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G? G?C {{_Usage: %s Display information from object . At least one of the following switches must be given: -a, --archive-headers Display archive header information -f, --file-headers Display the contents of the overall file header -p, --private-headers Display object format specific file header contents -P, --private=OPT,OPT... Display object format specific contents -h, --[section-]headers Display the contents of the section headers -x, --all-headers Display the contents of all headers -d, --disassemble Display assembler contents of executable sections -D, --disassemble-all Display assembler contents of all sections --disassemble= Display assembler contents from -S, --source Intermix source code with disassembly --source-comment[=] Prefix lines of source code with -s, --full-contents Display the full contents of all sections requested -Z, --decompress Decompress section(s) before displaying their contents -g, --debugging Display debug information in object file -e, --debugging-tags Display debug information using ctags style -G, --stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file -W, --dwarf[a/=abbrev, A/=addr, r/=aranges, c/=cu_index, L/=decodedline, f/=frames, F/=frames-interp, g/=gdb_index, i/=info, o/=loc, m/=macro, p/=pubnames, t/=pubtypes, R/=Ranges, l/=rawline, s/=str, O/=str-offsets, u/=trace_abbrev, T/=trace_aranges, U/=trace_info] Display the contents of DWARF debug sections -Wk,--dwarf=links Display the contents of sections that link to separate debuginfo files -WK,--dwarf=follow-links Follow links to separate debug info files (default) -WN,--dwarf=no-follow-links Do not follow links to separate debug info files -WD --dwarf=use-debuginfod When following links, also query debuginfod servers (default) -WE --dwarf=do-not-use-debuginfod When following links, do not query debuginfod servers -L, --process-links Display the contents of non-debug sections in separate debuginfo files. (Implies -WK) --ctf[=SECTION] Display CTF info from SECTION, (default `.ctf') --sframe[=SECTION] Display SFrame info from SECTION, (default '.sframe') -t, --syms Display the contents of the symbol table(s) -T, --dynamic-syms Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table -r, --reloc Display the relocation entries in the file -R, --dynamic-reloc Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file @ Read options from -v, --version Display this program's version number -i, --info List object formats and architectures supported -H, --help Display this information The following switches are optional: -b, --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME -m, --architecture=MACHINE Specify the target architecture as MACHINE -j, --section=NAME Only display information for section NAME -M, --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler -EB --endian=big Assume big endian format when disassembling -EL --endian=little Assume little endian format when disassembling --file-start-context Include context from start of file (with -S) -I, --include=DIR Add DIR to search list for source files -l, --line-numbers Include line numbers and filenames in output -F, --file-offsets Include file offsets when displaying information -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode mangled/processed symbol names STYLE can be --recurse-limit Enable a limit on recursion whilst demangling (default) --no-recurse-limit Disable a limit on recursion whilst demangling -w, --wide Format output for more than 80 columns -U[d|l|i|x|e|h] Controls the display of UTF-8 unicode characters --unicode=[default|locale|invalid|hex|escape|highlight] -z, --disassemble-zeroes Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disassembling --start-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is >= ADDR --stop-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is < ADDR --no-addresses Do not print address alongside disassembly --prefix-addresses Print complete address alongside disassembly --[no-]show-raw-insn Display hex alongside symbolic disassembly --insn-width=WIDTH Display WIDTH bytes on a single line for -d --adjust-vma=OFFSET Add OFFSET to all displayed section addresses --show-all-symbols When disassembling, display all symbols at a given address --special-syms Include special symbols in symbol dumps --inlines Print all inlines for source line (with -l) --prefix=PREFIX Add PREFIX to absolute paths for -S --prefix-strip=LEVEL Strip initial directory names for -S --dwarf-depth=N Do not display DIEs at depth N or greater --dwarf-start=N Display DIEs starting at offset N --dwarf-check Make additional dwarf consistency checks. --ctf-parent=NAME Use CTF archive member NAME as the CTF parent --visualize-jumps Visualize jumps by drawing ASCII art lines --visualize-jumps=color Use colors in the ASCII art --visualize-jumps=extended-color Use extended 8-bit color codes --visualize-jumps=off Disable jump visualization --disassembler-color=off Disable disassembler color output. --disassembler-color=terminal Enable disassembler color output if displaying on a terminal. (default) --disassembler-color=on Enable disassembler color output. --disassembler-color=extended Use 8-bit colors in disassembler output. Report bugs to %s. failed to read symbol table from: %serror message was%s%s%s: %swarningerrorCTF error: cannot get CTF errors: `%s'gnu_compiledgcc2_compileddisassembly color not correctly selected[%dm[38;5;%dmFile %s does not contain any dwarf debug information %02x\u%02x%02x\u%02x%02x%02x@%s@@%sNo %s section present reading %s section of %s failed: %sContents of %s section: Symnum n_type n_othr n_desc n_value n_strx String %-6d %-6s %-6d %-6d %-6luHdrSym%-6d %.*s *<-0x+0x (File Offset: 0x%lx)???R_SPARC_OLO10*unknown*OFFSET %*s TYPE %*s VALUE %s(): %s:%u %s:%u (discriminator %u) *unknown* R_SPARC_LO10R_SPARC_13 %-16s %-16d [%s].plt.gotcan't use supplied machine %scan't disassemble for architecture %s DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE:no symbols no information for symbol number %ld could not determine the type of symbol number %ld .ctfHeader.sframe %s: file format %s architecture: %s, flags 0x%08x: HAS_RELOCEXEC_PHAS_LINENOHAS_DEBUGHAS_SYMSHAS_LOCALSDYNAMICWP_TEXTD_PAGEDBFD_IS_RELAXABLE start address 0xwarning: private headers incomplete: %soption -P/--private not supported by this fileSections: Idx %-*s Size %-*s%-*sFile off AlgnLMAVMAName Flags%s: not a dynamic objectCTF open failure: %sContents of CTF section %s: CTF archive member: %s: %s: Iteration failed: %s, %sCTF archive member open failure: %sContents of the SFrame section %s:.stab.stabstr.stab.excl.stab.exclstr.stab.index.stab.indexstrLC_SYMTAB.stabsLC_SYMTAB.stabstr$GDB_SYMBOLS$$GDB_STRINGS$DYNAMIC RELOCATION RECORDS (none) failed to read relocs in: %s%s: printing debugging information failedIn archive %s: Archive nesting is too deepIn nested archive %s: RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [%s]:0xContents of section %s: (Starting at file offset: 0x%lx) NOTE: This section is compressed, but its contents have NOT been expanded for this dump. Reading section %s failed because: %s LINK_ONCE_ONE_ONLYLINK_ONCE_DISCARDLINK_ONCE_SAME_SIZELINK_ONCE_SAME_CONTENTS%3d %-*s %08lx %08lx 2**%u CONTENTSALLOCCONSTRUCTORLOADRELOCREADONLYCODEDATAROMDEBUGGINGNEVER_LOADEXCLUDESORT_ENTRIESBLOCKCLINKSMALL_DATASHAREDNOREADOCTETSPURECODETHREAD_LOCALGROUPVLIW (COMDAT %s %ld)%sCOMPRESSED Section '%s' has an invalid size: %#lx. Can't get contents for section '%s'. Disassembly of section %s: ... (skipping %lu zeroes, resuming at file offset: 0x%lx) ...inlined by %s:%u (%s) source file %s is more recent than object file %s: disassemble_fn returned length %d *unknown* %s %d .debug_info.gnu.linkonce.wi./usr/share/localebinutilsfatal error: libbfd ABI mismatch,unknown demangling style `%s'--adjust-vma--start-addresserror: the start address should be before the end address--stop-addresserror: the stop address should be after the start addresserror: prefix strip must be non-negativeerror: instruction width must be positiveextended-coloroffunrecognized argument to --visualize-optionterminalcolourextendedextended-colourunrecognized argument to --disassembler-colorunrecognized -E optionbiglittleunrecognized --endian type `%s'# defaultlocaleescapeinvalidihexhighlightinvalid argument to -U/--unicode: %sCDE:FGHI:LM:P:RSTU:VW::Zab:defghij:lm:prstvwxzobjdumpa.outsection '%s' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input fileLabelsData objectsFunction objectsVariablesTypesStringsadjust-vmaall-headersarchitecturearchive-headersctfctf-parentdebuggingdebugging-tagsdecompressdemangledisassembledisassemble-alldisassemble-zeroesdisassembler-optionsdwarfdwarf-checkdwarf-depthdwarf-startdynamic-relocdynamic-symsendianfile-headersfile-offsetsfile-start-contextfull-contentshelpincludeinlinesinsn-widthline-numbersno-addressesno-recurse-limitno-recursion-limitno-show-raw-insnprefixprefix-addressesprefix-stripprivateprivate-headersprocess-linksrecurse-limitrecursion-limitsectionsection-headerssframeshow-all-symbolsshow-raw-insnsourcesource-commentspecial-symsstabsstart-addressstop-addresstargetunicodeversionvisualize-jumpswidedisassembler-colorr%d (%s)r%dCannot fetch indexed address: the .debug_addr section is missing Offset into section %s too big: %#lx Unable to locate %s section Section %s is too small to contain an value indexed from another section! Offset of %#lx is too big for section %s Raw dump of debug contents of section %s (loaded from %s): Raw dump of debug contents of section %s: Contents of the %s section (loaded from %s): Contents of the %s section: ANSI Cnon-ANSI CAdaC++Cobol 74Cobol 85FORTRAN 77Fortran 90ANSI PascalModula 2JavaANSI C99ADA 95Fortran 95PLIObjective CObjective C++Unified Parallel CPythonOpenCLGoModula 3HaskellC++03C++11OCamlRustC11SwiftJuliaDylanC++14Fortran 03Fortran 08RenderScriptMIPS assemblerimplementation defined: %#lxunknown: %#lxDisplaying the debug contents of section %s is not yet supported. DW_FORM_strp offset too big: %#lx DW_FORM_line_strp offset too big: %#lx string index of %lu converts to an offset of %#lx which is too big for section %sindirect offset too big: %#lx Encoded value extends past end of section Encoded size of %d is too large to read Encoded size of 0 is too small to read The %s section is empty. 0x%8.8lx %2.2xThe length field (%#lx) in the debug_line header is wrong - the section is too small Only DWARF version 2, 3, 4 and 5 line info is currently supported. The %s section contains unsupported segment selector size: %d. internal error: attempt to read %d bytes of data in to %d sized variableinternal error: attempt to read %d byte of data in to %d sized variableInvalid maximum operations per insn. cyclevlenbvtypevlvcsrvxrmvxsatvstartseedmscontextmcontextscontexthcontexttcontroltinfotdata3tdata2tdata1tselectdscratch1dscratch0dpcdcsrfcsrfrmfflagssidelegsedeleguiputvalucauseuepcuscratchutvecuieustatusmdboundmdbasemiboundmibasemboundmbasevstimecmphvstimecmpstimecmphstimecmpmhpmevent31hmhpmevent30hmhpmevent29hmhpmevent28hmhpmevent27hmhpmevent26hmhpmevent25hmhpmevent24hmhpmevent23hmhpmevent22hmhpmevent21hmhpmevent20hmhpmevent19hmhpmevent18hmhpmevent17hmhpmevent16hmhpmevent15hmhpmevent14hmhpmevent13hmhpmevent12hmhpmevent11hmhpmevent10hmhpmevent9hmhpmevent8hmhpmevent7hmhpmevent6hmhpmevent5hmhpmevent4hmhpmevent3hscountovfvsiphvsiehhviprio2hhviprio1hhviphhvienhhideleghvstopivstopeivsiregvsiselecthviprio2hviprio1hvictlhviensiphsiehstopistopeisiregsiselecthstateen3hhstateen2hhstateen1hhstateen0hmstateen3hmstateen2hmstateen1hmstateen0hhstateen3hstateen2hstateen1hstateen0sstateen3sstateen2sstateen1sstateen0mstateen3mstateen2mstateen1mstateen0minstretcfghmcyclecfghminstretcfgmcyclecfgmiphmviphmvienhmiehmideleghmvipmvienmtopimtopeimiregmiselectvsatpvsipvstvalvscausevsepcvsscratchvstvecvsievsstatushtimedeltahhtimedeltahgatphenvcfghhenvcfghgeiphtinsthviphiphtvalhgeiehcounterenhiehideleghedeleghstatusmhpmevent31mhpmevent30mhpmevent29mhpmevent28mhpmevent27mhpmevent26mhpmevent25mhpmevent24mhpmevent23mhpmevent22mhpmevent21mhpmevent20mhpmevent19mhpmevent18mhpmevent17mhpmevent16mhpmevent15mhpmevent14mhpmevent13mhpmevent12mhpmevent11mhpmevent10mhpmevent9mhpmevent8mhpmevent7mhpmevent6mhpmevent5mhpmevent4mhpmevent3mcountinhibitmhpmcounter31hmhpmcounter30hmhpmcounter29hmhpmcounter28hmhpmcounter27hmhpmcounter26hmhpmcounter25hmhpmcounter24hmhpmcounter23hmhpmcounter22hmhpmcounter21hmhpmcounter20hmhpmcounter19hmhpmcounter18hmhpmcounter17hmhpmcounter16hmhpmcounter15hmhpmcounter14hmhpmcounter13hmhpmcounter12hmhpmcounter11hmhpmcounter10hmhpmcounter9hmhpmcounter8hmhpmcounter7hmhpmcounter6hmhpmcounter5hmhpmcounter4hmhpmcounter3hminstrethmcyclehmhpmcounter31mhpmcounter30mhpmcounter29mhpmcounter28mhpmcounter27mhpmcounter26mhpmcounter25mhpmcounter24mhpmcounter23mhpmcounter22mhpmcounter21mhpmcounter20mhpmcounter19mhpmcounter18mhpmcounter17mhpmcounter16mhpmcounter15mhpmcounter14mhpmcounter13mhpmcounter12mhpmcounter11mhpmcounter10mhpmcounter9mhpmcounter8mhpmcounter7mhpmcounter6mhpmcounter5mhpmcounter4mhpmcounter3minstretmcyclepmpaddr63pmpaddr62pmpaddr61pmpaddr60pmpaddr59pmpaddr58pmpaddr57pmpaddr56pmpaddr55pmpaddr54pmpaddr53pmpaddr52pmpaddr51pmpaddr50pmpaddr49pmpaddr48pmpaddr47pmpaddr46pmpaddr45pmpaddr44pmpaddr43pmpaddr42pmpaddr41pmpaddr40pmpaddr39pmpaddr38pmpaddr37pmpaddr36pmpaddr35pmpaddr34pmpaddr33pmpaddr32pmpaddr31pmpaddr30pmpaddr29pmpaddr28pmpaddr27pmpaddr26pmpaddr25pmpaddr24pmpaddr23pmpaddr22pmpaddr21pmpaddr20pmpaddr19pmpaddr18pmpaddr17pmpaddr16pmpaddr15pmpaddr14pmpaddr13pmpaddr12pmpaddr11pmpaddr10pmpaddr9pmpaddr8pmpaddr7pmpaddr6pmpaddr5pmpaddr4pmpaddr3pmpaddr2pmpaddr1pmpaddr0pmpcfg15pmpcfg14pmpcfg13pmpcfg12pmpcfg11pmpcfg10pmpcfg9pmpcfg8pmpcfg7pmpcfg6pmpcfg5pmpcfg4pmpcfg3pmpcfg2pmpcfg1pmpcfg0mseccfghmseccfgmenvcfghmenvcfgmtval2mtinstmipmtvalmcausemepcmscratchmstatushmcounterenmtvecmiemidelegmedelegmisamstatusmconfigptrmhartidmimpidmarchidmvendoridsatpsipstvalscausesepcsscratchsenvcfgscounterenstvecsiesstatushpmcounter31hhpmcounter30hhpmcounter29hhpmcounter28hhpmcounter27hhpmcounter26hhpmcounter25hhpmcounter24hhpmcounter23hhpmcounter22hhpmcounter21hhpmcounter20hhpmcounter19hhpmcounter18hhpmcounter17hhpmcounter16hhpmcounter15hhpmcounter14hhpmcounter13hhpmcounter12hhpmcounter11hhpmcounter10hhpmcounter9hhpmcounter8hhpmcounter7hhpmcounter6hhpmcounter5hhpmcounter4hhpmcounter3hinstrethtimehcyclehhpmcounter31hpmcounter30hpmcounter29hpmcounter28hpmcounter27hpmcounter26hpmcounter25hpmcounter24hpmcounter23hpmcounter22hpmcounter21hpmcounter20hpmcounter19hpmcounter18hpmcounter17hpmcounter16hpmcounter15hpmcounter14hpmcounter13hpmcounter12hpmcounter11hpmcounter10hpmcounter9hpmcounter8hpmcounter7hpmcounter6hpmcounter5hpmcounter4hpmcounter3instrettimecsr%dstr_off%d%c%lu byte block: %lx User TAG value: %#lxUnknown TAG value: %#lxDW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt offset (%#lx) too big or no string sections available DW_AT value: 0DW_AT_MIPS_fde or DW_AT_HP_unmodifiableUnknown AT value: %lxDW_FORM value: 0Unknown FORM value: %lx %02xThe debuglink filename is corrupt/missing Separate debug info file: %s .gnu_debuglinkCRC offset missing/truncated CRC value: %#x There are %#lx extraneous bytes at the end of the section Build-ID is too short (%#zx bytes) Build-ID (%#zx bytes):Attempt to re-allocate an array with an excessive number of elements: %#lx rbUnable to reopen separate debug info file: %s Separate debug info file %s found, but CRC does not match - ignoring The length field (%#lx) in the debug_rnglists header is wrong - the section is too small Table at Offset: %#lx: Length: %#lx DWARF version: %u Address size: %u Segment size: %u Offset entries: %u Only DWARF version 5+ debug_rnglists info is currently supported. Offsets starting at %#tx: [%6u] %#lx Corrupt debuglink section: %s Out of memory.debug/%s%s.debug/%s/usr/lib/debug%s/%s%s/%s/%s/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/debug.gnu_debugaltlinkcould not find separate debug file '%s' tried: %s DEBUGINFOD_URLStried: DEBUGINFOD_URLS=%s failed to open separate debug file: %s %s: Found separate debug info file: %s /build/binutils/src/binutils-gdb/binutils/dwarf.chandle == first_separate_info->handle.debug_sup section is corrupt/empty filename in .debug_sup section is corrupt %.*s/%sunable to construct path for supplementary debug fileout of memory constructing filename for .debug_sup link unable to open file '%s' referenced from .debug_sup section %s: Found supplementary debug file: %s .note.gnu.build-id section is corrupt/empty .note.gnu.build-id data size is too small .note.gnu.build-id data size is too big %s.build-id/%02x/.debugUnfeasibly large register number: %u Out of memory allocating %u columns in dwarf frame arrays Length: %#lx Index Offset [String] Section %s is too small %#lx Unexpected version number in str_offset header: %#x Unexpected value in str_offset header's padding field: %#x Version: %#x %8lu %0*lx LOC%-*s CFA ra %-5s %s%+d%-8s c%+ldv%+ldvexpTruncated header in the %s section. Version %lu Unsupported version %lu. The address table data in version 3 may be wrong. Version 4 does not support case insensitive lookups. Version 5 does not include inlined functions. Version 6 does not include symbol attributes. Corrupt header in the %s section. CU table: TU table: [%3u] %#lx - %#lx Address table: [%3u] %#lx %#lx %0*lx Symbol table: [%3u] Corrupt name offset of 0x%x found for symbol table slot %d [%3u] %.*s: Corrupt CU vector offset of 0x%x found for symbol table slot %d Invalid number of CUs (0x%x) for symbol table slot %d %cT%lu%c%lustaticglobal Shortcut table: Corrupt shortcut table in the %s section. Language of main: Name of main: Corrupt name offset of 0x%x found for name of main [%s, %s]Debug info is corrupted, abbrev size (%#lx) is larger than abbrev section size (%#lx) Debug info is corrupted, abbrev offset (%#lx) is larger than abbrev section size (%#lx) end of data encountered whilst reading LEB read LEB value is too large to store in destination variable %s section not zero terminated list != NULL && list->last_abbrev != NULL Number TAG (%#lx) has childrenno children %ld %s [%s] %-18s %s: %ld%ld%luDW_OP_implicit_pointerDW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointerDW_OP_entry_valueDW_OP_GNU_entry_valueDW_OP_const_typeDW_OP_GNU_const_typeDW_OP_regval_typeDW_OP_GNU_regval_typeDW_OP_deref_typeDW_OP_GNU_deref_typeDW_OP_convertDW_OP_GNU_convertDW_OP_reinterpretDW_OP_GNU_reinterpretDW_OP_addr: %lxDW_OP_derefDW_OP_const1u: %luDW_OP_const1s: %ldDW_OP_const2u: %luDW_OP_const2s: %ldDW_OP_const4u: %luDW_OP_const4s: %ldDW_OP_const8u: %luDW_OP_const8s: %ldDW_OP_constu: %luDW_OP_consts: %ldDW_OP_dupDW_OP_dropDW_OP_overDW_OP_pick: %luDW_OP_swapDW_OP_rotDW_OP_xderefDW_OP_absDW_OP_andDW_OP_divDW_OP_minusDW_OP_modDW_OP_mulDW_OP_negDW_OP_notDW_OP_orDW_OP_plusDW_OP_plus_uconst: %luDW_OP_shlDW_OP_shrDW_OP_shraDW_OP_xorDW_OP_bra: %ldDW_OP_eqDW_OP_geDW_OP_gtDW_OP_leDW_OP_ltDW_OP_neDW_OP_skip: %ldDW_OP_lit%dDW_OP_reg%d (%s)DW_OP_breg%d (%s): %ldDW_OP_regx: %lu (%s)DW_OP_fbreg: %ldDW_OP_bregx: %lu (%s) %ldDW_OP_piece: %luDW_OP_deref_size: %luDW_OP_xderef_size: %luDW_OP_nopDW_OP_push_object_addressDW_OP_call2: <%#lx>DW_OP_call4: <%#lx>(DW_OP_call_ref in frame info)DW_OP_call_ref: <%#lx>DW_OP_form_tls_addressDW_OP_call_frame_cfaDW_OP_bit_piece: size: %lu offset: %lu DW_OP_stack_valueDW_OP_implicit_valueDW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address or DW_OP_HP_unknownDW_OP_GNU_uninitDW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr: fmt:%02x addr:(%s in frame info)%s: <%#lx> %ld%s: (%s: <%#lx> %s: %lu (%s)%s: %ld%s <%#lx>DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref: <%#lx>DW_OP_addrx <%#lx>DW_OP_GNU_addr_index <%#lx>DW_OP_GNU_const_index <%#lx>(DW_OP_GNU_variable_value in frame info)DW_OP_GNU_variable_value: <%#lx>DW_OP_HP_is_valueDW_OP_HP_fltconst4DW_OP_HP_fltconst8DW_OP_HP_mod_rangeDW_OP_HP_unmod_rangeDW_OP_HP_tlsDW_OP_PGI_omp_thread_num(User defined location op %#x)(Unknown location op %#x); Unable to resolve ref_addr form: uvalue %lx > section size %lx (%s) Unable to resolve ref form: uvalue %lx + cu_offset %lx > CU size %tx Unexpected form %lx encountered whilst finding abbreviation for type Unable to find abbreviations for CU offset %#lx Empty abbreviation list encountered for CU offset %lx Unable to find entry for abbreviation %lu corrupt .debug_sup section: size is too small corrupt .debug_sup section: version < 5corrupt .debug_sup section: is_supplementary not 0 or 1 corrupt .debug_sup section: filename not empty in supplementary section corrupt .debug_sup section: filename is not NUL terminated corrupt .debug_sup section: bad LEB128 field for checksum length corrupt .debug_sup section: checksum length is longer than the remaining section length corrupt .debug_sup section: there are %#lx extra, unused bytes at the end of the section Version: %u Is Supp: %u Filename: %s Checksum Len: %lu Checksum: 0x%x %8.8lx v%0*lx location view pair DW_MACINFO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext - constant : %d string : %*s No terminator for augmentation name Invalid pointer size (%d) in CIE data Invalid segment size (%d) in CIE data Augmentation data too long: %#lx, expected at most %#tx , %s, %.*ssignatureCorrupt attribute %c(%s)Internal error: DW_FORM_ref_addr is not supported in DWARF version 1. %c%s%c<%#lx>%c%c%#lx%c%ld %#lx%016lx%c%.*sBlock ends prematurely Corrupt attribute block length: %#lx %c(offset: %#lx): %s%c(indirect string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(indirect line string, offset: %#lx): %s%c(indexed string: %#lx): %s%c(offset: %#lx) %s%c(alt indirect string, offset: %#lx) %s%c%s: %#lxloc_offset %lu too big %c(index: %#lx): %#lxUnrecognized form: %#lxCU @ %#lx has multiple loclists_base values (%#lx and %#lx)CU @ %#lx has has a negative loclists_base value of %#lx - treating as zeroCU @ %#lx has multiple str_offsets_base values %#lx and %#lx)CU @ %#lx has has a negative stroffsets_base value of %#lx - treating as zeroMore location offset attributes than DW_AT_GNU_locview attributes The number of views (%u) is greater than the number of locations (%u) More DW_AT_GNU_locview attributes than location offset attributes Unsupported form (%s) for attribute %s (not inlined)(inlined)(declared as inline but ignored)(declared as inline and inlined) (Unknown inline attribute value: %#lx) ((void)(machine address)(boolean)(complex float)(float)(signed)(signed char)(unsigned)(unsigned char)(imaginary float)(decimal float)(packed_decimal)(numeric_string)(edited)(signed_fixed)(unsigned_fixed)(unicode string)(UCS)(ASCII)(HP_float80)(HP_complex_float80)(HP_float128)(HP_complex_float128)(HP_floathpintel)(HP_imaginary_float80)(HP_imaginary_float128)(user defined type)(unknown type)(public)(protected)(private)(unknown accessibility)(local)(exported)(qualified)(unknown visibility)(default)(big)(little)(user specified)(unknown endianity)(none)(virtual)(pure_virtual)(unknown virtuality)(case_sensitive)(up_case)(down_case)(case_insensitive)(unknown case)(normal)(program)(nocall)(pass by ref)(pass by value)(Rensas SH)(Borland fastcall i386)(user defined)(unknown convention)(undefined)(row major)(column major)(leading overpunch)(trailing overpunch)(leading separate)(trailing separate)(unrecognised)(no)(in class)(out of class)[default]corrupt discr_list - not using a block form corrupt discr_list - block not long enough label range ..corrupt discr_list - unrecognized discriminant byte %#x )(signed))(unsigned) (location list) [without DW_AT_frame_base]Offset %#lx used as value for DW_AT_import attribute of DIE at offset %#tx is too big. [Abbrev Number: %ld (%s)64-bit32-bitNo comp units in %s section ? Reserved length value (%#lx) found in section %s Corrupt unit length (got %#lx expected at most %#tx) in section %s Unable to locate %s section! Invalid pointer size (%d) in compunit header, using %d instead Compilation Unit @ offset %#lx: Length: %#lx (%s) Version: %d Unit Type: %s (%x) unknown Abbrev Offset: %#lx Pointer Size: %d Signature: %#lx Type Offset: %#lx DWO ID: %#lx Section contributions: .debug_abbrev.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_line.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_loc.dwo: %#lx %#zx .debug_str_offsets.dwo: %#lx %#zx CU at offset %#lx contains corrupt or unsupported version number: %d. CU at offset %#lx contains corrupt or unsupported unit type: %d. <%d><%lx>: Abbrev Number: 0 Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset %lx in %s section Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed <%d><%lx>: Abbrev Number: %lu <%d><%lx>: ... DIE at offset %#lx refers to abbreviation number %lu which does not exist !debug_info_p || (debug_info_p->num_loc_offsets == debug_info_p->num_loc_views)Unexpected form of DW_AT_rnglists_base in the top DIE Unexpected form of DW_AT_addr_base in the top DIE Unexpected form in top DIE CU @ %#lx has has a negative rnglists_base value of %#lx - treating as zero <%tx> %-18s:debug_info_p->num_loc_views == debug_info_p->num_loc_offsetsDIE has locviews without loclist Debug info is corrupted, %s header at %#tx has length %#lx Version %d Only DWARF version 5 .debug_names is currently supported. Padding field of .debug_names must be 0 (found 0x%x) Compilation unit count must be >= 1 in .debug_names Augmentation string length %u must be rounded up to a multiple of 4 in .debug_names. Augmentation string: ("")CU table: [%3u] %#lx Foreign TU table: [%3u] Entry pool offset (%#lx) exceeds unit size %#tx for unit %#tx in the debug_names Used %zu of %lu buckets. Used %zu of %lu bucket. Out of %lu items there are %zu bucket clashes (longest of %zu entries). The name_count (%lu) is not the same as the used bucket_count (%zu) + the hash clash count (%zu)abbrev_lookup_used < abbrev_lookup_allocatedDuplicate abbreviation tag %lu in unit %#tx in the debug_names section #%08x %s:%s<%lu>Undefined abbreviation tag %ld in unit %#tx in the debug_names section Unknown IDX value: %lx Expected to find a version number of 4 or 5 in section %s but found %d instead Offset: %#lx Version: %d Offset size: %d Offset into .debug_line: %#lx Extension opcode arguments: DW_MACRO_%02x has no arguments DW_MACRO_%02x arguments: Invalid extension opcode form %s .debug_macro section not zero terminated DW_MACRO_define - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %*s DW_MACRO_start_file used, but no .debug_line offset provided. DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d filename: %s%s%s DW_MACRO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACRO_end_file DW_MACRO_define_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_undef_strp - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACRO_import - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_define_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_undef_sup - lineno : %d macro offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_import_sup - offset : %#lx DW_MACRO_define_strx DW_MACRO_undef_strx (with offset %#lx) directory index %u >= number of directories %u CU: %s/%s: File name Line number Starting address View Stmt File name Line number Starting address View Stmt CU: Empty file name table UNKNOWN (%u): length %ld [Use file table entry %d] file index %u >= number of files %u ./%s:[++] [Use file %s in directory table entry %d] %s/%s: -%-31s %11s %#18lx%-31s %11d %#18lx%-31s %11s %#18lx[%d]%-31s %11d %#18lx[%d]%s %11s %#18lx%s %11d %#18lx%s %11s %#18lx[%d]%s %11d %#18lx[%d] %6u xAttempt to allocate an array with an excessive number of elements: %#lx Section %s is empty Section %s is too small to contain a CU/TU header Version: %u Number of columns: %u Number of used entries: %u Number of slots: %u Section %s is too small for %u slots Section %s is too small for %u slot Section index pool located before start of section [%3d] Signature: %#lx Sections: Section %s too small for shndx pool %dSection %s too small for offset and size tables .debug_tu_index Offset table dwo_id slot %-16s %8sRow index (%u) is larger than number of used entries (%u) [%3d] %#lx %8dOverlarge Dwarf section index detected: %u Size table Too many rows/columns in DWARF index section %s Unsupported version (%d) Unable to load/parse the .debug_info section, so cannot interpret the %s section. Corrupt address base (%#lx) found in debug section %u For compilation unit at offset %#lx: Index Address Corrupt %s section: expecting header size of 8 or 16, but found %zd insteadCorrupt %s section: unit_length field of %#lx is invalidCorrupt %s section: expecting version number 5 in header but found %d instead Corrupt %s section: address size (%x) is wrong %d: debug_rnglistsNo range lists referenced by .debug_info section. range_entry_fill >= range_entriesnum_range_list >= (unsigned int)(range_entry_fill - range_entries)Range lists in %s section start at %#lx Offset Begin End Corrupt pointer size (%d) in debug entry at offset %#lx Corrupt offset (%#lx) in range entry %u There is a hole [%#tx - %#tx] in %s section. There is an overlap [%#tx - %#tx] in %s section. Range list starting at offset %#lx is not terminated. (base address index) (base address) Invalid range list entry type %d (start == end) (start > end)(base address)Debug info is corrupted, %s header at %#lx has length %#lx Only DWARF 2 and 3 aranges are currently supported. Length: %ld Version: %d Offset into .debug_info: %#lx Pointer Size: %d Segment Size: %d Invalid address size in %s section! Pointer size + Segment size is not a power of two. Address Length Address Length .debug_info offset of %#lx in %s section does not point to a CU header. Length: %ld Version: %d Offset into .debug_info section: %#lx Size of area in .debug_info section: %ld Only DWARF 2 and 3 pubnames are currently supported Offset Kind Name Offset Name %-6lx %s,%-10s %.*s %-6lx %.*s .eh_framebad register: %08tx ZERO terminator Invalid length %#lx in FDE at %#tx %08tx CIE "%s" cf=%d df=%d ra=%d CIE Version: %d Augmentation: "%s" Pointer Size: %u Segment Size: %u Code alignment factor: %u Data alignment factor: %d Return address column: %d Augmentation data: Failed to read CIE information Invalid max register Probably corrupt segment size: %d - using 4 instead FDE cie=%08txcie=invalid pc=%04lx: DW_CFA_advance_loc: %d to DW_CFA_offset: %s%s at cfa%+ld DW_CFA_restore: %s%s DW_CFA_set_loc: DW_CFA_advance_loc1: %ld to DW_CFA_advance_loc2: %ld to DW_CFA_advance_loc4: %ld to DW_CFA_offset_extended: %s%s at cfa%+ld DW_CFA_val_offset: %s%s is cfa%+ld DW_CFA_restore_extended: %s%s DW_CFA_undefined: %s%s DW_CFA_same_value: %s%s DW_CFA_register: %s%s in DW_CFA_remember_state DW_CFA_restore_stateInvalid column number in saved frame state Mismatched DW_CFA_restore_state DW_CFA_def_cfa: %s ofs %d DW_CFA_def_cfa_register: %s DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: %d DW_CFA_nop %s: DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression (DW_CFA_expression DW_CFA_expression: %s%s (DW_CFA_val_expression DW_CFA_val_expression: %s%s ( DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf: %s%s at cfa%+ld DW_CFA_val_offset_sf: %s%s is cfa%+ld DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf: %s ofs %ld DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf: %ld DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc8: %ld to %s DW_CFA_GNU_args_size: %lu DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended: %s%s at cfa%+ld DW_CFA_??? (User defined call frame op: %#x) Unsupported or unknown Dwarf Call Frame Instruction number: %#x debug_loclistsThe %s section contains corrupt or unsupported version number: %d. No location lists in .debug_info section! Warning: This section has relocations - addresses seen here may not be accurate. Offset Begin End Expression Table at Offset %#lx The %s section contains an unsupported segment selector size: %d. Offset Entries starting at %#tx: There is a hole [%#tx - %#lx] in %s section. There is an overlap [%#tx - %#lx] in %s section. Offset %#lx is bigger than %s section size. View Offset %#lx is bigger than %s section size. No debug information for loc lists of entry: %u Invalid pointer size (%d) in debug info for entry %d Location list starting at offset %#lx is not terminated. views at %8.8lx for: %*s %*s %*s(base address selection entry) %08x Unknown location list entry type 0x%x. No debug information available for loc lists of entry: %u DWO is not yet supported. (index into .debug_addr) View pair entry in loclist with locviews attribute views for: Invalid location list entry type %d Trailing view pair not used in a rangeHole and overlap detection requires adjacent view lists and loclists. There are %ld unused bytes at the end of section %s There is %ld unused byte at the end of section %s Attempt to allocate a zero'ed array with an excessive number of elements: %#lx Multiple DWO_NAMEs encountered for the same CU multiple DWO_IDs encountered for the same CU Unexpected DWO INFO typeThe %s section contains link(s) to dwo file(s): Name: %s Directory: %s ID: ID: Out of memory allocating dwo filename Unable to load dwo file: %s %s: Found separate debug object file: %s Unrecognized debug option '%s' Unrecognized debug letter option '%c' no infofunctionotherunused5unused6unused7.debug//usr/lib/debug//usr/lib/debug/usr//usr/lib64/debug//usr/lib64/debug/usr.debug_abbrev.zdebug_abbrev.dwabrev.debug_aranges.zdebug_aranges.dwarnge.debug_frame.zdebug_frame.dwframe.zdebug_info.dwinfo.debug_line.zdebug_line.dwline.debug_pubnames.zdebug_pubnames.dwpbnms.debug_gnu_pubnames.zdebug_gnu_pubnames.debug_macinfo.zdebug_macinfo.debug_macro.zdebug_macro.dwmac.debug_str.zdebug_str.dwstr.debug_line_str.zdebug_line_str.debug_loc.zdebug_loc.dwloc.debug_loclists.zdebug_loclists.debug_loclists.dwo.zdebug_loclists.dwo.debug_pubtypes.zdebug_pubtypes.dwpbtyp.debug_gnu_pubtypes.zdebug_gnu_pubtypes.debug_ranges.zdebug_ranges.dwrnges.debug_rnglists.zdebug_rnglists.debug_rnglists.dwo.zdebug_rnglists.dwo.debug_static_func.zdebug_static_func.debug_static_vars.zdebug_static_vars.debug_types.zdebug_types.debug_weaknames.zdebug_weaknames.gdb_index.debug_names.trace_info.trace_abbrev.trace_aranges.debug_info.dwo.zdebug_info.dwo.debug_abbrev.dwo.zdebug_abbrev.dwo.debug_types.dwo.zdebug_types.dwo.zdebug_line.dwo.debug_loc.dwo.zdebug_loc.dwo.debug_macro.dwo.zdebug_macro.dwo.debug_macinfo.dwo.zdebug_macinfo.dwo.debug_str.dwo.zdebug_str.dwo.debug_str_offsets.zdebug_str_offsets.debug_str_offsets.dwo.zdebug_str_offsets.dwo.debug_addr.zdebug_addr.debug_cu_index.debug_sup.note.gnu.build-idcu_indexuse-debuginfoddo-not-use-debuginfodframes-interpframesgdb_indexfollow-linksdecodedlinerawlineno-follow-linksstr-offsetsRangestrace_arangestrace_infotrace_abbrevzerospgptps0s1a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7s2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9s10s11ft0ft1ft2ft3ft4ft5ft6ft7fs0fs1fa0fa1fa2fa3fa4fa5fa6fa7fs2fs3fs4fs5fs6fs7fs8fs9fs10fs11ft8ft9ft10ft11v0v1v2v3v4v5v6v7v8v9v10v11v12v13v14v15v16v17v18v19v20v21v22v23v24v25v26v27v28v29v30v31f0f2f4f6f1f3f5f7f8f10f12f14f9f11f13f15cr0cr1cr2cr3cr4cr5cr6cr7cr8cr9cr10cr11cr12cr13cr14cr15a8a9a10a11a12a13a14a15pswmpswax0x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19x20x21x22x23x24x25x26x27x28x29x30elrvgffrp0p1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8p9p10p11p12p13p14p15z0z1z2z3z4z5z6z7z8z9z10z11z12z13z14z15z16z17z18z19z20z21z22z23z24z25z26z27z28z29z30z31raxrdxrcxrbxrsirdirbprspr8r9r10r11r12r13r14r15ripxmm0xmm1xmm2xmm3xmm4xmm5xmm6xmm7xmm8xmm9xmm10xmm11xmm12xmm13xmm14xmm15st0st1st2st3st4st5st6st7mm0mm1mm2mm3mm4mm5mm6mm7rflagscsdsfsfs.basegs.baseldtrmxcsrfcwfswxmm16xmm17xmm18xmm19xmm20xmm21xmm22xmm23xmm24xmm25xmm26xmm27xmm28xmm29xmm30xmm31k0k1k2k3k4k5k6k7DW_CFA_GNU_window_saveDW_CFA_AARCH64_negate_ra_stateeaxecxedxebxespebpesiedieipeflags/build/binutils/src/binutils-gdb/binutils/prdbg.cinfo->stack != NULLinfo->indent >= 2s[0] == ' ' && s[1] == ' ' && s[2] == '\0'info->indent == 0 %s: ((struct pr_handle *) p)->stack != NULL%s %s 0;" kind:c type:%s inherits:%sinfo->stack->visibility != DEBUG_VISIBILITY_IGNORE(volatile |const |&|(*|)*|set { }/* bitstring */range ():::const double %s = %g; %s %s 0;" kind:v type:const double value:%g const int %s = %s; /* file %s line %lu addr %s */ } /* %s */ %s %s 0;" kind:v type:const int value:%s { /* %s */ (|) (/* unknown */%s %s 0;" kind:t type:%s protectedpublic/* ignore */t[len - 1] == ' 'const %s %s = %s; %s %s 0;" kind:v type:const %s value:%s %s %s 0;" kind:m type:%s %s:%s access:%s voidtypedef %s; %s %s 0;" kind:v type:%s file: register: class:%s::|bool%dstatic %s (|[%s]|[%s:%s]int /* string */%sint%dregister %s /* %s */; %s::%s%s %s 0;" kind:x type:%s class:%s access:%s union struct union class class enum %%anon%u%s /* %s */structunion%s %s 0;" kind:%c info->stack->next != NULLinfo->stack->next->method != NULL volatile const%s %s 0;" kind:p type:%s class:%s access:%s /* id %u */ /* %s %s ??%u;" kind:%c type:%s{ /* undefined */ = %s %s 0;" kind:e type:%s %s %s 0;" kind:g enum:%s value:%s classunion class vtable self { /* id %u size %u; /* bitpos bitsize */ public protected private /* unknown visibility */ info->stack != NULL && info->stack->next != NULLvirtual %s %s 0;" kind:p type:%s class:%s size floatdoublefloat%dcomplex ::| ( : /* bitpos s != NULLvoffset context !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 0 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Ian Lance Taylor, Salvador E. Tropea and others // !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME objdump /From GNU binutils/ %.1s %.*s%s"%s"Last stabs entries before error: n_type n_desc n_value string %-6d %08lx%s: %s: %s %s: %s: stab entry %ld is corrupt, strx = 0x%x, type = %d %s: %s: stab entry %ld is corrupt %s: no recognized debugging informationdebug_get_real_type: circular debug information for %s /build/binutils/src/binutils-gdb/binutils/debug.ctype->kind == DEBUG_KIND_STRUCT || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_UNION || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_CLASS || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_UNION_CLASSname->kind == DEBUG_OBJECT_TAGdebug_write_type: illegal type encounteredtype->u.kclass->id > info->base_idinfo->units == NULLdebug_start_source: no debug_set_filename calldebug_record_function: no debug_set_filename calldebug_record_parameter: no current functiondebug_end_function: no current functiondebug_end_function: some blocks were not closeddebug_start_block: no current blockdebug_end_block: no current blockdebug_end_block: attempt to close top level blockdebug_record_line: no current unitdebug_start_common_block: not implementeddebug_end_common_block: not implementeddebug_add_to_current_namespace: no current filedebug_record_label: not implementeddebug_record_variable: no current filedebug_name_type: no current filedebug_tag_type: no current filedebug_tag_type: extra tag attempteddebug_make_undefined_type: unsupported kindWarning: changing type size from %d to %d debug_find_named_type: no current compilation unitBad stab: %s Type file number %d out of range stringptrshortlongunsigned charsigned charunsigned shortunsigned intunsignedunsigned longlong doubleintegerbooleanshort realrealcharacterlogical*1logical*2logical*4logicalcomplexdouble complexinteger*1integer*2integer*4wcharlong longunsigned long longlogical*8integer*8Unrecognized XCOFF type %d Unrecognized demangle component %d Failed to print demangled template Couldn't get demangled builtin type bool__float128__int128unsigned __int128wchar_t...Unexpected demangled varargs Unrecognized demangled builtin type Unexpected type in v3 arglist demangling numeric overflowWarning: %s: %s bad mangled name `%s' NoSuchStrinG__::NoSuchStrinGlong long unsigned intlong long intlong unsigned intlong intshort unsigned intshort int__wchar_tFOO_vptr$INVALID_CPLUSPLUS_ABBREVVunrecognized cross reference typeunknown virtual character for baseclassunknown visibility character for baseclassunnamed $vb typeunrecognized C++ abbreviationunknown visibility character for fieldconst/volatile indicator missingmember function type missing__ct__dt__%s%s__%s%s%dDemangled name is not a function ___no argument types in mangled string 01000000000000000000000;0777777777777777777777;01777777777777777777777;missing index typethiseh_throwN_LBRAC not within function Too many N_RBRACs Undefined N_EXCLunknown C++ encoded namegcc2_compiled.gcc_compiled.parse_coff_type: Bad type code 0x%xbfd_coff_get_syment failed: %sbfd_coff_get_auxent failed: %s*globals*.bf%ld: .bf without preceding function.ef%ld: unexpected .ef .bb.ebstXXXXXXbig endianlittle endianendianness unknowncause of error unknown%s (header %s, data %s) %s: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnucan't set BFD default target to `%s': %s%s: Matching formats:Supported targets:%s: supported targets:Supported architectures:%s: supported architectures:BFD header file version %s (GNU Binutils) 2.42.0COLUMNS %*sUNKNOWN!