# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Maintainer: Jakub Jirutka pkgname=dust pkgver=0.8.6 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A more intuitive version of du in Rust" url="https://github.com/bootandy/dust" # riscv64: rust broken arch="all !riscv64" license="Apache-2.0" makedepends="cargo cargo-auditable" options="net" source="https://github.com/bootandy/dust/archive/v$pkgver/dust-$pkgver.tar.gz" export CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_OPT_LEVEL="z" prepare() { default_prepare cargo fetch --target="$CTARGET" --locked # this test runs dust and expects the output to match 100%, # which fails a lot of the time on various systems as you can't guarantee that rm tests/test_exact_output.rs } build() { cargo auditable build --release --frozen } check() { cargo test --frozen } package() { install -D -m755 target/release/$pkgname -t "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ } sha512sums=" 17422a08a6c36250b849e2a0e2ebe7917adc6c7b3a3886046cbff3cd33b6ec96088b915f0c950985e7c7352d9fea7298c2abcdca64dd67db1b5417abe8f7f1f4 dust-0.8.6.tar.gz "