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_Alloc = std::allocator >, int> >; reference = std::pair<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator >, int>&; size_type = long unsigned int]std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[](size_type) [with _Tp = std::__cxx11::sub_match<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >; _Alloc = std::allocator > > >; reference = std::__cxx11::sub_match<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >&; size_type = long unsigned int]std::__shared_ptr_access<_Tp, _Lp, , >::element_type& std::__shared_ptr_access<_Tp, _Lp, , >::operator*() const [with _Tp = const std::__detail::_NFA >; __gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy _Lp = __gnu_cxx::_S_atomic; bool = false; bool = false; element_type = std::__shared_ptr_access >, __gnu_cxx::_S_atomic, false, false>::element_type]!_M_has_solvoid std::__detail::_Executor< , , , >::_M_handle_accept(_Match_mode, std::__detail::_StateIdT) [with _BiIter = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator >; _Alloc = std::allocator > > >; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits; bool __dfs_mode = true; std::__detail::_StateIdT = long int]void std::__detail::_Executor< , , , >::_M_dfs(_Match_mode, std::__detail::_StateIdT) [with _BiIter = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator >; _Alloc = std::allocator > > >; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits; bool __dfs_mode = true; std::__detail::_StateIdT = long int]_M_value.size() == 1void std::__detail::_Compiler<_TraitsT>::_M_insert_character_class_matcher() [with bool __icase = false; bool __collate = false; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits]/usr/include/c++/14.1.1/bits/regex_compiler.tccvoid std::__detail::_Compiler<_TraitsT>::_M_insert_character_class_matcher() [with bool __icase = true; bool __collate = false; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits]void std::__detail::_Compiler<_TraitsT>::_M_insert_character_class_matcher() [with bool __icase = false; bool __collate = true; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits]__first.size() == 1bool std::__detail::_RegexTranslator, true, true>::_M_match_range(const _StrTransT&, const _StrTransT&, const _StrTransT&) const [with _CharType = char; _StrTransT = std::__detail::_RegexTranslator, true, true>::_StrTransT]/usr/include/c++/14.1.1/bits/regex_compiler.h__last.size() == 1__str.size() == 1void std::__detail::_Compiler<_TraitsT>::_M_insert_character_class_matcher() [with bool __icase = true; bool __collate = true; _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits]std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::back() [with _Tp = std::pair; _Alloc = std::allocator >; reference = std::pair&]_M_stack.empty()std::__detail::_Compiler<_TraitsT>::_Compiler(const _CharT*, const _CharT*, const typename _TraitsT::locale_type&, _FlagT) [with _TraitsT = std::__cxx11::regex_traits; _CharT = char; typename _TraitsT::locale_type = std::locale; _FlagT = std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type]void std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::pop_back() [with _Tp = long unsigned int; _Alloc = std::allocator]error: %s vector::_M_range_insert %s - Optimize a SPIR-V binary file. USAGE: %s [options] [] -o The SPIR-V binary is read from . If no file is specified, or if is "-", then the binary is read from standard input. if is "-", then the optimized output is written to standard output. NOTE: The optimizer is a work in progress. Options (in lexicographical order): --amd-ext-to-khr Replaces the extensions VK_AMD_shader_ballot, VK_AMD_gcn_shader, and VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax with equivalent code using core instructions and capabilities. --before-hlsl-legalization Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --ccp Apply the conditional constant propagation transform. This will propagate constant values throughout the program, and simplify expressions and conditional jumps with known predicate values. Performed on entry point call tree functions and exported functions. --cfg-cleanup Cleanup the control flow graph. This will remove any unnecessary code from the CFG like unreachable code. Performed on entry point call tree functions and exported functions. --combine-access-chains Combines chained access chains to produce a single instruction where possible. --compact-ids Remap result ids to a compact range starting from %%1 and without any gaps. --convert-local-access-chains Convert constant index access chain loads/stores into equivalent load/stores with inserts and extracts. Performed on function scope variables referenced only with load, store, and constant index access chains in entry point call tree functions. --convert-relaxed-to-half Convert all RelaxedPrecision arithmetic operations to half precision, inserting conversion operations where needed. Run after function scope variable load and store elimination for better results. Simplify-instructions, redundancy-elimination and DCE should be run after this pass to eliminate excess conversions. This conversion is useful when the target platform does not support RelaxedPrecision or ignores it. This pass also removes all RelaxedPrecision decorations. --convert-to-sampled-image ": ..." convert images and/or samplers with the given pairs of descriptor set and binding to sampled images. If a pair of an image and a sampler have the same pair of descriptor set and binding that is one of the given pairs, they will be converted to a sampled image. In addition, if only an image or a sampler has the descriptor set and binding that is one of the given pairs, it will be converted to a sampled image. --copy-propagate-arrays Does propagation of memory references when an array is a copy of another. It will only propagate an array if the source is never written to, and the only store to the target is the copy. --replace-desc-array-access-using-var-index Replaces accesses to descriptor arrays based on a variable index with a switch that has a case for every possible value of the index. --spread-volatile-semantics Spread Volatile semantics to variables with SMIDNV, WarpIDNV, SubgroupSize, SubgroupLocalInvocationId, SubgroupEqMask, SubgroupGeMask, SubgroupGtMask, SubgroupLeMask, or SubgroupLtMask BuiltIn decorations or OpLoad for them when the shader model is ray generation, closest hit, miss, intersection, or callable. For the SPIR-V version is 1.6 or above, it also spreads Volatile semantics to a variable with HelperInvocation BuiltIn decoration in the fragement shader. --descriptor-scalar-replacement Replaces every array variable |desc| that has a DescriptorSet and Binding decorations with a new variable for each element of the array. Suppose |desc| was bound at binding |b|. Then the variable corresponding to |desc[i]| will have binding |b+i|. The descriptor set will be the same. All accesses to |desc| must be in OpAccessChain instructions with a literal index for the first index. --eliminate-dead-branches Convert conditional branches with constant condition to the indicated unconditional branch. Delete all resulting dead code. Performed only on entry point call tree functions. --eliminate-dead-code-aggressive Delete instructions which do not contribute to a function's output. Performed only on entry point call tree functions. --eliminate-dead-const Eliminate dead constants. --eliminate-dead-functions Deletes functions that cannot be reached from entry points or exported functions. --eliminate-dead-inserts Deletes unreferenced inserts into composites, most notably unused stores to vector components, that are not removed by aggressive dead code elimination. --eliminate-dead-input-components Deletes unused components from input variables. Currently deletes trailing unused elements from input arrays. --eliminate-dead-variables Deletes module scope variables that are not referenced. --eliminate-insert-extract DEPRECATED. This pass has been replaced by the simplification pass, and that pass will be run instead. See --simplify-instructions. --eliminate-local-multi-store Replace stores and loads of function scope variables that are stored multiple times. Performed on variables referenceed only with loads and stores. Performed only on entry point call tree functions. --eliminate-local-single-block Perform single-block store/load and load/load elimination. Performed only on function scope variables in entry point call tree functions. --eliminate-local-single-store Replace stores and loads of function scope variables that are only stored once. Performed on variables referenceed only with loads and stores. Performed only on entry point call tree functions. --fix-func-call-param fix non memory argument for the function call, replace accesschain pointer argument with a variable. --flatten-decorations Replace decoration groups with repeated OpDecorate and OpMemberDecorate instructions. --fold-spec-const-op-composite Fold the spec constants defined by OpSpecConstantOp or OpSpecConstantComposite instructions to front-end constants when possible. --freeze-spec-const Freeze the values of specialization constants to their default values. --graphics-robust-access Clamp indices used to access buffers and internal composite values, providing guarantees that satisfy Vulkan's robustBufferAccess rules. --if-conversion Convert if-then-else like assignments into OpSelect. --inline-entry-points-exhaustive Exhaustively inline all function calls in entry point call tree functions. Currently does not inline calls to functions with early return in a loop. --legalize-hlsl Runs a series of optimizations that attempts to take SPIR-V generated by an HLSL front-end and generates legal Vulkan SPIR-V. The optimizations are: %s Note this does not guarantee legal code. This option passes the option --relax-logical-pointer to the validator. --local-redundancy-elimination Looks for instructions in the same basic block that compute the same value, and deletes the redundant ones. --loop-fission Splits any top level loops in which the register pressure has exceeded a given threshold. The threshold must follow the use of this flag and must be a positive integer value. --loop-fusion Identifies adjacent loops with the same lower and upper bound. If this is legal, then merge the loops into a single loop. Includes heuristics to ensure it does not increase number of registers too much, while reducing the number of loads from memory. Takes an additional positive integer argument to set the maximum number of registers. --loop-invariant-code-motion Identifies code in loops that has the same value for every iteration of the loop, and move it to the loop pre-header. --loop-unroll Fully unrolls loops marked with the Unroll flag --loop-unroll-partial Partially unrolls loops marked with the Unroll flag. Takes an additional non-0 integer argument to set the unroll factor, or how many times a loop body should be duplicated --loop-peeling Execute few first (respectively last) iterations before (respectively after) the loop if it can elide some branches. --loop-peeling-threshold Takes a non-0 integer argument to set the loop peeling code size growth threshold. The threshold prevents the loop peeling from happening if the code size increase created by the optimization is above the threshold. --max-id-bound= Sets the maximum value for the id bound for the module. The default is the minimum value for this limit, 0x3FFFFF. See section 2.17 of the Spir-V specification. --merge-blocks Join two blocks into a single block if the second has the first as its only predecessor. Performed only on entry point call tree functions. --merge-return Changes functions that have multiple return statements so they have a single return statement. For structured control flow it is assumed that the only unreachable blocks in the function are trivial merge and continue blocks. A trivial merge block contains the label and an OpUnreachable instructions, nothing else. A trivial continue block contain a label and an OpBranch to the header, nothing else. These conditions are guaranteed to be met after running dead-branch elimination. --modify-maximal-reconvergence=[add|remove] Add or remove the MaximallyReconvergesKHR execution mode to all entry points in the module. Note: when adding the execution mode, no attempt is made to determine if any ray tracing repack instructions are used. --loop-unswitch Hoists loop-invariant conditionals out of loops by duplicating the loop on each branch of the conditional and adjusting each copy of the loop. -O Optimize for performance. Apply a sequence of transformations in an attempt to improve the performance of the generated code. For this version of the optimizer, this flag is equivalent to specifying the following optimization code names: %s -Os Optimize for size. Apply a sequence of transformations in an attempt to minimize the size of the generated code. For this version of the optimizer, this flag is equivalent to specifying the following optimization code names: %s NOTE: The specific transformations done by -O and -Os change from release to release. -Oconfig= Apply the sequence of transformations indicated in . This file contains a sequence of strings separated by whitespace (tabs, newlines or blanks). Each string is one of the flags accepted by spirv-opt. Optimizations will be applied in the sequence they appear in the file. This is equivalent to specifying all the flags on the command line. For example, given the file opts.cfg with the content: --inline-entry-points-exhaustive --eliminate-dead-code-aggressive The following two invocations to spirv-opt are equivalent: $ spirv-opt -Oconfig=opts.cfg program.spv $ spirv-opt --inline-entry-points-exhaustive \ --eliminate-dead-code-aggressive program.spv Lines starting with the character '#' in the configuration file indicate a comment and will be ignored. The -O, -Os, and -Oconfig flags act as macros. Using one of them is equivalent to explicitly inserting the underlying flags at that position in the command line. For example, the invocation 'spirv-opt --merge-blocks -O ...' applies the transformation --merge-blocks followed by all the transformations implied by -O. --preserve-bindings Ensure that the optimizer preserves all bindings declared within the module, even when those bindings are unused. --preserve-interface Ensure that input and output variables are not removed from the shader, even if they are unused. Note that this option applies to all passes that will be run regardless of the order of the flags. --preserve-spec-constants Ensure that the optimizer preserves all specialization constants declared within the module, even when those constants are unused. --print-all Print SPIR-V assembly to standard error output before each pass and after the last pass. --private-to-local Change the scope of private variables that are used in a single function to that function. --reduce-load-size[=] Replaces loads of composite objects where not every component is used by loads of just the elements that are used. If the ratio of the used components of the load is less than the , we replace the load. is a double type number. If it is bigger than 1.0, we always replaces the load. --redundancy-elimination Looks for instructions in the same function that compute the same value, and deletes the redundant ones. --relax-block-layout Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --relax-float-ops Decorate all float operations with RelaxedPrecision if not already so decorated. This does not decorate types or variables. --relax-logical-pointer Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --relax-struct-store Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --remove-duplicates Removes duplicate types, decorations, capabilities and extension instructions. --remove-unused-interface-variables Removes variables referenced on the |OpEntryPoint| instruction that are not referenced in the entry point function or any function in its call tree. Note that this could cause the shader interface to no longer match other shader stages. --replace-invalid-opcode Replaces instructions whose opcode is valid for shader modules, but not for the current shader stage. To have an effect, all entry points must have the same execution model. --ssa-rewrite Replace loads and stores to function local variables with operations on SSA IDs. --scalar-block-layout Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --scalar-replacement[=] Replace aggregate function scope variables that are only accessed via their elements with new function variables representing each element. is a limit on the size of the aggregates that will be replaced. 0 means there is no limit. The default value is 100. --set-spec-const-default-value ": ..." Set the default values of the specialization constants with : pairs specified in a double-quoted string. : pairs must be separated by blank spaces, and in each pair, spec id and default value must be separated with colon ':' without any blank spaces in between. e.g.: --set-spec-const-default-value "1:100 2:400" --simplify-instructions Will simplify all instructions in the function as much as possible. --skip-block-layout Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --skip-validation Will not validate the SPIR-V before optimizing. If the SPIR-V is invalid, the optimizer may fail or generate incorrect code. This options should be used rarely, and with caution. --strength-reduction Replaces instructions with equivalent and less expensive ones. --strip-debug Remove all debug instructions. --strip-nonsemantic Remove all reflection and nonsemantic information. --strip-reflect DEPRECATED. Remove all reflection information. For now, this covers reflection information defined by SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 and SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info --switch-descriptorset=: Switch any DescriptoSet decorations using the value to the new value . --target-env= Set the target environment. Without this flag the target environment defaults to spv1.5. must be one of {%s} --time-report Print the resource utilization of each pass (e.g., CPU time, RSS) to standard error output. Currently it supports only Unix systems. This option is the same as -ftime-report in GCC. It prints CPU/WALL/USR/SYS time (and RSS if possible), but note that USR/SYS time are returned by getrusage() and can have a small error. --trim-capabilities Remove unnecessary capabilities and extensions declared within the module. --upgrade-memory-model Upgrades the Logical GLSL450 memory model to Logical VulkanKHR. Transforms memory, image, atomic and barrier operations to conform to that model's requirements. --vector-dce This pass looks for components of vectors that are unused, and removes them from the vector. Note this would still leave around lots of dead code that a pass of ADCE will be able to remove. --workaround-1209 Rewrites instructions for which there are known driver bugs to avoid triggering those bugs. Current workarounds: Avoid OpUnreachable in loops. --workgroup-scalar-block-layout Forwards this option to the validator. See the validator help for details. --wrap-opkill Replaces all OpKill instructions in functions that can be called from a continue construct with a function call to a function whose only instruction is an OpKill. This is done to enable inlining on these functions. --unify-const Remove the duplicated constants. --validate-after-all Validate the module after each pass is performed. -h, --help Print this help. --version Display optimizer version information. --version--helpMore than one input file specified-Oconfig=Invalid -Oconfig flag %sCould not open file '%s'Could not read optimizer flags from configuration fileFlag -Oconfig= may not be used inside the configuration file--skip-validation--print-all--preserve-bindings--preserve-spec-constants--time-report--relax-struct-store--max-id-bound=The max id bound must be at least 0x3FFFFF--target-env=Invalid value passed to --target-env--validate-after-all--before-hlsl-legalization--relax-logical-pointer--relax-block-layout--scalar-block-layout--workgroup-scalar-block-layout--skip-block-layout--preserve-interface--set-spec-const-default-value--loop-fission--loop-fusion--loop-unroll-partial--loop-peeling-threshold=--legalize-hlsl-o required-rbwberror: could not open file '%s' error: could not write to file '%s' cannot compose log messageerror: file does not exist '%s' error: error reading file '%s' error: file size should be a multiple of %zd; file '%s' corrupt error: line : warning: line info: line {iWO@13AOapww-Oconfig;Pdd>P? ?x 0@ p@ @ @ 0A pA A A 0B, pB@ 0D D 0E EH I pK K4 pL PM PNPPOPRpST8XX0YpY 0[|\0]^,^D_ael0fh0j m|op80rptpv\pxPzP{|$p~PxPЂ Є4pp0x8L$P@tPЫ\ЬЮhP0PD P 0 P !\!!P "P""#P@### $P$$%pP%p%%ph&p&p`'p'0' ((0( d)0)*8*x**#+0$(+p*+.T,p1,8.;d/xA0DU A (0>xA0DU A @\A0BCL A H A T A @DA0BCL A H A T A 4>A0DCh C C,(?A0BBp A ,L?A0BBp A D|@A` G  `GA 4CA@BDX A HTB4hDA@BDX A HTBx4 PEAp BH A H C BjAAB B AAAAAA AA  H, HxA DM A D C  0I,< \IA` B DCP A ,H |A0BEPE A H`x JxC@BBCN A fB@T A  KlR0 0LA BQ A T A ( LtT@ DMZI<` A@CCCV A D< NA` BB CCD| A @ A0BCQ A T A G A $ `AP BEO\ CBA ADBAP GH BA BHCBAP C NAP BCf CA YdP BA Q BA T CA ACd AABA HHBBP BBCI BA AAh \RTJIP RTAP BFp A AEp CCA QG< TA@BC~ A W A XVA@BCBK A x A F A I A xLY A@BC\ BA C BA Aw ABA BFBA@GC B C4ZAP BEa A 44[4AP BDBC`l\A0C[ AA YTB AA D AA H AA E AA C B CD4^LA EW A Y A H A C A <A CQ A E A E A E A @X `A0DDe C \ A f A 4aAP DFR A pcA B^ B $LdLA`EBm A ( eACB A $LgACB{ A 8thA0CV A D A ,hA CK A L A $dixACCs A $jAECD A x0lAC B EMAKgYNWBDA  CL A C8nAP BBEDk@|oA` CB BDk A D,qlBD D CBC A XtzAP BBBMUNAP HgGCFD0|A0BR A BoF,{A0Hp A 4p|8H|AC BB\ A D gH eF AqAA AALNG[AAAAAJAAIE A AC AApAAA AA@ Ap B F b A DdPA@BBEnGA@CF0X(A@BDKOW A 0d(A@BDKOW A $p`A BO C 0<A@BDl A ,ptPA@ABC~ A l<APABBB} A ` A d A N A z A Dt8A@FHPIB AAA JCBGCDXlA0ES A H A K A ($A0F[ A ,؏AP Eg A dAA BE CPWNA  YF0d`AABF A ,LPA@ABC~ A `|A@EBC A S A M A M A N A M A ,ApC B DZAiAKAp  CUAAD BCE CBCEJBDAp  V A BAAACD 8A@FHPIB AAA JCBGCD@A0EV A J A F A (A0F[ A ,pAP Eg A 0`LAABE A <AC BBBCR A |X,lA` BD CDqGA`  Q EA G A B A D@,4AA B GP A ,(AABE A LAC BI TPhANA  AI A c A AD AA AA4ЬDAABC A , $ADDBw A t<dAA B KO A DAJdKAAA` AA QCAA4AABC A ,$ADDBw A plAC B K_ A ALzSAA A ^dD AA AA4AABC A @AC B CDn A < xAC BBBCR A @LA` B DCP A @ A@BD^ A R A XA BN A hA` C HPC~ABCA`  FBDAxd Ap BH A H C BDAAB B AAAAAA AA x Ap BH A H C BDAAB B AAAAAA AA 0\!A@BDl A X!ACBC A ULX A WGHSx H OFOAF,!8BCBC A "AC BC A [NV AA ZGHS~ BG RCSAO AA UCCAA4"xBCD A @"DAp B E By A 8$#@A@CFbE A H<`#,AD D C A X#ACBC A ZLX A ZGHSrIJ A UEC4#BCD A <4$P,AD D C A Pt$PACBC A TLX A WGHSiFJAF4$BCD A %A CI A $%(ACB] A AnKA_ASBEIoEKBPBiAxD] A JC%AC BECAtCvA aEADD AA CB^ AA JC AA CAhP&DAC B S A ABCCu AAAA kCAAAD&AC B ECBf A '@A` B FHAw` `EA ya AA 1AQCAeAAFNSFJCIBbXaAAVAJC AH JBCGAAAABAGAAC AC AAEAAC AC CAABAAA( AC C GhAUAIA   AA V^DYCA(4 l(< ACBZ A CRG A D[AALCAAACR A bCA8),L)> ,`) A0BM A Q)>8D) A` H! v `FA D)>AC B CDCh A JbDD4*@AC B CDCh A JbD@|*AA0BCK CA OCA0L<*dBA` B DCQ A L+$A@BE\ A s A I A DP+A` B F `FA 8+HADDBB A +,"Ap D YCBAuAAAhpDA  AAMDAaBAAACM BAAA JXkNOOCOODaOYOLOo OC BOJOVOJOnOJOOFOA OD KOIOBOZODOZCBAAAAAhHWAAAARCAAAAAAOAOIAOMOAAAOLt-AC BCCKnc A BDf^CT-`AA0BJgBC0CYFCBA0.B,4.,CF@IJ ELJ @`8p    @  (0Pfx B L0Ho   HB ( oo&oo%oCCCx`E` 0@PX`hpx 0@P`x (8HXp (08@HPX`x8 (08@HPX`hpxGCC: (GNU) 14.1.1 20240507GCC: (crosstool-NG 14.1.1 20240507.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o>   h FNo%%[o&&`j ( (tBBBH~BByCCPCCw@LL``Ј0D0D8J8JT.00HHPP(xx@H0Qa