# See https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/configuration/. # Allow new devices to join. # TODO: It's important to disable this after you've peered your devices! permit_join: true # MQTT settings mqtt: # MQTT base topic for zigbee2mqtt MQTT messages. base_topic: zigbee2mqtt # MQTT server URL. server: mqtt://localhost:1883 # MQTT server authentication, uncomment if required: # user: my_user # password: '!secret.yaml mqtt_password' # Serial settings serial: # Location of Zigbee adapter. port: /dev/ttyACM0 # Adapter type, not needed unless you are experiencing problems (zstack, # deconz, or ezsp). #adapter: null # Uncomment to enable frontend. # frontend: # port: 8080 # host: # Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery). homeassistant: false advanced: log_level: info # TIP: If you prefer logging to a file, replace "syslog" with "file" and # create the log directory: # `install -d -m750 -o zigbee2mqtt -g zigbee2mqtt /var/log/zigbee2mqtt` log_output: - console - syslog log_directory: /var/log/zigbee2mqtt log_syslog: facility: daemon path: /dev/log protocol: unix # Zigbee network encryption key for better security. network_key: '!secret.yaml network_key' # ZigBee pan ID. pan_id: '!secret.yaml pan_id' # The following file paths are relative to the datadir (/var/lib/zigbee2mqtt). devices: devices.yaml groups: groups.yaml