/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of the KD Soap project. ** ** SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company ** ** SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "httpserver_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL #include #endif // Helper for xmlBufferCompare static bool textBufferCompare(const QByteArray &source, const QByteArray &dest, // for the qDebug only QIODevice &sourceFile, QIODevice &destFile) { int lineNumber = 1; while (!sourceFile.atEnd()) { if (destFile.atEnd()) { return false; } QByteArray sourceLine = sourceFile.readLine(); QByteArray destLine = destFile.readLine(); if (sourceLine != destLine) { sourceLine.chop(1); // remove '\n' destLine.chop(1); // remove '\n' qDebug() << source << "and" << dest << "differ at line" << lineNumber; qDebug("got : %s", sourceLine.constData()); qDebug("expected: %s", destLine.constData()); return false; } ++lineNumber; } return true; } static void initHashSeed() { qSetGlobalQHashSeed(0); } Q_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION(initHashSeed) // A tool for comparing XML documents and outputting something useful if they differ bool KDSoapUnitTestHelpers::xmlBufferCompare(const QByteArray &source, const QByteArray &dest) { QBuffer sourceFile; sourceFile.setData(source); if (!sourceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "ERROR opening QIODevice"; return false; } QBuffer destFile; destFile.setData(dest); if (!destFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "ERROR opening QIODevice"; return false; } // Use QDomDocument to reformat the XML with newlines QDomDocument sourceDoc; if (!sourceDoc.setContent(&sourceFile)) { qDebug() << "ERROR parsing XML:" << source; return false; } QDomDocument destDoc; if (!destDoc.setContent(&destFile)) { qDebug() << "ERROR parsing XML:" << dest; return false; } const QByteArray sourceXml = sourceDoc.toByteArray(); const QByteArray destXml = destDoc.toByteArray(); sourceFile.close(); destFile.close(); QBuffer sourceBuffer; sourceBuffer.setData(sourceXml); sourceBuffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QBuffer destBuffer; destBuffer.setData(destXml); destBuffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return textBufferCompare(source, dest, sourceBuffer, destBuffer); } void KDSoapUnitTestHelpers::httpGet(const QUrl &url) { QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkAccessManager manager; QNetworkReply *reply = manager.get(request); // QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList)), reply, SLOT(ignoreSslErrors())); QEventLoop ev; QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &ev, &QEventLoop::quit); ev.exec(); // QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop())); // QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(11); // qDebug() << "httpGet:" << reply->readAll(); delete reply; } #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL // To debug this: openssl s_client -connect static void setupSslServer(QSslSocket *serverSocket) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(testtools); // qDebug() << "setupSslServer"; serverSocket->setProtocol(QSsl::AnyProtocol); serverSocket->setLocalCertificate(QString::fromLatin1(":/certs/test-")); serverSocket->setPrivateKey(QString::fromLatin1(":/certs/test-")); } static void initResource() { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(testtools); } bool KDSoapUnitTestHelpers::setSslConfiguration() { initResource(); // To make SSL work, we need to tell Qt about our local certificate QSslConfiguration defaultConfig = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration(); QFile certFile(QString::fromLatin1(":/certs/cacert.pem")); if (!certFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Could not open cacert.pem"; return false; } QSslCertificate cert(&certFile); const QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (cert.effectiveDate() > currentTime || cert.expiryDate() < currentTime) { qDebug() << "Certificate" << certFile.fileName() << "is not valid"; qDebug() << "It is valid from" << cert.effectiveDate() << "to" << cert.expiryDate(); return false; } defaultConfig.setCaCertificates({cert}); QSslConfiguration::setDefaultConfiguration(defaultConfig); return true; } #endif // A blocking http server (must be used in a thread) which supports SSL. class BlockingHttpServer : public QTcpServer { Q_OBJECT public: BlockingHttpServer(bool ssl) : doSsl(ssl) , sslSocket(0) { } ~BlockingHttpServer() { } QTcpSocket *waitForNextConnectionSocket() { if (!waitForNewConnection(20000)) { // 2000 would be enough, except in valgrind return 0; } return nextPendingConnection(); } virtual void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) override { #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL if (doSsl) { QSslSocket *serverSocket = new QSslSocket; serverSocket->setParent(this); serverSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor); connect(serverSocket, QOverload &>::of(&QSslSocket::sslErrors), this, &BlockingHttpServer::slotSslErrors); setupSslServer(serverSocket); // qDebug() << "Created QSslSocket, starting server encryption"; serverSocket->startServerEncryption(); sslSocket = serverSocket; // If startServerEncryption fails internally, // then this is how to debug it. // A way to catch such errors is really missing in Qt.. // qDebug() << "startServerEncryption said:" << sslSocket->errorString(); serverSocket->waitForEncrypted(); addPendingConnection(serverSocket); } else #endif QTcpServer::incomingConnection(socketDescriptor); } void disableSsl() { doSsl = false; } private slots: void slotSslErrors(const QList &errors) { #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL qDebug() << "server-side: slotSslErrors" << sslSocket->errorString() << errors; #else Q_UNUSED(errors); #endif } private: bool doSsl; QTcpSocket *sslSocket; }; static bool splitHeadersAndData(const QByteArray &request, QByteArray &header, QByteArray &data) { const int sep = request.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if (sep <= 0) { return false; } header = request.left(sep); data = request.mid(sep + 4); return true; } typedef QMap HeadersMap; static HeadersMap parseHeaders(const QByteArray &headerData) { HeadersMap headersMap; QBuffer sourceBuffer; sourceBuffer.setData(headerData); sourceBuffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); // The first line is special, it's the GET or POST line const QList firstLine = sourceBuffer.readLine().split(' '); if (firstLine.count() < 3) { qDebug() << "Malformed HTTP request:" << firstLine; return headersMap; } const QByteArray request = firstLine[0]; const QByteArray path = firstLine[1]; const QByteArray httpVersion = firstLine[2]; if (request != "GET" && request != "POST") { qDebug() << "Unknown HTTP request:" << firstLine; return headersMap; } headersMap.insert("_path", path); headersMap.insert("_httpVersion", httpVersion); while (!sourceBuffer.atEnd()) { const QByteArray line = sourceBuffer.readLine(); const int pos = line.indexOf(':'); if (pos == -1) { qDebug() << "Malformed HTTP header:" << line; } const QByteArray header = line.left(pos); const QByteArray value = line.mid(pos + 1).trimmed(); // remove space before and \r\n after // qDebug() << "HEADER" << header << "VALUE" << value; headersMap.insert(header, value); } return headersMap; } void HttpServerThread::disableSsl() { if (m_server) { m_server->disableSsl(); } } void HttpServerThread::run() { m_server = new BlockingHttpServer(m_features & Ssl); if (!m_server->listen()) { qFatal("HttpServerThread::run is unable to listen"); } QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); m_port = m_server->serverPort(); lock.unlock(); m_ready.release(); const bool doDebug = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("KDSOAP_DEBUG"); if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread listening on port" << m_port; } // Wait for first connection (we'll wait for further ones inside the loop) QTcpSocket *clientSocket = m_server->waitForNextConnectionSocket(); Q_ASSERT(clientSocket); if (!clientSocket) { qWarning() << "No client connected to this server. Fatal error"; delete m_server; return; } Q_FOREVER { // get the "request" packet if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: waiting for read"; } if (clientSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState || !clientSocket->waitForReadyRead(2000)) { if (clientSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { delete clientSocket; if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "Waiting for next connection..."; } clientSocket = m_server->waitForNextConnectionSocket(); Q_ASSERT(clientSocket); continue; // go to "waitForReadyRead" } else { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread:" << clientSocket->error() << "waiting for \"request\" packet"; break; } } const QByteArray request = m_partialRequest + clientSocket->readAll(); if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: request:" << request; } // Split headers and request xml lock.relock(); const bool splitOK = splitHeadersAndData(request, m_receivedHeaders, m_receivedData); if (!splitOK) { // if (doDebug) // qDebug() << "Storing partial request" << request; m_partialRequest = request; continue; } m_headers = parseHeaders(m_receivedHeaders); if (m_headers.value("Content-Length").toInt() > m_receivedData.size()) { // if (doDebug) // qDebug() << "Storing partial request" << request; m_partialRequest = request; continue; } m_partialRequest.clear(); if (m_headers.value("_path").endsWith("terminateThread")) { // we're asked to exit break; // normal exit } QList contentTypes = m_headers.value("Content-Type").split(';'); if (contentTypes[0] == "text/xml") { if (m_headers.value("SoapAction").isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "ERROR: no SoapAction set for Soap 1.1"; break; } if (!m_expectedSoapAction.isEmpty() && m_headers.value("SoapAction") != m_expectedSoapAction) { qDebug("ERROR: Client sent SoapAction HTTP header (\"%s\") which does not match the expected (\"%s\")", m_headers.value("SoapAction").constData(), m_expectedSoapAction.constData()); break; } } else if (m_clientSendsActionInHttpHeader && contentTypes[0] == "application/soap+xml") { if (!contentTypes[2].startsWith("action")) { qDebug() << "ERROR: no SoapAction set for Soap 1.2"; break; } QList actionParts = contentTypes[2].split('='); if (actionParts.length() < 2) { qDebug("ERROR: The action parameter is malformed in the HTTP Content-type header: \"%s\"", contentTypes[2].constData()); break; } if (!m_expectedSoapAction.isEmpty()) { actionParts = actionParts[1].split(';'); if (actionParts[0] != m_expectedSoapAction) { qDebug("ERROR: The 'action' parameter which was sent in the HTTP Content-type header (\"%s\") " "does not match the expected SOAP action: \"%s\"", m_headers.value("SoapAction").constData(), m_expectedSoapAction.constData()); break; } } } lock.unlock(); // qDebug() << "headers received:" << m_receivedHeaders; // qDebug() << headers; // qDebug() << "data received:" << m_receivedData; if (m_features & BasicAuth) { QByteArray authValue = m_headers.value("Authorization"); if (authValue.isEmpty()) { authValue = m_headers.value("authorization"); // as sent by Qt-4.5 } bool authOk = false; if (!authValue.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "got authValue=" << authValue; // looks like "Basic " Method method; QString headerVal; parseAuthLine(QString::fromLatin1(authValue.data(), authValue.size()), &method, &headerVal); // qDebug() << "method=" << method << "headerVal=" << headerVal; switch (method) { case None: // we want auth, so reject "None" break; case Basic: { const QByteArray userPass = QByteArray::fromBase64(headerVal.toLatin1()); // qDebug() << userPass; // TODO if (validateAuth(userPass)) { if (userPass == ("kdab:testpass")) { authOk = true; } break; } default: qWarning("Unsupported authentication mechanism %s", authValue.constData()); } } if (!authOk) { // send auth request (Qt supports basic, ntlm and digest) const QByteArray unauthorized = "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"example\"\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"; clientSocket->write(unauthorized); if (!clientSocket->waitForBytesWritten(2000)) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread:" << clientSocket->error() << "writing auth request"; break; } continue; } } // send response QByteArray response = makeHttpResponse(m_dataToSend); if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread: writing" << response; } clientSocket->write(response); clientSocket->flush(); } // all done... delete clientSocket; delete m_server; if (doDebug) { qDebug() << "HttpServerThread terminated"; } } QByteArray HttpServerThread::expectedSoapAction() const { return m_expectedSoapAction; } void HttpServerThread::setExpectedSoapAction(const QByteArray &expectedSoapAction) { m_expectedSoapAction = expectedSoapAction; } bool HttpServerThread::clientSendsActionInHttpHeader() const { return m_clientSendsActionInHttpHeader; } void HttpServerThread::setClientSendsActionInHttpHeader(bool clientUseWSAddressing) { m_clientSendsActionInHttpHeader = clientUseWSAddressing; } const char *KDSoapUnitTestHelpers::xmlEnvBegin11() { return "" "" "" "" ""; } #include "httpserver_p.moc" #include "moc_httpserver_p.cpp"