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G ? {{_hwloclistsystemd-dbus-apitasksetinvalid range `%s', too long alloddevenunrecognized range keyword `%s' invalid character at `%s' after range at `%s' missing width at `%s' in range at `%s' invalid character at `%s' after index at `%s' misc.hmflags & HWLOC_MEMATTR_FLAG_LOWER_FIRSTMemoryTierMCDRAM%stier=subtype=%x:%x]:%x]%x:]invalid PCI vendor:device filter specification %s invalid OS device type specification %s HBMadding %s to %s clearing %s from %s and'ing %s from %s xor'ing %s from %s .%s%s%s:-1%s%s%s:%u ,Topology has no Core object, ignoring --no-smt hwloc-calc.c!nodesetoNo object included in this cpuset %s%s%s%s:%u%u %s:-1%uEmpty and infinite CPU sets are not supported with the systemd-dbus-api output format AllowedCPUs ay 0x%04x 0x%02xith == 0NONE,|+ ,|+Duplicate match for %s flag `%s'. Supported %s flags are substrings of: Failed to parse %s flag `%s'. Failed to parse object index range %s hwloc-calc.hamount != -1 || !wrap:=.[hierarchical sublocation %s contains types not followed by colon and index range could not find level specified by location %s found multiple levels for location %s hierarchical location %s only supported with normal object types object #%u depth %d below cpuset %s nodeset %s does not exist failed to use any single object in index range %s using object #%u depth %d below cpuset %s nodeset %s rootobj%x:%x.%x%x:%x:%x.%xinvalid PCI device %s invalid OS device %s invalid Misc object %s 0x/build/hwloc/src/hwloc-2.11.2/include/hwloc/helper.hdepth != HWLOC_TYPE_DEPTH_UNKNOWNUsage: hwloc-calc [topology options] [options] ... may be a space-separated list of cpusets or objects as supported by the hwloc-bind utility, e.g: core:2-3 for the third and fourth cores node:1.pu:2 the third PU of the second NUMA node 0x12345678 a CPU set given a bitmask string os=eth0 the operating system device named eth0 pci=0000:01:02.0 the PCI device with the given bus ID with prefix ~ to remove, ^ for xor and x for intersection (see Location Specification in hwloc(7) for details). Input topology options (must be at the beginning): --no-smt Only keep a single PU per core --cpukind Only keep PUs in the CPU kind --cpukind = Only keep PUs whose CPU kind match info = --restrict [nodeset=] Restrict the topology to some processors or NUMA nodes. --restrict-flags Set the flags to be used during restrict --disallowed Include objects disallowed by administrative limitations --input -i %*sRead topology from XML file --input -i %*sRead topology from chroot containing the /proc and /sys %*sof another system --input "node:2 2" -i "node:2 2" %*sSimulate a fake hierarchy, here with 2 NUMA nodes of 2 %*sprocessors --input-format --if %*sEnforce input format among xml, fsroot, synthetic Conversion options: [default] Report the combined input locations as a CPU set --number-of -N Report the number of objects intersecting the CPU set --intersect -I Report the indexes of object intersecting the CPU set --hierarchical .... -H .... Find the list of objects intersecting the CPU set and display them as hierarchical combinations such as type1:index1.type2:index2... --largest Report the list of largest objects in the CPU set --local-memory Report the memory nodes that are local to the CPU set --local-memory flags Change flags for selecting local memory nodes --best-memattr Only report the best memory node among the local ones Formatting options: -l --logical Use logical object indexes (default) -p --physical Use physical object indexes --li --logical-input Use logical indexes for input (default) --lo --logical-output Use logical indexes for output (default) --pi --physical-input Use physical indexes for input --po --physical-output Use physical indexes for output -n --nodeset Manipulate nodesets instead of cpusets --ni --nodeset-input Manipulate nodesets instead of cpusets for inputs --no --nodeset-output Manipulate nodesets instead of cpusets for outputs --oo --object-output Report objects instead of object indexes --sep Use separator in the output --cpuset-input-format --cif Change the format of cpuset inputs --cpuset-output-format --cof Change the format of cpuset outputs --single Singlify the output to a single CPU Miscellaneous options: -q --quiet Hide non-fatal error messages -v --verbose Show verbose messages --version Report version and exit -h --help Show this usage /dev/stdin-.xmlassuming `%s' is a synthetic topology description .shmemassuming `%s' is a shmem topology file .tar.gz.tar.bz2assuming `%s' is an archive topology file assuming `%s' is a XML file %s/pu0assuming `%s' is a cpuid dump %s/procassuming `%s' is a file-system root Unrecognized input file: %s Setting source XML fileHWLOC_FSROOT=%sFailed to pass input filesystem root directory to HWLOC_FSROOT environment variable HWLOC_DUMPED_HWDATA_DIR=/var/run/hwlocHWLOC_COMPONENTSCannot force linux component first because HWLOC_COMPONENTS environment variable is already set to %s. HWLOC_COMPONENTS=linux,pci,stopThis installation of hwloc does not support loading from a cpuid dump, sorry. Saving current working directoryCreating archivemount directoryarchivemount -o ro %s %sArchivemount'ing the archiveumount -l %sEntering the archivemount'ed archiveUnmounting the archivemount'ed archive (ignored)Setting synthetic topology descriptionNo subdirectory in archivemount directory/tmp/tmpdir.hwloc.archivemount.XXXXXXpunuma%s compiled for hwloc API 0x%x but running on library API 0x%x. You may need to point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the right hwloc library. Aborting since the new ABI is not backward compatible. HWLOC_XML_VERBOSEHWLOC_XML_VERBOSE=1HWLOC_SYNTHETIC_VERBOSEHWLOC_SYNTHETIC_VERBOSE=1--disallowed--whole-system--restrictnodeset=--restrict-flagsrestrict--cpukindFailed to recognize --cpukind argument %s --input--input-format--ifdefaultxmlfsrootshmemsyntheticcpuidarchiveinput format `%s' not supported --synthetic--xml--fsys-rootCouldn't load the topologyRestricting the topologyCouldn't find CPU kind #%d, keeping no PU. Couldn't find any CPU kind matching %s=%s, keeping no PU. Restoring current working directory--help--verbose--quietInput option %s disallowed after options using the topology --no-smt--no-smt=--number-of-N--intersect-I--hierarchical-H--local-memory--local-memory-flagslocal_numanode--best-memattr--pulist--proclist--nodelist--largest--objects--version2.11.2%s %s -l--logical--li--logical-input--lo--logical-output-p--physical--pi--physical-input--po--physical-output-n--nodeset--ni--nodeset-input--no--nodeset-output--oo--object-output--sep--single--cpuset-output-format--cofUnrecognized %s argument %s --cpuset-input-format--cifThe systemd-dbus-api format is not supported on input --tasksetUnrecognized option: %s ignored unrecognized argument %s ignoring --nodeset-output when --largest output is enabled cannot use --number-of type %s with multiple depth, please use the relevant depth cannot use --number-of type %s, unavailable cannot use --intersect type %s with multiple depth, please use the relevant depth cannot use --intersect type %s, unavailable cannot use --hierarchical %s with multiple depth, please use the relevant depth cannot use --hierarchical type %s, unavailable unsupported (non-normal) --hierarchical type %s ,default,strictunrecognized memattr %s Waiting for locations to process on stdin...Failed to allocate line buffer, line ignored. HWLOC_LOCAL_NUMANODE_FLAG_LARGER_LOCALITYHWLOC_LOCAL_NUMANODE_FLAG_SMALLER_LOCALITYHWLOC_LOCAL_NUMANODE_FLAG_ALLHWLOC_RESTRICT_FLAG_REMOVE_CPULESSHWLOC_RESTRICT_FLAG_BYNODESETHWLOC_RESTRICT_FLAG_REMOVE_MEMLESSHWLOC_RESTRICT_FLAG_ADAPT_MISCHWLOC_RESTRICT_FLAG_ADAPT_IOhwloc_utils__update_best_nodehwloc_calc_outputhwloc_utils_systemd_asprintfhwloc_calc_append_object_rangehwloc_calc_append_iodev_by_indexhwloc_cpuset_to_nodesethwloc_cpuset_from_nodeset;uDԐd(< `ĕdD\dDDp$44xzRx t4A,0@܏< THA BNx4 @A D\<AC BECBD A 0CTA@BBUA@AD A GW`LBC B IHEoBKA  }]CKAABHAY_ACM AA DAAC A E A CACAAAAB04XLA`CBDBs A @hpAB BCDC l A ` A@BBJPEA@FCA@@ AC BC Dc A T8AC F BeLKoBALA  B AAA kCAAH,APDLAgAIAPBCA\$AA C CByN A LTSujA@ AA BD Dv A ,A0FD]4A` E ODEBR `EA U] AA ADvBAAclBHAQDL AAAA RMOBECBBfAQCAAAFAAAAJBEAAAOAKGtn8AA B L KAA BADA c OE [OOzOFOL OH jOPOF OE V OA J OE M OE J OH  OE K OE nOEO?L?>MW "  o   8H`" oo8ooJo """(@#(H8hGCC: (GNU) 14.1.1 20240507GCC: (crosstool-NG 14.1.1 20240507.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment 88TT$&xx 4o>  F NoJJ[o88pj tB`"`"H~""y""P@#@#c@ '<<  ((880Q