# Contributor: Stuart Cardall # Maintainer: Stuart Cardall pkgname=entr pkgver=5.4 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Event Notify Test Runner: Run arbitrary commands when files change" url="https://eradman.com/entrproject" arch="all" license="ISC" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" makedepends="vim mercurial file util-linux" checkdepends="bash tmux util-linux-misc" source="https://eradman.com/entrproject/code/entr-$pkgver.tar.gz" prepare() { default_prepare # The test script is not compatibile with BusyBox ash # and also uses several GNU extensions (e.g. function syntax). sed -i system_test.sh -e 's|#!/bin/sh|#!/bin/bash|' } build() { ./configure make } check() { SHELL=/bin/sh script --return --quiet -c "make -j1 test" /dev/null } package() { PREFIX="$pkgdir/usr" make install } sha512sums=" c366254df6df28edbcb2a9d12ab97e063baa4d78889e54b3de6b75e8c7ef2468c661216485bbf297a4d539ac3d186fcc9b140a99a1a89306f6cac1f969a7d95f entr-5.4.tar.gz "