/* -*- C++ -*- This file is part of the KDE libraries SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1997 Tim D. Gilman SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998-2001 Mirko Boehm (mirko@kde.org) SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 John Layt SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 g10 Code GmbH SPDX-FileContributor: Ingo Klöcker SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "kdatepicker.h" #include "kdatepicker_p.h" #include "common_helpers_p.h" #include "kdatetable_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "loggingcategory.h" #include "moc_kdatepicker.cpp" #include "moc_kdatepicker_p.cpp" class DatePickerValidator : public QValidator { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DatePickerValidator(KDatePicker *parent) : QValidator(parent) , picker(parent) { } State validate(QString &text, int &) const override { return toDate(text).isValid() ? QValidator::Acceptable : QValidator::Intermediate; } QDate toDate(const QString &text) const { QLocale locale = picker->locale(); const QList formats{ locale.dateFormat(QLocale::LongFormat), locale.dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat), locale.dateFormat(QLocale::NarrowFormat), dateFormatWith4DigitYear(locale, QLocale::ShortFormat), QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd"), }; QDate date; for (const auto &format : formats) { date = locale.toDate(text, format); if (date.isValid()) { break; } } if (!date.isValid()) { qCDebug(KWidgetsAddonsLog) << "Could not parse text as date:" << text; } return date; } private: KDatePicker *const picker; }; // Week numbers are defined by ISO 8601 // See http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/weekinfo.htm for details KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector(const QDate ¤tDate, QWidget *parent) : QLineEdit(parent) , val(new QIntValidator(this)) , result(0) , oldDate{currentDate} { setFont(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)); setFrame(false); // TODO: Find a way to get that from QLocale // val->setRange( calendar->year( calendar->earliestValidDate() ), // calendar->year( calendar->latestValidDate() ) ); setValidator(val); connect(this, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::yearEnteredSlot); } void KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::yearEnteredSlot() { bool ok; int newYear; // check if entered value is a number newYear = text().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { QApplication::beep(); return; } // check if new year will lead to a valid date if (QDate(newYear, oldDate.month(), oldDate.day()).isValid()) { result = newYear; Q_EMIT closeMe(1); } else { QApplication::beep(); } } int KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::year() { return result; } void KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::setYear(const QDate &year) { setText(locale().toString(year, QStringLiteral("yyyy")).rightJustified(4, QLatin1Char('0'))); } class KDatePickerPrivate { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(KDatePicker) public: explicit KDatePickerPrivate(KDatePicker *qq) : q(qq) { } void fillWeeksCombo(); QDate validDateInYearMonth(int year, int month); /// the date table KDatePicker *q; QToolButton *closeButton = nullptr; QComboBox *selectWeek = nullptr; QToolButton *todayButton = nullptr; QBoxLayout *navigationLayout = nullptr; /// the year forward button QToolButton *yearForward = nullptr; /// the year backward button QToolButton *yearBackward = nullptr; /// the month forward button QToolButton *monthForward = nullptr; /// the month backward button QToolButton *monthBackward = nullptr; /// the button for selecting the month directly QToolButton *selectMonth = nullptr; /// the button for selecting the year directly QToolButton *selectYear = nullptr; /// the line edit to enter the date directly QLineEdit *line = nullptr; /// the validator for the line edit: DatePickerValidator *val = nullptr; /// the date table KDateTable *table = nullptr; /// the widest month string in pixels: QSize maxMonthRect; /// the font size for the widget int fontsize = -1; }; void KDatePickerPrivate::fillWeeksCombo() { // every year can have a different number of weeks // it could be that we had 53,1..52 and now 1..53 which is the same number but different // so always fill with new values // We show all week numbers for all weeks between first day of year to last day of year // This of course can be a list like 53,1,2..52 const QDate thisDate = q->date(); const int thisYear = thisDate.year(); QDate day(thisDate.year(), 1, 1); const QDate lastDayOfYear = QDate(thisDate.year() + 1, 1, 1).addDays(-1); selectWeek->clear(); // Starting from the first day in the year, loop through the year a week at a time // adding an entry to the week combo for each week in the year for (; day.isValid() && day <= lastDayOfYear; day = day.addDays(7)) { // Get the ISO week number for the current day and what year that week is in // e.g. 1st day of this year may fall in week 53 of previous year int weekYear = thisYear; const int week = day.weekNumber(&weekYear); QString weekString = tr("Week %1").arg(q->locale().toString(week)); // show that this is a week from a different year if (weekYear != thisYear) { weekString += QLatin1Char('*'); } // when the week is selected, go to the same weekday as the one // that is currently selected in the date table QDate targetDate = day.addDays(thisDate.dayOfWeek() - day.dayOfWeek()); selectWeek->addItem(weekString, targetDate); // make sure that the week of the lastDayOfYear is always inserted: in Chinese calendar // system, this is not always the case if (day < lastDayOfYear // && day.daysTo(lastDayOfYear) < 7 // && lastDayOfYear.weekNumber() != day.weekNumber()) { day = lastDayOfYear.addDays(-7); } } } QDate KDatePickerPrivate::validDateInYearMonth(int year, int month) { QDate newDate; // Try to create a valid date in this year and month // First try the first of the month, then try last of month if (QDate(year, month, 1).isValid()) { newDate = QDate(year, month, 1); } else if (QDate(year, month + 1, 1).isValid()) { newDate = QDate(year, month + 1, 1).addDays(-1); } else { newDate = QDate::fromJulianDay(0); } return newDate; } KDatePicker::KDatePicker(QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent) , d(new KDatePickerPrivate(this)) { initWidget(QDate::currentDate()); } KDatePicker::KDatePicker(const QDate &date_, QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent) , d(new KDatePickerPrivate(this)) { initWidget(date_); } void KDatePicker::initWidget(const QDate &date_) { const int horizontalSpacing = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing); QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); topLayout->setSpacing(0); topLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); d->navigationLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); d->navigationLayout->setSpacing(0); d->navigationLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); topLayout->addLayout(d->navigationLayout); d->navigationLayout->addStretch(); d->yearBackward = new QToolButton(this); d->yearBackward->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->yearBackward); d->monthBackward = new QToolButton(this); d->monthBackward->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->monthBackward); d->navigationLayout->addSpacing(horizontalSpacing); d->selectMonth = new QToolButton(this); d->selectMonth->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->selectMonth); d->selectYear = new QToolButton(this); d->selectYear->setCheckable(true); d->selectYear->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->selectYear); d->navigationLayout->addSpacing(horizontalSpacing); d->monthForward = new QToolButton(this); d->monthForward->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->monthForward); d->yearForward = new QToolButton(this); d->yearForward->setAutoRaise(true); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->yearForward); d->navigationLayout->addStretch(); d->line = new QLineEdit(this); d->val = new DatePickerValidator(this); d->table = new KDateTable(this); setFocusProxy(d->table); d->fontsize = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont).pointSize(); if (d->fontsize == -1) { d->fontsize = QFontInfo(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)).pointSize(); } d->fontsize++; // Make a little bigger d->selectWeek = new QComboBox(this); // read only week selection d->selectWeek->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); d->todayButton = new QToolButton(this); d->todayButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("go-jump-today"))); d->yearForward->setToolTip(tr("Next year", "@info:tooltip")); d->yearBackward->setToolTip(tr("Previous year", "@info:tooltip")); d->monthForward->setToolTip(tr("Next month", "@info:tooltip")); d->monthBackward->setToolTip(tr("Previous month", "@info:tooltip")); d->selectWeek->setToolTip(tr("Select a week", "@info:tooltip")); d->selectMonth->setToolTip(tr("Select a month", "@info:tooltip")); d->selectYear->setToolTip(tr("Select a year", "@info:tooltip")); d->todayButton->setToolTip(tr("Select the current day", "@info:tooltip")); // ----- setFontSize(d->fontsize); d->line->setValidator(d->val); d->line->installEventFilter(this); if (QApplication::isRightToLeft()) { d->yearForward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-left-double"))); d->yearBackward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-right-double"))); d->monthForward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-left"))); d->monthBackward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-right"))); } else { d->yearForward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-right-double"))); d->yearBackward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-left-double"))); d->monthForward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-right"))); d->monthBackward->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-left"))); } connect(d->table, &KDateTable::dateChanged, this, &KDatePicker::dateChangedSlot); connect(d->table, &KDateTable::tableClicked, this, &KDatePicker::tableClickedSlot); connect(d->monthForward, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::monthForwardClicked); connect(d->monthBackward, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::monthBackwardClicked); connect(d->yearForward, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::yearForwardClicked); connect(d->yearBackward, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::yearBackwardClicked); connect(d->selectWeek, &QComboBox::activated, this, &KDatePicker::weekSelected); connect(d->todayButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::todayButtonClicked); connect(d->selectMonth, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KDatePicker::selectMonthClicked); connect(d->selectYear, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &KDatePicker::selectYearClicked); connect(d->line, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &KDatePicker::lineEnterPressed); topLayout->addWidget(d->table); QBoxLayout *bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); bottomLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); bottomLayout->setSpacing(0); topLayout->addLayout(bottomLayout); bottomLayout->addWidget(d->todayButton); bottomLayout->addWidget(d->line); bottomLayout->addWidget(d->selectWeek); d->table->setDate(date_); dateChangedSlot(date_); // needed because table emits changed only when newDate != oldDate } KDatePicker::~KDatePicker() = default; bool KDatePicker::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)e; if ((k->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) // || (k->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) // || (k->key() == Qt::Key_Up) // || (k->key() == Qt::Key_Down)) { QApplication::sendEvent(d->table, e); d->table->setFocus(); return true; // eat event } } return QFrame::eventFilter(o, e); } void KDatePicker::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QWidget::resizeEvent(e); } void KDatePicker::dateChangedSlot(const QDate &date_) { d->line->setText(locale().toString(date_, dateFormatWith4DigitYear(locale(), QLocale::ShortFormat))); d->selectMonth->setText(locale().standaloneMonthName(date_.month(), QLocale::LongFormat)); d->fillWeeksCombo(); // calculate the item num in the week combo box; normalize selected day so as if 1.1. is the first day of the week QDate firstDay(date_.year(), 1, 1); // If we cannot successfully create the 1st of the year, this can only mean that // the 1st is before the earliest valid date in the current calendar system, so use // the earliestValidDate as the first day. // In particular covers the case of Gregorian where 1/1/-4713 is not a valid QDate d->selectWeek->setCurrentIndex((date_.dayOfYear() + firstDay.dayOfWeek() - 2) / 7); d->selectYear->setText(locale().toString(date_, QStringLiteral("yyyy")).rightJustified(4, QLatin1Char('0'))); Q_EMIT dateChanged(date_); } void KDatePicker::tableClickedSlot() { Q_EMIT dateSelected(date()); Q_EMIT tableClicked(); } // TODO KF6: remove the const & from the returned QDate const QDate &KDatePicker::date() const { return d->table->date(); } bool KDatePicker::setDate(const QDate &date_) { // the table setDate does validity checking for us // this also emits dateChanged() which then calls our dateChangedSlot() return d->table->setDate(date_); } void KDatePicker::monthForwardClicked() { if (!setDate(date().addMonths(1))) { QApplication::beep(); } d->table->setFocus(); } void KDatePicker::monthBackwardClicked() { if (!setDate(date().addMonths(-1))) { QApplication::beep(); } d->table->setFocus(); } void KDatePicker::yearForwardClicked() { if (!setDate(d->table->date().addYears(1))) { QApplication::beep(); } d->table->setFocus(); } void KDatePicker::yearBackwardClicked() { if (!setDate(d->table->date().addYears(-1))) { QApplication::beep(); } d->table->setFocus(); } void KDatePicker::weekSelected(int index) { QDate targetDay = d->selectWeek->itemData(index).toDateTime().date(); if (!setDate(targetDay)) { QApplication::beep(); } d->table->setFocus(); } void KDatePicker::selectMonthClicked() { QDate thisDate(date()); d->table->setFocus(); QMenu popup(d->selectMonth); // Populate the pick list with all the month names, this may change by year // JPL do we need to do something here for months that fall outside valid range? const int monthsInYear = QDate(thisDate.year() + 1, 1, 1).addDays(-1).month(); for (int m = 1; m <= monthsInYear; m++) { popup.addAction(locale().standaloneMonthName(m))->setData(m); } QAction *item = popup.actions()[thisDate.month() - 1]; // if this happens the above should already given an assertion if (item) { popup.setActiveAction(item); } // cancelled if ((item = popup.exec(d->selectMonth->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)), item)) == nullptr) { return; } // We need to create a valid date in the month selected so we can find out how many days are // in the month. QDate newDate(thisDate.year(), item->data().toInt(), 1); // If we have succeeded in creating a date in the new month, then try to create the new date, // checking we don't set a day after the last day of the month newDate.setDate(newDate.year(), newDate.month(), qMin(thisDate.day(), newDate.daysInMonth())); // Set the date, if it's invalid in any way then alert user and don't update if (!setDate(newDate)) { QApplication::beep(); } } void KDatePicker::selectYearClicked() { if (!d->selectYear->isChecked()) { return; } QDate thisDate(date()); KPopupFrame *popup = new KPopupFrame(this); KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector *picker = new KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector(date(), popup); picker->resize(picker->sizeHint()); picker->setYear(thisDate); picker->selectAll(); popup->setMainWidget(picker); connect(picker, &KDatePickerPrivateYearSelector::closeMe, popup, &KPopupFrame::close); picker->setFocus(); if (popup->exec(d->selectYear->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, d->selectMonth->height())))) { // We need to create a valid date in the year/month selected so we can find out how many // days are in the month. QDate newDate(picker->year(), thisDate.month(), 1); // If we have succeeded in creating a date in the new month, then try to create the new // date, checking we don't set a day after the last day of the month newDate = QDate(newDate.year(), newDate.month(), qMin(thisDate.day(), newDate.daysInMonth())); // Set the date, if it's invalid in any way then alert user and don't update if (!setDate(newDate)) { QApplication::beep(); } } delete popup; d->selectYear->setChecked(false); } void KDatePicker::uncheckYearSelector() { d->selectYear->setChecked(false); d->selectYear->update(); } void KDatePicker::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { if (event && event->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange) { if (isEnabled()) { d->table->setFocus(); } } } KDateTable *KDatePicker::dateTable() const { return d->table; } void KDatePicker::lineEnterPressed() { const QDate newDate = d->val->toDate(d->line->text()); if (newDate.isValid()) { Q_EMIT dateEntered(newDate); setDate(newDate); d->table->setFocus(); } else { QApplication::beep(); } } void KDatePicker::todayButtonClicked() { setDate(QDate::currentDate()); d->table->setFocus(); } QSize KDatePicker::sizeHint() const { return QWidget::sizeHint(); } void KDatePicker::setFontSize(int s) { QWidget *const buttons[] = { d->selectMonth, d->selectYear, }; QFont font; QRect r; // ----- d->fontsize = s; for (QWidget *button : buttons) { font = button->font(); font.setPointSize(s); button->setFont(font); } d->table->setFontSize(s); QFontMetrics metrics(d->selectMonth->fontMetrics()); QString longestMonth; for (int i = 1;; ++i) { QString str = locale().standaloneMonthName(i, QLocale::LongFormat); if (str.isNull()) { break; } r = metrics.boundingRect(str); if (r.width() > d->maxMonthRect.width()) { d->maxMonthRect.setWidth(r.width()); longestMonth = str; } if (r.height() > d->maxMonthRect.height()) { d->maxMonthRect.setHeight(r.height()); } } QStyleOptionToolButton opt; opt.initFrom(d->selectMonth); opt.text = longestMonth; // stolen from QToolButton QSize textSize = metrics.size(Qt::TextShowMnemonic, longestMonth); textSize.setWidth(textSize.width() + metrics.horizontalAdvance(QLatin1Char(' ')) * 2); int w = textSize.width(); int h = textSize.height(); opt.rect.setHeight(h); // PM_MenuButtonIndicator depends on the height QSize metricBound = style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_ToolButton, &opt, QSize(w, h), d->selectMonth); d->selectMonth->setMinimumSize(metricBound); } int KDatePicker::fontSize() const { return d->fontsize; } void KDatePicker::setCloseButton(bool enable) { if (enable == (d->closeButton != nullptr)) { return; } if (enable) { d->closeButton = new QToolButton(this); d->closeButton->setAutoRaise(true); const int horizontalSpacing = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing); d->navigationLayout->addSpacing(horizontalSpacing); d->navigationLayout->addWidget(d->closeButton); d->closeButton->setToolTip(tr("Close", "@action:button")); d->closeButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("window-close"))); connect(d->closeButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, topLevelWidget(), &QWidget::close); } else { delete d->closeButton; d->closeButton = nullptr; } updateGeometry(); } bool KDatePicker::hasCloseButton() const { return (d->closeButton); } #include "kdatepicker.moc"