/* * This file is part of KQuickCharts * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Arjen Hiemstra * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "LegendModel.h" #include "Chart.h" #include "datasource/ChartDataSource.h" LegendModel::LegendModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) { } QHash LegendModel::roleNames() const { static QHash names = { {NameRole, "name"}, {ShortNameRole, "shortName"}, {ColorRole, "color"}, {ValueRole, "value"}, }; return names; } int LegendModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { return 0; } return m_items.size(); } QVariant LegendModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::ParentIsInvalid | CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid)) { return {}; } switch (role) { case NameRole: return m_items.at(index.row()).name; case ShortNameRole: return m_items.at(index.row()).shortName; case ColorRole: return m_items.at(index.row()).color; case ValueRole: return m_items.at(index.row()).value; } return QVariant{}; } Chart *LegendModel::chart() const { return m_chart; } void LegendModel::setChart(Chart *newChart) { if (newChart == m_chart) { return; } if (m_chart) { for (const auto &connection : std::as_const(m_connections)) { disconnect(connection); } m_connections.clear(); } m_chart = newChart; queueUpdate(); Q_EMIT chartChanged(); } int LegendModel::sourceIndex() const { return m_sourceIndex; } void LegendModel::setSourceIndex(int index) { if (index == m_sourceIndex) { return; } m_sourceIndex = index; queueUpdate(); Q_EMIT sourceIndexChanged(); } void LegendModel::queueUpdate() { if (!m_updateQueued) { m_updateQueued = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &LegendModel::update, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void LegendModel::queueDataChange() { if (!m_dataChangeQueued) { m_dataChangeQueued = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &LegendModel::updateData, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void LegendModel::update() { m_updateQueued = false; if (!m_chart) { return; } beginResetModel(); m_items.clear(); ChartDataSource *colorSource = m_chart->colorSource(); ChartDataSource *nameSource = m_chart->nameSource(); ChartDataSource *shortNameSource = m_chart->shortNameSource(); m_connections.push_back(connect(m_chart, &Chart::colorSourceChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueUpdate, Qt::UniqueConnection)); m_connections.push_back(connect(m_chart, &Chart::nameSourceChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueUpdate, Qt::UniqueConnection)); auto sources = m_chart->valueSources(); int itemCount = countItems(); std::transform(sources.cbegin(), sources.cend(), std::back_inserter(m_connections), [this](ChartDataSource *source) { return connect(source, &ChartDataSource::dataChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueDataChange, Qt::UniqueConnection); }); m_connections.push_back(connect(m_chart, &Chart::valueSourcesChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueUpdate, Qt::UniqueConnection)); if ((!colorSource && !(nameSource || shortNameSource)) || itemCount <= 0) { endResetModel(); return; } if (colorSource) { m_connections.push_back(connect(colorSource, &ChartDataSource::dataChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueDataChange, Qt::UniqueConnection)); } if (nameSource) { m_connections.push_back(connect(nameSource, &ChartDataSource::dataChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueDataChange, Qt::UniqueConnection)); } if (shortNameSource) { m_connections.push_back(connect(shortNameSource, &ChartDataSource::dataChanged, this, &LegendModel::queueDataChange, Qt::UniqueConnection)); } for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { LegendItem item; item.name = nameSource ? nameSource->item(i).toString() : QString(); item.shortName = shortNameSource ? shortNameSource->item(i).toString() : QString(); item.color = colorSource ? colorSource->item(i).value() : QColor(); item.value = getValueForItem(i); m_items.push_back(item); } endResetModel(); } void LegendModel::updateData() { ChartDataSource *colorSource = m_chart->colorSource(); ChartDataSource *nameSource = m_chart->nameSource(); ChartDataSource *shortNameSource = m_chart->shortNameSource(); auto itemCount = countItems(); m_dataChangeQueued = false; if (itemCount != int(m_items.size())) { // Number of items changed, so trigger a full update queueUpdate(); return; } QList> changedRows(itemCount); std::for_each(m_items.begin(), m_items.end(), [&, i = 0](LegendItem &item) mutable { auto name = nameSource ? nameSource->item(i).toString() : QString{}; if (item.name != name) { item.name = name; changedRows[i] << NameRole; } auto shortName = shortNameSource ? shortNameSource->item(i).toString() : QString{}; if (item.shortName != shortName) { item.shortName = shortName; changedRows[i] << ShortNameRole; } auto color = colorSource ? colorSource->item(i).toString() : QColor{}; if (item.color != color) { item.color = color; changedRows[i] << ColorRole; } auto value = getValueForItem(i); if (item.value != value) { item.value = value; changedRows[i] << ValueRole; } i++; }); for (auto i = 0; i < changedRows.size(); ++i) { auto changedRoles = changedRows.at(i); if (!changedRoles.isEmpty()) { Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(i, 0), index(i, 0), changedRoles); } } } int LegendModel::countItems() { auto sources = m_chart->valueSources(); int itemCount = 0; switch (m_chart->indexingMode()) { case Chart::IndexSourceValues: if (sources.count() > 0) { itemCount = sources.at(0)->itemCount(); } break; case Chart::IndexEachSource: itemCount = sources.count(); break; case Chart::IndexAllValues: itemCount = std::accumulate(sources.cbegin(), sources.cend(), 0, [](int current, ChartDataSource *source) -> int { return current + source->itemCount(); }); break; } return itemCount; } QVariant LegendModel::getValueForItem(int item) { const auto sources = m_chart->valueSources(); auto value = QVariant{}; switch (m_chart->indexingMode()) { case Chart::IndexSourceValues: value = sources.at(0)->item(item); break; case Chart::IndexEachSource: value = sources.at(item)->first(); break; case Chart::IndexAllValues: for (auto source : sources) { if (item >= source->itemCount()) { item -= source->itemCount(); } else { value = source->item(item); break; } } break; } return value; } #include "moc_LegendModel.cpp"