# Contributor: Bart Ribbers # Maintainer: team/kde # The group tag is just to easily find this APKBUILD by some scripts for automation # group=kde-plasma pkgname=plymouth-kcm pkgver=5.27.7 pkgrel=1 # armhf blocked by extra-cmake-modules arch="all !armhf" url="https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plymouth-kcm" pkgdesc="KCM to manage the Plymouth (Boot) theme" license="GPL-2.0-or-later" depends="plymouth" makedepends=" extra-cmake-modules karchive-dev kcmutils-dev kconfig-dev kconfigwidgets-dev kdeclarative-dev ki18n-dev kio-dev knewstuff-dev plymouth-dev qt5-qtbase-dev samurai " case "$pkgver" in *.90*) _rel=unstable;; *) _rel=stable;; esac _repo_url="https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plymouth-kcm.git" source="https://download.kde.org/$_rel/plasma/$pkgver/plymouth-kcm-$pkgver.tar.xz" subpackages="$pkgname-lang" options="!check" # No tests _commit="" snapshot() { clean makedepends="git xz rsync tar" deps mkdir -p "$srcdir" && cd "$srcdir" git clone --filter=tree:0 https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plymouth-kcm.git . git archive --format tar --prefix=$pkgname/ $_commit > ../$pkgname-$_commit.tar xz -vv -T0 -9 -e ../$pkgname-$_commit.tar } build() { cmake -B build -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib cmake --build build } check() { ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build } sha512sums=" 4f18a1816d06f32c54bd67cec9004fc1141e671646ed6a72a2f36bba9479c175ca4244a86aa05f03d06ab69cd89604ad74acfe3101ae03e4ae1ac058f176f58f plymouth-kcm-5.27.7.tar.xz "