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B@`? @!R@@?@? @߈@46@dBc@"ARB?  @߈4` @5 C?!!HC` ?@6jF @`@?k` T?q T? @$@?"@A@?qATA@!!8E ?!@"BG@? @@??@?`` E D67nF  ,@@ ?!@ ,!R @0 @@? "@R_"@B@`?!@ @5 0@4@R@?!@`@q AzT R`@@4F@??ր@ ?!!G` ? 4 @ !!F ?@@?"@ @A@?&] Cannot allocate audit replyaudit(%lld.%03u:%u): %saudit(%lld.%03d:%u): %sop=resume-logging auid=-1 pid=-1 subj=? res=successop=rotate-logs auid=-1 pid=-1 subj=? res=failedop=reconfigure state=no-change auid=-1 pid=-1 subj=? res=failedop=error-halt auid=%u pid=%d subj=%s res=failedop=error-halt auid=%u pid=%d res=failedCannot allocate audit reply, exitingHUP detected, starting config managerreconfigure state=no-changerotate-logsresume-loggingready UNKNOWN-1000-17unknown startup mode '%s' flns:c:You must be root or have capabilities to run this program. Cannot change priority (%s)/dev/nullCannot open /dev/nullCannot reassign descriptors to /dev/null/Cannot change working directory to /auditdCannot daemonize (%s)Cannot open netlink audit socket%u Unable to set pidfile (%s)Unable to write pidfile (%s)Cannot open reconfig socket/proc/%u/attr/currentop=start ver=%s format=%s kernel=%.56s auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u res=successop=start ver=%s format=%s kernel=%.56s auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u subj=%s res=successCannot send start message/proc/self/oom_score_adj/proc/self/oom_adjCannot open out of memory adjusterUnable to adjust out of memory scoreop=set-enable auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u subj=%s res=failedop=set-enable auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u res=failedUnable to set initial audit startup state to '%s', exitingop=set-pid auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u subj=%s res=failedop=set-pid auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u res=failedUnable to set audit pid, exitingop=network-init auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u subj=%s res=failedop=network-init auid=%u pid=%d uid=%u ses=%u res=failedInit complete, auditd %s listening for events (startup state %s)terminateop=terminate auid=-1 uid=-1 ses=-1 pid=-1 subj=? res=successforegroundallow_linksdisable_forkenable_stateconfig_file/var/run/auditd.pidCouldn't change access mode of %s (%s)Couldn't change ownership of %s (%s)%s.%uCouldn't create log file %s (%s)Couldn't open log file %s (%s)Couldn't change permissions of log file (%s)Couldn't change ownership of log file (%s)aError setting up log descriptor (%s)No memory checking excess logsLog %s removed as it exceeds num_logs parameterlostnode=%s type=DAEMON_ERR op=format-raw msg=NULL res=failedUNKNOWN[%d]node=%s type=%s msg=%.*s type=%s msg=%.*s%s=%sSafe_exec passed NULL for program to executeAudit daemon failed to fork doing safe_execAudit daemon failed to exec %s/sbin/init%s: Audit daemon detected an error writing an event to disk (%s)Audit daemon is suspending logging due to previously mentioned write errorThe audit daemon is now changing the system to single user mode and exiting due to previously mentioned write errorAudit daemon failed to fork switching runlevels1The audit daemon is now halting the system and exiting due to previously mentioned write error.0Unknown disk error action requestedLog rotation disabled (num_logs < 2), skippingCouldn't change permissions while rotating log file (%s)Couldn't change ownership while rotating log file (%s)No memory rotating logs%s.1%s.%dError rotating logs from %s to %s (%s)rotaterotate2Could not reopen a log after rotating.reopenAudit daemon has no space left on logging partitionAudit daemon rotating log filesAudit daemon is suspending logging due to no space left on logging partition.The audit daemon is now changing the system to single user mode and exiting due to no space left on logging partitionThe audit daemon is now halting the system and exiting due to no space left on logging partitionUnknown disk full action requestedNo memory shifting logsLast known log disappeared (%s)Next log to use will be %sAudit daemon log file is larger than max sizeAudit daemon is suspending logging due to logfile size.Audit daemon rotating log files with keep optionAudit daemon log file is larger than max size and unknown action requestedAudit daemon is low on disk space for loggingThe audit daemon is low on disk space for logging! Please take action to ensure no loss of service.Audit Disk Space AlertThe audit daemon is very low on disk space for logging! Immediate action is required to ensure no loss of service.Audit Admin Space AlertAudit daemon is very low on disk space for loggingAudit daemon is suspending logging due to low disk space.The audit daemon is now changing the system to single user mode and exiting due to low disk spaceThe audit daemon is now halting the system and exiting due to low disk spaceAudit daemon is low on disk space for logging and unknown action requestedfstatfs returned:%d, %sconfig change requested by pid=%d auid=%u subj=%sCannot change priority in reconfigure (%s)Could not reopen a log after reconfigurereconfigaudit(%lld.%03u:%u)audit(%lld.%03d:%u)%s: op=reconfigure state=changed auid=%u pid=%d subj=%s res=successyesnowriting to logs = %s current log size = %llu KB max log size = %lu KB logs detected last rotate/shift = %u space left on partition = %s Logging partition free space = %llu MB space_left setting = %lu MB admin_space_left setting = %lu MB logging suspended = %s file system space action performed = %s admin space action performed = %s disk error detected = %s Error setting up stdout descriptor (%s)No memory for formatting, exitingnode=%s type=DAEMON_ERR op=format-enriched msg=NULL res=faileddisk fulldisk write errorwriteflushfsyncremote logging suspendedAudit daemon is attempting to resume logging.Could not reopen a log after resume loggingresumeAudit daemon resumed logging.krb5_key_file_parser called with: %skrb5_principal_parser called with: %sThe disp_qos option is deprecated - line %dname_parser called with: %sdispatch_parser called with: %sThe dispatcher option is deprecated - line %denable_krb5_parser called with: %sOption %s not found - line %drawlog_format_parser called with: %sThe NOLOG option to log_format is deprecated. Please use the write_logs option.The NOLOG option is overriding the write_logs current setting.eoe_timeout_parser called with: %sValue %s should only be numbers - line %dError converting string to a number (%s) - line %dmax_restarts_parser called with: %sError - converted number (%s) is too large - line %dq_depth_parser called with: %sq_depth must be 99999 or lessq_depth should be larger than 512 for safety margintcp_client_max_idle_parser called with: %stcp_listen_queue_parser called with: %sValue %s should only be numbers, or two numbers separated by a dash - line %dError - converted number (%ld) is too large - line %dError - converted range (%ld-%ld) is reversed - line %dtcp_max_per_addr_parser called with: %sError - converted number (%s) is too small - line %dtcp_listen_port_parser called with: %spriority_boost_parser called with: %smax_log_size_parser called with: %snum_logs_parser called with: %snum_logs must be 999 or lessfreq_parser called with: %splugin_dir_parser called with: %sExecutable path needed for line %dAbsolute path needed for %s - line %dUnable to stat %s (%s) - line %d%s is not a regular file - line %d%s is not owned by root - line %d%s permissions should be 0750, 0755, 0555 or 0550 - line %dignoredisk_error_action_parser called with: %sIllegal option %s for disk_error_action - line %ddisk_full_action_parser called with: %sIllegal option %s for disk_full_action - line %dadmin_space_left_action_parser called with: %sEmail option is specified but %s doesn't seem executable.space_action_parser called with: %sadmin_space_left_parser called with: %sValue %c %s should only be numbers or percent - line %dPercentages should be less than 100 - line %dspace_left_parser called with: %slog_group_parser called with: %sNumeric group ID conversion error (%s) for %s - line %d Group ID is non-numeric and unknown (%s) - line %d log_file_parser called with: %sThe directory name: %s is too short - line %dCould not open dir %s (%s)Unable to open %s (%s)Unable to stat %s (%s)%s is not owned by root%s permissions should be 0600 or 0640audit log is not writable by owneraction_mail_acct_parser called with: %semail: %s is too short, expecting at least 2 charactersemail: %s has illegal characteremail: %s should have . after @validate_email: failed looking up host for %s (%s)validate_email: temporary failure looking up domain for %slocal_events_parser called with: %soverflow_action_parser called with: %sdistribute_network_parser called with: %stcptransport_parser called with: %suse_libwrap_parser called with: %sverify_email_parser called with: %smax_log_size_action_parser called with: %snonename_format_parser called with: %sflush_parser called with: %swrite_logs_parser called with: %s%s/auditd.conf/var/log/audit/audit.logroot/etc/audit/plugins.dlocal_events/etc/audit/auditd.confError opening config file (%s)Config file %s doesn't exist, skippingConfig file %s opened for parsingError fstat'ing config file (%s)Error - %s isn't owned by rootError - %s is world writableError - %s is not a regular filermError - fdopen failed (%s)Missing equal sign for line %d in %sWrong number of arguments for line %d in %sNot processing any more lines in %sUnknown keyword "%s" in line %d of %sKeyword "%s" has invalid option "%s" in line %d of %sSkipping line %d in %s: too longError - space_left(%lu) must be larger than admin_space_left(%lu)Error - incremental flushing chosen, but 0 selected for freq/var/logError - log_file is directly in %s and chgrp will alter a system directory's permissions. Use another directory.Warning - freq is non-zero and incremental flushing not selected.Unable to create %s (%s)Unable to get machine nameUser defined name missingCannot resolve hostname %s (%s)Resolving numeric address for %sResolved node name: %s/usr/lib/sendmailkrb5syslogsuspendsinglehalthostnamefqdnumericuserkeep_logsemailexecincrementalincremental_asyncdatasyncnologenrichedwrite_logslog_filelog_formatlog_groupnum_logsdispatchername_formatnamedisp_qosmax_log_filemax_log_file_actionspace_leftspace_left_actionaction_mail_acctverify_emailadmin_space_leftadmin_space_left_actiondisk_full_actiondisk_error_actionpriority_boosttcp_listen_porttcp_listen_queuetcp_max_per_addruse_libwraptcp_client_portstcp_client_max_idletransportenable_krb5krb5_principalkrb5_key_filedistribute_networkq_depthoverflow_actionmax_restartsplugin_dirend_of_event_timeoutconfig_manager init completeCouldn't create config thread, no config changesConfig thread already running, no config changesAudit daemon failed to create pipe while sending email alertAudit daemon failed to fork while sending email alert-f%s-tError - starting mailTo: %s From: root Subject: %s . Error - %s isn't executableGSS error: %s: %sGSS-API error sending token lengthGSS-API error sending token data%52s:%uaddr=%s port=%u res=successclient %s idle too long - closing connection encrypting messageclient %s socket closed unexpectedlydecrypting message krb5=%sUnable to accept TCP connectionTCP connection from %s rejectedop=port addr=%s port=%u res=noop=dup addr=%s port=%u res=noUnable to allocate TCP client dataop=alloc addr=%s port=%u res=noGSS-API error reading token lengthGSS-API error: event length exceeds MAX_AUDIT_LENGTHOut of memory allocating token dataGSS-API error reading token dataTCP session from %s will be closed, error ignoredaccepting contextdisplaying name%.*sGSS-API Accepted connection from: %sInvalid GSS name from remote client: %sUnauthorized GSS client name: %s (not %s)Unauthorized GSS client realm: %s (not %s)Too many connections from %s - rejectedlistening for network connections = %s active connections = %u total connections = %u IPv4IPv6/etc/audit/audit.key%uCannot lookup addressesCannot create %s listener socketCannot bind listener socket to port %ld (%s)Unable to listen on %ld (%s)Listening on TCP port %ld, protocol %sKRB5_KTNAME%s is not mode 0400 (it's %#o) - compromised key?%s is not owned by root (it's %d) - compromised key?importing nameacquiring credentialskrb5_init_contextkrb5 error: %s in %s krb5_get_default_realmGSS creds for %s acquired(libev) system error(libev) cannot allocate %ld bytes, aborting.(libev) epoll_waitLIBEV_FLAGS(libev) error creating signal/async pipe(libev) select(libev) poll(libev) epoll_createError running %s (%s) continuing without it%s/%sSkipping %s plugin due to errorsRestarting %s since binary changedTerminating %s because its now inactiveAfter reconfigure, there are no active plugins, exitingUNKNOWN[%u]%.*s plugin %s terminated unexpectedlyplugin %s has exceeded max_restartsplugin %s was restartedDispatcher event loop exitFinished cleaning up dispatcherNo plugins found, not dispatching eventsaudit dispatcher initialized with q_depth=%d and %d active pluginsNumber of active plugins = %u builtinOption %s line %d is obsolete - update itbuiltin_/sbin/audisp-af_unixOption %s line %d is obsolete - using %sbinaryoutactiveError opening %s (%s) Keyword "%s" has invalid options in line %d of %sError - plugin (%s) is active but no path given%s permissions should be 0750stringalwaysdirectionpathtypeargsformatAudispd failed to exec %squeue to plugins is full - dropping eventauditd queue full reporting limit reached - ending dropped event notificationsAuditd is suspending event passing to plugins due to overflowing its queue.Auditd is now changing the system to single user mode due to overflowing its queueAudispd failed to fork switching runlevelsAuditd is now halting the system due to overflowing its queueUnknown overflow action requestedqueue.cOut of Memory. Check %s file, %d linecurrent plugin queue depth = %u max plugin queue depth used = %u plugin queue size = %u plugin queue overflow detected = %s plugin queueing suspended = %s @ư>H.?& .>MbP?@0BON8@--g>@vM@a6A`--g?;0d PyCyz@z |z z< zP p{| { P| | } }8 4h   0 ԁ ЃD 0l Є Ј`  4 | 0`4ЖP$hP8PP0H|xX\p04Xp0`$H0t\0@\Xt(l@\`P$Pl0H$ppP0Pdtppt  P  !4!h!!!p!P"0X"8l"P"\"p"|"#PH#P # # # $0 P$ $ $44%%p!h&<"&*P','.'.'. (/4(@/T(0x(T0(0(1(P1(1(T3$)3L)<5)6)7,*7@*7T*p8x*09*89*9*:+>+>+?,?,@H,xB,PC,XC,`C,pC-C(-0G-\G-pG-xG-G-G-G.G.G,.G@.GT.J.4K.8K.K,/K@/KT/Kh/K|/L/ L/\N0pN,0NT0Nh00P0Q0|S 1xT41V1W2XH20[28]$3^L3`t3a30b3d3h|40h4i40l4p|X5}5}5}5L66T6p77t7t80P8088808Ѝ$9\H9t\9999@:0:pd:::P:;h;;p;`<<P<إ=T=0h=P|=p====0>0@>Щt>T> ?P?x??D@p@@@ж@xA8APA8A,B@BpBBBB Fx No@!@![o""j##+tBNN`~OOy0O0O`OOp]@00PP@>XXh;((00@ HPHB0HQ