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Implies -v --exchange exchange source and destination -f, --force do not prompt before overwriting -i, --interactive prompt before overwrite -n, --no-clobber do not overwrite an existing file If you specify more than one of -i, -f, -n, only the final one takes effect. --no-copy do not copy if renaming fails --strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument -S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix -t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY -T, --no-target-directory treat DEST as a normal file --update[=UPDATE] control which existing files are updated; UPDATE={all,none,none-fail,older(default)}. -u equivalent to --update[=older]. See below -v, --verbose explain what is being done -Z, --context set SELinux security context of destination file to default type --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit UPDATE controls which existing files in the destination are replaced. 'all' is the default operation when an --update option is not specified, and results in all existing files in the destination being replaced. 'none' is like the --no-clobber option, in that no files in the destination are replaced, and skipped files do not induce a failure. 'none-fail' also ensures no files are replaced in the destination, but any skipped files are diagnosed and induce a failure. 'older' is the default operation when --update is specified, and results in files being replaced if they're older than the corresponding source file. The backup suffix is '~', unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX. The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable. Here are the values: none, off never make backups (even if --backup is given) numbered, t make numbered backups existing, nil numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise simple, never always make simple backups %s online help: <%s> https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/GNU coreutilsen_Report any translation bugs to Full documentation <%s%s> or available locally via: info '(coreutils) %s%s' /usr/share/localecoreutilsmultiple target directories specified--updateMike ParkerDavid MacKenzieJim Meyeringbfint:uvS:TZmissing file operandmissing destination file operand after %scannot combine --target-directory (-t) and --no-target-directory (-T)extra operand %starget directory %starget %scannot combine --backup with --exchange, -n, or --update=none-failbackup typetest invocationMulti-call invocationsha224sumsha2 utilitiessha256sumsha384sumsha512sumbackupcontextdebugexchangeforceinteractiveno-clobberno-copyno-target-directorystrip-trailing-slashessuffixtarget-directoryupdateverbosehelpversionallnonenone-failolderremoved directory %s removed %s cannot remove %s%s: descend into write-protected directory %s? %s: descend into directory %s? %s: attempt removal of inaccessible directory %s? %s: remove write-protected %s %s? %s: remove %s %s? fts_read failedrefusing to remove %s or %s directory: skipping %s...it is dangerous to operate recursively on %sit is dangerous to operate recursively on %s (same as %s)use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafefailed to stat %s: skipping %sskipping %s, since it's on a different deviceand --preserve-root=all is in effectWARNING: Circular directory structure. This almost certainly means that you have a corrupted file system. NOTIFY YOUR SYSTEM MANAGER. The following directory is part of the cycle: %s traversal failed: %sunexpected failure: fts_info=%d: %s please report to %sbug-coreutils@gnu.orgfts_close failedfailed to restore the default file creation contextsecurity.selinux (backup: %s)cannot create hard link %s to %s%s: replace %s, overriding mode %04lo (%s)? %s: unwritable %s (mode %04lo, %s); try anyway? %s: overwrite %s? cannot lseek %serror deallocating %serror copying %s to %serror reading %serror writing %soverflow reading %sclearing permissions for %sfailed to preserve ownership for %sfailed to get security context of %sfailed to set the security context of %scannot overwrite non-directory %s with directory %scannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %snoyesavoidedunsupportedunknownzerosSEEK_HOLESEEK_HOLE + zeroscannot stat %s-r not specified; omitting directory %somitting directory %swarning: source file %s specified more than once%s and %s are the same filenot replacing %sskipped %s will not overwrite just-created %s with %sbacking up %s might destroy source; %s not movedbacking up %s might destroy source; %s not copiedcannot backup %swill not copy %s through just-created symlink %scannot copy a directory, %s, into itself, %swarning: source directory %s specified more than oncewill not create hard link %s to directory %sexchanged %s <-> %srenamed %s -> %scannot move %s to a subdirectory of itself, %scannot exchange %s and %scannot overwrite %scannot move %s to %sinter-device move failed: %s to %s; unable to remove targetcopied %s -> %scannot create directory %ssetting permissions for %screated directory %s cannot access %s%s: can make relative symbolic links only in current directorycannot create symbolic link %s to %scannot open %s for readingcannot fstat %sskipping file %s, as it was replaced while being copiednot writing through dangling symlink %scannot create regular file %sfailed to clone %s from %s%s: write failedfailed to extend %spreserving times for %spreserving permissions for %sfailed to close %scopy offload: %s, reflink: %s, sparse detection: %s cannot create fifo %scannot create special file %scannot read symbolic link %scannot create symbolic link %s%s has unknown file typecannot un-backup %s%s -> %s (unbackup) cannot copy cyclic symbolic link %ssrc/copy.c((unsigned int) (co->backup_type) <= numbered_backups)((co->sparse_mode) == SPARSE_NEVER || (co->sparse_mode) == SPARSE_AUTO || (co->sparse_mode) == SPARSE_ALWAYS)((co->reflink_mode) == REFLINK_NEVER || (co->reflink_mode) == REFLINK_AUTO || (co->reflink_mode) == REFLINK_ALWAYS)!(co->hard_link && co->symbolic_link)! 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Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. 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