# System-wide .zshenv file for zsh(1), sourced on all invocations of the shell. # # Global order: zshenv, zprofile, zshrc, zlogin # If $ZDOTDIR is not set and none of .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin exist # in $HOME, read ZSH startup files from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/ instead of $HOME. # The point is to promote XDG-based location, but don't break existing setups. if [[ -z "${ZDOTDIR-}" ]] && _x=("$HOME"/.z{shenv,profile,shrc,login}(N)) && (( ! $#_x )); then ZDOTDIR=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/zsh fi unset _x # vim: set ft=zsh ts=4: