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Use "public-code" only if the marshalling code will be public - aka DSO will export it while other components will be using it. Using "private-code" is strongly recommended. options: -h, --help display this help and exit. -v, --version print the wayland library version that the scanner was built against. -c, --include-core-only include the core version of the headers, that is e.g. wayland-client-core.h instead of wayland-client.h. -s, --strict exit immediately with an error if DTD verification fails. * %s(none) %s* %s*%c%.*s(uint32_t)#ifndef %s_%s_ENUM #define %s_%s_ENUM /** * @ingroup iface_%s enum %s_%s { /** * %s * * @since %d * @deprecated Deprecated since version %d */ %s_%s_%s = %s, }; #define %s_%s_%s_SINCE_VERSION %d /** * @ingroup iface_%s * Validate a %s %s value. * * @return true on success, false on error. * @ref %s_%s */ static inline bool %s_%s_is_valid(uint32_t value, uint32_t version) { uint32_t valid = 0; if (version >= %d) valid |= %s_%s_%s; return (value & ~valid) == 0; switch (value) { case %s%s_%s_%s: return version >= %d; default: return false; } } #endif /* %s_%s_ENUM */ WL_PRIVATEWL_EXPORT1.23.1/* Generated by %s %s */ #include #include #include #include "wayland-util.h" #ifndef __has_attribute # define __has_attribute(x) 0 /* Compatibility with non-clang compilers. */ #endif #if (__has_attribute(visibility) || defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4) #define WL_PRIVATE __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden"))) #else #define WL_PRIVATE #endif static const struct wl_interface *%s_types[] = { extern const struct wl_interface %s_interface; requestsevents%s const struct wl_interface %s_interface = { "%s", %d, %d, %s_requests, 0, NULL, %d, %s_events, * @param interface name of the objects interface * @param version version of the objects interface * @param %s %s void (*%s)(struct wl_client *client, %sstruct wl_resource *resourcevoid *data, %sstruct %s *%s); , %sstruct wl_resource *const char *interface, uint32_t version, uint32_t void *static inline int %s_add_listener(struct %s *%s, %sconst struct %s_listener *listener, void *data) { return wl_proxy_add_listener((struct wl_proxy *) %s, %s(void (**)(void)) listener, data); } listener * @struct %s_%s struct %s_%s { interfaceWL_MARSHAL_FLAG_DESTROY0wayland-server-core.hwayland-server.hwayland-client-core.hwayland-client.h/** * @page page_%s The %s protocol * %s * * @section page_desc_%s Description * * @section page_ifaces_%s Interfaces * - @subpage page_iface_%s - %s * @section page_copyright_%s Copyright *
struct %s; #ifndef %s_INTERFACE #define %s_INTERFACE /** * @page page_iface_%s %s * @section page_iface_%s_desc Description * @section page_iface_%s_api API * See @ref iface_%s. */ /** * @defgroup iface_%s The %s interface #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #define %s_%s %d wl_display/** * @ingroup iface_%s * Sends an %s event to the client owning the resource. * @param resource_ The client's resource static inline void %s_send_%s(struct wl_resource *resource_ * @param %s %s ) { wl_resource_post_event(resource_, %s_%s, , %s/** @ingroup iface_%s */ static inline void %s_set_user_data(struct %s *%s, void *user_data) { wl_proxy_set_user_data((struct wl_proxy *) %s, user_data); } static inline void * %s_get_user_data(struct %s *%s) { return wl_proxy_get_user_data((struct wl_proxy *) %s); } static inline uint32_t %s_get_version(struct %s *%s) { return wl_proxy_get_version((struct wl_proxy *) %s); } destroyinterface '%s' has method named destroy but no destructorstatic inline void %s_destroy(struct %s *%s) { wl_proxy_destroy((struct wl_proxy *) %s); } request '%s::%s' has more than one new_id arg, not emitting stub /** * @ingroup iface_%s static inline void * %s_%s(struct %s *%sstatic inline struct %s * static inline void ) { , const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t versionstruct wl_proxy *%s; %s = wl_proxy_marshal_flags((struct wl_proxy *) %s, %s_%s, &%s_interface, interface, version, wl_proxy_get_version((struct wl_proxy *) %s), interface->name, version, NULL return (void *) %s; return (struct %s *) %s; SERVER#ifndef %s_%s_PROTOCOL_H #define %s_%s_PROTOCOL_H #include #include #include "%s" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct wl_client; struct wl_resource; CLIENTnameversionwrong version (%s)typevaluesummarysincedeprecated-sinceallow-nullbitfieldno protocol name givenno interface name givenno interface version givenno request name givendestructorinvalid integer (%s) since (%u) larger than version (%u) since version not increasing deprecated-since (%u) larger than version (%u) deprecated-since version (%d) smaller or equal to since version (%u) destroy request should be destructor typeargno argument name givenuintfixedstringarrayfdnew_idobjectunknown type (%s)interface attribute not allowed for type %struefalseinvalid value for allow-null attribute (%s)allow-null is only valid for objects, strings, and arraysno enum name giveninvalid value (%s) for bitfield attribute (only true/false are accepted)no entry name givendescription without summaryhvcshelpclient-headerserver-headerenum-headerprivate-codepublic-codeCould not open input file: %s wCould not open output file: %s Failed to init buffer for DTD. Failed to parse DTD. Failed to read XML Failed to reset fd, output would be garbage. ******************************************************* * * * WARNING: XML failed validation against built-in DTD * * * ******************************************************* failed to create parser fread: %s Error parsing XML at line %ld col %ld: %s #ifndef %s_ENUM_PROTOCOL_H #define %s_ENUM_PROTOCOL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif Using "code" is deprecated - use private-code or public-code. See the help page for details. include-core-onlystrict ;7H <̍\8|L`h(LĕL$<<̛D(dh\ 0FNo [o( ( j tBH~y00PU@hlhlllD&ĒĒ hh0hXXX0XQ