# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Christoph Cullmann # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Alexander Lohnau # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause #[=======================================================================[.rst: KDEClangFormat -------------------- This module provides a functionality to format the source code of your repository according to a predefined KDE clang-format file. This module provides the following function: :: kde_clang_format() Using this function will create a clang-format target that will format all ```` passed to the function with the predefined KDE clang-format style. To format the files you have to invoke the target with ``make clang-format`` or ``ninja clang-format``. Once the project is formatted it is recommended to enforce the formatting using a pre-commit hook, this can be done using :kde-module:`KDEGitCommitHooks`. The ``.clang-format`` file from ECM will be copied to the source directory. This file should not be added to version control. It is recommended to add it to the ``.gitignore`` file: ``/.clang-format``. Since 5.79: If the source folder already contains a .clang-format file it is not overwritten. Since version 5.80 this function is called by default in :kde-module:`KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings`. If directories should be excluded from the formatting a .clang-format file with ``DisableFormat: true`` and ``SortIncludes: false`` should be created. Example usage: .. code-block:: cmake include(KDEClangFormat) file(GLOB_RECURSE ALL_CLANG_FORMAT_SOURCE_FILES *.cpp *.h *.hpp *.c) kde_clang_format(${ALL_CLANG_FORMAT_SOURCE_FILES}) To exclude directories from the formatting add a ``.clang-format`` file in the directory with the following contents: .. code-block:: yaml DisableFormat: true SortIncludes: false Since 5.64 #]=======================================================================] # try to find clang-format in path find_program(KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE clang-format) # instantiate our clang-format file, must be in source directory for tooling if we have the tool if(KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE) set(CLANG_FORMAT_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.clang-format) if (EXISTS ${CLANG_FORMAT_FILE}) file(READ ${CLANG_FORMAT_FILE} CLANG_FORMAT_CONTENTS LIMIT 1000) string(FIND "${CLANG_FORMAT_CONTENTS}" "This file got automatically created by ECM, do not edit" matchres) if(${matchres} EQUAL -1) message(WARNING "The .clang-format file already exists. Please remove it in order to use the file provided by ECM") else() configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/clang-format.cmake ${CLANG_FORMAT_FILE} @ONLY) endif() else() configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/clang-format.cmake ${CLANG_FORMAT_FILE} @ONLY) endif() endif() # formatting target function(KDE_CLANG_FORMAT) if (TARGET clang-format) # We can only define one clang-format target return() endif() # add target without specific commands first, we add the real calls file-per-file to avoid command line length issues and enable parallelization add_custom_target(clang-format COMMENT "Formatting sources in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} with ${KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE}...") # run clang-format only if available, else signal the user what is missing if(KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE) get_filename_component(_binary_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} REALPATH) set(_ci_install_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/_install") # on the KDE-CI, we install dependencies in-source foreach(_file ${ARGV}) # check if the file is inside the build directory => ignore such files get_filename_component(_full_file_path ${_file} REALPATH) string(FIND ${_full_file_path} ${_binary_dir} _binary_idx) string(FIND ${_full_file_path} ${_ci_install_dir} _dependency_idx) if(NOT _binary_idx EQUAL 0 AND NOT _dependency_idx EQUAL 0) get_filename_component(_file_name ${_file} NAME) file(RELATIVE_PATH _rel_file_path ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${_full_file_path}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" unique_target_name "clang-format-${_rel_file_path}") string(REPLACE "%" "_" unique_target_name ${unique_target_name}) # some imvalid cmake target names string(REPLACE "{" "_" unique_target_name ${unique_target_name}) string(REPLACE "}" "_" unique_target_name ${unique_target_name}) add_custom_target(${unique_target_name}) add_custom_command(TARGET ${unique_target_name} COMMAND ${KDE_CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE} -style=file -i ${_full_file_path} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${_full_file_path} ) add_dependencies(clang-format ${unique_target_name}) endif() endforeach() else() add_custom_command(TARGET clang-format COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Could not set up the clang-format target as the clang-format executable is missing." ) endif() endfunction()