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RcFkGFck? {{_serviceListservice%s/build/libupnp/src/pupnp-release-1.14.20/upnp/sample/common/sample_util.c%s(%d): (BUG) ixmlNode_getFirstChild(tmpNode) returned NULL %s(%d): ixmlNode_getNodeValue returned NULL %s(%d): Error allocating memory for XML Node value %s(%d): ixmlNodeList_item(nodeList, 0) returned NULL %s(%d): Error finding %s in XML Node %s(%d): Error finding %s value in XML Node %s(%d): Error allocating memory for %s in XML Node UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_ALIVE UPNP_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISEMENT_BYEBYE UPNP_DISCOVERY_SEARCH_RESULT UPNP_DISCOVERY_SEARCH_TIMEOUT UPNP_CONTROL_ACTION_REQUEST UPNP_CONTROL_ACTION_COMPLETE UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_REQUEST UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_COMPLETE UPNP_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST UPNP_EVENT_RECEIVED UPNP_EVENT_RENEWAL_COMPLETE UPNP_EVENT_SUBSCRIBE_COMPLETE UPNP_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBE_COMPLETE UPNP_EVENT_AUTORENEWAL_FAILED UPNP_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode = %d Expires = %d DeviceId = %s DeviceType = %s ServiceType = %s ServiceVer = %s Location = %s OS = %s Date = %s Ext = %s ErrCode = %d ErrStr = %s ActionName = %s UDN = %s ServiceID = %s ActRequest = %s ActRequest = (null) ActResult = %s ActResult = (null) ErrCode = %d CtrlUrl = %s ErrCode = %d ErrStr = %s UDN = %s ServiceID = %s StateVarName= %s CurrentVal = %s ErrCode = %d CtrlUrl = %s StateVarName= %s CurrentVal = %s ServiceID = %s UDN = %s SID = %s SID = %s EventKey = %d ChangedVars = %s SID = %s ErrCode = %d TimeOut = %d SID = %s ErrCode = %d PublisherURL= %s TimeOut = %d ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== URLBaseserviceTypeFound service: %s serviceIdserviceId: %s controlURLeventSubURLError generating controlURL from %s + %s Error generating eventURL from %s + %s urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:tvcontrol:1urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:tvpicture:1ERROR: TvCtrlPointDeleteNode: Node is empty Unsubscribed from Tv %s EventURL with SID=%s Error unsubscribing to Tv %s EventURL -- %d WARNING: TvCtrlPointRemoveDevice: Device list empty Error sending search request%d Error finding TvDevice number -- %d Error in UpnpGetServiceVarStatusAsync -- %d PowerERROR: TvCtrlPointSendAction: Trying to add action param Error in UpnpSendActionAsync -- %d %dPowerOnPowerOffSetChannelSetVolumeSetColorSetTintSetContrastSetBrightnessTvCtrlPointPrintList: %3d -- %s Error in TvCtrlPointPrintDevice: invalid devnum = %d TvCtrlPointPrintDevice: Error in TvCtrlPointPrintDevice: invalid devnum = %d -- actual device count = %d | | +- Tv %s Service %s+- ServiceId = %s %s+- ServiceType = %s %s+- EventURL = %s %s+- ControlURL = %s %s+- SID = %s %s+- ServiceStateTable %s +- %-10s = %s TvDevice -- %d | +- UDN = %s +- DescDocURL = %s +- FriendlyName = %s +- PresURL = %s +- Adver. TimeOut = %d UDNdeviceTypefriendlyNamepresentationURLError generating presURL from %s + %s Found Tv device Subscribing to EventURL %s... Subscribed to EventURL with SID=%s Error Subscribing to EventURL -- %d Error: Could not find Service: %s Tv State Update (service %d): e:property Variable Name: %s New Value:'%s' Received Tv %s Event: %d for SID %s Received Tv %s Event Renewal for eventURL %s Error in Discovery Callback -- %d Error obtaining device description from %s -- error = %d Error in Discovery ByeBye Callback -- %d Received ByeBye for Device: %s After byebye: Error in Action Complete Callback -- %d Error in Get Var Complete Callback -- %d Error in Event Subscribe Callback -- %d Error sending search request for Device UDN: %s -- err = %d {NULL}Initializing UPnP Sdk with interface = %s port = %u WinCEStart: UpnpInit2() Error: %d UPnP Initialized ipv4 address = %s port = %u ipv6 address = %s port = %u ipv6ulagua address = %s port = %u Registering Control Point Error registering CP: %d Control Point Registered Commands: Help HelpFull ListDev Refresh PrintDev PowerOn PowerOff SetChannel SetVolume SetColor SetTint SetContrast SetBrightness CtrlAction PictAction CtrlGetVar PictGetVar Exit ****************************** * TV Control Point Help Info * ****************************** This sample control point application automatically searches for and subscribes to the services of television device emulator devices, described in the tvdevicedesc.xml description document. It also registers itself as a tv device. Commands: Help Print this help info. ListDev Print the current list of TV Device Emulators that this control point is aware of. Each device is preceded by a device number which corresponds to the devnum argument of commands listed below. Refresh Delete all of the devices from the device list and issue new search request to rebuild the list from scratch. PrintDev Print the state table for the device . e.g., 'PrintDev 1' prints the state table for the first device in the device list. PowerOn Sends the PowerOn action to the Control Service of device . PowerOff Sends the PowerOff action to the Control Service of device . SetChannel Sends the SetChannel action to the Control Service of device , requesting the channel to be changed to . SetVolume Sends the SetVolume action to the Control Service of device , requesting the volume to be changed to . SetColor Sends the SetColor action to the Control Service of device , requesting the color to be changed to . SetTint Sends the SetTint action to the Control Service of device , requesting the tint to be changed to . SetContrast Sends the SetContrast action to the Control Service of device , requesting the contrast to be changed to . SetBrightness Sends the SetBrightness action to the Control Service of device , requesting the brightness to be changed to . CtrlAction Sends an action request specified by the string to the Control Service of device . This command only works for actions that have no arguments. (e.g., "CtrlAction 1 IncreaseChannel") PictAction Sends an action request specified by the string to the Picture Service of device . This command only works for actions that have no arguments. (e.g., "PictAction 1 DecreaseContrast") CtrlGetVar Requests the value of a variable specified by the string from the Control Service of device . (e.g., "CtrlGetVar 1 Volume") PictGetVar Requests the value of a variable specified by the string from the Picture Service of device . (e.g., "PictGetVar 1 Tint") Exit Exits the control point application. Valid Commands: %-14s %s %s %d %dCommand not found; try 'Help' Invalid arguments; try 'Help' %s %d %sCommand not implemented; see 'Help' Invalid args in command; see 'Help' >> HelpHelpFullListDevRefreshPrintDev CtrlAction PictActionCtrlGetVar PictGetVarExitControlPictureIncreaseChannelDecreaseChannelIncreaseVolumeDecreaseVolumeIncreaseColorDecreaseColorIncreaseTintDecreaseTintIncreaseBrightnessDecreaseBrightnessIncreaseContrastDecreaseContrastTvDeviceStateTableInit -- Error Parsing %s TvDeviceStateTableInit -- Error: Could not find Service: %s Error in UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_REQUEST callback: Unknown variable name = %s Invalid VariablePower is OffInvalid ActionError in TvDeviceCallbackEventHandler: unknown event type %d 0Internal ErrorInvalid Channelerror: can't change to channel %d NewChannelInvalid Volumeerror: can't change to volume %d NewVolumeInvalid Colorerror: can't change to color %d NewColorInvalid Tinterror: can't change to tint %d NewTintInvalid Contrasterror: can't change to contrast %d NewContrastInvalid Brightnesserror: can't change to brightness %d NewBrightness1tvcombodesc.xmltvdevicedesc.xml./webError with UpnpInit2 -- %d Invalid ip_mode : %d UPnP Initialized ipaddress = %s port = %u http://%s:%d/%shttp://[%s]:%d/%sSpecifying the webserver root directory -- %s Error specifying webserver root directory -- %s: %d Registering the RootDevice with desc_doc_url: %s Error registering the rootdevice : %d RootDevice Registered Initializing State Table State Table Initialized Error sending advertisements : %d Advertisements Sent exitShutting down... Unknown command: %s Valid Commands: Exit -port%u-desc-webdir-helpUsage: %s -i interface -port port -desc desc_doc_name -webdir web_dir_path -m ip_mode -help (this message) interface: interface address of the device (must match desc. doc) e.g.: eth0 port: Port number to use for receiving UPnP messages (must match desc. doc) e.g.: 5431 desc_doc_name: name of device description document e.g.: tvdevicedesc.xml web_dir_path: Filesystem path where web files related to the device are stored e.g.: /upnp/sample/tvdevice/web ip_mode: set to 1 for IPv4 (default), 2 for IPv6 LLA and 3 for IPv6 ULA or GUA 5Usage: %s -i interface -help (this message) interface: interface address of the control point e.g.: eth0 Error starting UPnP TV Control Point Shutting down on signal %d...  !$'*t_J8&urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:tvdevice:1;ahj,Hk@xkTkhl(l(mLmmnDnlo(qHr(sz|4|H}ph,(X4HhȂx`0Pp( 0 hX ( h  l| Д H 8 h ؞ 0 h L (` Ht Ȣ  ȨȪ8(|TȱH(Lh4ȸd4X$T,4HL`tltH8hL`,HhL`zRx g4A,h0@h< TDhHA BNxth4hA@CBQ A C^DHi$ XiLA DM0ilC FFBA EA$0iA FP A ,X$j,ACBC~ A 8$k`A0DSFG A X A MK(HlA0E\ A  H F No[oPjtB//H~//y00P00i@  -``hhpp  0PP   )0 Qq