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PSV is the predictor selection value (1-7).-maxmemory N = Memory limit (in megabytes) for intermediate buffers used with progressive JPEG compression and decompression, Huffman table optimization, lossless JPEG compression, and lossless transformation [default = no limit]-maxpixels N = Input image size limit (in pixels) [default = no limit]-nowrite = Do not write reference or output images (improves consistency of benchmark results)-rgb, -bgr, -rgbx, -bgrx, -xbgr, -xrgb = Use the specified pixel format for packed-pixel source/destination buffers [default = BGR]-cmyk = Indirectly test YCCK JPEG compression/decompression (use the CMYK pixel format for packed-pixel source/destination buffers)-precision N = Use N-bit data precision when compressing [N is 8, 12, or 16; default = 8; if N is 16, then -lossless must also be specified] (-precision 12 implies -optimize unless -arithmetic is also specified)-quiet = Output results in tabular rather than verbose format-restart N = When compressing, add a restart marker every N MCU rows [default = 0 (no restart markers)]. Append 'B' to specify the restart marker interval in MCUs (lossy only.)-stoponwarning = Immediately discontinue the current compression/decompression/transform operation if a warning (non-fatal error) occurs-tile = Compress/transform the input image into separate JPEG tiles of varying sizes (useful for measuring JPEG overhead)-warmup T = Run each benchmark for T seconds [default = 1.0] prior to starting the timer, in order to prime the caches and thus improve the consistency of the benchmark results LOSSY JPEG OPTIONS-------------------arithmetic = Use arithmetic entropy coding in JPEG images generated by compression and transform operations (can be combined with -progressive)-crop WxH+X+Y = Decompress only the specified region of the JPEG image, where W and H are the width and height of the region (0 = maximum possible width or height) and X and Y are the left and upper boundary of the region, all specified relative to the scaled image dimensions. X must be divible by the scaled iMCU width.-fastdct = Use the fastest DCT/IDCT algorithm available-fastupsample = Use the fastest chrominance upsampling algorithm available-optimize = Compute optimal Huffman tables for JPEG images generated by compession and transform operations-progressive = Generate progressive JPEG images when compressing or transforming (can be combined with -arithmetic; implies -optimize unless -arithmetic is also specified)-limitscans = Refuse to decompress or transform progressive JPEG images that have an unreasonably large number of scans-scale M/N = When decompressing, scale the width/height of the JPEG image by a factor of M/N (M/N = )-subsamp S = When compressing, use the specified level of chrominance subsampling (S = 444, 422, 440, 420, 411, 441, or GRAY) [default = test Grayscale, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, and 4:4:4 in sequence]-hflip, -vflip, -transpose, -transverse, -rot90, -rot180, -rot270 = Perform the specified lossless transform operation on the input image prior to decompression (these operations are mutually exclusive)-grayscale = Transform the input image into a grayscale JPEG image prior to decompression (can be combined with the other transform operations above)-copynone = Do not copy any extra markers (including Exif and ICC profile data) when transforming the input image-yuv = Compress from/decompress to intermediate planar YUV images-yuvpad N = The number of bytes by which each row in each plane of an intermediate YUV image is evenly divisible (N must be a power of 2) [default = 1] NOTE: If the quality/PSV is specified as a range (e.g. 90-100 or 1-4), aseparate test will be performed for all values in the range. %d/%d or or , %%.0f%%.%dfQPSVWARNINGERRORDecompress Decomp to YUVLOSSLS_%s%dERROR in line %d %s WARNING in line %d: %s %s in line %d: %s allocating destination bufferERROR in line %d while %s: %s allocating YUV buffer%-6s%s%s --> Frame rate: %f fps Throughput: %f Megapixels/sec YUV Decode --> Frame rate: %f fps %d_%d%dx%dfull%s_%s.%s%s_%s%s_%s.%sBottom-upTop-downBUTDTileImageComp from YUVCompress allocating temporary image buffer>>>>> %s (%s) <--> %d-bit JPEG (%s %s%d) <<<<< allocating JPEG tile arrayallocating JPEG size arrayallocating JPEG tiles%-4s(%s) %-2d/%-6s %-3d %-5d %-5d %s size: %d x %d Encode YUV --> Frame rate: %f fps Output image size: %lu bytes Compression ratio: %f:1 Output bit stream: %f Megabits/sec %s_%s_%s%d.jpgwbopening reference imagewriting reference imageReference image written to %s N/ATile PSV Qualexecuting tj3GetScalingFactors().bmpbmp.jpg.jpeg%d-tile-precision-fastupsampleUsing fastest upsampling algorithm -fastdctUsing fastest DCT/IDCT algorithm -optimize-progressiveGenerating progressive JPEG images -arithmeticUsing arithmetic entropy coding -lossless-rgb-rgbx-bgr-bgrx-xbgr-xrgb-cmyk-bottomup-quiet-qq-scale-crop%dx%d+%d+%d-hflip-vflip-transpose-transverse-rot90-rot180-rot270-grayscale-custom-nooutput-copynone-benchtime-warmupWarmup time = %.1f seconds -alloc-bmp-yuvTesting planar YUV encoding/decoding -yuvpad-subsamp-componly-nowrite-limitscans-maxmemory-maxpixels-restart%d%c-stoponwarningComputing optimal Huffman tables ERROR: -lossless must be specified along with -precision 16ERROR: -yuv requires 8-bit data precisionERROR: -lossless and -yuv are incompatibleDisabling tiled compression/decompression tests, because those tests do notwork when scaled decompression is enabled. ERROR: Partial image decompression can only be enabled for JPEG input imageswork when partial image decompression is enabled. ERROR: -crop and -yuv are incompatiblework when dynamic JPEG buffer allocation is enabled. rbAll performance values in Mpixels/sec Pixel JPEG JPEG %s %s Encode Comp Comp Decomp DecodeFormat Format %s Width Height Perf Ratio Perf Perfopening filedetermining file sizeallocating memorysetting file positionreading JPEG dataJPEG image is progressive JPEG image uses arithmetic entropy coding Invalid image dimensionsreading JPEG headerPixel JPEG %s %s Xform Comp Decomp Format Format Width Height Perf Ratio Perf >>>>> %d-bit JPEG (%s) --> %s (%s) <<<<< Could not determine subsampling level of JPEG imagetransforming %s size: %d x %d --> %d x %d%-4s(%s) %-14s allocating image transform array%-6s%s%-6s%sTransform --> Frame rate: %f fps N/A N/A ERROR: PSV must be between 1 and 7.ERROR: Quality must be between 1 and 100.444422420GRAY440411441RGBYCbCrCMYKYCCK4:4:44:2:24:2:04:4:04:1:14:4:1BGRRGBXBGRXXBGRXRGBppm  ;p dP4pđ$tHxlzRx 4A,`0@|< THA BNxԐ<4 PC DL A O A C B ,$A` EC FB4ACBCBOj OA h@̗AF  } D LAMANAOLMNON LAMANAOALMNOC LMNOLBMANAOJAJFA  }LMNORLMNOXLMNOPLMNOILMNO|LMNOMT LMNO` LBMANAOA 0LMNOR AA yC A ALAMANAOALMNOTLMNOHx#AF  jAKALAMANAOKLMNO_KLMNOKLMNO KALBMANAOB AQEA  kKLMNOP KALBMANAOA bKLMNOSKLMNOKKLMNOhKLMNOGKLMNOVKLMNOHKLMNOFKLMNO KALAMBNAOB aIAJu IAJA qIJF BBKALAMANAOA W KALAMANBOA HKLMNO`CAAIAJAKALAMANAOAIJKLMNOOXQBAKLMNODK@AF F GA  MANAOA MCNAO*MNOMNO MANAOA CMNO@MNOMNOUMANAO^MNO"MNOIMNO\MNOCMNORMNOkMNOcMNOaMNOtMNOMMNOIMNO`MNOUMNOGMNOIMNOBMNORMNOPMNOtMNOIMNOJMANAOCMNO`MNOBMANAOZ MANAOC ]MANAOGMNOlMNOUMNOTMNOkMANAOMNOGMNO A0EZ A `Z Zx ȺȺȺȺbt~  PXox   H8x oo ooX o%p@?(GCC: (GNU) 14.1.1 20240507GCC: (crosstool-NG 14.1.1 20240507.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o> Fx x NoX X [o jxx tB88H~yP@00l"tPPXX``pp0`PPPX0PQ