/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Dmitry Suzdalev SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 David Edmundson SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2019 Kai Uwe Broulik SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "notification.h" #include "notification_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" using namespace NotificationManager; using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; QCache Notification::Private::s_imageCache = QCache{}; Notification::Private::Private() { } Notification::Private::~Private() { // The image cache is cleared by AbstractNotificationsModel::pendingRemovalTimer } QString Notification::Private::sanitize(const QString &text) { // replace all \ns with
QString t = text; t.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QStringLiteral("
")); // Now remove all inner whitespace (\ns are already
s) t = std::move(t).simplified(); // Finally, check if we don't have multiple
s following, // can happen for example when "\n \n" is sent, this replaces // all
s in succession with just one static const QRegularExpression brExpr(QStringLiteral("
)*")); t.replace(brExpr, QLatin1String("
")); // This fancy RegExp escapes every occurrence of & since QtQuick Text will blatantly cut off // text where it finds a stray ampersand. // Only &{apos, quot, gt, lt, amp}; as well as { character references will be allowed static const QRegularExpression escapeExpr(QStringLiteral("&(?!(?:apos|quot|[gl]t|amp);|#)")); t.replace(escapeExpr, QLatin1String("&")); // Don't bother adding some HTML structure if the body is now empty if (t.isEmpty()) { return t; } t = u"" + std::move(t) + u""; QXmlStreamReader r(t); QString result; QXmlStreamWriter out(&result); static constexpr std::array allowedTags{u"b", u"i", u"u", u"img", u"a", u"html", u"br", u"table", u"tr", u"td"}; out.writeStartDocument(); while (!r.atEnd()) { r.readNext(); if (r.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { const QStringView name = r.name(); if (std::ranges::find(allowedTags, name) == allowedTags.end()) { continue; } out.writeStartElement(name); if (name == QLatin1String("img")) { const QString src = r.attributes().value("src").toString(); const QStringView alt = r.attributes().value("alt"); const QUrl url(src); if (url.isLocalFile()) { out.writeAttribute(QStringLiteral("src"), src); } else { // image denied for security reasons! Do not copy the image src here! } out.writeAttribute(u"alt", alt); } if (name == QLatin1Char('a')) { out.writeAttribute(u"href", r.attributes().value("href")); } } if (r.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) { const QStringView name = r.name(); if (std::ranges::find(allowedTags, name) == allowedTags.end()) { continue; } out.writeEndElement(); } if (r.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Characters) { out.writeCharacters(r.text()); // this auto escapes chars -> HTML entities } } out.writeEndDocument(); if (r.hasError()) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Notification to send to backend contains invalid XML: " << r.errorString() << "line" << r.lineNumber() << "col" << r.columnNumber(); } // The Text.StyledText format handles only html3.2 stuff and ' is html4 stuff // so we need to replace it here otherwise it will not render at all. result.replace(QLatin1String("'"), QChar(u'\'')); return result; } QImage Notification::Private::decodeNotificationSpecImageHint(const QDBusArgument &arg) { int width, height, rowStride, hasAlpha, bitsPerSample, channels; QByteArray pixels; char *ptr; char *end; if (arg.currentType() != QDBusArgument::StructureType) { return QImage(); } arg.beginStructure(); arg >> width >> height >> rowStride >> hasAlpha >> bitsPerSample >> channels >> pixels; arg.endStructure(); #define SANITY_CHECK(condition) \ if (!(condition)) { \ qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Image decoding sanity check failed on" << #condition; \ return QImage(); \ } SANITY_CHECK(width > 0); SANITY_CHECK(width < 2048); SANITY_CHECK(height > 0); SANITY_CHECK(height < 2048); SANITY_CHECK(rowStride > 0); #undef SANITY_CHECK auto copyLineRGB32 = [](QRgb *dst, const char *src, int width) { const char *end = src + width * 3; for (; src != end; ++dst, src += 3) { *dst = qRgb(src[0], src[1], src[2]); } }; auto copyLineARGB32 = [](QRgb *dst, const char *src, int width) { const char *end = src + width * 4; for (; src != end; ++dst, src += 4) { *dst = qRgba(src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3]); } }; QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_Invalid; void (*fcn)(QRgb *, const char *, int) = nullptr; if (bitsPerSample == 8) { if (channels == 4) { format = QImage::Format_ARGB32; fcn = copyLineARGB32; } else if (channels == 3) { format = QImage::Format_RGB32; fcn = copyLineRGB32; } } if (format == QImage::Format_Invalid) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Unsupported image format (hasAlpha:" << hasAlpha << "bitsPerSample:" << bitsPerSample << "channels:" << channels << ")"; return QImage(); } QImage image(width, height, format); ptr = pixels.data(); end = ptr + pixels.length(); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y, ptr += rowStride) { if (ptr + channels * width > end) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Image data is incomplete. y:" << y << "height:" << height; break; } fcn((QRgb *)image.scanLine(y), ptr, width); } return image; } void Notification::Private::sanitizeImage(QImage &image) { if (image.isNull()) { return; } const QSize max = maximumImageSize(); if (image.size().width() > max.width() || image.size().height() > max.height()) { image = image.scaled(max, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } } void Notification::Private::loadImagePath(const QString &path) { // image_path and appIcon should either be a URL with file scheme or the name of a themed icon. // We're lenient and also allow local paths. s_imageCache.remove(id); // clear icon.clear(); QUrl imageUrl; if (path.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { imageUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } else if (path.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { // bad heuristic to detect a URL imageUrl = QUrl(path); if (!imageUrl.isLocalFile()) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Refused to load image from" << path << "which isn't a valid local location."; return; } } if (!imageUrl.isValid()) { // try icon path instead; icon = path; return; } QImageReader reader(imageUrl.toLocalFile()); reader.setAutoTransform(true); if (QSize imageSize = reader.size(); imageSize.isValid()) { if (imageSize.width() > maximumImageSize().width() || imageSize.height() > maximumImageSize().height()) { imageSize = imageSize.scaled(maximumImageSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); reader.setScaledSize(imageSize); } s_imageCache.insert(id, new QImage(reader.read()), imageSize.width() * imageSize.height()); } } QString Notification::Private::defaultComponentName() { // NOTE Keep in sync with KNotification return QStringLiteral("plasma_workspace"); } constexpr QSize Notification::Private::maximumImageSize() { return QSize(256, 256); } KService::Ptr Notification::Private::serviceForDesktopEntry(const QString &desktopEntry) { if (desktopEntry.isEmpty()) { return {}; } KService::Ptr service; if (desktopEntry.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(desktopEntry); } else { service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(desktopEntry); } if (!service) { const QString lowerDesktopEntry = desktopEntry.toLower(); service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(lowerDesktopEntry); } // Try if it's a renamed flatpak if (!service) { const QString desktopId = desktopEntry + QLatin1String(".desktop"); const auto services = KApplicationTrader::query([&desktopId](const KService::Ptr &app) -> bool { const QStringList renamedFrom = app->property(QStringLiteral("X-Flatpak-RenamedFrom")); return renamedFrom.contains(desktopId); }); if (!services.isEmpty()) { service = services.first(); } } // Try snap instance name. if (!service) { const auto services = KApplicationTrader::query([&desktopEntry](const KService::Ptr &app) -> bool { const QString snapInstanceName = app->property(QStringLiteral("X-SnapInstanceName")); return desktopEntry.compare(snapInstanceName, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; }); if (!services.isEmpty()) { service = services.first(); } } return service; } void Notification::Private::setDesktopEntry(const QString &desktopEntry) { QString serviceName; configurableService = false; KService::Ptr service = serviceForDesktopEntry(desktopEntry); if (service) { this->desktopEntry = service->desktopEntryName(); serviceName = service->name(); applicationIconName = service->icon(); configurableService = !service->noDisplay(); } const bool isDefaultEvent = (notifyRcName == defaultComponentName()); configurableNotifyRc = false; if (!notifyRcName.isEmpty()) { // Check whether the application actually has notifications we can configure KConfig config(notifyRcName + QStringLiteral(".notifyrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); QStringList configSources = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("knotifications6/%1.notifyrc").arg(notifyRcName)); // Keep compatibility with KF5 applications if (configSources.isEmpty()) { configSources = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("knotifications5/%1.notifyrc").arg(notifyRcName)); } // `QStandardPaths` follows the order of precedence given by `$XDG_DATA_DIRS // (more priority goest first), but for `addConfigSources() it is the opposite std::reverse(configSources.begin(), configSources.end()); config.addConfigSources(configSources); KConfigGroup globalGroup(&config, u"Global"_s); const QString iconName = globalGroup.readEntry("IconName"); // also only overwrite application icon name for non-default events (or if we don't have a service icon) if (!iconName.isEmpty() && (!isDefaultEvent || applicationIconName.isEmpty())) { applicationIconName = iconName; } const QRegularExpression regexp(QStringLiteral("^Event/([^/]*)$")); configurableNotifyRc = !config.groupList().filter(regexp).isEmpty(); } // For default events we try to show the application name from the desktop entry if possible // This will have us show e.g. "Dr Konqi" instead of generic "Plasma Desktop" // The application may not send an applicationName. Use the name from the desktop entry then if ((isDefaultEvent || applicationName.isEmpty()) && !serviceName.isEmpty()) { applicationName = serviceName; } } void Notification::Private::processHints(const QVariantMap &hints) { auto end = hints.end(); notifyRcName = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-appname")).toString(); setDesktopEntry(hints.value(QStringLiteral("desktop-entry")).toString()); // Special override for KDE Connect since the notification is sent by kdeconnectd // but actually comes from a different app on the phone const QString applicationDisplayName = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-display-appname")).toString(); if (!applicationDisplayName.isEmpty()) { applicationName = applicationDisplayName; } originName = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-origin-name")).toString(); eventId = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-eventId")).toString(); xdgTokenAppId = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-xdgTokenAppId")).toString(); bool ok; const int urgency = hints.value(QStringLiteral("urgency")).toInt(&ok); // DBus type is actually "byte" if (ok) { // FIXME use separate enum again switch (urgency) { case 0: setUrgency(Notifications::LowUrgency); break; case 1: setUrgency(Notifications::NormalUrgency); break; case 2: setUrgency(Notifications::CriticalUrgency); break; } } resident = hints.value(QStringLiteral("resident")).toBool(); transient = hints.value(QStringLiteral("transient")).toBool(); userActionFeedback = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-user-action-feedback")).toBool(); if (userActionFeedback) { // A confirmation of an explicit user interaction is assumed to have been seen by the user. read = true; } urls = QUrl::fromStringList(hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-urls")).toStringList()); replyPlaceholderText = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-reply-placeholder-text")).toString(); replySubmitButtonText = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-reply-submit-button-text")).toString(); replySubmitButtonIconName = hints.value(QStringLiteral("x-kde-reply-submit-button-icon-name")).toString(); category = hints.value(QStringLiteral("category")).toString(); // Underscored hints was in use in version 1.1 of the spec but has been // replaced by dashed hints in version 1.2. We need to support it for // users of the 1.2 version of the spec. auto it = hints.find(QStringLiteral("image-data")); if (it == end) { it = hints.find(QStringLiteral("image_data")); } if (it == end) { // This hint was in use in version 1.0 of the spec but has been // replaced by "image_data" in version 1.1. We need to support it for // users of the 1.0 version of the spec. it = hints.find(QStringLiteral("icon_data")); } QImage *image = nullptr; if (it != end) { QImage imageFromHint(decodeNotificationSpecImageHint(it->value())); if (!imageFromHint.isNull()) { Q_ASSERT_X(imageFromHint.width() > 0 && imageFromHint.height() > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(QStringLiteral("%1 %2").arg(QString::number(imageFromHint.width()), QString::number(imageFromHint.height())))); sanitizeImage(imageFromHint); image = new QImage(imageFromHint); s_imageCache.insert(id, image, imageFromHint.width() * imageFromHint.height()); } } if (!image) { it = hints.find(QStringLiteral("image-path")); if (it == end) { it = hints.find(QStringLiteral("image_path")); } if (it != end) { loadImagePath(it->toString()); } } } void Notification::Private::setUrgency(Notifications::Urgency urgency) { this->urgency = urgency; // Critical notifications must not time out // TODO should we really imply this here and not on the view side? // are there usecases for critical but can expire? // "critical updates available"? if (urgency == Notifications::CriticalUrgency) { timeout = 0; } } Notification::Notification(uint id) : d(new Private()) { d->id = id; d->created = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } Notification::Notification(const Notification &other) : d(new Private(*other.d)) { } Notification::Notification(Notification &&other) noexcept : d(other.d) { other.d = nullptr; } Notification &Notification::operator=(const Notification &other) { *d = *other.d; return *this; } Notification &Notification::operator=(Notification &&other) noexcept { d = other.d; other.d = nullptr; return *this; } Notification::~Notification() { delete d; } uint Notification::id() const { return d->id; } QString Notification::dBusService() const { return d->dBusService; } void Notification::setDBusService(const QString &dBusService) { d->dBusService = dBusService; } QDateTime Notification::created() const { return d->created; } void Notification::setCreated(const QDateTime &created) { d->created = created; } QDateTime Notification::updated() const { return d->updated; } void Notification::resetUpdated() { d->updated = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } bool Notification::read() const { return d->read; } void Notification::setRead(bool read) { d->read = read; } QString Notification::summary() const { return d->summary; } void Notification::setSummary(const QString &summary) { d->summary = summary; } QString Notification::body() const { return d->body; } void Notification::setBody(const QString &body) { d->rawBody = body; d->body = Private::sanitize(body.trimmed()); } QString Notification::rawBody() const { return d->rawBody; } QString Notification::icon() const { return d->icon; } void Notification::setIcon(const QString &icon) { d->loadImagePath(icon); } QImage Notification::image() const { if (d->s_imageCache.contains(d->id)) { return *d->s_imageCache.object(d->id); } return QImage(); } void Notification::setImage(const QImage &image) { d->s_imageCache.insert(d->id, new QImage(image)); } QString Notification::desktopEntry() const { return d->desktopEntry; } void Notification::setDesktopEntry(const QString &desktopEntry) { d->setDesktopEntry(desktopEntry); } QString Notification::notifyRcName() const { return d->notifyRcName; } QString Notification::eventId() const { return d->eventId; } QString Notification::applicationName() const { return d->applicationName; } void Notification::setApplicationName(const QString &applicationName) { d->applicationName = applicationName; } QString Notification::applicationIconName() const { return d->applicationIconName; } void Notification::setApplicationIconName(const QString &applicationIconName) { d->applicationIconName = applicationIconName; } QString Notification::originName() const { return d->originName; } QStringList Notification::actionNames() const { return d->actionNames; } QStringList Notification::actionLabels() const { return d->actionLabels; } bool Notification::hasDefaultAction() const { return d->hasDefaultAction; } QString Notification::defaultActionLabel() const { return d->defaultActionLabel; } void Notification::setActions(const QStringList &actions) { if (actions.count() % 2 != 0) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "List of actions must contain an even number of items, tried to set actions to" << actions; return; } d->hasDefaultAction = false; d->hasConfigureAction = false; d->hasReplyAction = false; QStringList names; QStringList labels; for (int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i += 2) { const QString &name = actions.at(i); const QString &label = actions.at(i + 1); if (!d->hasDefaultAction && name == QLatin1String("default")) { d->hasDefaultAction = true; d->defaultActionLabel = label; continue; } if (!d->hasConfigureAction && name == QLatin1String("settings")) { d->hasConfigureAction = true; d->configureActionLabel = label; continue; } if (!d->hasReplyAction && name == QLatin1String("inline-reply")) { d->hasReplyAction = true; d->replyActionLabel = label; continue; } names << name; labels << label; } d->actionNames = names; d->actionLabels = labels; } QList Notification::urls() const { return d->urls; } void Notification::setUrls(const QList &urls) { d->urls = urls; } Notifications::Urgency Notification::urgency() const { return d->urgency; } bool Notification::userActionFeedback() const { return d->userActionFeedback; } int Notification::timeout() const { return d->timeout; } void Notification::setTimeout(int timeout) { d->timeout = timeout; } bool Notification::configurable() const { return d->hasConfigureAction || d->configurableNotifyRc || d->configurableService; } QString Notification::configureActionLabel() const { return d->configureActionLabel; } bool Notification::hasReplyAction() const { return d->hasReplyAction; } QString Notification::replyActionLabel() const { return d->replyActionLabel; } QString Notification::replyPlaceholderText() const { return d->replyPlaceholderText; } QString Notification::replySubmitButtonText() const { return d->replySubmitButtonText; } QString Notification::replySubmitButtonIconName() const { return d->replySubmitButtonIconName; } QString Notification::category() const { return d->category; } bool Notification::expired() const { return d->expired; } void Notification::setExpired(bool expired) { d->expired = expired; } bool Notification::dismissed() const { return d->dismissed; } void Notification::setDismissed(bool dismissed) { d->dismissed = dismissed; } bool Notification::resident() const { return d->resident; } void Notification::setResident(bool resident) { d->resident = resident; } bool Notification::transient() const { return d->transient; } void Notification::setTransient(bool transient) { d->transient = transient; } QVariantMap Notification::hints() const { return d->hints; } void Notification::setHints(const QVariantMap &hints) { d->hints = hints; } void Notification::processHints(const QVariantMap &hints) { d->processHints(hints); }