General: ======== * Qt 5.9.0 support (compilation fix due to qt_qhash_seed being removed, unittest fix due to QNetworkReply error code difference) Client-side: ============ * Fix unwanted generation of SoapAction header when it should be empty (SOAP-135). * Abort the connection when destroying a job with a pending call (SOAP-138). Server-side: ============ WSDL parser / code generator changes, applying to both client and server side: ================================================================ * Add support for body namespace specification in RPC calls. * Fix namespace handling in typename comparison for optional element used inside itself (github issue #83). * Add missing include in generated header, when an operation's return value needs one (ex: QDate) (github issue #110). * Fix namespace handling in restriction and extension tags * Fix wrong indentation of "};" for classes inside namespaces