/* This file is part of the KContacts framework. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Cornelius Schumacher SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Tobias Koenig SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef KCONTACTS_ADDRESSEE_H #define KCONTACTS_ADDRESSEE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "address.h" #include "addresseelist.h" #include "calendarurl.h" #include "clientpidmap.h" #include "email.h" #include "fieldgroup.h" #include "gender.h" #include "geo.h" #include "impp.h" #include "key.h" #include "lang.h" #include "nickname.h" #include "org.h" #include "phonenumber.h" #include "picture.h" #include "related.h" #include "resourcelocatorurl.h" #include "role.h" #include "secrecy.h" #include "sound.h" #include "timezone.h" #include "title.h" namespace KContacts { /** @short address book entry This class represents an entry in the address book. The data of this class is implicitly shared. You can pass this class by value. If you need the name of a field for presenting it to the user you should use the functions ending in Label(). They return a translated string which can be used as label for the corresponding field. About the name fields: givenName() is the first name and familyName() the last name. In some countries the family name comes first, that's the reason for the naming. formattedName() is the full name with the correct formatting. It is used as an override, when the correct formatting can't be generated from the other name fields automatically. realName() returns a fully formatted name(). It uses formattedName, if set, otherwise it constructs the name from the name fields. As fallback, if nothing else is set it uses name(). name() is the NAME type of RFC2426. It can be used as internal name for the data entry, but shouldn't be used for displaying the data to the user. */ class KCONTACTS_EXPORT Addressee { friend KCONTACTS_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const Addressee &); friend KCONTACTS_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, Addressee &); Q_GADGET Q_PROPERTY(bool isEmpty READ isEmpty) Q_PROPERTY(QString uid READ uid WRITE setUid) Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName) Q_PROPERTY(QString formattedName READ formattedName WRITE setFormattedName) Q_PROPERTY(QString familyName READ familyName WRITE setFamilyName) Q_PROPERTY(QString givenName READ givenName WRITE setGivenName) Q_PROPERTY(QString additionalName READ additionalName WRITE setAdditionalName) Q_PROPERTY(QString prefix READ prefix WRITE setPrefix) Q_PROPERTY(QString suffix READ suffix WRITE setSuffix) Q_PROPERTY(QString nickName READ nickName) Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime birthday READ birthday WRITE setBirthdayProperty) // special write method due to withTime argument Q_PROPERTY(bool birthdayHasTime READ birthdayHasTime) Q_PROPERTY(QString mailer READ mailer WRITE setMailer) Q_PROPERTY(KContacts::Geo geo READ geo WRITE setGeo) Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title) Q_PROPERTY(QString role READ role) Q_PROPERTY(QString organization READ organization) Q_PROPERTY(QString department READ department WRITE setDepartment) Q_PROPERTY(QString note READ note WRITE setNote) Q_PROPERTY(QString productId READ productId WRITE setProductId) Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime revision READ revision) Q_PROPERTY(QString sortString READ sortString WRITE setSortString) Q_PROPERTY(KContacts::ResourceLocatorUrl url READ url WRITE setUrl) Q_PROPERTY(QList extraUrls READ extraUrlList WRITE setExtraUrlList) Q_PROPERTY(QString realName READ realName) Q_PROPERTY(QString assembledName READ assembledName) Q_PROPERTY(QString preferredEmail READ preferredEmail) Q_PROPERTY(QList emails READ emailList WRITE setEmailList) Q_PROPERTY(QList phoneNumbers READ phoneNumbers WRITE setPhoneNumbers) Q_PROPERTY(QList addresses READ addresses WRITE setAddresses) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList categories READ categories WRITE setCategories) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList customs READ customs) Q_PROPERTY(bool changed READ changed WRITE setChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList impps READ imppList WRITE setImppList) Q_PROPERTY(QDate anniversary READ anniversary WRITE setAnniversary) Q_PROPERTY(QString assistantsName READ assistantsName WRITE setAssistantsName) Q_PROPERTY(QUrl blogFeed READ blogFeed WRITE setBlogFeed) Q_PROPERTY(QString managersName READ managersName WRITE setManagersName) Q_PROPERTY(QString office READ office WRITE setOffice) Q_PROPERTY(QString profession READ profession WRITE setProfession) Q_PROPERTY(QString spousesName READ spousesName WRITE setSpousesName) Q_PROPERTY(KContacts::Picture photo READ photo WRITE setPhoto) // ### the following properties are still missing: // - logos, photos, sounds // - keys // - the list variants for nicks, titles, roles, orgs // - timezone, secrecy, gender, kind, members, relationships, language // - field groups, sourceUrls, calendarUrls public: /** A list of addressee objects */ typedef AddresseeList List; /** Construct an empty address book entry. */ Addressee(); /** Destroys the address book entry. */ ~Addressee(); /** Copy constructor. */ Addressee(const Addressee &other); /** Assignment operator. @return a reference to @c this */ Addressee &operator=(const Addressee &other); /** Equality operator. @return @c true if @c this and the given addressee are equal, otherwise @c false */ bool operator==(const Addressee &other) const; /** Not-equal operator. @return @c true if @c this and the given addressee are not equal, otherwise @c false */ bool operator!=(const Addressee &other) const; /** Return if the address book entry is empty. */ bool isEmpty() const; /** Set unique identifier. @param uid the KABC unique identifier */ void setUid(const QString &uid); /** Return unique identifier. */ QString uid() const; /** Return translated label for uid field. */ static QString uidLabel(); /** Set name. */ void setName(const QString &name); /** Return name. */ QString name() const; /** Return translated label for name field. */ static QString nameLabel(); /** Set formatted name. */ void setFormattedName(const QString &formattedName); /** Return formatted name. */ QString formattedName() const; /** Return translated label for formattedName field. */ static QString formattedNameLabel(); /** Set family name. */ void setFamilyName(const QString &familyName); /** Return family name. */ QString familyName() const; /** Return translated label for familyName field. */ static QString familyNameLabel(); /** Set given name. */ void setGivenName(const QString &givenName); /** Return given name. */ QString givenName() const; /** Return translated label for givenName field. */ static QString givenNameLabel(); /** Set additional names. */ void setAdditionalName(const QString &additionalName); /** Return additional names. */ QString additionalName() const; /** Return translated label for additionalName field. */ static QString additionalNameLabel(); /** Set honorific prefixes. */ void setPrefix(const QString &prefix); /** Return honorific prefixes. */ QString prefix() const; /** Return translated label for prefix field. */ static QString prefixLabel(); /** Set honorific suffixes. */ void setSuffix(const QString &suffix); /** Return honorific suffixes. */ QString suffix() const; /** Return translated label for suffix field. */ static QString suffixLabel(); /** Set nick name. */ void setNickName(const QString &nickName); void setNickName(const NickName &nickName); void insertExtraNickName(const NickName &nickName); void setExtraNickNameList(const NickName::List &nickNameList); NickName::List extraNickNameList() const; /** Return nick name. */ QString nickName() const; /** Return translated label for nickName field. */ static QString nickNameLabel(); /** Set birthday (date and time). If withTime is false the time will be set to midnight and birthdayHasTime() will return false afterwards. @since 5.4 */ void setBirthday(const QDateTime &birthday, bool withTime = true); /** Set birthday (date only). birthdayHasTime() will return false afterwards. */ void setBirthday(const QDate &birthday); /** Return birthday. (If a valid date has been set, birthday().time() will always return a valid QTime!) */ QDateTime birthday() const; /** Returns true if birthday has been set with a time. Returns false otherwise. */ bool birthdayHasTime() const; /** Return translated label for birthday field. */ static QString birthdayLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressStreet field. */ static QString homeAddressStreetLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressPostOfficeBox field. */ static QString homeAddressPostOfficeBoxLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressLocality field. */ static QString homeAddressLocalityLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressRegion field. */ static QString homeAddressRegionLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressPostalCode field. */ static QString homeAddressPostalCodeLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressCountry field. */ static QString homeAddressCountryLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeAddressLabel field. */ static QString homeAddressLabelLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressStreet field. */ static QString businessAddressStreetLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressPostOfficeBox field. */ static QString businessAddressPostOfficeBoxLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressLocality field. */ static QString businessAddressLocalityLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressRegion field. */ static QString businessAddressRegionLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressPostalCode field. */ static QString businessAddressPostalCodeLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressCountry field. */ static QString businessAddressCountryLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessAddressLabel field. */ static QString businessAddressLabelLabel(); /** Return translated label for homePhone field. */ static QString homePhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessPhone field. */ static QString businessPhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for mobilePhone field. */ static QString mobilePhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for homeFax field. */ static QString homeFaxLabel(); /** Return translated label for businessFax field. */ static QString businessFaxLabel(); /** Return translated label for carPhone field. */ static QString carPhoneLabel(); /** Return translated label for isdn field. */ static QString isdnLabel(); /** Return translated label for pager field. */ static QString pagerLabel(); /** Return translated label for email field. */ static QString emailLabel(); /** Set mail client. */ void setMailer(const QString &mailer); /** Return mail client. */ QString mailer() const; /** Return translated label for mailer field. */ static QString mailerLabel(); /** Set time zone. */ void setTimeZone(const TimeZone &timeZone); /** Return time zone. */ TimeZone timeZone() const; /** Return translated label for timeZone field. */ static QString timeZoneLabel(); /** Set geographic position. */ void setGeo(const Geo &geo); /** Return geographic position. */ Geo geo() const; /** Return translated label for geo field. */ static QString geoLabel(); /** Set title. */ // Remove in kf6 void setTitle(const QString &title); void setTitle(const Title &title); void insertExtraTitle(const Title &title); void setExtraTitleList(const Title::List &urltitle); Title::List extraTitleList() const; /** Return title. */ QString title() const; /** Return translated label for title field. */ static QString titleLabel(); /** Set role. */ void setRole(const QString &role); void setRole(const Role &role); void insertExtraRole(const Role &role); void setExtraRoleList(const Role::List &roleList); Role::List extraRoleList() const; /** Return role. */ QString role() const; /** Return translated label for role field. */ static QString roleLabel(); /** Set organization. */ // Remove in kf6 void setOrganization(const QString &organization); void setOrganization(const Org &organization); void insertExtraOrganization(const Org &organization); void setExtraOrganizationList(const Org::List &orgList); Org::List extraOrganizationList() const; /** Return organization. */ QString organization() const; /** Return translated label for organization field. */ static QString organizationLabel(); /** Set department. */ void setDepartment(const QString &department); /** Return department. */ QString department() const; /** Return translated label for department field. */ static QString departmentLabel(); /** Set note. */ void setNote(const QString ¬e); /** Return note. */ QString note() const; /** Return translated label for note field. */ static QString noteLabel(); /** Set product identifier. */ void setProductId(const QString &productId); /** Return product identifier. */ QString productId() const; /** Return translated label for productId field. */ static QString productIdLabel(); /** Set revision date. */ void setRevision(const QDateTime &revision); /** Return revision date. */ QDateTime revision() const; /** Return translated label for revision field. */ static QString revisionLabel(); /** Set sort string. */ void setSortString(const QString &sortString); /** Return sort string. */ QString sortString() const; /** Return translated label for sortString field. */ static QString sortStringLabel(); /** Set homepage. */ void setUrl(const ResourceLocatorUrl &url); // kf6: remove it void setUrl(const QUrl &url); /** Return homepage. */ ResourceLocatorUrl url() const; /** Return translated label for url field. */ static QString urlLabel(); /** Set security class. */ void setSecrecy(const Secrecy &secrecy); /** Return security class. */ Secrecy secrecy() const; /** Return translated label for secrecy field. */ static QString secrecyLabel(); /** Set logo. */ void setLogo(const Picture &logo); /** Return logo. */ Picture logo() const; /** Return translated label for logo field. */ static QString logoLabel(); /** Set photo. */ void setPhoto(const Picture &photo); /** Return photo. */ Picture photo() const; /** Return translated label for photo field. */ static QString photoLabel(); /** Set sound. */ void setSound(const Sound &sound); /** Return sound. */ Sound sound() const; /** Return translated label for sound field. */ static QString soundLabel(); /** Set name fields by parsing the given string and trying to associate the parts of the string with according fields. This function should probably be a bit more clever. */ void setNameFromString(const QString &s); /** Return the name of the addressee. This is calculated from all the name fields. */ QString realName() const; /** Return the name that consists of all name parts. */ QString assembledName() const; /** Return email address including real name. @param email Email address to be used to construct the full email string. If this is QString() the preferred email address is used. */ QString fullEmail(const QString &email = QString()) const; /** Adds an email address. If the email address (i.e. @p email.mail()) already exists in this addressee it won't be duplicated, instead @p email is assigned to it. @since 5.88 */ void addEmail(const Email &email); /** Remove email address. If the email address doesn't exist, nothing happens. @param email Email address to remove */ void removeEmail(const QString &email); /** Return preferred email address. This is the first email address or the last one added with insertEmail() or addEmail() with a set preferred parameter. */ QString preferredEmail() const; /** Return list of all email addresses. */ QStringList emails() const; /** Set the emails to @p list. The first email address gets the preferred one! @param list The list of email addresses. */ void setEmails(const QStringList &list); /** Insert a phone number. If a phone number with the same id already exists in this addressee it is not duplicated. @param phoneNumber The telephone number to insert to the addressee */ void insertPhoneNumber(const PhoneNumber &phoneNumber); /** Remove phone number. If no phone number with the given id exists for this addressee, nothing happens. @param phoneNumber The telephone number to remove from the addressee */ void removePhoneNumber(const PhoneNumber &phoneNumber); /** Return phone number, which matches the given type. @param type The type of phone number to get */ PhoneNumber phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Type type) const; /** Return list of all phone numbers. */ PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers() const; void setPhoneNumbers(const PhoneNumber::List &phoneNumbers); /** Return list of phone numbers with a special type. @param type The type of phone number to get */ PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers(PhoneNumber::Type type) const; /** Return phone number with the given id. @param id The identifier of the phone number to look for. See PhoneNumber::id() */ PhoneNumber findPhoneNumber(const QString &id) const; /** Insert a key. If a key with the same id already exists in this addressee it is not duplicated. @param key The key to insert */ void insertKey(const Key &key); /** Remove a key. If no key with the given id exists for this addressee, nothing happens. @param key The key to remove */ void removeKey(const Key &key); /** Return key, which matches the given type. If @p type == Key::Custom you can specify a string that should match. If you leave the string empty, the first key with a custom value is returned. @param type The type of key to look for @param customTypeString A string to match custom keys against when @p type is @c Key::Custom */ Key key(Key::Type type, const QString &customTypeString = QString()) const; /** Return list of all keys. */ Key::List keys() const; /** Set the list of keys @param keys The keys to be set. */ void setKeys(const Key::List &keys); /** Return list of keys with a special type. If @p type == Key::Custom you can specify a string that should match. If you leave the string empty, all custom keys will be returned. @param type The type of key to look for @param customTypeString A string to match custom keys against when @p type is @c Key::Custom */ Key::List keys(Key::Type type, const QString &customTypeString = QString()) const; /** Return key with the given id. @param id The identifier of the key to look for. See Key::id() */ Key findKey(const QString &id) const; /** Insert an address. If an address with the same id already exists in this addressee it is not duplicated. @param address The address to insert */ void insertAddress(const Address &address); /** Remove address. If no address with the given id exists for this addressee, nothing happens. @param address The address to remove */ void removeAddress(const Address &address); /** Set the addressee @param addresses The new addresses @since 5.100 */ void setAddresses(const Address::List &addresses); /** Return address, which matches the given type. @param type The type of address to look for */ Address address(Address::Type type) const; /** Return list of all addresses. */ Address::List addresses() const; /** Return list of addresses with a special type. @param type The type of addresses to look for */ Address::List addresses(Address::Type type) const; /** Return address with the given id. @param id The identifier of the address to look for. See Address::id() */ Address findAddress(const QString &id) const; /** Insert category. If the category already exists it is not duplicated. */ void insertCategory(const QString &category); /** Remove category. */ void removeCategory(const QString &category); /** Return, if addressee has the given category. */ bool hasCategory(const QString &category) const; /** Set categories to given value. */ void setCategories(const QStringList &category); /** Return list of all set categories. */ QStringList categories() const; /** Insert custom entry. The entry is identified by the name of the inserting application and a unique name. If an entry with the given app and name already exists its value is replaced with the new given value. An empty value isn't allowed (nothing happens if this is called with any of the three arguments being empty) @param app Name of the application inserting this custom entry @param name Name of this application specific custom entry @param value Value of this application specific custom entry */ void insertCustom(const QString &app, const QString &name, const QString &value); /** Remove custom entry. @param app Name of the application which has inserted this custom entry @param name Name of this application specific custom entry */ void removeCustom(const QString &app, const QString &name); /** Return value of custom entry, identified by app and entry name. @param app Name of the application which has inserted this custom entry @param name Name of this application specific custom entry */ QString custom(const QString &app, const QString &name) const; /** Set all custom entries. */ void setCustoms(const QStringList &customs); /** Return list of all custom entries. The format of the custom entries is 'app-key:value' and the list is sorted alphabetically by 'app-key'. */ QStringList customs() const; /** Parse full email address. The result is given back in fullName and email. @param rawEmail The input string to parse for name and email @param fullName The name part of the @p rawEmail input, if it contained one @param email The email part of the @p rawEmail input, if it contained one */ static void parseEmailAddress(const QString &rawEmail, QString &fullName, QString &email); /** Returns string representation of the addressee. */ QString toString() const; /** Mark addressee as changed. @param value Sets the status indicating changed data */ void setChanged(bool value); /** Return whether the addressee is changed. */ bool changed() const; /** Returns the MIME type used for Addressees */ static QString mimeType(); KContacts::Email::List emailList() const; void setEmailList(const Email::List &list); /** * Remove Language * @brief removeLang * @param language */ void removeLang(const QString &language); /** * Insert Language * @brief insertLang * @param language */ void insertLang(const Lang &language); /** * @brief langs * @return List of lang */ Lang::List langs() const; void setLangs(const Lang::List &langs); void setGender(const Gender &gender); Gender gender() const; QString kind() const; void setKind(const QString &kind); void insertCalendarUrl(const CalendarUrl &calendarUrl); CalendarUrl::List calendarUrlList() const; void insertExtraSound(const Sound &sound); void setExtraSoundList(const Sound::List &soundList); Sound::List extraSoundList() const; void insertExtraPhoto(const Picture &picture); void setExtraPhotoList(const Picture::List &pictureList); Picture::List extraPhotoList() const; void insertExtraLogo(const Picture &logo); void setExtraLogoList(const Picture::List &logoList); Picture::List extraLogoList() const; ResourceLocatorUrl::List extraUrlList() const; void setExtraUrlList(const ResourceLocatorUrl::List &urlList); void insertExtraUrl(const ResourceLocatorUrl &url); // Member void insertMember(const QString &member); void setMembers(const QStringList &c); QStringList members() const; // Relation void insertRelationship(const Related &related); void setRelationships(const Related::List &c); Related::List relationships() const; // Source void insertSourceUrl(const QUrl &url); void setSourcesUrlList(const QList &urlList); QList sourcesUrlList() const; // Impp Impp::List imppList() const; void setImppList(const Impp::List &imppList); void insertImpp(const Impp &impp); // FieldGroup FieldGroup::List fieldGroupList() const; void setFieldGroupList(const FieldGroup::List &fieldGroupList); void insertFieldGroup(const FieldGroup &fieldGroup); // ClientPidMap ClientPidMap::List clientPidMapList() const; void setClientPidMapList(const ClientPidMap::List &clientpidmaplist); void insertClientPidMap(const ClientPidMap &clientpidmap); /** * Returns the contact's anniversary date. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Anniversary field. * @since 5.12 */ QDate anniversary() const; /** * Sets the contact's anniversary date. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Anniversary field. * @since 5.12 */ void setAnniversary(const QDate &anniversary); /** * Returns the contact's assistant's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-AssistantsName field. * @since 5.12 */ QString assistantsName() const; /** * Set the contact's assistant's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-AssistantsName field. * @since 5.12 */ void setAssistantsName(const QString &assistantsName); /** * Returns the contact's blog feed. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c BlogFeed field. * @since 5.12 */ QUrl blogFeed() const; /** * Set the contact's blog feed. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c BlogFeed field. * @since 5.12 */ void setBlogFeed(const QUrl &blogFeed); /** * Returns the contact's manager's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-ManagersName field. * @since 5.12 */ QString managersName() const; /** * Set the contact's manager's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-ManagersName field. * @since 5.12 */ void setManagersName(const QString &managersName); /** * Returns the contact's office. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Office field. * @since 5.12 */ QString office() const; /** * Set the contact's office. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Office field. * @since 5.12 */ void setOffice(const QString &office); /** * Returns the contact's profession. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Profession field. * @since 5.12 */ QString profession() const; /** * Set the contact's profession. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-Profession field. * @since 5.12 */ void setProfession(const QString &profession); /** * Returns the contact's spouse's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-SpousesName field. * @since 5.12 */ QString spousesName() const; /** * Set the contact's spouse's name. * @note This is a non-standard extension using the @c X-SpousesName field. * @since 5.12 */ void setSpousesName(const QString &spousesName); private: KCONTACTS_NO_EXPORT void setBirthdayProperty(const QDateTime &birthday); class Private; QSharedDataPointer d; }; KCONTACTS_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const Addressee &); KCONTACTS_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, Addressee &); } #endif