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Invalid input or output bufferextractContigSamplesBytesInvalid start column value %u ignoredInvalid end column value %u ignoredUnable to allocate mirror line buffer of %1u bytesmirrorImagebytes_per_pixel too largereverseSamplesBytesUnable to allocate mirror line bufferInvalid mirror axis %uError, can't write strip %u%s .tif.TIF.tiffMaximum of %d pages per file exceededupdate_output_file-%03d%.5sUnable to open output file %sCannot compute margins or fixed size sections without image resolutioncomputeInputPixelOffsetsSpecify units in pixels and try againOnly equal length regions can be combined for -E left or rightOnly equal width regions can be combined for -E top or bottomCombined left and right margins exceed image widthCombined top and bottom margins exceed image lengthInvalid left/right margins and /or image crop width requestedInvalid top/bottom margins and /or image crop length requestedUnable to compute crop marginsgetCropOffsetsNegative crop zone values %d:%d are not allowed, thus skipped.Crop zone %d:%d is out of specification, thus skipped.The crop size exceeds the image boundary sizeZone %d, width: %4u, length: %4u, x1: %4u x2: %4u y1: %4u y2: %4uMargins: Top: %u Left: %u Bottom: %u Right: %uCrop region within margins: Adjusted Width: %6u Length: %6urotateContigSamples8bitsInteger overflow detected.rotateImageInvalid rotation angle %uUnable to allocate rotation buffer of %ld bytes reverseSamples8bitsextractContigSamples8bitsextractContigSamples16bitsextractContigSamples24bitsextractContigSamples32bitsextractContigSamplesShifted8bitsextractContigSamplesShifted16bitsextractContigSamplesShifted24bitsextractContigSamplesShifted32bits10Invalid FILE pointer for dump file %s Unable to write binary data to dump fileRow %4u, %u bytes at offset %uError, uint32_t overflow when computing (bps * spp * width) + 7Error, uint32_t overflow when computing rowsperstrip * bytes_per_sample * (width + 1)Sample %u, %u rowsextractContigSamplesToBufferUnsupported bit depth: %uAttention: scanlinesize %lu is larger than UINT32_MAX. Following dump might be wrong.loadImageSample %2d, Strip: %2d, bytes: %4zd, Row %4d, bytes: %4d, Input offset: %6zdextractContigSamplesToTileBufferTile size, tile row size, tile width, or tile length is zerowriteBufferToContigTilesInteger overflow when calculating buffer sizeError, uint32_t overflow when computing (imagewidth * bps * spp) + 7Unable to extract data to tile for row %u, col %uCannot write tile at %u %uUnable to extract data to tile for row %u, col %u sample %uwriteBufferToSeparateTilesCannot write tile at %u %u sample %uwriteBufferToseparateTilesImage lacks Photometric interpretation tagImage lacks image width tagloadimageImage lacks image length tagInvalid samples per pixel (%u) or bits per sample (%u)File appears to be tiled, but the number of tiles, tile size, or tile rowsize is zero.Tilesize: %ld, Number of Tiles: %u, Tile row size: %ldFile appears to be striped, but the number of stipes or stripe size is zero.Stripsize: %ld, Number of Strips: %u, Rows per Strip: %u, Scanline size: %ldCan't copy/convert subsampled image with subsampling %u horiz %u vertRequired read buffer size too largeUnable to allocate read bufferTIFF scanline size is zero!Strip %u: read %ld bytes, strip size %luError reading strip %u after %lu rowsUnable to read contiguous strips into bufferImage width %u, length %u, Scanline size, %4ld bytesBits per sample %u, Samples per pixel %u, Shift width %dInteger overflow when calculating buffer size.readSeparateStripsIntoBufferUnable to allocate strip read buffer for sample %uError, can't read strip %u for sample %uInvalid buffer addresscombineSeparateSamplesBytesOutput data, combined samplesInput data, Sample %ucombineSeparateSamples8bitsFlushUpdateRow %3u, Col %3u, Samples %u, Src byte offset %3u bit offset %2u Dst offset %3tdMatch bitsSrc bitsBuff1 bitsBuff2 bitsRow %3u, Col %3u, Src byte offset %3u bit offset %2u Dst offset %3tdFinal bitsOutput datacombineSeparateSamples16bitsWrite byteReady bits: %d, %sRow %3d, Col %3d, Src byte offset %3d bit offset %2d Dst offset %3zdcombineSeparateSamples24bitsMatch bits Src bits Buff1 bits Buff2 bits Write bits1Write bits2Ready bits: %d, %sReady bits: %2dcombineSeparateSamples32bitsRow %3u, Col %3u, Sample %u, Src byte offset %3u bit offset %2u Dst offset %3tdUnable to read separate strips into bufferTile size or tile rowsize is zeroreadContigTilesIntoBufferError, can't read tile at row %u col %u, Read %ld bytes of %ldUnable to extract row %u from tile %uUnable to read contiguous tiles into bufferUnable to allocate tile read buffer for sample %dreadSeparateTilesIntoBufferError, can't read tile for row %u col %u, sample %ucombineSeparateTileSamplesBytescombineSeparateTileSamples8bitscombineSeparateTileSamples16bitscombineSeparateTileSamples24bitscombineSeparateTileSamples32bitsUnable to read separate tiles into bufferImage width %u, length %u, Raw image data, %4ld bytesBits per sample %u, Samples per pixel %upalettemaskJPEG compression cannot be used with %s image datawriteCroppedImageLogL and LogLuv source data require SGI_LOG or SGI_LOG24 compressionJPEG compression requires 8 or 12 bits per sampleGroup 3/4 compression is not usable with bps > 1Unable to write contiguous tile data for page %dUnable to write separate tile data for page %dUnable to write contiguous strip data for page %dUnable to write separate strip data for page %dFailed to write IFD for page number %dnonepackbitsjpegfillUnknown compression optiontiffcrop -hFor valid options typeDirectory offset must be greater than zeroUnknown export modelsb2msbmsb2lsbUnknown fill orderseparatecontigUnknown planar configurationLibrary Release: %s Tiffcp code: Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler : Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, IncTiffcrop additions: Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Richard Nolde:%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf%u %sUnable to parse coordinates for region%d regions %sRegion list exceeds limit of%dTo many options for output file open modes. Maximum allowed ,:=Invalid dump optionwbUnknown dump format %sparse_command_optsDefaulting to dump level 1, no data.You must specify a dump format for dump files,:Edge reference must be top, bottom, left, or rightFlip mode must be horiz, vert, or bothblackwhitedatabothMissing or unknown option for inverting PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATIONoddevenlast:-Orientation must be portrait, landscape, or auto.%lfx%lfCustomlistName Width Length (in inches)%-15.15s %5.2f %5.2fInvalid paper sizeSelect one of:Rotation must be 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwiseLimit for subdivisions, ie rows x columns, exceededNo subdivisionsIllegal unit of measureWrong parameter syntax for -ZZone list exceeds region limitac:d:e:f:hik:l:m:p:r:stvw:z:BCD:E:F:H:I:J:K:LMN:O:P:R:S:U:V:X:Y:Z:The crop options(-X|-Y), -Z, -z and -S are mutually exclusive.->exittiffcrop input errorAny of the crop options -X, -Y, -Z and -z together with other PAGE_MODE_x options such as - H, -V, -P, -J or -K is not supported and may cause buffer overflows..->exittxtrawhorizontallyverticallyFile contains too many directoriesInvalid image number %u, File contains only %u imagesError, setting subdirectory at %u%s-read-%03d.%sUnable to open dump file for writing%u from %sReading image%s-write-%03d.%sWriting imageReading image %4d of %4d total pages.mainUnable to load source imageInvalid image or buffer pointercorrect_orientatinUnable to mirror imagecorrect_orientationInvalid rotation value: %uUnable to rotate imageUnable to correct image orientationUnable to define crop regionsUnable to allocate/reallocate crop bufferprocessCropSelectionsextractCompositeRegionsUnable to extract row %uCombined width does not match composite widthcombineSeparateRegionsFailed to invert colorspace for composite regionsFailed to mirror composite regions %sFailed to rotate composite regions by %u degreesextractSeparateRegionUnable to extract cropped region %d from imageFailed to invert colorspace for regionFailed to mirror crop region %sFailed to rotate crop region by %u degreesUnable to process image selectionscreateCroppedImageFailed to invert colorspace for image or cropped selectionFailed to mirror image or cropped selection %sFailed to rotate image or cropped selection by %u degreesUnable to create output imageUnable to write new imagewriteRegionsUnable to write new image selectionsInvalid horizontal or vertical resolution specified or read from input imagecomputeOutputPixelOffsetsPage size: %s, Vres: %3.2f, Hres: %3.2f, Hmargin: %3.2f, Vmargin: %3.2fRes_unit: %u, Scale: %3.2f, Page width: %3.2f, length: %3.2fCombined left and right margins exceed page widthCombined top and bottom margins exceed page lengthOutput margins cannot be specified with rows and columnsInteger overflow when calculating the number of pagesNumber of user input section rows down (%u) was changed to (%u)Number of user input section cols across (%u) was changed to (%u)Rows and Columns exceed maximum sections Increase resolution or reduce sectionsUnable to compute output section data%u Rows and Columns exceed maximum sections Increase resolution or reduce sectionswriteImageSectionsUnable to write image sectionsUnable to allocate/reallocate section buffercreateImageSectionUnable to allocate section bufferBad input. Preventing reading outside of input buffer.Unable to extract image sectionswriteSingleSectionUnable to write image sectionCompleted run for %s4ul|0th  2~za7 (12;<>?ALPQSRT U ? default!@,@Cl?pa4I + @&@x&1?letter!@&@#~j?legal!@,@Cl?half-letter!@uV@y&1?executiveuV@uV%@Gz?tabloid&@1@NbX9?11x17&@1@NbX9?ledger1@&@Q?archa"@(@?archb(@2@MbX?archc2@8@?archd8@B@MbX?archeB@H@?csheet1@6@#~j?dsheet6@A@NbX9?esheetA@F@#~j?superb"~j'@n 1@Cl?commercialuV@uV#@-?monarch&1@&1@%C?envelope-dlET@&1\!@V-?envelope-c5uV@uV"@-?europostcarduV@ET@Q?a0Gz@@+gG@9v?a1A`b7@Gz@@d;O?a2)\0@A`b7@9v?a3A`b'@)\0@9v?a4K7 @A`b'@9v?a5+N@K7 @(\?a6K7@+N@㥛 ?a7M@K7@(\?a8K7A`@M@"~?a9Zd;O?K7A`@bX9?a10Mb?Zd;O?"~?b0(\C@ʡK@9v?b1(\;@(\C@9v?b2(\3@(\;@9v?b3+@(\3@d;O?b4V-#@+@-?b5K@V-#@I +?b6v@K@Q?c0V B@MbI@9v?c1Pn9@V B@9v?c2-2@Pn9@9v?c3Pn)@-2@9v?c4x&1"@Pn)@9v?c5Pn@x&1"@9v?c6ʡE@Pn@I +??Copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process TIFF files usage: tiffcrop [options] source1 ... sourceN destination where options are: -h Print this syntax listing -v Print tiffcrop version identifier and last revision date -a Append to output instead of overwriting -B Force output to be written with Big - Endian byte order. -L Force output to be written with Little-Endian byte order. -M Suppress the use of memory-mapped files when reading images. -C Suppress the use of "strip chopping" when reading images that have a single strip/tile of uncompressed data. -d offset Set initial directory offset, counting first image as one, not zero -p contig Pack samples contiguously (e.g. RGBRGB...) -p separate Store samples separately (e.g. RRR...GGG...BBB...) -s Write output in strips -t Write output in tiles -i Ignore read errors -k size Set the memory allocation limit in MiB. 0 to disable limit -r # Make each strip have no more than # rows -w # Set output tile width (pixels) -l # Set output tile length (pixels) -f lsb2msb Force lsb-to-msb FillOrder for output -f msb2lsb Force msb-to-lsb FillOrder for output -c lzw[:opts] Compress output with Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding # Set predictor value For example, -c lzw:2 for LZW-encoded data with horizontal differencing -c zip[:opts] Compress output with deflate encoding # Set predictor value -c jpeg[:opts] Compress output with JPEG encoding # Set compression quality level (0-100, default 100) raw Output same colorspace image as input rgb Output color image as RGB (default is YCbCr) For example, -c jpeg:raw:50 for JPEG-encoded with 50% comp. quality and the same colorspace -c packbits Compress output with packbits encoding -c g3[:opts] Compress output with CCITT Group 3 encoding 1d Use default CCITT Group 3 1D-encoding 2d Use optional CCITT Group 3 2D-encoding fill Byte-align EOL codes For example, -c g3:2d:fill for G3-2D-encoded data with byte-aligned EOLs -c g4 Compress output with CCITT Group 4 encoding -c none Use no compression algorithm on output Page and selection options: -N odd|even|#,#-#,#|last sequences and ranges of images within file to process The words odd or even may be used to specify all odd or even numbered images. The word last may be used in place of a number in the sequence to indicate. The final image in the file without knowing how many images there are. Numbers are counted from one even though TIFF IFDs are counted from zero. -E t|l|r|b edge to use as origin for width and length of crop region -U units [in, cm, px ] inches, centimeters or pixels -m #,#,#,# margins from edges for selection: top, left, bottom, right separated by commas -X # horizontal dimension of region to extract expressed in current units -Y # vertical dimension of region to extract expressed in current units -Z #:#,#:# zones of the image designated as position X of Y, eg 1:3 would be first of three equal portions measured from reference edge -z x1,y1,x2,y2:...:xN,yN,xN+1,yN+1 regions of the image designated by upper left and lower right coordinates Export grouping options: -e c|d|i|m|s export mode for images and selections from input images. When exporting a composite image from multiple zones or regions (combined and image modes), the selections must have equal sizes for the axis perpendicular to the edge specified with -E. c|combined All images and selections are written to a single file (default). with multiple selections from one image combined into a single image. d|divided All images and selections are written to a single file with each selection from one image written to a new image. i|image Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence) with multiple selections from the image combined into one image. m|multiple Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence) with each selection from the image written to a new image. s|separated Individual selections from each image are written to separate files. Output options: -H # Set horizontal resolution of output images to # -V # Set vertical resolution of output images to # -J # Set horizontal margin of output page to # expressed in current units when sectioning image into columns x rows using the -S cols:rows option -K # Set verticalal margin of output page to # expressed in current units when sectioning image into columns x rows using the -S cols:rows option -O orient orientation for output image, portrait, landscape, auto -P page page size for output image segments, eg letter, legal, tabloid, etc use #.#x#.# to specify a custom page size in the currently defined units where #.# represents the width and length -S cols:rows Divide the image into equal sized segments using cols across and rows down. -F hor|vert|both flip (mirror) image or region horizontally, vertically, or both -R # [90,180,or 270] degrees clockwise rotation of image or extracted region -I [black|white|data|both] invert color space, eg dark to light for bilevel and grayscale images If argument is white or black, set the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag to MinIsBlack or MinIsWhite without altering the image data If the argument is data or both, the image data are modified: both inverts the data and the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag, data inverts the data but not the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag -D opt1:value1,opt2:value2,opt3:value3:opt4:value4 Debug/dump program progress and/or data to non-TIFF files. Options include the following and must be joined as a comma separate list. The use of this option is generally limited to program debugging and development of future options. debug:N Display limited program progress indicators where larger N increase the level of detail. Note: Tiffcrop may be compiled with -DDEVELMODE to enable additional very low level debug reporting. Format:txt|raw Format any logged data as ASCII text or raw binary values. ASCII text dumps include strings of ones and zeroes representing the binary values in the image data plus identifying headers. level:N Specify the level of detail presented in the dump files. This can vary from dumps of the entire input or output image data to dumps of data processed by specific functions. Current range of levels is 1 to 3. input:full-path-to-directory/input-dumpname output:full-path-to-directory/output-dumpnaem When dump files are being written, each image will be written to a separate file with the name built by adding a numeric sequence value to the dumpname and an extension of .txt for ASCII dumps or .bin for binary dumps. The four debug/dump options are independent, though it makes little sense to specify a dump file without specifying a detail level. Note 1: The (-X|-Y), -Z, -z and -S options are mutually exclusive. In no case should the options be applied to a given selection successively. Note 2: Any of the -X, -Y, -Z and -z options together with other PAGE_MODE_x options such as - H, -V, -P, -J or -K are not supported and may cause buffer overflows. RQ@L&d2?;t-xxxD(hP||$<xx@ `hL8|XXTh!# &\ ( +( . 0 2P 4 6P X8 :H ; 8BDt8HxK4zRx 4A,00@L< TtHA BNx$LAG A I$dAM A I(|A S~B A Id`A@YBAmIA@IAABABATpAP UFAAjIAP SAAA\AP UFAAnIAP PAAA$(4AZ A Y A PA B4pA`CBC] A ~ A TI ERT$A` DCCD B} BAABA iJ$dAD BFQ IlAWA  AAB EAX Hy AA N AA M AA II A IN Cb AA SC ATTApC BBBO Bc AA AAM A C A(DACBV A pA` F! MA[AM`DA!  BCcAAAqRAAAOAAAAABE P  A MLAONSLMNOHLMNOZ MLBONA  MLAONA  MLAONA I MLAONA |LMNOCLMNO}LMNOCLMNOcLMNOFMLAON, `A SmBDI A DA  AH S cFA i FA X A H  A L A HHAP ECCCP BAAAA NITA` E ECCCP BAAAAA OIT8A` EC DBCq BAAAAA OITA` E DCBCT BAAAAA OIpAp E CF BC^ BAAAAA cIAp  T\ A` ECE BCi BAAAAA ZITP!A` ECE BCi BAAAAA ZIT #A` ECE BCj BAAAAA _Itd %AC GMIA AED BpAAAAAHL AAAA p'AC G BMAIA  CBCuAAAAA HAL AAAAtd (AC GMIA AEG ClAAAAAHL AAAAd p*AC GMIA ADB_AAAAHLAAAD +4AC F BBT AABA AEnAIBBFA M C C AAAAACAP H-8Cp BC D DCi A Ih( 4.XAC C BDBJ|W A JQ A i A yKZDh (4AAC E C C]zGA nKA@ h6LAC B CCDb A XD x98AC D BCBtHN A SAFVC \ PF  @NoHH[ojhh8tBH~yP@\\ppTlltmmxXX``hhxx686H06Q