %d XMP Size of the XMP metadata: %d Size of the image (with alpha): %d Failed to retrieve %s#%d Failed to retrieve the image WEBP_MUX_NOT_FOUNDWEBP_MUX_INVALID_ARGUMENTWEBP_MUX_BAD_DATAWEBP_MUX_NOT_ENOUGH_DATAEXIF metadataXMP metadataICC profileAnimation frameANMF(null)Error! '%s' is not an integer. Error! '%s' is not a floating point number. ERROR: Arguments limit %d reached Could not read from stdin rbcannot open input file '%s' memory allocation failure when reading file %s Could not read %d bytes of data from file %s Error! Cannot open output file '%s' ;P0`$8\pP0$HllpHt\HzRx 4A,0@4< T\HA BNx0|A@CEOD A $lA D,(HA0BBo A $LA@EEh A @PA DN d00A DF$<A@CBd A (APCBCU A DAF C ] A HiB[KRK A KA AAA p AAA KALKAGZ AAA CAAb AAA (A@CBC[ A (A@CBC[ A `$A`C BIDCSAAKA` ABAFAA$,A@CBZ A ,pB BI A LTDA`CBR A PVUCAC A AAMADA(8A@CBZ A d xAp F H CDCj AAAAAA PAAAABAp  EAd(AP BBM A G A CKc BCA P AA OAAK4dA0BCd A V0xC@CDCO `4 4`bxbbZbaaxacbbbc X Io  H   oo oo. oppp>AC?AHCEGCC: (GNU) 14.1.1 20240507GCC: (crosstool-NG 14.1.1 20240507.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o> XFNo. . r[o Pj tBH~XXyppPP5@II(I(IEpdpdXeXe00Qa