//======================================================================== // // check_distinguished_name_parser.h // // This file is licensed under the GPLv2 or later // // Copyright 2023 g10 Code GmbH, Author: Sune Stolborg Vuorela //======================================================================== #include "DistinguishedNameParser.h" #include #include class TestDistinguishedNameParser : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TestDistinguishedNameParser(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) { } private slots: // The big set of input/output. Several of the helper functions can be tested independently void testParser(); void testParser_data(); void testRemoveLeadingSpaces(); void testRemoveLeadingSpaces_data(); void testRemoveTrailingSpaces(); void testRemoveTrailingSpaces_data(); void testParseHexString(); void testParseHexString_data(); }; void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testParser() { QFETCH(std::string, inputData); QFETCH(DN::Result, expectedResult); auto result = DN::parseString(inputData); QCOMPARE(result, expectedResult); } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testParser_data() { QTest::addColumn("inputData"); QTest::addColumn("expectedResult"); QTest::newRow("empty") << std::string {} << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple") << std::string { "CN=Simple" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Name with spaces") << std::string { "CN=Name with spaces" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Name with spaces" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple,O=Silly") << std::string { "CN=Simple,O=Silly" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" }, { "O", "Silly" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Steve Kille,O=Isode Limited,C=GB") << std::string { "CN=Steve Kille,O=Isode Limited,C=GB" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Steve Kille" }, { "O", "Isode Limited" }, { "C", "GB" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=some.user@example.com, O=MyCompany, L=San Diego,ST=California, C=US") << std::string { "CN=some.user@example.com, O=MyCompany, L=San Diego,ST=California, C=US" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "some.user@example.com" }, { "O", "MyCompany" }, { "L", "San Diego" }, { "ST", "California" }, { "C", "US" } }; QTest::newRow("Multi valued") << std::string { "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,O=Widget Inc.,C=US" } << DN::Result { { "OU", "Sales" }, { "CN", "J. Smith" }, { "O", "Widget Inc." }, { "C", "US" } }; // This is technically wrong, but probably good enough for now QTest::newRow("Escaping comma") << std::string { "CN=L. Eagle,O=Sue\\, Grabbit and Runn,C=GB" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "L. Eagle" }, { "O", "Sue, Grabbit and Runn" }, { "C", "GB" } }; QTest::newRow("Escaped trailing space") << std::string { "CN=Trailing space\\ " } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Trailing space " } }; QTest::newRow("Escaped quote") << std::string { "CN=Quotation \\\" Mark" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Quotation \" Mark" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple with escaping") << std::string { "CN=S\\69mpl\\65\\7A" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simplez" } }; QTest::newRow("SN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87") << std::string { "SN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87" } << DN::Result { { "SN", "Lučić" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=\"Quoted name\"") << std::string { "CN=\"Quoted name\"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Quoted name" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=\" Leading and trailing spacees \"") << std::string { "CN=\" Leading and trailing spaces \"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", " Leading and trailing spaces " } }; QTest::newRow("Comma in quotes") << std::string { "CN=\"Comma, inside\"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Comma, inside" } }; QTest::newRow("forbidden chars in quotes") << std::string { "CN=\"Forbidden !@#$%&*()<>[]{},.?/\\| chars\"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Forbidden !@#$%&*()<>[]{},.?/\\| chars" } }; QTest::newRow("Quoted quotation") << std::string { "CN=\"Quotation \\\" Mark\"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Quotation \" Mark" } }; QTest::newRow("Quoted quotation") << std::string { "CN=\"Quotation \\\" Mark\\\" Multiples\"" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Quotation \" Mark\" Multiples" } }; QTest::newRow("frompdf1") << std::string { ",CN=TeleSec PKS eIDAS QES CA 5,O=Deutsche Telekom AG,C=DE" } << DN::Result { { "", "USt-IdNr. DE 123475223" }, { "CN", "TeleSec PKS eIDAS QES CA 5" }, { "O", "Deutsche Telekom AG" }, { "C", "DE" } }; QTest::newRow("frompdf2") << std::string { ",CN=Koch\\, Werner,,,C=DE" } << DN::Result { { "SerialNumber", "4" }, { "CN", "Koch, Werner" }, { "GN", "Werner" }, { "SN", "Koch" }, { "C", "DE" } }; QTest::newRow("frompdf2a") << std::string { ",CN=Koch\\, Werner,oid.,OID.,C=DE" } << DN::Result { { "SerialNumber", "4" }, { "CN", "Koch, Werner" }, { "GN", "Werner" }, { "SN", "Koch" }, { "C", "DE" } }; // weird spacing QTest::newRow("CN =Simple") << std::string { "CN =Simple" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" } }; QTest::newRow("CN= Simple") << std::string { "CN= Simple" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple ") << std::string { "CN=Simple " } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple,") << std::string { "CN=Simple," } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" } }; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple, O=Silly") << std::string { "CN=Simple, O=Silly" } << DN::Result { { "CN", "Simple" }, { "O", "Silly" } }; // various malformed QTest::newRow("CN=Simple\\") << std::string { "CN=Simple\\" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=") << std::string { "CN=" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple\\X") << std::string { "CN=Simple\\X" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple, O") << std::string { "CN=Simple, O" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=Sim\"ple") << std::string { "CN=Sim\"ple, O" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=Simple\\a") << std::string { "CN=Simple\\a" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("=Simple") << std::string { "=Simple" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=\"Simple") << std::string { "CN=\"Simple" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("CN=\"Simple") << std::string { "CN=\"Simple\\" } << DN::Result {}; QTest::newRow("unquoted quotation in quotation") << std::string { "CN=\"Quotation \" Mark\"" } << DN::Result {}; } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testRemoveLeadingSpaces() { QFETCH(std::string, input); QFETCH(std::string, expectedOutput); auto result = DN::detail::removeLeadingSpaces(input); QCOMPARE(result, expectedOutput); } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testRemoveLeadingSpaces_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("Empty") << std::string {} << std::string {}; QTest::newRow("No leading spaces") << std::string { "horse" } << std::string { "horse" }; QTest::newRow("Some spaces") << std::string { " horse" } << std::string { "horse" }; QTest::newRow("Some leading and trailing") << std::string { " horse " } << std::string { "horse " }; } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testRemoveTrailingSpaces() { QFETCH(std::string, input); QFETCH(std::string, expectedOutput); auto result = DN::detail::removeTrailingSpaces(input); QCOMPARE(result, expectedOutput); } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testRemoveTrailingSpaces_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("Empty") << std::string {} << std::string {}; QTest::newRow("No leading spaces") << std::string { "horse" } << std::string { "horse" }; QTest::newRow("Some spaces") << std::string { "horse " } << std::string { "horse" }; QTest::newRow("Some leading and trailing") << std::string { " horse " } << std::string { " horse" }; } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testParseHexString() { QFETCH(std::string, input); QFETCH(std::optional, expectedOutput); auto result = DN::detail::parseHexString(input); QCOMPARE(result, expectedOutput); } void TestDistinguishedNameParser::testParseHexString_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn>("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("4") << std::string { "34" } << std::optional("4"); QTest::newRow("Koch") << std::string { "4B6F6368" } << std::optional("Koch"); QTest::newRow("USt-IdNr. DE 123475223") << std::string { "5553742D49644E722E20444520313233343735323233" } << std::optional("USt-IdNr. DE 123475223"); // various baddies QTest::newRow("empty") << std::string {} << std::optional {}; QTest::newRow("FFF") << std::string { "FFF" } << std::optional {}; QTest::newRow("F") << std::string { "F" } << std::optional {}; QTest::newRow("XX") << std::string { "XX" } << std::optional {}; } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestDistinguishedNameParser); #include "check_distinguished_name_parser.moc"