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Take a look at the example below to see what an amazing thing coroutines are: ```cpp QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessManager; // co_await the reply - the coroutine is suspended until the QNetworkReply is finished. // While the coroutine is suspended, *the Qt event loop runs as usual*. const QNetworkReply *reply = co_await networkAccessManager.get(url); // Once the reply is finished, your code resumes here as if nothing amazing has just happened ;-) const auto data = reply->readAll(); ``` It requires a compiler with support for the couroutines TS, see [documentation](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/#supported-compilers) for a list of supported compilers and versions. ## Documentation πŸ‘‰ πŸ“˜ [Documentation](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/) ## Supported Qt Types QCoro provides the tools necessary to make easy use of C++20 coroutines with Qt. The cornerstone of the library is `QCoro::Task`, which represents an executed coroutine and allows the result of the coroutine to be asynchronously awaited by its caller. Additionally, QCoro provides a set of wrappers for common Qt types, such as `QTimer`, `QNetworkReply`, `QDBusPendingCall`, `QFuture` and others, that allow to `co_await` their asynchronous operations directly. Additionally, there's a magical `qCoro()` function that can wrap many native Qt functions and types to make them coroutine-friendly. Go check the [documentation](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference) for a full list of all supported features and Qt types. ### `QDBusPendingCall` QCoro can wait for an asynchronous D-Bus call to finish. There's no need to use `QDBusPendingCallWatcher` with QCoro - just `co_await` the result instead. While co_awaiting, the Qt event loop runs as usual. ```cpp QDBusInterface remoteServiceInterface{serviceName, objectPath, interface}; const QDBusReply isReady = co_await remoteServiceInterface.asyncCall(QStringLiteral("isReady")); ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/dbus/qdbuspendingcall). ### `QFuture` QFuture represents a result of an asynchronous task. Normally you have to use `QFutureWatcher` to get notified when the future is ready. With QCoro, you can just `co_await` it! ```cpp const QFuture task1 = QtConcurrent::run(....); const QFuture task2 = QtConcurrent::run(....); const int a = co_await task1; const int b = co_await task2; co_return a + b; ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/core/qfuture). ### `QNetworkReply` Doing network requests with Qt can be tedious - the signal/slot approach breaks the flow of your code. Chaining requests and error handling quickly become mess and your code is broken into numerous functions. But not with QCoro, where you can simply `co_await` the `QNetworkReply` to finish: ```cpp QNetworkReply qnam; QNetworkReply *reply = qnam.get(QStringLiteral("https://github.com/danvratil/qcoro")); const auto contents = co_await reply; reply->deleteLater(); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { co_return handleError(reply); } const auto link = findLinkInReturnedHtmlCode(contents); reply = qnam.get(link); const auto data = co_await reply; reply->deleteLater(); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { co_return handleError(reply); } ... ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/network/qnetworkreply). ### `QTimer` Maybe you want to delay executing your code for a second, maybe you want to execute some code in repeated interval. This becomes super-trivial with `co_await`: ```cpp QTimer timer; timer.setInterval(1s); timer.start(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { co_await timer; qDebug() << "Waiting for " << i << " seconds..."; } qDebug() << "Done!"; ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/core/qtimer). ### `QIODevice` `QIODevice` is a base-class for many classes in Qt that allow data to be asynchronously written and read. How do you find out that there are data ready to be read? You could connect to `QIODevice::readyRead()` singal, or you could use QCoro and `co_await` the object: ```cpp socket->write("PING"); // Waiting for "pong" const auto data = co_await socket; co_return calculateLatency(data); ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/core/qiodevice). ### ...and more! Go check the [full documentation](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz) to learn more. ## .then() continuations Sometimes it's not possible to use `co_await` to handle result of a coroutine - usually when interfacing with a 3rd party code that does not support coroutines. In those scenarios it's possible to chain a continuation callback to the coroutine which will get invoked asynchronously when the coroutine finishes. ```cpp void regularFunction() { someCoroutineReturningInt().then([](int result) { // handle result }); } ``` The continuation callback can also be a coroutine and the result of the entire expression is Task where T is the return type of the continuation. Thanks to that it's possible to `co_await` the entire chain, or chain multiple `.then()` continuations. πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/coro/task). ## Generators Generator is a coroutine that lazily produces multiple values. While there's nothing Qt-specific, QCoro provides the necessary tools for users to create custom generators in their Qt applications. QCoro provides API for both synchronous generators (`QCoro::Generator`) and asynchronous generators (`QCoro::AsyncGenerator`). Both generators provide container-like API: `begin()` and `end()` member functions that return iterator-like objects, which is well-known and established API and makes generators compatible with existing algorithms. ```cpp QCoro::Generator fibonacci() { quint64 a = 0, b = 0; Q_FOREVER { co_yield b; const auto tmp = b; a = b; b += tmp; } } void printFib(quint64 max) { for (auto fib : fibonacci()) { if (fib > max) { break; } std::cout << fib << std::endl; } } ``` πŸ“˜ [Full documentation here](https://qcoro.dvratil.cz/reference/coro/generator). ## License ```text MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Daniel VrΓ‘til Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```