#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Harald Sitter require 'fileutils' require 'logger' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' def at_bus_exists? IO.popen(['dbus-send', '--print-reply=literal', '--dest=org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames'], 'r') do |io| io.read.include?('org.a11y.Bus') end end def at_bus_address IO.popen(['dbus-send', '--print-reply=literal', '--dest=org.a11y.Bus', '/org/a11y/bus', 'org.a11y.Bus.GetAddress'], 'r') do |io| io.read.strip end end def terminate_pgids(pgids) (pgids || []).reverse.each do |pgid| Process.kill('-TERM', pgid) Process.waitpid(pgid) rescue Errno::ECHILD => e warn "Process group not found #{e}" rescue Errno::ESRCH => e warn "Process not found #{e}" end end def terminate_pids(pids) (pids || []).reverse.each do |pid| Process.kill('TERM', pid) Process.waitpid(pid) end end class ATSPIBus def initialize(logger:) @logger = logger end def with(&block) return block.yield if at_bus_exists? bus_existed = at_bus_exists? launcher_path = find_program('at-spi-bus-launcher') registry_path = find_program('at-spi2-registryd') @logger.warn "Testing with #{launcher_path} and #{registry_path}" pids = [] pids << spawn(launcher_path, '--launch-immediately') pids << spawn(registry_path) block.yield ensure # NB: do not signal KILL the launcher, it only shutsdown the a11y dbus-daemon when terminated! terminate_pids(pids) # Restart the regular bus or the user may be left with malfunctioning accerciser # (intentionally ignoring the return value! it never passes in the CI & freebsd in absence of systemd) system('systemctl', 'restart', '--user', 'at-spi-dbus-bus.service') if !pids&.empty? && bus_existed end private def find_program(name) @atspi_paths ||= [ '/usr/lib/at-spi2-core/', # debians '/usr/libexec/', # newer debians '/usr/lib/at-spi2/', # suses '/usr/libexec/at-spi2/', # newer suses '/usr/lib/' # arch ] @atspi_paths.each do |x| path = "#{x}/#{name}" return path if File.exist?(path) end raise "Could not resolve absolute path for #{name}; searched in #{@atspi_paths.join(', ')}" end end def kwin_reexec! # KWin redirection is a bit tricky. We want to run this script itself under kwin so both the flask server and # the actual test script can inherit environment variables from that nested kwin. Most notably this is required # to have the correct DISPLAY set to access the xwayland instance. # As such this function has two behavior modes. If kwin redirection should run (that is: it's not yet inside kwin) # it will fork and exec into kwin. If redirection is not required it yields out. return if ENV.include?('KWIN_PID') # already inside a kwin parent return if ENV['TEST_WITH_KWIN_WAYLAND'] == '0' kwin_pid = fork do |pid| ENV['QT_QPA_PLATFORM'] = 'wayland' ENV['KWIN_SCREENSHOT_NO_PERMISSION_CHECKS'] = '1' ENV['KWIN_WAYLAND_NO_PERMISSION_CHECKS'] = '1' ENV['KWIN_PID'] = pid.to_s ENV['KWIN_XKB_DEFAULT_KEYMAP'] = 'true' # Don't set RULES or MODEL, they ought to be valid and we probably don't need to change them from whatever is set! ENV['XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT'] = 'us' ENV['XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT'] = '' ENV['XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS'] = '' extra_args = [] extra_args << '--virtual' if ENV['LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE'] extra_args << '--xwayland' if ENV.fetch('TEST_WITH_XWAYLAND', '0').to_i.positive? extra_args << '--no-global-shortcuts' if ENV.fetch('TEST_WITHOUT_GLOBAL_SHORTCUTS', '1').to_i.positive? # A bit awkward because of how argument parsing works on the kwin side: we must rely on shell word merging for # the __FILE__ ARGV bit, separate ARGVs to kwin_wayland would be distinct subprocesses to start but we want # one processes with a bunch of arguments. exec('kwin_wayland', '--no-lockscreen', *extra_args, '--exit-with-session', "#{__FILE__} #{ARGV.shelljoin}") end _pid, status = Process.waitpid2(kwin_pid) status.success? ? exit : abort end def dbus_reexec!(logger:) return if ENV.include?('CUSTOM_BUS') # already inside a nested bus if ENV.fetch('USE_CUSTOM_BUS', '0').to_i.zero? && # not explicitly enabled at_bus_exists? # already have an a11y bus, use it logger.info('using existing dbus session') return end logger.info('starting dbus session') ENV['CUSTOM_BUS'] = '1' # Using spawn() rather than exec() so we can print useful debug information after the run # (useful to debug problems with shutdown of started processes) pid = spawn('dbus-run-session', '--', __FILE__, *ARGV, pgroup: true) pgid = Process.getpgid(pid) _pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) terminate_pgids([pgid]) logger.info('dbus session ended') system('ps fja') status.success? ? exit : abort end # Video recording wrapper class Recorder def self.with(&block) return block.yield unless ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME'] abort 'RECORD_VIDEO requires that a nested kwin wayland be used! (TEST_WITH_KWIN_WAYLAND)' unless ENV['KWIN_PID'] # Make sure kwin is up. This can be removed once the code was changed to re-exec as part of a kwin # subprocess, then the wayland server is ready by the time we get re-executed. sleep(5) FileUtils.rm_f(ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME']) pids = [] pids << spawn('pipewire') pids << spawn('wireplumber') pids << spawn(find_program('xdg-desktop-portal-kde')) pids << spawn('selenium-webdriver-at-spi-recorder', '--output', ENV.fetch('RECORD_VIDEO_NAME')) 5.times do break if File.exist?(ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME']) sleep(1) end block.yield ensure terminate_pids(pids) if ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME'] && (!File.exist?(ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME']) || File.size(ENV['RECORD_VIDEO_NAME']) < 256_000) warn "recording apparently didn't work properly" end end def self.find_program(name) @paths ||= ENV.fetch('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').split(':').map { |x| "#{x}/libexec" } + [ '/usr/lib/*/libexec/', # debian '/usr/libexec/', # suse '/usr/lib/' # arch ] @paths.each do |x| path = "#{x}/#{name}" return path if Dir.glob(path)&.first end raise "Could not resolve absolute path for #{name}; searched in #{@paths.join(', ')}" end end class Driver def self.with(datadir, &block) pids = [] env = { 'FLASK_ENV' => 'production', 'FLASK_APP' => 'selenium-webdriver-at-spi.py' } env['GDK_BACKEND'] = 'wayland' if ENV['KWIN_PID'] pids << spawn(env, 'flask', 'run', '--port', PORT, '--no-reload', chdir: datadir) block.yield ensure terminate_pids(pids) end end PORT = '4723' $stdout.sync = true # force immediate flushing without internal caching logger = Logger.new($stdout) logger.info 'Installing dependencies' datadir = File.absolute_path("#{__dir__}/../share/selenium-webdriver-at-spi/") requirements_installed_marker = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/selenium-requirements-installed" if !File.exist?(requirements_installed_marker) && File.exist?("#{datadir}/requirements.txt") raise 'pip3 not found in PATH!' unless system('which', 'pip3') unless system('pip3', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt', chdir: datadir) unless system('pip3', 'install', '--break-system-packages', '-r', 'requirements.txt', chdir: datadir) raise 'Failed to run pip3 install!' end end if ENV['KDECI_BUILD'] == 'TRUE' File.open(requirements_installed_marker, "w") do |file| # create an empty file so tests in the same CI container can skip the process end end end ENV['PATH'] = "#{Dir.home}/.local/bin:#{ENV.fetch('PATH')}" ret = false # create a throw-away XDG home, so the test starts with a clean slate # with every run, and doesn't mess with your local installation Dir.mktmpdir('selenium') do |xdg_home| %w[CACHE CONFIG DATA STATE].each do |d| Dir.mkdir("#{xdg_home}/#{d}") ENV["XDG_#{d}_HOME"] = "#{xdg_home}/#{d}" end dbus_reexec!(logger: logger) kwin_reexec! if ENV['KDECI_BUILD'] == 'TRUE' raise 'Failed to set dbus env' unless system('dbus-update-activation-environment', '--all') end ATSPIBus.new(logger: logger).with do # Prevent a race condition in Qt when it tries to figure out the bus address, # instead just tell it the address explicitly. # https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/493700/2 ENV['AT_SPI_BUS_ADDRESS'] = at_bus_address Recorder.with do Driver.with(datadir) do i = 0 begin require 'net/http' Net::HTTP.get(URI("http://localhost:#{PORT}/status")) rescue => e i += 1 if i < 30 logger.info 'not up yet' sleep 0.5 retry end raise e end logger.info "starting test #{ARGV}" ret = begin system(*ARGV, exception: true) rescue RuntimeError # We intentionally let ENOENT raise out of this block false end logger.info 'tests done' end end end end logger.info "run.rb exiting #{ret}" ret ? exit : abort