# Contributor: Bart Ribbers # Contributor: Newbyte # Maintainer: Bart Ribbers pkgname=pure-maps pkgver=3.2.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Maps and navigation" url="https://github.com/rinigus/pure-maps" # armhf blocked by mapbox-gl-qml -> qt5-qtdeclarative-dev # s390x blocked by mimic1 # ppc64le, riscv64 blocked by luajit -> osmscout-server arch="all !armhf !ppc64le !s390x !riscv64" license="GPL-3.0-or-later" depends=" geoclue kirigami2 mapbox-gl-qml mimic1 nemo-qml-plugin-dbus osmscout-server py3-gpxpy py3-pyotherside qml-module-clipboard qmlrunner qt5-qtbase-sqlite qt5-qtmultimedia qt5-qtquickcontrols qt5-qtsensors " makedepends=" cmake gettext py3-pyflakes python3 qt5-qtbase-dev qt5-qtlocation-dev qt5-qtquickcontrols2-dev qt5-qttools-dev s2geometry-dev samurai " checkdepends="py3-pytest" subpackages="$pkgname-lang" source="https://github.com/rinigus/pure-maps/releases/download/$pkgver/pure-maps-$pkgver.tar.gz" build() { cmake -B build -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DFLAVOR="kirigami" \ -DDEFAULT_PROFILE="offline" \ -DDEFAULT_FONTPROVIDER="osmscout" cmake --build build } check() { # Disabled as they require API keys to be present and/or an internet connection pytest geocoders guides poor routers \ -k 'not test_geocode and not test_autocomplete_type and not test_nearby and not test_get and not test_autocomplete' } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build # Locales get installed to the wrong location and thus have to be moved # to get picked up by abuild lang() mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pure-maps/locale "$pkgdir"/usr/share } lang() { default_lang amove usr/share/pure-maps/translations } sha512sums=" 8bc4f37c811126543f49b9250953179dae741c7200d0fc8937818ec6976fa58659f3d2b691c6b5a56a8982cb155141660c306ad3a0ba2de08ff291af24e71f0a pure-maps-3.2.0.tar.gz "