#!/sbin/openrc-run supervisor=supervise-daemon name="Podman API service" description="Listening service that answers API calls for Podman" command=/usr/bin/podman command_args="system service ${podman_opts:=--time 0} $podman_uri" command_user="${podman_user:=root}" extra_commands="start_containers" description_start_containers="Start containers with restart policy set to always" depend() { need sysfs cgroups } start_containers() { ebegin "Starting containers with restart policy set to always" su "$podman_user" -s /bin/sh -c "$command start --all --filter restart-policy=always" eend $? } start_pre() { if [ "$podman_user" = "root" ]; then einfo "Configured as rootful service" checkpath -d -m 0755 /run/podman else einfo "Configured as rootless service" modprobe tun modprobe fuse fi } start_post() { start_containers }