#include #include #include class TestActualText : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TestActualText(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) { } private slots: void checkActualText1(); void checkActualText2(); void checkActualText2_data(); void checkAllOrientations(); void checkAllOrientations_data(); void checkFakeboldText(); void checkFakeboldText_data(); private: void checkActualText(Poppler::Document &doc, const QRectF &area, const QString &text); }; void TestActualText::checkActualText(Poppler::Document &doc, const QRectF &area, const QString &text) { std::unique_ptr page = doc.page(0); QVERIFY(page); QCOMPARE(page->text(area), text); } void TestActualText::checkActualText1() { std::unique_ptr doc = Poppler::Document::load(TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/WithActualText.pdf"); QVERIFY(doc); checkActualText(*doc, QRectF {}, QStringLiteral("The slow brown fox jumps over the black dog.")); } void TestActualText::checkActualText2() { QFETCH(QRectF, area); QFETCH(QString, text); QFile file(TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/WithActualText.pdf"); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); std::unique_ptr doc = Poppler::Document::load(&file); QVERIFY(doc); checkActualText(*doc, area, text); } void TestActualText::checkActualText2_data() { QTest::addColumn("area"); QTest::addColumn("text"); // Line bounding box is [100.000 90.720 331.012110 102.350] QTest::newRow("full page") << QRectF {} << QStringLiteral("The slow brown fox jumps over the black dog."); QTest::newRow("full line") << QRectF { 50.0, 90.0, 290.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("The slow brown fox jumps over the black dog."); QTest::newRow("full line [narrow]") << QRectF { 50.0, 95.0, 290.0, 5.0 } << QStringLiteral("The slow brown fox jumps over the black dog."); QTest::newRow("above line") << QRectF { 50.0, 85.0, 290.0, 10.0 } << QString {}; QTest::newRow("above line mid") << QRectF { 50.0, 90.0, 290.0, 5.0 } << QString {}; QTest::newRow("first two words") << QRectF { 50.0, 90.0, 100.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("The slow"); QTest::newRow("first two words [narrow]") << QRectF { 50.0, 95.0, 100.0, 5.0 } << QStringLiteral("The slow"); QTest::newRow("first character") << QRectF { 103.0, 95.0, 1.0, 5.0 } << QStringLiteral("T"); QTest::newRow("last two words") << QRectF { 285.0, 90.0, 100.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("black dog."); QTest::newRow("last character") << QRectF { 320.0, 90.0, 8.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("g"); QTest::newRow("middle 'fox'") << QRectF { 190.0, 90.0, 15.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("fox"); QTest::newRow("middle 'x'") << QRectF { 200.0, 90.0, 5.0, 20.0 } << QStringLiteral("x"); } void TestActualText::checkAllOrientations() { QFETCH(int, pageNr); QFETCH(QRectF, area); QFETCH(QString, text); QString path { TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/orientation.pdf" }; std::unique_ptr doc { Poppler::Document::load(path) }; QVERIFY(doc); std::unique_ptr page { doc->page(pageNr) }; QVERIFY(page); QCOMPARE(page->text(area), text); } void TestActualText::checkAllOrientations_data() { QTest::addColumn("pageNr"); QTest::addColumn("area"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::newRow("Portrait") << 0 << QRectF {} << QStringLiteral("Portrait"); QTest::newRow("Landscape") << 1 << QRectF {} << QStringLiteral("Landscape"); QTest::newRow("Upside down") << 2 << QRectF {} << QStringLiteral("Upside down"); QTest::newRow("Seacape") << 3 << QRectF {} << QStringLiteral("Seascape"); QTest::newRow("Portrait A4 rect") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 0, 595, 842 } << QStringLiteral("Portrait"); QTest::newRow("Landscape A4 rect") << 1 << QRectF { 0, 0, 842, 595 } << QStringLiteral("Landscape"); QTest::newRow("Upside down A4 rect") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 0, 595, 842 } << QStringLiteral("Upside down"); QTest::newRow("Seacape A4 rect") << 3 << QRectF { 0, 0, 842, 595 } << QStringLiteral("Seascape"); QTest::newRow("Portrait line rect") << 0 << QRectF { 30, 30, 60, 20 } << QStringLiteral("Portrait"); QTest::newRow("Landscape line rect") << 1 << QRectF { 790, 30, 20, 80 } << QStringLiteral("Landscape"); QTest::newRow("Upside down line rect") << 2 << QRectF { 485, 790, 75, 20 } << QStringLiteral("Upside down"); QTest::newRow("Seacape line rect") << 3 << QRectF { 30, 500, 20, 70 } << QStringLiteral("Seascape"); QTest::newRow("Portrait small rect B") << 0 << QRectF { 30, 35, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("P"); QTest::newRow("Portrait small rect E") << 0 << QRectF { 80, 35, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("t"); QTest::newRow("Landscape small rect B") << 1 << QRectF { 800, 30, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("L"); QTest::newRow("Landscape small rect E") << 1 << QRectF { 800, 90, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("e"); QTest::newRow("Upside down small rect B") << 2 << QRectF { 550, 800, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("U"); QTest::newRow("Upside down small rect E") << 2 << QRectF { 485, 800, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("n"); QTest::newRow("Seacape small rect B") << 3 << QRectF { 40, 550, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("S"); QTest::newRow("Seacape small rect E") << 3 << QRectF { 40, 510, 10, 10 } << QStringLiteral("p"); } void TestActualText::checkFakeboldText() { QFETCH(int, pageNr); QFETCH(QRectF, area); QFETCH(QString, text); QString path { TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/fakebold.pdf" }; std::unique_ptr doc { Poppler::Document::load(path) }; QVERIFY(doc); std::unique_ptr page { doc->page(pageNr) }; QVERIFY(page); QEXPECT_FAIL("Upright line 3", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is followed with non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Upright line 4", "Fakebold not matched when bold word follows non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Upright line 5", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is enclosed by non-bold glyphs", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 90' line 3", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is followed with non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 90' line 4", "Fakebold not matched when bold word follows non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 90' line 5", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is enclosed by non-bold glyphs", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 180' line 3", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is followed with non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 180' line 4", "Fakebold not matched when bold word follows non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 180' line 5", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is enclosed by non-bold glyphs", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 270' line 3", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is followed with non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 270' line 4", "Fakebold not matched when bold word follows non-bold glyph", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("Rotated 270' line 5", "Fakebold not matched when bold word is enclosed by non-bold glyphs", Continue); QCOMPARE(page->text(area), text); } void TestActualText::checkFakeboldText_data() { QTest::addColumn("pageNr"); QTest::addColumn("area"); QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::newRow("Upright line 1") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 0, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("1 This is fakebold text."); QTest::newRow("Upright line 2") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 80, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("2 This is a fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Upright line 3") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 140, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("3 The last word is in fakebold."); QTest::newRow("Upright line 4") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 220, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("4 Hyphenated-fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Upright line 5") << 0 << QRectF { 0, 300, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("5 Quoted \"fakebold\" word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 90' line 1") << 1 << QRectF { 510, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("1 This is fakebold text."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 90' line 2") << 1 << QRectF { 430, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("2 This is a fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 90' line 3") << 1 << QRectF { 350, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("3 The last word is in fakebold."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 90' line 4") << 1 << QRectF { 270, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("4 Hyphenated-fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 90' line 5") << 1 << QRectF { 190, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("5 Quoted \"fakebold\" word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 180' line 1") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 760, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("1 This is fakebold text."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 180' line 2") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 680, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("2 This is a fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 180' line 3") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 600, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("3 The last word is in fakebold."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 180' line 4") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 520, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("4 Hyphenated-fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 180' line 5") << 2 << QRectF { 0, 440, 595, 80 } << QStringLiteral("5 Quoted \"fakebold\" word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 270' line 1") << 3 << QRectF { 20, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("1 This is fakebold text."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 270' line 2") << 3 << QRectF { 100, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("2 This is a fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 270' line 3") << 3 << QRectF { 160, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("3 The last word is in fakebold."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 270' line 4") << 3 << QRectF { 240, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("4 Hyphenated-fakebold word."); QTest::newRow("Rotated 270' line 5") << 3 << QRectF { 320, 0, 80, 842 } << QStringLiteral("5 Quoted \"fakebold\" word."); } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestActualText) #include "check_actualtext.moc"