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Page orientation must be Landscape or Portrait-PautoRotation angle must be 90, 180, 270 (degrees ccw) or auto b:d:h:H:W:L:M:i:w:l:o:O:P:C:r:t:acemxyzps1238DT imagemask operator requires Postscript Level2 or Level3-m Max viewport width cannot exceed page width-W is incompatible with maximum page width/height specified by -H or -W-r auto Use only one of -H or -W to define a viewport-H and -WWarning: Cannot generate Encapsulated Postscript for multiple images -e and -aWarning: Encapsulated Postscript does not support Duplex option -e and -DWarning: Encapsulated Postscript does not support Top Edge Binding option -e and -TUnable to process %sErrorNo space for strip buffer|vrmfa\RMI>;.+'"Convert a TIFF image to PostScript usage: tiff2ps [options] input.tif ... where options are: -1 generate PostScript Level 1 (default) -2 generate PostScript Level 2 -3 generate PostScript Level 3 -8 disable use of ASCII85 encoding with PostScript Level 2/3 -a convert all directories in file (default is first), Not EPS -b # set the bottom margin to # inches -c center image (-b and -l still add to this) -C name set postscript document creator name -d # set initial directory to # counting from zero -D enable duplex printing (two pages per sheet of paper) -e generate Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) (implies -z) -h # set printed page height to # inches (no default) -w # set printed page width to # inches (no default) -H # split image if height is more than # inches -W # split image if width is more than # inches -L # overLap split images by # inches -i # enable/disable (Nz/0) pixel interpolation (default: enable) -l # set the left margin to # inches -m use "imagemask" operator instead of "image" -M size set the memory allocation limit in MiB. 0 to disable limit -o # convert directory at file offset # bytes -O file write PostScript to file instead of standard output -p generate regular (non-encapsulated) PostScript -P L or P set optional PageOrientation DSC comment to Landscape or Portrait -r # or auto rotate by 90, 180, 270 degrees or auto -s generate PostScript for a single image -t name set postscript document title. 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