#!/usr/bin/perl -w # update script for kate-editor.org/syntax # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Christoph Cullmann # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # needed things use FindBin; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree); use XML::Parser; # be strict & warn use strict; use warnings; # we need as parameter both the source and the build directory my $sourceDir = shift; my $buildDir = shift; if (!defined($sourceDir) || !defined($buildDir)) { die "Not all arguments provided, valid call: update-kate-editor-org.pl \n"; } # output settings print "Using source directory: $sourceDir\n"; print "Using build directory: $buildDir\n"; # switch to build directory, we do all our work there chdir($buildDir) || die "Failed to switch to build directory '$buildDir'!\n"; # get kate-editor.org clone from invent.kde.org, update if already around if (-d "kate-editor-org") { print "Updating kate-editor.org clone...\n"; system("git", "-C", "kate-editor-org", "pull") == 0 || die "Failed to pull kate-editor-org.git!\n"; } else { print "Creating kate-editor.org clone...\n"; system("git", "clone", "git\@invent.kde.org:websites/kate-editor-org.git") == 0 || die "Failed to clone kate-editor-org.git!\n"; } # # update of syntax definitions # beside the pure update site generation, we will create some web site with examples for all highlightings # # try to get current frameworks version my $currentVersion; open (my $list, "<$sourceDir/CMakeLists.txt"); for (<$list>) { if ((my $version) = /^set\(KF_VERSION "6.([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+"\)/) { $currentVersion = $version; last; } } close $list; if (!defined($currentVersion)) { die "Failed to determine current version of syntax-highlighting framework!\n" } # current maximal version print "Current version of syntax-highlighting: 6.$currentVersion\n"; # purge old data in kate-editor.org clone my $staticSyntaxPath = "kate-editor-org/static/syntax"; my $staticSyntaxPathData = "$staticSyntaxPath/data/syntax"; remove_tree($staticSyntaxPath); if (-d $staticSyntaxPath) { die "Failed to delete '$staticSyntaxPath'!\n"; } make_path($staticSyntaxPathData); if (! -d $staticSyntaxPathData) { die "Failed to create '$staticSyntaxPathData'!\n"; } # collect all known syntax files from the generated resource file and copy them over open my $resourceFile, "<$buildDir/data/syntax-data-xml.qrc"; while (<$resourceFile>) { if ((my $file) = /(.*\.xml)<\/file>/) { copy($file, $staticSyntaxPathData) or die "Copy failed: $!"; } } close $resourceFile; # copy over all html references as examples system("cp", "-rf", "$sourceDir/autotests/html", "$staticSyntaxPath/data/html") == 0 || die "Failed to copy HTML references!\n"; # switch to kate-editor.org syntax directory now for post-processing chdir($staticSyntaxPath) || die "Failed to switch to '$staticSyntaxPath' directory!\n"; # add new data to kate-editor.org git system("git", "add", "data") == 0 || die "Failed to add syntax files to git!\n"; # setup XML parser with handler for start element my %languageAttributes = (); sub start_tag { # we only care for the language element, remember the attributes my($p, $tag, %attrs) = @_; if ($tag eq "language") { %languageAttributes = %attrs; $p->finish(); } } my $parser = XML::Parser->new( Handlers => { Start => \&start_tag }); # read all syntax files and remember for their version infos! print "Parsing XML syntax/*.xml files...\n"; my %metaInfo; my %nameToFile; my $count = 0; foreach my $xmlFile () { # parse the file %languageAttributes = (); $parser->parsefile( $xmlFile ); # we need a name! my $name = $languageAttributes{'name'}; if (!defined($name)) { print "Skipping $xmlFile as name attribute is missing.\n"; next; } # if we have no versions set, we can't handle this file! my $version = $languageAttributes{'version'}; if (!defined($version)) { print "Skipping $xmlFile as version attribute is missing.\n"; next; } my $kateversion = $languageAttributes{'kateversion'}; if (!defined($kateversion)) { print "Skipping $xmlFile as kateversion attribute is missing.\n"; next; } # remember attributes # print "Remembering $xmlFile '$name' with version=$version & kateversion=$kateversion\n"; foreach my $key (keys %languageAttributes) { $metaInfo{$xmlFile}{$key} = $languageAttributes{$key}; } # remember section => name => file mapping $nameToFile{$languageAttributes{'section'}}{$name} = $xmlFile; ++$count; } # now: generate all needed update-*.xml files print "Generating XML update-*.xml files...\n"; for (my $majorVersion = 5; $majorVersion <= 6; ++$majorVersion) { my $minorVersion = 0; while ($minorVersion <= (($majorVersion == 6) ? $currentVersion : 256)) { # generate one update file my $cVersion = "$majorVersion.$minorVersion"; #print "Generation update-$cVersion.xml...\n"; open (my $update, ">update-$cVersion.xml"); print $update "\n"; print $update "\n"; foreach my $def (sort keys %metaInfo) { # is this definition allowed here? $_ = $metaInfo{$def}{kateversion}; if ((my $major, my $minor) = /([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/) { next if (($major > $majorVersion) || ($major == $majorVersion && $minor > $minorVersion)); } else { next; } print $update "\n"; } print $update "\n"; close $update; # add to git system("git add update-$cVersion.xml") == 0 || die "Failed to add update-$cVersion.xml to git!\n"; # next one ++$minorVersion; } } # parse the html files to match them to the highlighting they belong to # we just search for the dark variants and derive the names for the non-dark from that print "Parsing HTML example syntax/data/html/*.html files...\n"; my %nameToHTML; foreach my $htmlFile (, ) { my $name; open my $F, "<$htmlFile"; while (<$F>) { if (($name) = /name="generator" content="KF5::SyntaxHighlighting - Definition \((.*)\) - Theme/) { last; } } close $F; if (defined($name)) { $htmlFile =~ s/\.dark\.html//; if (defined($nameToHTML{$name})) { die "Duplicated test output found for '$name' (".$nameToHTML{$name}." vs. ".$htmlFile.").\ntesthighlighter_test in the framework should not have allowed that!\n"; } $nameToHTML{$name} = $htmlFile; } else { print "Skipping $htmlFile as proper generator meta information tag missing.\n"; } } # for better l10n, only generate a YAML file containing syntax data # a Hugo template will be combined with the data to generate the overview page /syntax print "Generating syntax data in data/syntax.yaml...\n"; make_path("../../data"); my $syntax_path = "../../data/syntax.yaml"; open (my $syntax_handle, ">$syntax_path"); print $syntax_handle "# This file is auto-generated by \"make update_kate_editor_org\" in syntax-highlighting.git\n"; foreach my $section (sort keys %nameToFile) { foreach my $name (sort keys %{$nameToFile{$section}}) { my $file = $nameToFile{$section}{$name}; print $syntax_handle "- name: $name\n". " section: $section\n". " file: /syntax/$file\n"; # link example output if existing if (defined($nameToHTML{$name})) { print $syntax_handle " examples: [/syntax/".$nameToHTML{$name}.".html, /syntax/".$nameToHTML{$name}.".dark.html]\n"; } else { print $syntax_handle " examples: []\n"; } } } close($syntax_handle); # add to git system("git add $syntax_path") == 0 || die "Failed to add $syntax_path to git!\n"; # # update of themes web site # this will generate an overview of all shipped themes with an example # # switch back to build directory, we do all our work there chdir($buildDir) || die "Failed to switch to build directory '$buildDir'!\n"; # purge old data in kate-editor.org clone my $staticThemePath = "kate-editor-org/static/themes"; remove_tree($staticThemePath); if (-d $staticThemePath) { die "Failed to delete '$staticThemePath'!\n"; } make_path($staticThemePath); if (! -d $staticThemePath) { die "Failed to create '$staticThemePath'!\n"; } # copy over all html renderings as examples print "Updating theme example HTML files...\n"; system("cp", "-rf", "autotests/theme.html.output", "$staticThemePath/html") == 0 || die "Failed to copy autotests/theme.html.output references!\n"; # switch over to git again chdir($staticThemePath) || die "Failed to switch to '$staticThemePath' directory!\n"; # collect all themes with their test case print "Parsing theme kate-editor-org/static/themes/html/*.html files...\n"; my %themeToHTML; foreach my $htmlFile () { my $name; open my $F, "<$htmlFile"; while (<$F>) { if (($name) = /name="generator" content="KF5::SyntaxHighlighting - Definition \(.*\) - Theme \((.*)\)"/) { last; } } close $F; if (defined($name)) { $themeToHTML{$name} = $htmlFile; } else { print "Skipping $htmlFile as proper generator meta information tag missing.\n"; } } # create HTML snippets one can embed into a page from the theme HTML pages # we will hash the stuff from lower case name to real name + file for better output order below my %themeToHTMLSnippet; foreach my $name (sort keys %themeToHTML) { # get full file open my $F, "<$themeToHTML{$name}"; my $fullFile = do { local $/; <$F> }; close $F; # kill
 start and replace it with simple 
 with body attribute
    $fullFile =~ s@.*

    # kill ending 
... and replace it with simple
$fullFile =~ s@
@g; # write snippet to disk my $snippetName = $themeToHTML{$name}; $snippetName =~ s/\.html/-snippet.html/; open my $OF, ">$snippetName"; print $OF $fullFile; close $OF; $themeToHTMLSnippet{lc($name)}{"name"} = $name; $themeToHTMLSnippet{lc($name)}{"file"} = $snippetName; } # add html files system("git", "add", "html") == 0 || die "Failed to add theme HTML files to git!\n"; # for better l10n, only generate a YAML file containing theme data # a Hugo template will be combined with the data to generate the overview page /themes # we output sorted by lower case names as otherwise ayu and co. end up at the end... print "Generating theme data in data/themes.yaml...\n"; my $themes_path = "../../data/themes.yaml"; open (my $themes_handle, ">$themes_path"); print $themes_handle "# This file is auto-generated by \"make update_kate_editor_org\" in syntax-highlighting.git\n"; foreach my $lcName (sort keys %themeToHTMLSnippet) { my $name = $themeToHTMLSnippet{$lcName}{"name"}; my $file = $themeToHTMLSnippet{$lcName}{"file"}; print $themes_handle "- name: $name\n". " file: /static/themes/$file\n"; } close($themes_handle); # add to git system("git add $themes_path") == 0 || die "Failed to add $themes_path to git!\n";