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Use --keep-foreign-metadata or --ignore-chunk-sizes to keep it %s: WARNING: the length of the data chunk overruns the end of the file. Please consult the manual on the --ignore-chunk-sizes option %s: ERROR: value of --skip is too large %s: ERROR, cannot use --until when input length is unknown (No runtime statistics possible; please wait for encoding to finish...) %s: ERROR during read while skipping samples %s: ERROR while skipping samples, FLAC decoder state = %s %s: ERROR during read %s: ERROR: got partial sample %s: WARNING: unexpected EOF; expected %lu samples, got %lu samples %s: INFO: hit EOF with --ignore-chunk-sizes, got %lu samples %s: ERROR: %d consecutive FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM events. %s: ERROR: while decoding FLAC input, state = %s %s: ERROR: updating foreign metadata in FLAC file: %s FAILURE: Compression failed (ratio %0.3f, should be < 1.0). This happens for some files for one or more of the following reasons: * Recompressing an existing FLAC from a higher to a lower compression setting. * Insufficient input data (e.g. very short files, < 10000 frames). * The audio data is not compressible (e.g. a full range white noise signal). read failed in FLAC fileread failed in WAVE/AIFF filefound foreign metadata chunk is too large (max is 16MiB per chunk)out of memorycan't open AIFF file for reading (000)ftello() error (001)unsupported FORM layout (002)ftello() error (003)invalid AIFF file (004)invalid AIFF file: multiple "COMM" chunks (005)invalid AIFF file: "SSND" chunk before "COMM" chunk (006)invalid AIFF file: multiple "SSND" chunks (007)invalid AIFF file: "SSND" chunk before "COMM" chunk (008)invalid AIFF file (009)invalid AIFF file: seek error (010)invalid AIFF file: seek error (011)invalid AIFF file: unexpected EOF (012)invalid AIFF file: missing "COMM" chunk (013)invalid AIFF file: missing "SSND" chunk (014)can't open WAVE file for reading (000)unsupported RIFF layout (002)invalid WAVE file (004)invalid WAVE file: multiple "fmt " chunks (005)invalid WAVE file: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (006)invalid WAVE file: multiple "data" chunks (007)invalid WAVE file: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (008)invalid RF64 file: "data" chunk before "ds64" chunk (r01)invalid RF64 file: "ds64" chunk does not immediately follow "WAVE" marker (r02)invalid RF64 file: "ds64" chunk size is < 28 (r03)RF64 file has "ds64" chunk with extra size table, which is not currently supported (r04)unexpected EOF reading "ds64" chunk data in RF64 file (r05)RF64 file has "ds64" chunk with data size == -1 (r08)RF64 file too large (r09)RF64 file has "ds64" chunk with extra size table, which is not currently supported (r06)RF64 file too large (r07)invalid RF64 file: seek error (r10)invalid WAVE file: seek error (009)invalid RF64 file: all RIFF sizes are -1 (r11)invalid WAVE file: unexpected EOF (010)invalid WAVE file: missing "fmt " chunk (011)invalid WAVE file: missing "data" chunk (012)can't open Wave64 file for reading (000)unsupported Wave64 layout (002)invalid Wave64 file (004)invalid Wave64 file: multiple "fmt " chunks (005)invalid Wave64 file: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (006)invalid Wave64 file: multiple "data" chunks (007)invalid Wave64 file: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (008)invalid Wave64 file: seek error (009)invalid Wave64 file: unexpected EOF (010)invalid Wave64 file: missing "fmt " chunk (011)invalid Wave64 file: missing "data" chunk (012)out of memory (000)can't initialize iterator (001)can't open WAVE/AIFF file for reading (002)can't open FLAC file for updating (003)no matching PADDING block found (004)PADDING block with wrong size found (005)seek failed in WAVE/AIFF file (006)seek failed in FLAC file (007)write failed in FLAC file (008)seek failed in FLAC file (009)write failed in FLAC file (010)write failed in FLAC file (012)read failed in WAVE/AIFF file (011)invalid WAVE file: missing "fmt " chunk (024)invalid Wave64 file: missing "fmt " chunk (025)invalid AIFF file: missing "COMM" chunk (026)invalid WAVE file: missing "data" chunk (027)invalid Wave64 file: missing "data" chunk (028)invalid AIFF file: missing "SSND" chunk (029)can't open FLAC file for reading (002)FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_application_id() error (002)seek error (003)read error (004)read error (020)unsupported foreign metadata found, may need newer FLAC decoder (005)unsupported foreign metadata found, may need newer FLAC decoder (006)invalid WAVE metadata: multiple "fmt " chunks (007)invalid WAVE metadata: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (008)invalid WAVE metadata: multiple "data" chunks (009)invalid WAVE metadata: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (010)invalid RF64 metadata: second chunk is not "ds64" (011)invalid Wave64 metadata: multiple "fmt " chunks (012)invalid Wave64 metadata: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (013)invalid Wave64 metadata: multiple "data" chunks (014)invalid Wave64 metadata: "data" chunk before "fmt " chunk (015)invalid AIFF metadata: multiple "COMM" chunks (016)invalid AIFF metadata: "SSND" chunk before "COMM" chunk (017)invalid AIFF metadata: multiple "SSND" chunks (018)invalid AIFF metadata: "SSND" chunk before "COMM" chunk (019)unsupported foreign metadata found, may need newer FLAC decoder (021)invalid RF64 file: second chunk is not "ds64" (023)can't open FLAC file for reading (000)can't open WAVE/AIFF file for updating (001)seek failed in WAVE/AIFF fileseek failed in FLAC filewrite failed in WAVE/AIFF fileseek failed in AIFF-C filestored main chunk length differs from written lengthstored foreign format block differs from written block. Perhaps the file is being restored to a different format than that of the original filestored audio length differs from written length. Perhaps the file changed in length after being originally encodedrestore of foreign metadata failedcan't open FLAC file for readingcan't open WAVE/AIFF file for comparingaiffriffw64 Type "flac" for a usage summary or "flac --help" for all options===============================================================================flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder version %s Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh CoalsonCopyright (C) 2011-2023 Xiph.Org FoundationThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License alongwith this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.Usage: Encoding: flac [] [INPUTFILE [...]] Decoding: flac -d [] [FLACFILE [...]] Testing: flac -t [] [FLACFILE [...]]Analyzing: flac -a [] [FLACFILE [...]]Be sure to read the list of known bugs at:http://xiph.org/flac/documentation_bugs.htmlERROR: %s too many compression settings.ana.wav.raw.rf64.aifc.w64.aiff. ERROR: filename too long: %sERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used when decoding from stdin or to stdout ERROR: creating foreign metadata object .aifERROR: foreign metadata type RIFF cannot be restored to a%s file, only to WAVE and RF64 ERROR: foreign metadata type AIFF cannot be restored to a%s file, only to AIFF and AIFF-C ERROR: foreign metadata type Wave64 cannot be restored to a%s file, only to Wave64 ERROR: output file %s already exists, use -f to override ERROR: for decoding to a raw file you must specify a value for --endian and --sign .oga.oggERROR: invalid value for --skip ERROR: invalid value for --until ERROR: invalid value for --cue .flac rawWARNING: %s is not a%s file; treating as a%s file ERROR: input file %s has an ID3v2 tag riff.(ERROR: file %s is too large to be valid. Please consult the manual on the --ignore-chunk-sizes option WARNING: %s chunk size of file %s does not agree with filesize ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used when encoding from stdin or to stdout ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata can only be used with WAVE, Wave64, RF64, or AIFF input ERROR: can only use --input-size when encoding raw samples from stdin ERROR: output file %s already exists. By default flac encodes files to FLAC format; if you meant to decode this file from FLAC to something else, use -d. If you meant to re-encode this file from FLAC to FLAC again, use -f to force writing to the same file, or -o to specify a different output filename. ERROR: output file %s already exists. By default 'flac -ogg' encodes files to Ogg FLAC format; if you meant to decode this file from Ogg FLAC to something else, use -d. If you meant to re-encode this file from Ogg FLAC to Ogg FLAC again, use -f to force writing to the same file, or -o to specify a different output filename. ERROR: for encoding a raw file you must specify a value for --endian, --sign, --channels, --bps, and --sample-rate ERROR: raw format options (--endian, --sign, --channels, --bps, and --sample-rate) are not allowed for non-raw input ERROR: --replay-gain cannot be used when encoding to stdout ERROR: --replay-gain cannot be used when encoding to Ogg FLAC yet ERROR allocating memory for tempfile name .tmp,fl-ac+en'c%s%sERROR: moving new FLAC file %s back on top of original FLAC file %s, keeping both %s: ERROR writing ReplayGain reference/title tags (%s) -flac %s For encoding: The input file(s) may be a PCM WAVE, Wave64, RF64 file, AIFF (or uncompressed AIFF-C) file, or raw samples. The output file(s) will be in native FLAC or Ogg FLAC formatFor decoding, the reverse is true.A single INPUTFILE may be - for stdin. No INPUTFILE implies stdin. Use ofstdin implies -c (write to stdout). Normally you should use: flac [options] -o outfilename or flac -d [options] -o outfilenameinstead of: flac [options] > outfilename or flac -d [options] > outfilenamesince the former allows flac to seek backwards to write the STREAMINFO orWAVE/AIFF header contents when necessary.general options: -v, --version Show the flac version number -h, --help Show basic usage a list of all options -H, --explain Show this screen -d, --decode Decode (the default behavior is to encode) -t, --test Same as -d except no decoded file is written -a, --analyze Same as -d except an analysis file is written -c, --stdout Write output to stdout -s, --silent Do not write runtime encode/decode statistics --totally-silent Do not print anything of any kind, including warnings or errors. The exit code will be the only way to determine successful completion. --no-utf8-convert Do not convert tags from local charset to UTF-8. This is useful for scripts, and setting tags in situations where the locale is wrong. This option must appear before any tag options! -w, --warnings-as-errors Treat all warnings as errors -f, --force Force overwriting of output files -o, --output-name=FILENAME Force the output file name; usually flac just changes the extension. May only be used when encoding a single file. May not be used in conjunction with --output-prefix. --output-prefix=STRING Prefix each output file name with the given STRING. This can be useful for encoding or decoding files to a different directory. Make sure if your STRING is a path name that it ends with a '/' slash. --delete-input-file Automatically delete the input file after a successful encode or decode. If there was an error (including a verify error) the input file is left intact. --preserve-modtime Output files have their timestamps/permissions set to match those of their inputs (this is default). Use --no-preserve-modtime to make output files have the current time and default permissions. --keep-foreign-metadata If encoding, save WAVE or AIFF non-audio chunks in FLAC metadata. If decoding, restore any saved non-audio chunks from FLAC metadata when writing the decoded file. Foreign metadata cannot be transcoded, e.g. WAVE chunks saved in a FLAC file cannot be restored when decoding to AIFF. Input and output must be regular files, not stdin/out. With this option, FLAC will pick the right output format on decoding. --keep-foreign-metadata-if-present As previous option, but do not throw an error in case no foreign metadata is found, the wrong kind of foreign metadata is found (on decoding) or if the foreign could not be parsed, i.e. all foreign metadata related errors are treated as warnings. --skip={#|mm:ss.ss} Skip the first # samples of each input file; can be used both for encoding and decoding. The alternative form mm:ss.ss can be used to specify minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. --until={#|[+|-]mm:ss.ss} Stop at the given sample number for each input file. The given sample number is not included in the decoded output. The alternative form mm:ss.ss can be used to specify minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. If a `+' sign is at the beginning, the --until point is relative to the --skip point. If a `-' sign is at the beginning, the --until point is relative to end of the audio. --ogg When encoding, generate Ogg FLAC output instead of native FLAC. Ogg FLAC streams are FLAC streams wrapped in an Ogg transport layer. The resulting file should have an '.oga' extension and will still be decodable by flac. When decoding, force the input to be treated as Ogg FLAC. This is useful when piping input from stdin or when the filename does not end in '.oga' or '.ogg'. --serial-number Serial number to use for the FLAC stream. When encoding and no serial number is given, flac uses a random one. If encoding to multiple files the serial number is incremented for each file. When decoding and no number is given, flac uses the serial number of the first page.analysis options: --residual-text Include residual signal in text output. This will make the file very big, much larger than even the decoded file. --residual-gnuplot Generate gnuplot files of residual distribution of each subframedecoding options: -F, --decode-through-errors By default flac stops decoding with an error and removes the partially decoded file if it encounters a bitstream error. With -F, errors are still printed but flac will continue decoding to completion. Note that errors may cause the decoded audio to be missing some samples or have silent sections. --cue=[#.#][-[#.#]] Set the beginning and ending cuepoints to decode. The optional first #.# is the track and index point at which decoding will start; the default is the beginning of the stream. The optional second #.# is the track and index point at which decoding will end; the default is the end of the stream. If the cuepoint does not exist, the closest one before it (for the start point) or after it (for the end point) will be used. The cuepoints are merely translated into sample numbers then used as --skip and --until. A CD track can always be cued by, for example, --cue=9.1-10.1 for track 9, even if the CD has no 10th track.encoding options: -V, --verify Verify a correct encoding by decoding the output in parallel and comparing to the original --lax Allow encoder to generate non-Subset files --ignore-chunk-sizes Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE/AIFF files; useful when piping data from programs which generate bogus data chunk sizes. --replay-gain Calculate ReplayGain values and store them as FLAC tags. Title gains/peaks will be computed for each file, and an album gain/peak will be computed for all files. All input files must have the same resolution, sample rate, and number of channels. Only mono and stereo files are allowed, and the sample rate must be 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 18.9, 22.05, 24, 28, 32, 36, 37.8, 44.1, 48, 56, 64, 72, 75.6, 88.2, 96, 112, 128, 144, 151.2, 176.4, 192, 224, 256, 288, 302.4, 352.8, 384, 448, 512, 576, or 604.8 kHz. NOTE: this option may also leave a few extra bytes in the PADDING block. --cuesheet=FILENAME Import the given cuesheet file and store it in a CUESHEET metadata block. This option may only be used when encoding a single file. A seekpoint will be added for each index point in the cuesheet to the SEEKTABLE unless --no-cued-seekpoints is specified. --picture=SPECIFICATION Import a picture and store it in a PICTURE block. More than one --picture command can be specified. The SPECIFICATION can either be a simple filename for the picture file, or a complete specification whose parts are separated by | characters. Some parts may be left empty to invoke default values. Using a filename is shorthand for "||||FILE". The SPECIFICATION format is: [TYPE]|[MIME-TYPE]|[DESCRIPTION]|[WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH[/COLORS]]|FILE TYPE is optional; it is a number from one of: 0: Other 1: 32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only) 2: Other file icon 3: Cover (front) 4: Cover (back) 5: Leaflet page 6: Media (e.g. label side of CD) 7: Lead artist/lead performer/soloist 8: Artist/performer 9: Conductor 10: Band/Orchestra 11: Composer 12: Lyricist/text writer 13: Recording Location 14: During recording 15: During performance 16: Movie/video screen capture 17: A bright coloured fish 18: Illustration 19: Band/artist logotype 20: Publisher/Studio logotype The default is 3 (front cover). There may only be one picture each of type 1 and 2 in a file. MIME-TYPE is optional; if left blank, it will be detected from the file. For best compatibility with players, use pictures with MIME type image/jpeg or image/png. The MIME type can also be --> to mean that FILE is actually a URL to an image, though this use is discouraged. DESCRIPTION is optional; the default is an empty string The next part specifies the resolution and color information. If the MIME-TYPE is image/jpeg, image/png, or image/gif, you can usually leave this empty and they can be detected from the file. Otherwise, you must specify the width in pixels, height in pixels, and color depth in bits-per-pixel. If the image has indexed colors you should also specify the number of colors used. FILE is the path to the picture file to be imported, or the URL if MIME type is --> -T, --tag=FIELD=VALUE Add a FLAC tag. Make sure to quote the comment if necessary. This option may appear more than once to add several comments. NOTE: all tags will be added to all encoded files. --tag-from-file=FIELD=FILENAME Like --tag, except FILENAME is a file whose contents will be read verbatim to set the tag value. The contents will be converted to UTF-8 from the local charset. This can be used to store a cuesheet in a tag (e.g. --tag-from-file="CUESHEET=image.cue"). Do not try to store binary data in tag fields! Use APPLICATION blocks for that. -S, --seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s} Include a point or points in a SEEKTABLE # : a specific sample number for a seek point X : a placeholder point (always goes at the end of the SEEKTABLE) #x : # evenly spaced seekpoints, the first being at sample 0 #s : a seekpoint every # seconds; # does not have to be a whole number You may use many -S options; the resulting SEEKTABLE will be the unique- ified union of all such values. With no -S options, flac defaults to '-S 10s'. Use -S- for no SEEKTABLE. Note: -S #x and -S #s will not work if the encoder can't determine the input size before starting. Note: if you use -S # and # is >= samples in the input, there will be either no seek point entered (if the input size is determinable before encoding starts) or a placeholder point (if input size is not determinable) -P, --padding=# Tell the encoder to write a PADDING metadata block of the given length (in bytes) after the STREAMINFO block. This is useful if you plan to tag the file later with an APPLICATION block; instead of having to rewrite the entire file later just to insert your block, you can write directly over the PADDING block. Note that the total length of the PADDING block will be 4 bytes longer than the length given because of the 4 metadata block header bytes. You can force no PADDING block at all to be written with --no-padding. The encoder writes a PADDING block of 8192 bytes by default, or 65536 bytes if the input audio is more than 20 minutes long. -b, --blocksize=# Specify the blocksize in samples; the default is 1152 for -l 0, else 4096; for subset streams this must be <= 4608 if the samplerate <= 48kHz, for subset streams with a higher samplerates it must be <= 16384. -0, --compression-level-0, --fast Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 3 --no-mid-side -1, --compression-level-1 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 3 -2, --compression-level-2 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3 -3, --compression-level-3 Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4096 -r 4 -4, --compression-level-4 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -M -r 4 -5, --compression-level-5 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 5 -5 is the default setting -6, --compression-level-6 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 6 -A subdivide_tukey(2) -7, --compression-level-7 Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6 -8, --compression-level-8, --best Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6 -A subdivide_tukey(3) -m, --mid-side Try mid-side coding for each frame (stereo only) -M, --adaptive-mid-side Adaptive mid-side coding for all frames -e, --exhaustive-model-search Do exhaustive model search (expensive!) -A, --apodization="function" Window audio data with given the function. The functions are: bartlett, bartlett_hann, blackman, blackman_harris_4term_92db, connes, flattop, gauss(STDDEV), hamming, hann, kaiser_bessel, nuttall, rectangle, triangle, tukey(P), welch, partial_tukey(n) punchout_tukey(n) and subdivide_tukey(n). More than one may be specified but encoding time is a multiple of the number of functions since they are each tried in turn. The encoder chooses suitable defaults in the absence of any -A options. -l, --max-lpc-order=# Max LPC order; 0 => only fixed predictors. Must be <= 12 for Subset streams if sample rate is <=48kHz. -p, --qlp-coeff-precision-search Do exhaustive search of LP coefficient quantization (expensive!); overrides -q; does nothing if using -l 0 -q, --qlp-coeff-precision=# Specify precision in bits of quantized linear-predictor coefficients; 0 => let encoder decide (the minimum is %u, the default is -q 0) -r, --rice-partition-order=[#,]# Set [min,]max residual partition order (# is 0 to 15 inclusive; min defaults to 0; the default is -r 0; above 4 does not usually help much) --limit-min-bitrate Limit minimum bitrate by not allowing frames consisting of only constant subframes. This ensures a bitrate of at least 1 bit/sample, for example 48kbit/s for 48kHz input. This is mostly beneficial for internet streaming.format options: --force-raw-format Force input (when encoding) or output (when decoding) to be treated as raw samples --force-aiff-format --force-rf64-format --force-wave64-format Force the decoder to output AIFF/RF64/WAVE64 format respectively. This option is not needed if the output filename (as set by -o) ends with *.aif* or *.aiff*, *.rf64* and *.w64* respectively. Also, this option has no effect when encoding since input is auto-detected. When none of these options nor --keep-foreign-metadata are given and no output filename is set, the output format is WAV by default. --force-legacy-wave-format --force-extensible-wave-format Instruct the decoder to output a WAVE file with WAVE_FORMAT_PCM and WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE respectively. If none of these options nor --keep-foreign-metadata are given, FLAC outputs WAVE_FORMAT_PCM for mono or stereo with a bit depth of 8 or 16 bits, and WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE for all other audio formats. --force-aiff-c-none-format --force-aiff-c-sowt-format Instruct the decoder to output an AIFF-C file with format NONE and sowt respectively.raw format options: --endian={big|little} Set byte order for samples --channels=# Number of channels --bps=# Number of bits per sample --sample-rate=# Sample rate in Hz --sign={signed|unsigned} Sign of samples --input-size=# Size of the raw input in bytes. If you are encoding raw samples from stdin, you must set this option in order to be able to use --skip, --until, --cuesheet, or other options that need to know the size of the input beforehand. If the size given is greater than what is found in the input stream, the encoder will complain about an unexpected end-of-file. If the size given is less, samples will be truncated.negative options: --no-adaptive-mid-side --no-cued-seekpoints --no-decode-through-errors --no-delete-input-file --no-preserve-modtime --no-keep-foreign-metadata --no-exhaustive-model-search --no-lax --no-mid-side --no-ogg --no-padding --no-qlp-coeff-prec-search --no-residual-gnuplot --no-residual-text --no-ignore-chunk-sizes --no-seektable --no-silent --no-force --no-verify --no-warnings-as-errors -h, --help Show this screen -H, --explain Show detailed explanation of usage and options --totally-silent Do not print anything, including errors --no-utf8-convert Do not convert tags from local charset to UTF-8 -o, --output-name=FILENAME Force the output file name --output-prefix=STRING Prepend STRING to output names --delete-input-file Deletes after a successful encode/decode --preserve-modtime Output files keep timestamp of input (default) --keep-foreign-metadata Save/restore WAVE or AIFF non-audio chunks --keep-foreign-metadata-if-present Save/restore WAVE or AIFF non-audio but not return an error when no such chunks are found --skip={#|mm:ss.ss} Skip the given initial samples for each input --until={#|[+|-]mm:ss.ss} Stop at the given sample for each input file --ogg Use Ogg as transport layer --serial-number Serial number to use for the FLAC stream --residual-text Include residual signal in text output -F, --decode-through-errors Continue decoding through stream errors --cue=[#.#][-[#.#]] Set the beginning and ending cuepoints to decode -V, --verify Verify a correct encoding --ignore-chunk-sizes Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE/AIFF files --replay-gain Calculate ReplayGain & store in FLAC tags --cuesheet=FILENAME Import cuesheet and store in CUESHEET block --picture=SPECIFICATION Import picture and store in PICTURE block -T, --tag=FIELD=VALUE Add a FLAC tag; may appear multiple times --tag-from-file=FIELD=FILENAME Like --tag but gets value from file -S, --seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s} Add seek point(s) -P, --padding=# Write a PADDING block of length # -b, --blocksize=# Specify blocksize in samples -A, --apodization="function" Window audio data with given the function -l, --max-lpc-order=# Max LPC order; 0 => only fixed predictors -p, --qlp-coeff-precision-search Exhaustively search LP coeff quantization -q, --qlp-coeff-precision=# Specify precision in bits --limit-min-bitrate Limit minimum bitrate (for streaming) --force-raw-format Treat input or output as raw samples --force-aiff-format Decode to AIFF format --force-rf64-format Decode to RF64 format --force-wave64-format Decode to Wave64 format --force-legacy-wave-format Decode to legacy wave format --force-extensible-wave-format Decode to extensible wave format --force-aiff-c-none-format Decode to AIFF-C NONE format --force-aiff-c-sowt-format Decode to AIFF-C sowt format --input-size=# Size of the raw input in bytes --no-error-on-compression-fail --no-replay-gainThis is the short help; for all options use 'flac --help'; for even moreinstructions use 'flac --explain'To encode: flac [-#] [INPUTFILE [...]] -# is -0 (fastest compression) to -8 (highest compression); -5 is the defaultTo decode: flac -d [INPUTFILE [...]]To test: flac -t [INPUTFILE [...]]ERROR: --cue is not allowed in test mode ERROR: --skip is not allowed in test mode ERROR: --until is not allowed in test mode ERROR: analysis mode (-a/--analyze) and test mode (-t/--test) cannot be used together ERROR: --cue may not be combined with --skip or --until ERROR: invalid number of channels '%u', must be > 0 and <= %u ERROR: invalid bits per sample '%u' (must be 8/16/24/32) ERROR: invalid sample rate '%u', must be > 0 and <= %u ERROR: only one of force format options allowed ERROR: --endian only allowed with --force-raw-format ERROR: --sign only allowed with --force-raw-format ERROR: --channels not allowed with --decode ERROR: --bps not allowed with --decode ERROR: --sample-rate not allowed with --decode ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes only allowed for encoding ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --until ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --cue ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --cuesheet ERROR: --replay-gain not allowed with -c/--stdout ERROR: --replay-gain only allowed for encoding ERROR: --replay-gain can only be done with mono/stereo input ERROR: invalid sample rate used with --replay-gain NOTE: --replay-gain may leave a small PADDING block even with --no-padding ERROR: -o/--output-name cannot be used with multiple files ERROR: --output-prefix conflicts with -o/--output-name ERROR: --cuesheet cannot be used when encoding multiple files ERROR: using --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used with --ignore-chunk-sizes ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata is not allowed in test mode ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata is not allowed in analyis mode NOTE: --keep-foreign-metadata is a new feature; make sure to test the output file before deleting the original. Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh Coalson, 2011-2023 Xiph.Org Foundation flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `flac' for details. INFO: Make sure you know what you're doing when using --ignore-chunk-sizes. Improper use can cause flac to encode non-audio data as audio. %s: ERROR writing ReplayGain album tags (%s) ERROR: allocating memory totally-silentdelete-input-filepreserve-modtimekeep-foreign-metadatakeep-foreign-metadata-if-presentoutput-prefixskipuntilinput-sizeERROR: --%s must be a number ERROR: --%s must be > 0 cueapply-replaygain-which-is-not-losslessERROR: bad specification string "%s" for --%s channel-mapnoneERROR: only --channel-map=none currently supported cuesheetpictureERROR: too many --picture arguments, only %u allowed ERROR: (--picture) %s tag-from-fileERROR: (--tag-from-file) %s force-raw-formatlaxreplay-gainignore-chunk-sizesoggserial-numberendianbiglittleERROR: argument to --endian must be "big" or "little" channelsbpssample-ratesignsignedunsignedERROR: argument to --sign must be "signed" or "unsigned" residual-gnuplotresidual-textlimit-min-bitrateno-utf8-convertdisable-constant-subframesdisable-fixed-subframesdisable-verbatim-subframesno-md5-sumerror-on-compression-failERROR: (-T/--tag) %s ERROR: compression level '9' is reserved ERROR: too many seekpoints requested %s;ERROR: argument to -%c must be >= 0; for no padding use -%c- ERROR: invalid blocksize (-%c) '%d', must be >= %u and <= %u ERROR: invalid LPC order (-%c) '%d', must be >= %u and <= %u ERROR: invalid value '%d' for qlp coeff precision (-%c), must be 0 or between %u and %u, inclusive ERROR: invalid value '%d' for residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive ERROR: invalid value '%d' for min residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive ERROR: invalid value '%d' for max residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive 0123456789aA:b:cdefFhHl:mMo:pP:q:r:sS:tT:vVwout of memory allocating space for file names listout of memory during strdup()helpexplainversiondecodeanalyzeteststdoutwarnings-as-errorsforceoutput-namedecode-through-errorstagcompression-level-0compression-level-1compression-level-2compression-level-3compression-level-4compression-level-5compression-level-6compression-level-7compression-level-8compression-level-9bestfastverifyseekpointpaddingblocksizeexhaustive-model-searchmax-lpc-orderapodizationmid-sideadaptive-mid-sideqlp-coeff-precision-searchqlp-coeff-precisionrice-partition-order WAVE Wave64n RF64n AIFFn AIFF-C FLACn Ogg FLAC%s: %s1234567890.,%s=0x%04X=0x%xWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_CHANNEL_MASKfield contains no '=' characterfield name contains invalid characterfile for tag value is too largeerror while reading file for tag valuefile for tag value has embedded NULserror converting file contents to UTF-8 for tag valuefile for tag value is not valid UTF-8memory allocation failureerror converting comment to UTF-8tag value is not valid UTF-8can't open file for tag valueout of memory allocating tag valuePOSIXLY_CORRECT%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument US-ASCIICHARSETUuTtFf%s//TRANSLIT? line too longCD-DA cuesheet only allowed with 44.1kHz sample rateread errormemory allocation errorthere must be at least one TRACK commandFLAC__lead-out offset does not match end-of-stream offsetillegal FLAC__lead-out offsetFLAC__lead-out is missing offsetillegal FLAC__lead-out track numberFLAC__lead-out is missing track numbermultiple FLAC__lead-out commandsillegal CD-DA FLAC__lead-in offset, must be even multiple of 588 samplesillegal FLAC__lead-in offsetFLAC__lead-in is missing offsetCATALOG is missing catalog numberTRACK is missing a track type after the track numberCD-DA TRACK numbers must be sequentialTRACK number must be between 1 and 254, inclusiveTRACK number 255 is reserved for the lead-outCD-DA TRACK number must be between 1 and 99, inclusiveTRACK number must be greater than 0TRACK has invalid track numberTRACK is missing track numberinvalid ISRC numberISRC is missing ISRC numberISRC command must come after TRACK but before INDEXfound multiple ISRC commandsCATALOG number is too longfound multiple CATALOG commandsCD-DA INDEX offsets must increase in timefirst INDEX of first TRACK must have an offset of 00:00:00illegal INDEX offset (MM:SS:FF form not allowed if sample rate is not a multiple of 75)illegal INDEX offsetillegal INDEX offset (not of the form MM:SS:FF)INDEX is missing an offset after the index numberCD-DA INDEX number must be between 0 and 99, inclusiveINDEX numbers must be sequentialfirst INDEX number of a TRACK must be 0 or 1INDEX has invalid index numberINDEX is missing index numberfound INDEX before any TRACKFLAGS command must come after TRACK but before INDEXfound multiple FLAGS commandsCD-DA CATALOG number must be 13 decimal digitsprevious TRACK must specify at least one INDEX 01previous TRACK must specify at least one INDEXCATALOG0123456789FLAGSPREINDEX0123456789.ISRCABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567891234567890TRACKAUDIOREMFLAC__lead-inFLAC__lead-outDATACATALOG %s FILE %s TRACK %02u %s FLAGS PRE ISRC %s INDEX %02u %02u:%02u:%02u %lu REM FLAC__lead-in %lu REM FLAC__lead-out %u %lu error opening picture fileempty filefile is too largeunable to guess MIME type from file, user must set explicitlyerror reading picture fileunable to extract resolution and color info from file, user must set explicitlyimage/pngGIF87aGIF89aimage/gifimage/jpeginvalid picture typeinvalid picture specification: can't parse resolution/color partinvalid picture specification-->unable to extract resolution and color info from URL, user must set explicitlytype 1 icon must be a 32x32 pixel PNGinitializing decoderdecoding fileREPLAYGAIN_REFERENCE_LOUDNESS%s=%2.1f dBREPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAINREPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK%s=%+2.2f dB%s=%1.8fREPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAINREPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK??riff.?C?BA8 @`fmt OۊdataOۊriff.(waveOۊriff.(waveOۊfmt Oۊ8qdataOۊdo_ZUPLGjfmt OۊdataOۊ riff.(waveOۊfmt OۊdataOۊ}}}}}}}}}%*/7<@Pimu\\XTQNJC9@,@W>{'$p! 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