# Contributor: Leo # Maintainer: # Based on the Arch Linux package pkgname=nethack pkgver=3.6.7 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="A single player dungeon exploration game" options="suid" url="https://www.nethack.org/" arch="all" license="NGPL" makedepends="ncurses-dev linux-headers bison flex" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" source="https://www.nethack.org/download/$pkgver/nethack-${pkgver//.}-src.tgz" builddir="$srcdir/NetHack-$pkgver" # secfixes: # 3.6.7-r0: # - CVE-2023-24809 # 3.6.4-r0: # - CVE-2019-19905 prepare() { default_prepare # Fix linking against debian-specific tinfo sed -e 's|^WINTTYLIB.*|WINTTYLIB = -lncurses|' -i sys/unix/hints/linux # Fix nonstandard cp usage sed -e 's/cp -n/cp/g' -i sys/unix/hints/linux # Fix glibc issue sed -e 's/#define _GNU_SOURCE//g' -i include/config1.h # Configuration stuff sed -e 's|^/\* \(#define LINUX\) \*/|\1|' \ -e 's|^/\* \(#define TIMED_DELAY\) \*/|\1|' \ -i include/unixconf.h # we are setting up for setgid games, so modify all necessary permissions # to allow full access for groups sed -e '/^HACKDIR/ s|/games/lib/\$(GAME)dir|/var/games/nethack/|' \ -e '/^SHELLDIR/ s|/games|/usr/bin|' \ -e '/^VARDIRPERM/ s|0755|0775|' \ -e '/^VARFILEPERM/ s|0600|0664|' \ -e '/^GAMEPERM/ s|0755|02755|' \ -e 's|\(DSYSCF_FILE=\)\\"[^"]*\\"|\1\\"/var/games/nethack/sysconf\\"|' \ -e 's|\(DHACKDIR=\)\\"[^"]*\\"|\1\\"/var/games/nethack/\\"|' \ -i sys/unix/hints/linux sed -e 's|^#GAMEUID.*|GAMEUID = root|' \ -e 's|^#GAMEGRP.*|GAMEGRP = games|' \ -e '/^FILEPERM\s*=/ s|0644|0664|' \ -e '/^DIRPERM\s*=/ s|0755|0775|' \ -i sys/unix/Makefile.top sed -e "/^MANDIR\s*=/s|/usr/man/man6|$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man6|" \ -i sys/unix/Makefile.doc } build() { cd "$builddir"/sys/unix sh setup.sh hints/linux cd "$builddir" make } check() { NETHACKDIR=/tmp ./src/nethack --version } package() { install -dm755 $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man6 install -dm755 $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/nethack install -dm775 $pkgdir/var/games/ make PREFIX=$pkgdir -j1 install manpages # Multi-threaded builds fail. sed -e "s|HACKDIR=$pkgdir/|HACKDIR=/|" \ -e 's|HACK=$HACKDIR|HACK=/usr/lib/nethack|' \ -i $pkgdir/usr/bin/nethack install -dm755 $pkgdir/usr/lib/nethack mv $pkgdir/var/games/nethack/nethack $pkgdir/usr/lib/nethack/ mv $pkgdir/var/games/nethack/recover $pkgdir/usr/lib/nethack/ chown -R root:games $pkgdir/var/games/ chown root:games $pkgdir/usr/lib/nethack/nethack install -Dm644 doc/Guidebook.txt $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/nethack/Guidebook.txt } sha512sums=" 7890d17e087f4344d30e9a908fa1f24d7c72bc714c4a6415ed59800902cc0aa6b3ce94c5d73857b0222349b96b1fdc8bf3f93b3ac1153477ad1419af7b0d3fb5 nethack-367-src.tgz "